Great warships

Chapter 144 S-300 Missile Import Program

Chapter 144 S-300 Missile Import Plan (add more, please subscribe)

Qin Tao followed Wu Shengli into the study.

"Taozi, what you got last time is really a lot of good things!" Wu Shengli immediately put on a smiling face again, and the speed of changing his face was really fast enough.

"Of course, I can't do anything else. It's fine to be a bad guy." Qin Tao said, "By the way, what happened to the ship-borne missile launcher?"

"Relevant departments are developing it. By the way, that thing is about the same size as a missile we are developing. The diameter matches exactly, but the length is different. However, this can be solved by adjusting the length of the launch tube. It's not a big deal."

Anyway, it didn't say the specific model, so it can't be regarded as a leak.

Qin Tao nodded: "However, we can't act too hastily. After all, our domestic technical strength is not enough. It is not so easy for such a big guy to succeed."

"Yes. Wait, how did you know?" Wu Shengli was a little surprised.

Of course Qin Tao knew, the two of them talked about the charade for a long time, wasn't it the Hongqi-[-] anti-aircraft missile?This thing was produced by the relevant departments on their own. However, due to the weak foundation in the country, the progress has not been smooth.

"Xiaoling and the others have been working on the Hongqi 61 missile for so long. They can't even solve the problem of folding the wings. It will be even more difficult for us to develop the same air defense missile as the S300." Qin Tao said : "When there is a chance in the future, if we can systematically get that kind of missile back, take it apart and study it, I guess our own big guy will have hope."

Wu Shengli's eyes flashed: "Yes! You are right, when will you go to Lao Maozi..."

Since Qin Tao was able to get back the Shijili air defense missile, it was logical for such a big guy.

"In the future? Aren't I going to go in because of corruption? It's enough to sit for several years, let's talk about it after I come out."

"Where is it, whoever dares to arrest you, our navy will protect you." Wu Shengli said, "You are a person who has made great contributions to our country!"

Qin Tao nodded: "It's about the same. However, this matter is not simple. There must be a black hand behind it. I hope the navy can find out the real culprit behind the scenes."

Well...Wu Shengli was a little hesitant. It is said that he would help Qin Tao solve his troubles and act when he should. However, the army cannot interfere with local government affairs. This is the iron discipline of the army. He used the power of the navy to investigate and write reports. Believe me, it seems a little too much, right?

If an ordinary person writes a report letter, at most it will be dropped into the mailbox of Mingzhou City, and in the end it will disappear, which is meaningless. Go straight to the capital.

It shows that the origin of the other party is not simple, and it is definitely not an ordinary Chaoyang crowd.

"Uncle Wu, I came to the capital this time, on the one hand, to propose marriage, and on the other hand, I came to ask for your help." Qin Tao said sincerely: "Recently, some things happened in our Mingzhou City."

After Qin Tao finished introducing the whole thing, Wu Shengli's face darkened.

"You mean to say that the mastermind behind the scenes is not reconciled after not gaining control of the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant, and plans to drag down the factory leaders of the Mingzhou Shipyard and take the opportunity to take the opportunity?" Qin Tao didn't need to be particularly specific. , Wu Shengli can already understand it.

"Yes, the other party may not dare to use the method of hitting people to death again, so I changed the dirty water. This report letter is very important. If the other party really succeeds, then my father and I will have to If we continue, the other party will be able to calmly take over the Mingzhou Shipyard."

Qin Tao looked at Wu Shengli: "I don't know about the navy, do you want to cooperate with this kind of conspirator? This kind of person is full of experience in officialdom, will he wholeheartedly build warships for the navy?"

"No, this kind of person's conspiracy must not be allowed to succeed!" Wu Shengli said: "There is news from the Zhongjiang Shipyard that the missile boats they manufacture can only reach [-] knots, and it seems that the problem is difficult to solve. Therefore, the Navy plans to hand over the next batch of missile boats to the Mingzhou Shipyard, and we will definitely not watch this kind of conspirators control the Mingzhou Shipyard!"

Wu Shengli stood up, stomped back and forth in the room a few times, and said, "We must find a way, find a way!"

Qin Tao smiled: "Uncle Wu, there is a way. How about we do a trick?"

Will it count?

Wu Shengli knew that Qin Tao had many ways to do it. Hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, that's right, just do it! The superiors will definitely pay attention to it, and we must send an investigation team down! I will make a call. hello, let them..."

In this way, the army doesn't have to show up, and it doesn't count as interfering in local affairs. He said hello, and the weight was extremely heavy.

Qin Tao was also emotional in his heart, and hurried over to propose marriage, it really came at the right time, hugging Uncle Wu's thigh tightly, this kind of thing is not a piece of cake.

Wu Shengli must have cared about Qin Tao very much, otherwise, he would not have known about it after the letter of report came. The navy might have informed him in advance and planned to suppress the matter.

Qin Tao has made meritorious service for the country, such a trivial matter is nothing!
Now, to use the plan and dig out the people behind it can be regarded as solving a big hidden danger for Mingzhou Shipyard.

It's not a good feeling to be stared at from behind.

Of course, it was also because the other party was too greedy and hadn't investigated Qin Tao's details. If the other party knew the background of Qin Tao's fiancée Zhao Ling, they would definitely give up their thoughts immediately.

Even if this matter is finalized, Wu Shengli continued: "Taozi, what method did you use to make Zhongjiang shipyard suffer?"

"Hey, Uncle Wu, you need to talk about evidence. In this matter, our Mingzhou Shipyard is the victim." Qin Tao said: "I strongly request that the relevant navy investigate the theft of our design plans. The other party stole Our design plans want to steal our jobs. I don’t accept it, if the Navy doesn’t give us justice, then I will write a report letter! I also want to be a member of the Chaoyang people!”

Wu Shengli could only shake his head helplessly.

"Taozi, you also know that when the water is clear, there will be no fish." Wu Shengli said: "The matter of leaking secrets is out of my control, and it is not convenient for me to intervene in the investigation. This matter can be big or small. Anyway, the order will eventually be determined It fell to your Mingzhou shipyard. However, the other party signed a contract with the navy. If the missile boats produced cannot meet the requirements, the navy will definitely deal with it seriously. This is a serious waste of national resources and navy funds. the behavior of!"

That's about the same, Qin Tao nodded with satisfaction.

"Ah!" Just then, a cry came from outside.

Qin Tao was taken aback for a moment, it seems that walls have ears?What about secrecy discipline?
Wu Shengli pushed open the door angrily, but the figure had already fled away.However, just looking at the back, I knew it belonged to Zhao Ling.

Wu Shengli called Qin Tao to the study. Of course Zhao Ling was worried, so she eavesdropped at the door. Who would have thought that, listening and listening, suddenly, a mouse scurried past.If you live in a gray building, perhaps the mice cannot climb up, but this one-story house is different. Only the big tabby cat can deal with the mice.

Zhao Ling was caught off guard and was taken aback, so she couldn't help but yelled out, which was immediately exposed.

Wu Shengli looked at the back of Zhao Ling leaving, and said nothing. Anyway, the things just said did not involve the secrets of the army. Zhao Ling would definitely not go out and talk nonsense about the way Qin Tao said to deal with the black hands behind it. Forget it.

"Old Wu, it's time to eat."

Zhao Xiu'e appeared just right, breaking the embarrassment, Wu Shengli and Qin Tao's conversation was about the same, so she agreed and walked out with Qin Tao.

Wu Shengli had his hands behind his back, still looking full of style.

"Taozi, you and Xiaoling are engaged, and you will be a family from then on, so come and visit the house more often. Also, if you bully Xiaoling, see how I will deal with you!"

"Yes, yes." Qin Tao nodded and bowed from behind, not caring at all who was in charge of the study.

The table was full of sumptuous dishes, and Qin Tao praised while eating. Just halfway through eating, a voice came from outside.

"Leader Wu, are you at home? Our old Wu came here uninvited."

Hearing this, Leader Wu immediately stood up, and Zhao Ling also stood up, and ran outside after him.

At the door, an old man with gray hair walked in with a smile.

"Mr. Wu, hello." Zhao Ling looked at the old man and greeted him respectfully.

"Xiao Ling, you hide it really well. No one in the whole system knows that you are the daughter of Leader Wu." Elder Wu said to Zhao Ling.

"Mr. Wu, what kind of wind brought you here and made my courtyard flourish." Leader Wu was also very happy: "Have you eaten yet? Let's come in and eat together."

Standing there, Qin Tao looked at Mr. Wu, who was still hale and hearty in his old age, with admiration in his eyes.The development of the military industry in the motherland is precisely because of the support of such a group of old people!Survive the initial lean and yellow years, and finally blossom and bear fruit.

"I heard that Qin Gong, who has made great contributions to us, is here, so I'll come and have a look." Elder Wu said.

Qin Tao was flattered: "Mr. Wu, I am Qin Tao, did you come here specially to find me?"

"Yes." Mr. Wu said: "Last time, you got the treasures in the boxes inside the missile launcher. This time, you got us the vertical launch system. Old guy, I came here specially to thank you."

"Mr. Wu, these are incidental. If they can be used in our military industry development, it would be great." Qin Tao said, "This can be regarded as my own meager effort."

"You are not meager strength, you are simply prehistoric strength." Old Wu said with a smile.

Zhao Xiu'e also hurriedly asked Mr. Wu to sit down, and went to get bowls and chopsticks for Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu raised the wine glass: "Today, let me borrow flowers to present Buddha here, and give Qin Gong a glass first."

"Mr. Wu, if you say that, can you still be friends happily? I should respect you." Qin Tao said.

Mr. Wu was still smiling, and his wrinkles were creased. He looked at Qin Tao and said, "Since we are friends, why can't I respect you? There are different ways of hearing, and specialization in art. In helping our military industry develop, You are the first meritorious service, of course I have to respect you."

After drinking for three rounds, Mr. Wu also talked more.

"Qin Gong, if you think of a way, just bring Lao Maozi's S300 missile over." Wu Lao said.

I knew that Mr. Wu came here for a purpose. Sure enough, he was already urging Qin Tao to go to Lao Maozi to get more good things.

Hearing Mr. Wu's words, Qin Tao smiled: "Mr. Wu, aren't you afraid that importing the S300 will end our domestic research and development projects of the same type?"

"Of course not. No matter how good the imported things are, they are not our own. In the past ten years since the country opened, we have imported a large number of weapons. Which one has not promoted the research and development of our domestic weapons?" Mr. Wu said: " The country still attaches great importance to our self-developed models, so imports will not hinder our self-developed pace, but will only play a role in promoting them.”

Qin Tao nodded, taking Mr. Wu's words seriously, but Wu Shengli on the side reacted: "Taozi, you said import?"

"That's right, Uncle Wu, no matter how strong I am, I can't get all the things here." Qin Tao said, "Especially the advanced equipment that Lao Maozi is currently serving is still a complete set."

Qin Tao still has self-knowledge. For more than a year, all the old Maozi retired. Even if there are some private goods in it, such as Shijili missiles, it is just a coincidence. He wants to get it in a complete set. S-300, Qin Tao can't do it!
"Yes, Lao Maozi's S300 missile is also Lao Maozi's most advanced missile. Even if it is imported, the other party may not be willing to sell it!" Wu Lao said from the side.

Lao Maozi’s original main air defense missile was S-75 (Western code name Sam-2/China also imitated this model, which is Hongqi-1, which was later upgraded to Hongqi-2, our main force of air defense for decades), this This kind of liquid fuel missile needs to be filled with highly toxic liquid fuel before launching, and it is also necessary to manually install the solid booster grain, install the warhead, and assemble the wings before launching. The target, its beam guidance is easy to interfere, so Lao Maozi has a strong research and development demand for a new generation of air defense missiles.

At the same time, the navy is also very distressed. The navy's ship-borne missiles are all developed from the army. The performance of these missiles is not good. When facing the attack of the US navy, their interception ability is very poor. Therefore, they also want to There are new long-range anti-aircraft missiles.

The same demand, of course, also has the Homeland Defense Air Force, but it has nothing to do with the Air Force. After all, with Lao Maozi, the Air Force is only a vassal of the Army and has no qualifications to operate air defense missiles.

Therefore, under the vigorous lobbying of the Army, Homeland Defense Air Force, and Navy, the Soviet Council of Ministers established the S-1968S three-service general air defense missile project in 300. (S in Russian should be C, so in many materials, it is also the number of C-300.)
It's just that the three services are universal, and there must be a compromise. After all, the needs of each service are different. Therefore, after several years of wrangling, the S-300S plan was aborted, and only the code name S-300 was left in the end.The Army, Navy and Homeland Defense Air Force still develop the air defense missiles they need on their own, and there are three types of missiles: S-300V, S-300P and S-300F.

Among them, the S-300P (P is PVO, Homeland Defense Air Force) of the Chinese Air Force is responsible for the design of the S-75, S-125 and S-200 Diamond Design Bureau; the Army's S-300V (V is Voyska, Army) Designed by the famous M1939 85mm anti-aircraft gun and 2K12 designer Liuliyev (this designer is really a big guy, from anti-aircraft guns to anti-aircraft missiles to anti-ship missiles, there is nothing he can’t), and the Navy’s S-300F ( F is fleet, fleet air defense) found Antar/Antai Design Bureau to be responsible.

Although the research and development companies are different, 50.00% of the parts of these missiles are common. (Haha, inexplicably thinking of Fat 35.) After the collapse of the Red Empire, in order to facilitate the sale of S-300 to the outside world, these companies were merged into Diamond-Antai Group.

The first S-300PT missile system was put into use in 1978, and it has been sharpened for ten years.It was later updated to the PS model, and the range was extended to 90 kilometers.

Now this missile should still be the old man's air defense weapon, will they sell it?

"Since the Su-27 can be exported, what is the possibility of the S-300?" Qin Tao asked: "Besides, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia also have them, and the old man's place is not the bottom of the box. .”

 PS: It's still the third watch, the last chapter is [-] words, which is larger than the previous few days.Ask for a subscription, ask for a vote, ask for a reward, all kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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