Great warships

Chapter 163 5-Axis Machining Centers

Chapter 163 Five-Axis Machining Center
Huating No. [-] Water Pump Factory.

The name of the factory has not been changed yet, but beside this sign, there is another big golden sign with the words Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group written on it. This brand new sign is so dazzling that it makes people The signs of the water pump factory on the side all looked bleak.

The water pump factory is still in the process of technical rectification, so there is no one in the factory, but a lot of people are surrounded in the technical department.

Everyone is waiting to see a big cuboid mounted on a precision base.

This thing is about the size of a wardrobe, and there are two doors on the front. It is made of transparent material, and you can see the vertical columns and horizontal fixtures and other devices inside. Next to the door, it says Haihe No. [-] Machine Tool General Factory Next to the words are the words of the five-axis linkage CNC machining center, and next to it, there is a line of small words: teaching experiment prototype.

Next to this thing, there are many cables, some are connected to the input three-phase power, and some are connected to a computer on the side.

Zhang Guangrong, the factory director, and Wang Jinbao, the deputy factory director, were in the innermost part of the crowd, watching several technicians debugging the machines. They came from Haihe No. .

"This thing needs to be operated by a computer. We have only heard of it before, but this time we have seen it." There was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

"Of course, CNC machine tools, can you use a computer? This thing is amazing. Put the blank in, and the impeller can be directly processed without changing the fixture. The precision is very high."

"Really? So amazing?"

"Then we don't know how to operate!"

"Yes, that is, we don't know how to operate it, how will we use it in the future?"

"The experts from the factory wrote the program for us, so we don't need to touch it. From now on, we only need to press a few buttons on the machine to turn it on and off. Do you still want to write a program? In your next life!"

Everyone waited in the discussion, one hour, two hours... five hours passed, and finally, the person operating the keyboard finally stopped his fingers, and he had already typed the last line of code.This is because they have received the design drawings of the parts a long time ago, and they have been designing the program along the way. Now they are just typing in. If they start from scratch, it will take ten days and a half months to fix it.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's put a blank in and try it!"

"Luo Gong, are you ready?" Zhang Guangrong was overjoyed.

"Luo Gong, do you want to eat something first?"

"No, let's take a look at the processing effect first." Luo Wenzhong, a senior engineer at Haihe No. [-] Machine Tool General Factory, said. He pushed his glasses, and after several hours of programming, he was still exhausted. But now, he is also looking forward to seeing the final result.

"Quickly, put the blanks in! Forget it, I'll come in person." Wang Jinbao shouted. He has been operating machine tools in the factory for decades, and now he is in the most excited mood.

A shiny blank was put in, clamped firmly on the fixture, and then the hatch was closed and the machine started.

Through the transparent hatch, one can see the miraculous scene inside: the workpiece is moving, and the turning tool is also moving, just like the turning tool is flying on the workpiece. Fold it into a beautiful shape.

"Our Haihe No. [-] Machinery General Factory is awesome. We can already produce five-axis machining centers. With this machine, we can process the impellers of water jet propulsion. Now, this kind of parts is the only thing we need!" Zhang Guangrong was very excited. excited.

"Yes, we can develop the equipment embargoed in Batumi, it's too strong!" Wang Jinbao also said: "The Toshiba crisis in the 80s was because Toshiba sold this high-precision processing equipment to Lao Maozi. Let Lao Maozi process advanced propellers."

Luo Wenzhong smiled and pushed his glasses: "Our country also knows its shortcomings in this area. As the largest machine tool factory in China, our factory must overcome these technical difficulties. Since the 80s, we have been developing our own The five-axis linkage machining center."

In the 80s, the relationship between the motherland and the West was still friendly, so they obtained seven or eight five-axis machining centers from the West.

Of course, these are for civilian purposes, and they even have to accept the supervision of manufacturers, and they are not allowed to be used for military purposes.Later, something happened, the relationship with the West was broken, and the supervisors of these machine tools also left.

How to deal with these machines has become a big trouble. All the sets are foreign. Even if a screw is broken, it has to be imported from abroad. The supervisors of Western machine tool factories slap their asses and leave, and they also want to let them have these machine tools. paralysis.

Some people suggested that these machine tools should be sealed with nitrogen gas to avoid damage, but the Yiji General Factory insisted on reasoning, taking advantage of this opportunity to survey and map imitation of Western CNC machine tools!

They wrote letters of appeal, and their leaders went to the capital to express their determination. After many petitions, the superiors finally made up their minds and handed over one of them to them.

Two years passed, they overcame various difficulties, and imitated a prototype, and at this time, Huating No. [-] Water Pump Factory came to buy it!So, they were very excited and sent the first prototype over, and then sent elite soldiers to come here for installation and debugging.

When foreigners sell machines, they will not be taught how to write programs. If they want to produce parts, they have to ask foreigners to do it, which costs an extra sum of money.They are different, a full set of door-to-door services.

If it is an advanced model, it is already very convenient to directly input the CAD design drawing of the part, and the machine can automatically program and then process the part, but it is not possible now. The machine they imitated was imported from abroad in the 80s. It is a model from the 70s. If you want to process a part, you have to manually write codes one by one.

At this time, looking at the scene of the internal processing of the machine, Luo Wenzhong also felt very proud. This is the first domestically produced five-axis machining center. Although it is only an experimental prototype and there are still many shortcomings, as long as there is a factory Using them, they continue to follow up and improve, and finally they can reach the world-class level.

"The processing took several hours. Shall we go eat something first?" Zhang Guangrong said to Luo Wenzhong.

Luo Wenzhong nodded, just as he was about to leave with his technicians, suddenly, there was a crisp sound from inside the machine, and then there was a bang.

Luo Wenzhong's expression changed, he quickly stepped forward and turned off the switch.

The fixture inside rotated slowly, and finally stopped. When it stopped completely, the transparent door was opened, and a workpiece that looked like an impeller gradually appeared inside, and one of the blades was broken!
Everyone's faces were ugly.

"It may be that there is a defect in the blank, or there may be an error in the programming. We need to try again." Luo Wenzhong carefully inspected the inside of the machining center. The broken blade flew out at high speed and hit the hard protective cover. No harm occurred. ACCIDENT.

Now, just try again!

The billets were put in again, and everyone left a certain distance to avoid danger. Wang Jinbao personally stood on the side of the cabinet. In case of another accident, he would quickly shut down the machine.

The crisp sound came again.

Luo Wenzhong's face turned pale, the program has a bug!

The already cold food was brought to the machine tool processing workshop, and several people ate a few mouthfuls indiscriminately before continuing to study the program.

One day, two days, three days, three full days passed, and they couldn't find out what went wrong with the program.

On the fourth day, when everyone was red-eyed and continued to look for the reason, a voice sounded outside.

"One is not afraid of suffering, and the other is not afraid of being tired. Your spirit is worthy of encouragement."

"President Qin?"

"Boss Qin is here!"

Everyone stepped out of the way and let Qin Tao walk in. Qin Tao looked at the technicians in front of the console who were tortured to death, and said, "This is the consequence of using someone else's system! We must have our own system. The CNC machine tool control system, otherwise it will be controlled by others."

"What do you mean?" Luo Wenzhong asked strangely. After a few days, Luo Wenzhong's head began to swell and hurt badly, and he almost lost the ability to think.

"Have you found the problem of writing your own program?" Qin Tao asked.

Luo Wenzhong shook his head: "No. We have checked repeatedly, and it should be all right. However, during the processing, there will be accidents, and the processed parts will be completely scrapped."

"Haven't you ever thought that it's not your own problem, but is there a problem with the control system of the CNC machine tool?"

CNC machine tools use computers to control the movement of machine tools, which require both hardware and software.

Their Haihe No. [-] Machine Tool General Factory is engaged in hardware. They studied hard and imitated meticulously, and produced this prototype. However, the control system inside cannot be developed by themselves, so they directly copied the control system of the imitation. The system has been transplanted.

The control system of CNC machine tools developed by China was developed by the Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology. The first complete system, Lantian No. 92, will not appear until [-]. Of course, this system is still very primitive. The significance is to break the monopoly of foreign technology and solve the problem of domestic CNC machine tools from scratch.

After that, they continued to make persistent efforts, and it was not until 97 that the Lantian-3210 control system developed was truly practical.

Using the Lantian No. 715 system, Haihe's machine tool factory produced the XH92GY five-axis linkage high-end impeller machining center with all independent intellectual property rights. The time was also in [-]. However, before that, they already had imitation products, but It is a control system for transplanting imitation objects. (The hero of East China is not a satellite, it really already has one, of course, the quality...)
There is a problem with the control system of imitated foreigners.

"You mean, foreigners tampered with us?" Luo Wenzhong finally came to his senses.

"Since it is not our fault, it must be the fault of the control system." Qin Tao said: "Although foreigners sold us the CNC machine tools, they still kept a hand. We have to spend a lot of money to process any parts we want to process." Invite them to write the program at a high price, so that they can prevent us from using these CNC machine tools to produce special parts. There are special settings in their control system. When our program is executed to the eight hundredth line, it will Control the turning tool to do the reverse movement."

"What?" Everyone present was stunned, foreigners are too bad, right?
When they wrote the program themselves, they knew about this reserved problem, so they wrote it backwards when writing the program, and their own side didn't know, so there was a problem!
"Only the eight hundredth line?"

"There is still the [-]th line, the [-]th line, as long as it is an integer multiple of [-], it will come once."

"Mr. Qin, how did you know?" Luo Wenzhong was extremely surprised. During the processing, it was indeed the eight hundredth line of code execution error, but they didn't know what was wrong. Now that Qin Tao said this, they understood Yes, but also more confused.

These people should be the best group of people in the machine tool industry. They specialize in technology. Qin Tao knows shipbuilding, but he doesn't necessarily know machine tools. He knows so much.

How did Qin Tao know?Of course, it is his previous experience. Although he is a shipbuilding engineer, he also has a wide range of interests. When he saw an old CNC machine tool that had been dusty for a long time in the diesel engine factory under the shipyard, he became interested. Then, I heard the angry memories of the machine tool engineers.

At the beginning, they wanted to use this imported CNC machine tool to process parts, but the programs they wrote themselves couldn't work anyway. The machine tool had been idle for 20 years, and the domestic CNC machine tool also came up.Later, someone began to ponder the problem of this CNC machine tool, and finally found that it was a passive hand and foot in the control program!

So now, Qin Tao received a report from the water pump factory that there was a problem with the purchased CNC machine tools, and he thought it might be the reason.

Now, of course he wouldn't say it.

"Old Maozi found it." Qin Tao directly put the excuse on Lao Maozi: "I went there to investigate, Lao Maozi said."

Anyway, Lao Maozi also has a five-axis CNC milling machine, which is used to process propellers, and the volume is many times that of this.Although the West has exported a few sets of five-axis linkage CNC equipment to China, they are still very vigilant. They only export such small ones. It is okay to process a waterjet impeller. If they process propellers for warships and submarines with a diameter of several meters, It simply cannot be achieved.

"Let's try it." Luo Wenzhong said: "Change the code in the corresponding line, and let the turning tool move in reverse."

"Reverse action, in case of danger?" said a technician.

"What danger are you afraid of now, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor." Luo Wenzhong said: "We must take this danger."

The CNC machine tool started to work again, and everyone held their breath. Several failures made them afraid to hear that there was something abnormal inside. Time passed little by little, and the inside was still very stable.

The eight hundredth line of code has been executed!
The inside is still running, the turning tool is flying back and forth on the workpiece, as if dancing, and finally, the program execution has reached the end.

With excitement, Wang Jinbao walked over and opened the transparent door. Inside, the impeller shining with metallic light was so beautiful!

"Success, success!" Everyone cheered.

"Don't get too excited, test it to see if the accuracy is up to standard." Qin Tao poured cold water on everyone.

 PS: Thanks to book friends LSTS, Li Shang Xiaoyao, l599xl and other friends for their rewards, thank you all book friends for subscribing and voting, please subscribe, please reward, please vote!
(End of this chapter)

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