Great warships

Chapter 160 We want to build a liquefied gas ship

Chapter 160 We want to build a liquefied gas ship

January 91, 1, the first day of the twelfth lunar month.

There was joy in the Mingzhou shipyard, and everyone opened their eyes wide, watching the huge floating dock sailing from the sea into the river mouth.

"It's so big!"

"Yeah, with this thing, we can build big ships in the future!"

Qin Baoshan stood on the berth, facing the cold wind, watching the Shenzhou floating dock slowly start to come back, all the wrinkles on his face were also relaxed.

Finally, the floating dock docked on the pier, and the people in the operation room walked down the gangway of the floating dock slowly, with Qin Tao walking in the front with a high spirit.

I don't know who applauded first, and then, the entire shipyard applauded like thunder, resounding through the sky.

"Everyone, this is a new beginning for our Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group!" Qin Tao was also very excited at this time, and gave an impromptu speech.

"At present, we already have a contract for the construction of missile boats, and we have also received a contract for the construction of a [-]-ton cargo ship. In the future, we will build more and larger ships. A bright future is beckoning us!"

The crowd continued to applaud.

"This year's year-end bonus is double that of last year. Well, everyone, let's go to work!"

Everyone dispersed immediately and rushed to their jobs, and a busy scene of work began again in the shipyard.

"Little bastard, it's yours. In such a short period of time, we got back so much money." Qin Baoshan looked at his son and said with emotion.

When the 2000 million US dollars arrived in the account, Qin Baoshan was really shocked.My son actually started earning US dollars, still so much!
Qin Tao glanced at his father: "It's not the first day for your son to be in the limelight. Besides, the whole group is now contracted by us, and we can freely use the extra money. But, you also know, your son You can make money and you can spend money.”

"Spend it, spend it all, it's your ability, anyway, you earned the money." Qin Baoshan was not as dissatisfied as before, and he supported this son 100%.

"Sister Cong Ju, come here!" Qin Tao said to her immediately when he saw Cong Ju turn and leave.

Cong Ju smiled: "I know you took him over, but I still have to go to work."

Cong Ju looked at the other people who came down from the floating dock, including her husband.

"It's not about this. There are some good things in it. Let's see if we can get them." Qin Tao pointed to the big belly of the floating dock.

Cong Ju's face became serious, and she followed Qin Tao into the interior of the floating dock. When she saw the shiny thing, Cong Ju recognized it immediately: "MOSS spherical tank, it is made of aluminum - 4.5% Magnesium alloy 5083 is a common storage tank currently used in the construction of liquefied gas ships."

"Sister Cong Ju, can we make this kind of thing ourselves?" Qin Tao asked Cong Ju.

"We want to build a liquefied gas ship?" Cong Ju was a little surprised: "This type of ship cannot be built by ordinary shipyards. The main technology is mastered by some shipyards in island countries and kimchi countries. In our country, there is currently only one shipbuilder. The factory is trying."

"That's right, the demand for this kind of ship will increase in the future. If we can build this kind of ship, we will have a steady stream of orders." Qin Tao is full of expectations: "Moreover, the profit is much higher than that of our exclusive missile boat. many."

Cong Ju nodded: "Yes, the prospect of this kind of ship is very promising, but there are also many difficulties. First of all, the spherical tank with this structure is welded by an automatic welding machine, and even the cutting is done with Also automatic plasma cutting equipment."

"That's right, I plan to use the 2000 million US dollars I earned to purchase these automatic welding and cutting equipment. In the future, when we build ships, we will also use a large number of automatic welding equipment, and only use manual welding in places where automatic welding machines cannot reach Welding, which can also greatly increase our shipbuilding speed."

Among craftsmen in big countries, workers with first-class skills will be repeatedly introduced. In fact, in the shipbuilding industry, most of the work will be replaced by automatic equipment, and manual welding is mainly for special corners.

Qin Tao is of course aware of this situation, so if the shipyard wants to develop, it has to purchase advanced automatic welding and cutting equipment, all of which require high investment.

"Secondly, spherical tanks with this structure have gradually been phased out in liquefied gas ships. The latest liquefied gas ships built abroad have begun to adopt the GTT membrane type ship, which uses invar steel as the inner lining and the outside is made of wood Tanks are used as thermal insulation materials, and the tanks of this type of ship can be welded into any shape to maintain close contact with the hull.” Cong Ju said: “At present, we do not have the welding technology for invar steel, and we do not have such a welding technology in China. material."

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, not only we don't have it in our country, but also many developed countries, including the bullish island country, Kobe Steel is famous, and they don't have the ability to produce this kind of steel. In the world, only France can produce it."

Kobe Steel, when Qin Tao said it, his tone was full of disdain.It is unique in the whole world, and only the French can make it, because this kind of thing was discovered by the French.

Generally speaking, ordinary objects are affected by the principle of thermal expansion and cold contraction. Only when water turns into ice, it expands when it is cold, that is because it changes from liquid to solid.Other objects cannot avoid this basic law.

Take the aluminum alloy tank in front of you as an example, every time the ambient temperature drops by 50 degrees Celsius, the one-meter-long aluminum plate will be shortened by 2.5 mm, and the ordinary steel plate of the same length will also be shortened by 1.8 mm.

The solution is to reserve space for shrinkage, and then keep it at a low temperature, so as to avoid internal fatigue of the metal caused by back and forth expansion and contraction.

So, is there any metal that does not expand with heat and contract with cold?Have!
In 1896, when the Swiss-French physicist CE Guialm was doing research, he found that a nickel-iron alloy with a composition of 36% nickel, 63.8% iron, and 0.2% carbon presented a peculiar phenomenon, at the Curie point (that is, 230 Celsius), the size of this alloy material hardly changes with temperature!
The alloy was named Invar by the scientists who discovered it, and the anomalous effect of Invar is also known as the Invar effect.

No one knows why it does not expand with heat and contract with cold, nor does CE Guilaume who discovered it. However, this did not prevent him from winning the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1920. At the same time, this unique metal has also become an industrial field. of excellent materials.

The thickness of this product is only 0.7 mm, like tin foil; it is expensive, hundreds of yuan per kilogram; it is very delicate, if you touch it with your hands, it will be corroded by sweat and rusted through.So after this thing is produced, there is still a film on the surface. When using it, you must wear special gloves when touching it.

Although there are various problems, it does not prevent Invar steel from becoming the best material for liquefied gas ships. Its thickness is very thin, so using it as the main wall in contact with liquefied gas will be very light and the weight is far lower For the aluminum alloy tank, for the shipowner, the saved weight means the reduction of transportation costs.

Therefore, in the 21st century, spherical tank-type MOSS liquefied gas ships have been eliminated, and almost all newly-manufactured ships are of this membrane type.

As a traveler, Qin Tao is of course familiar with these things. He looked at Cong Ju: "Now, we can only try to manufacture this spherical tank type first, and first take orders for a few liquefied gas ships, so as to make a big difference in this industry." We will lose our reputation, and we will turn to thin-film invar steel ships in the future. We also need to conduct research and development, and produce this invar steel ourselves in the future.”


Hearing this, Cong Ju was shocked.

In the whole world, only France can produce it. Germany, island countries, and the United States do not have the production technology for this kind of steel, but Qin Tao decided to develop it himself.

Moreover, Cong Ju believed that there was nothing Qin Tao couldn't do. Since he said he wanted to develop it, he would definitely be able to develop it!

Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group is a subsidiary of Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works. Qin Tao has already made a plan. Although this iron and steel plant began to rise from the recycling of scrap steel, it must become a famous high-tech iron and steel enterprise in the future!
"It is said that the manufacture of invar steel requires a lot of specialized equipment." Cong Ju continued to talk to Qin Tao after being shocked: "It needs to be smelted by electric arc furnace or vacuum induction melting, LF refining or vacuum oxygen decarburization, vacuum arc remelting or Electroslag remelting, continuous casting, hot rolling, cold rolling and other complex process flow, in each process, in addition to adopting various means to ensure qualified composition and performance, but also to overcome the low surface hardness of invar steel, rolling defects and other difficulties.”

"Sister Cong Ju, it seems that you are very familiar with these things, do you want to take the lead and do research and development?" Qin Tao looked at Cong Ju.

Cong Ju shook her head quickly: "Let's forget it. I'm just talking. I haven't been busy with work recently, so I read some related books. However, I still don't know much about it. After all, your sister Cong Ju doesn't have enough education."

"Education is not enough, you can improve it, Sister Cong Ju, now my brother-in-law is also called here, and your family is reunited. In the future, you can go to university, or send you to study in the name of our shipyard."

Cong Ju smiled and didn't speak. A warm current flowed through her heart. Qin Tao's words had already touched her completely. She really wanted to continue studying and improve herself.

But, let's talk about it after tackling the welding of such a large MOSS tank.

"Sister Cong Ju, the equipment will be in place soon, and we will also purchase the relevant aluminum materials. I will leave the imitation of this tank to you." Qin Tao really gave this task.

Cong Ju nodded: "No problem."

Qin Tao first assigned tasks to Cong Ju. After all, this was the most important thing. After chatting with Cong Ju, Qin Tao took her back to the office and held a meeting.

Not only people from the shipyard participated in the meeting, but also people from Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant and Mingzhou Transportation Company.

This is also the first time Qin Tao has held a meeting of this level after taking over the position of leader of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group.

Those who attended the meeting were basically old acquaintances.

When Ma Laoliu and the others walked in, they were extremely excited. When they went to Mingzhou Transportation Company to take up their duties, they had already made up their minds that Qin Tao's life would belong to him from now on!

Zhang Jinxi, the director of the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Factory, was even more excited. He never dreamed that he, an outsider, would be promoted to the position of factory director. From Huating to Mingzhou, on the surface, he was lowered. , But now, his choice is not wrong!
Deputy factory director Tang has retired, and next to Zhang Jinxi is Liu Mingxi, the former chief of the finance department, and the current deputy factory director, Liu Mingxi, is also very emotional, thank you, Mr. Qin!

Only there was no one from the water pump factory, after all, it was too far away.

"Everyone, after the establishment of our group, a meeting should have been held a long time ago. However, due to the recent busyness, it is the first meeting until today." Qin Tao said: "Everyone is very busy, so I will not What more to say, our future meetings will also be short and precise, now, each factory will report on the work first, Factory Manager Qin, you come first."

Qin Baoshan has mixed feelings in his heart, his son has already run over his head, and now, even if he is still used to calling a little brat one by one, he still has to report to the little brat honestly.

"Our shipyard is currently building the Navy's missile boat project. Because our shipyard is large enough, we use the method of building five missile boats together. The ship breaking business is temporarily suspended, and the ship breaking workers will go to Chongming Island. After refitting the tanker, after returning, I haven’t arranged work yet. Anyway, it’s already the twelfth lunar month, and I can wait until after the Chinese New Year to go to work. They have been away for several months, and it’s time to reunite with their families. Also, we signed an agreement with the domestic transportation company There is an intention to build a [-]-ton cargo ship, and this ship will become an important task for us next year."

Qin Tao nodded: "The overall work of the shipyard is still good. Now, I will make a few new requirements."

Qin Baoshan took out a small notebook and recorded it carefully.

"First of all, first of all, we need to set up a special design unit, temporarily called Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group Design Office." Qin Tao said: "Old...Old factory director, next, you need to go to various universities to lobby and ask them to college students are assigned to us, and the treatment is favorable!"

"What? College student? Little..." Qin Baoshan was a little dumbfounded.

One old and one young, the conversation was very interesting. Although it was not finished, everyone knew what the two were going to say, so they all held back their laughter.

Qin Baoshan frowned, do you think it's that easy?When I brought you here, do you know how much effort it took?You are my son. After you came, you kept asking to leave. If I went to someone else, they wouldn't even look at it. Even if I bribed the leader and issued registration cards to those college students, I would probably be torn up by those people.

"I want to major in shipbuilding, electromechanical, and computer-related majors. Famous universities are best." Qin Tao continued to say to his father.

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(End of this chapter)

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