Great warships

Chapter 156 Leaky Liquefied Gas Ship

Chapter 156 Leaky Liquefied Gas Ship (add more, please subscribe, please reward!)
For everyone on the Xiangyang cargo ship, this was a nightmare experience.

When the fog on Chongming Island gradually dissipated, there was still a lot of fog on the sea. Their cargo ship was sailing normally on the channel, but suddenly encountered an unknown cargo ship. The displacement of the other party was larger, so it was stronger. After the collision, the side of the Xiangyang cargo ship was immediately opened with a big hole.

Now, the sea is gurgling into the cargo ship, they are still doing the last rescue, but...

Captain Jin Ming stood on the bridge, watched the gradually tilting cargo ship, and shouted loudly: "Abandon ship, abandon ship!"

As he shouted, he pulled the alarm bell beside him, six short and one long, the signal to abandon ship!
The sailors who were still struggling were taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly left their posts and ran to the position of the lifeboat.

Two lifeboats, eighteen crew members, they left their cargo ship and rowed towards the cargo ship that hit them over there.

They had no choice but to seek help from the opposite cargo ship on the vast sea.

"That cargo ship is reversing!" A sailor shouted loudly, "They don't want to help us!"

Angry expressions appeared on everyone's faces, and their hands clenched into fists.

No one wants to see a shipwreck accident at sea, but since it happened, we must deal with it calmly, and the most important thing is to rescue.

If they hit and sunk other ships, they will definitely stop and rescue them, but now?The cargo ship was actually reversing, away from them!

Too much, too much!
There are rules of the sea at sea. Needless to say, it is right in front of your eyes. Even if it is a ship that has nothing to do with the accident, it should come to the rescue after receiving the distress signal!
"SOS, we are the shipwrecked crew members of the Xiangyang cargo ship. Now, we are requesting rescue from the Serbian cargo ship on the opposite side!" Jin Ming shouted loudly with a handheld radio in his hand.At this time, he had already identified the flag above the opponent's cargo ship.

However, the other party did not answer, kept silent, and was still reversing.

"Cargo ship Xiangyang, listen, this is the floating dock of Shenzhou, we are coming to rescue, please hold on!" At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the radio.

Shenzhou floating dock?

I've never heard of it, but the one who named it must be from the motherland!
At a critical time, we still need to wait for the rescue of the motherland!

There was a burst of warmth in everyone's hearts.

At this time, the fog on the sea was gradually dissipating, and in the mist, a huge floating dock appeared, and there were several tugboats in front of it.

Everyone on the floating dock was a little worried when they saw the Xiangyang that had tipped over [-] degrees.

"Can it be saved?"

"No problem." Qin Tao said: "Now, let the tugboat untie the cable and leave it to us! Two cars, one forward, three on the left rudder!"

Qin Tao gave the order calmly.

The tugboat left, Jin Ming and his distressed sailors were all surprised to see this scene, the floating dock was still moving forward!That floating dock actually has its own power!
"Right rudder two!"

Qin Tao gave orders one by one, and the huge floating dock was moving forward, adjusting its direction, and was almost in a straight line with Xiangyang.

"Pour water, sink!"

At sea, filling the floating dock is very simple, just open the valve.

The gurgling sea water flowed into the water tank of the floating dock, and the floating dock was sinking and sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As it sinks, it advances, and the head of the floating dock has been inserted under the stern of Xiangyang!

"Double cars, back up!"

The propellers began to reverse to provide braking force, so the floating dock began to slow down while advancing.

The Xiangyang was continuously entering the floating dock. Since the interior of the floating dock was very large, even if it had begun to tilt, it would still not rub against the side of the floating dock. However, the process looked shocking.

Qin Tao continued to command in an orderly manner, and when the Xiangyang had all entered the interior of the floating dock, the floating dock also stopped.

"Drain!" Qin Tao gave the last order.

The water pump was running crazily, the seawater in the water tank was discharged, the floating dock was slowly raised up, and the cargo ship Xiangyang was towed up and slowly left the sea!

The gurgling sea water gushed out from the place where the Xiangyang freighter was hit and cracked, and then flowed down from the floating dock.

"Thank you, thank you." Jin Ming, who had been rescued by the tugboat, watched this scene intently, and two lines of tears flowed down involuntarily.

Without this floating dock, their ship would have sunk, which would have brought huge economic losses to the owner. Now, their cargo ship Xiangyang has been saved!

Jin Ming was extremely grateful in his heart, and when he saw the red flag flying above the floating dock, he felt a sense of pride in his heart, amazing, my country!This is the floating dock of our motherland!
Qin Tao finally let out a long breath.

The operation just now was quite dangerous. A little carelessness may lead to more serious consequences, and even put his floating dock on board.

But, he had no choice, he couldn't watch the ship sink and not rescue it, and now, it was finally done.

"Boss Qin, this floating dock is amazing!" Mr. Lei said, "It can not only repair ships, but also carry out rescue. It is a jewel of our shipbuilding industry!"

"That's right, the brightest pearl!" Director Wang also said beside him.

Qin Tao's eyes were still dignified, he didn't pay any attention to these compliments, he just looked at the cargo ship that caused trouble on the sea.

"No, the other party wants to run!" Someone shouted nervously.

"Can't let them run away!"

There were shouts in the cabin, the rescue mission was completed, and the next task was to stop the perpetrators!

No matter who is to blame, the other party's indifferent behavior has already aroused dissatisfaction from everyone. After the accident, the other party stood by and was unwilling to rescue. Now that the dust has settled, the other party actually wants to run away again.

Can you run away?

A sneer appeared on Qin Tao's face: "Two cars, three forwards, full left rudder, blocking their route!"

In collisions at sea, the larger one always takes advantage. The Xiangyang cargo ship lost in the collision because the displacement of the Xiangyang cargo ship was only a few thousand tons, while the displacement of the cargo ship that hit him was more than 3 tons Ton.

But now, the self-propelled floating dock Qin Tao has is rebuilt with a [-]-ton oil tanker, so the collision ability is definitely much stronger than the opponent.

The huge floating dock started to move on the sea, and slammed into the other party's shipping route fiercely.

On the Serbian liquefied gas ship Golden Horn, the bearded captain Anthony showed disdain on his face: "Call immediately and tell them to get out of the way! We are a first-class dangerous goods ship. If there is an accident, they will be responsible for everything!" "

Anthony looked at his huge front deck, which is not flat, but big balls one by one. Their ship is a liquefied natural gas ship, which is equivalent to a bomb sailing at sea. If it explodes, it will also blow the other party to pieces.

"The dock on the opposite side, get out of the way immediately, give way to us immediately!" The radio operator shouted loudly.

"According to international practice, small boats avoid big ships, and you need to avoid us!" Qin Tao held the radio and shouted to the other party in fluent English: "Our Shenzhou floating dock is driving on our own route, please avoid us!"

Qin Tao speaks with confidence.

There will definitely be disputes in the future, and the two sides will even go to the international court. As for the cause of the collision, the foreigners on the opposite side will definitely use some international regulations on small boats avoiding big boats.

Therefore, Qin Tao took out this one first, and blocked the other party's mouth.

"Damn it." The other party cursed: "We are a liquefied natural gas ship, we are a first-class dangerous ship, you must avoid it!"

"We are floating docks. We are special operation vessels. Our mobility at sea is very inconvenient. Please avoid it." Qin Tao still refused to give in.

Seeing Qin Tao release the send button of the radio, Mr. Lei said loudly from behind: "Boss Qin, well done, show us Chinese courage, in our sea area, they dare to be so rampant! If If something really happens, our group will pay you a ship!"

"Mr. Lei, you'll be offended if you say this." Qin Tao said: "Now, we are all on the same boat, so we have to help each other. You big leaders dare to accompany me here to take risks. We Mingzhou Shipbuilding Group What's the point of going to a floating dock!"

Qin Tao is doing dangerous things, and even his life is in danger. The big leaders around him are all crazy with him. At this time, he still cares about his interests.

Qin Tao's eyes were still looking at the liquefied gas boat that was approaching, and saw that the bow of the opponent's boat split the waves, drew an arc, and the hull began to tilt at a large angle.

The other party is cowardly!

The [-] to [-]-ton liquefied gas ship was slow to increase speed. Now, the opponent had to turn again, and the speed immediately slowed down. Qin Tao looked at the opponent's trajectory and continued to issue orders: "Full right rudder!"

The floating dock changed course and continued to block the opponent's way forward.

Several tugboats also came up to assist. After a few rounds, the liquefied gas ship was forced to stop abruptly.

"Damn!" Anthony cursed loudly: "Don't they know that if we have a little problem, it may cause a serious fire and explosion?"

"Captain, there seems to be a cloud of fog above the first pot in the bow of our ship." A subordinate suddenly shouted.

Anthony's face became tense all of a sudden. He looked at the first big ball at the bow. There seemed to be a cloud of white mist there. What is that?
"Damn it, hurry up, turn off the fire!" Anthony cursed loudly: "Stop the boat, everyone, get on the lifeboat immediately, God bless!"

When they collided just now, it is impossible for their ship to not have the slightest impact. However, they are confident in their ship. Moreover, the spherical tanks on their MOSS spherical tank type liquefied gas ship are made of aluminum alloy. Made of nickel steel, who knows if this kind of thing is strong enough?

If one of the welds is faulty and leaked air in the crash just now, you're in big trouble.

The liquefied petroleum gas will spread quickly, and then, as long as it encounters a little open flame, it will explode with the power of the Hiroshima atomic bomb!
run, run!
Anthony was not calm anymore, he immediately ordered to abandon the ship.

The wind is turning.

When the engine of the opposite ship was turned off, the people on the surrounding ships were extremely strange, and when they saw the other party jump into the small boat to escape, everyone was even more amazed.

"what happened?"

"Their boat leaked air." Qin Tao said while looking at the boat while holding up the marine binoculars.

"A leak?"

Most people don't know much about liquefied gas ships, and they are just curious at this time.

Liquefied petroleum gas is very useful and clean energy, but it is also very dangerous. It needs to be liquefied when it is more than minus 100 degrees. Only when it becomes liquid can it be reduced in size and transported.However, the outside is at room temperature, so part of the liquefied gas will definitely leak during transportation.

Even in the hot summer, a thick layer of frost will form on the outlet of the gas cylinder on the back of the liquefied gas heavy truck. Moreover, even if the car is not in use, some gas will be ejected from the gas cylinder every once in a while. to relieve pressure.

This is because no matter how insulated, the internal liquefied gas will slowly vaporize, causing the internal pressure to increase, and this part of the gas must be released, otherwise the cylinder will explode.

Therefore, liquefied petroleum gas heavy trucks can only be used in the north. In the south, let alone whether it is convenient to refill the gas, it is enough to relieve the pressure of the liquefied petroleum gas. The fuel ran out in a few days.

Liquefied gas ships also have to deflate.

This kind of liquefied gas ship with a large spherical shape belongs to the MOSS type ship. In fact, when the construction was first started, the liquefied gas storage tanks on land were moved onto the ship. Nickel steel was used as the tank material, and it was later changed to aluminum alloy. (Yes, it is aluminum alloy. This kind of liquefied gas ship is divided into SPB type, MOSS type, and film type of GTT company. The familiar invar steel is used on the film type. This spherical MOSS storage tank was originally used Nine percent nickel steel was used, and later aluminum 5083 was used.)
This MOSS-type spherical tank is designed with the concept of "leakage does not cause damage". The spherical tank made of aluminum alloy also has a partial secondary barrier, that is, a special aluminum set is welded at the bottom of the spherical warehouse. Tanks to contain those leaking liquefied gas.

Just now, in order to evade, the other party made a full rudder action at high speed, so the liquefied gas in the sump that can accommodate the leakage within 15 days leaked out, forming a cloud of mist on the top of the spherical tank.

This frightened the people on the liquefied gas ship Golden Horn, thinking it was about to explode.On this kind of cargo ship, the escape must be fast. If it is slow, there may be no bones left.

All of this was guessed by Qin Tao, but it was almost inseparable from the truth of the matter.

"We have to leave here too." Qin Tao said, "This is called evil comes with evil."

"They are not benevolent, we can't be unrighteous, let's pick up their crew!" Lei Lao said.

(End of this chapter)

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