Great warships

Chapter 167 Competing with Zhongjiang Shipyard

Chapter 167 Competing with Zhongjiang Shipyard

The difference between active phased array radar and passive phased array radar is almost the same. In fact, the principles of the two are quite different.

Phased array radar works by changing the phase of the radar wave, so there is no need for the antenna to rotate. In theory, if it is fixed there, it can cover the sky in front of it, and the limit can even reach 180 degrees.

However, the passive phased array radar, like the previous antenna, is still a waveguide to emit electromagnetic waves, but a large number of phase shifters are installed on the front panel to change the phase of the electromagnetic waves.

Active phased array radar is composed of T/R components one by one. Each component is an independent radiation and reception unit, which is a semiconductor product.

A single power may be very small, only a few watts or tens of watts, but when thousands of units are combined, the power is quite powerful.

Due to the simple technology of passive phased array radar, whether it is Lao Maozi or the United States, it is this kind of radar that is now installed on warships.

However, if the country wants to catch up and surpass, it must bypass the passive phased array radar stage and directly develop active phased array radar.

This is a difficult process of catching up and surpassing. In the case of limited funds, there are many uncertainties from the beginning of the project. However, no matter what, with Ben Lao leading the team, the 14th Institute will definitely overcome obstacles and innovate. Go forward bravely until the qualified product is finally developed.

At this time, Mr. Ben was also very moved when he mentioned the material of T/R components.

"We are conducting a principle analysis. Gallium arsenide components should be able to be made, but the yield rate will be very low and the production cost will be high. The cost of silicon bipolar transistors can be reduced, but the performance of this component is not good. "

"These two components can be combined. In an antenna array, one-third of gallium arsenide is used to improve performance, and two-thirds of silicon bipolar transistors are used to reduce costs."

Old Ben opened his eyes wide again, it really is like this!Unexpectedly, a few words from Boss Qin could really point out a way for them.

"Mr. Qin, it would be great if a talent like you can come to our 14th school."

"I'm talking on paper." Qin Tao said.

"Mr. Qin, don't hide your clumsiness. Everyone knows your ability. The helicopter landing aid system has been tossed by the relevant units for so long and can't be solved. You went up and found two wrongly connected wires in a few minutes. " Ben Lao said: "Your skills have been spread in our circle for a long time. If you encounter any difficulties in the research and development in the future, you have to lend a helping hand!"

Qin Tao was embarrassed for a while. Those things were really caused by me blindly hitting a mouse. I am a time traveler!Of course we know about connecting two wrong wires, but we are laymen in the development of the most critical phased array radar!
However, looking at the current situation, no matter what Qin Tao said, the other party would not believe it.

"Yeah, Qin is always a capable person." At this moment, the two of them were talking while walking, and when they entered the cafeteria, someone happened to approach and interrupted to speak, but what they said was ambiguous.

Qin Tao glanced at the other party: "This is?"

"Boss Qin is famous, but I'm just a small person." The other party continued.

"Mr. Qin, this is Ma Guoqiang, the director of Zhongjiang Shipyard. He is sitting in the area where the director of your shipyard is in charge. Don't you know him?" Elder Ben asked.

Zhongjiang Shipyard?
Qin Tao realized that it was the factory that stole his own design drawings and then produced unqualified missile boats.

"Director Ma, you are an old seniority in the system, forgive me for my stupidity." Qin Tao was very polite.

"Young man, you also know how to respect the old and love the young. So, tell me, what's so weird about the design of the missile boat?"

"Missile boat, design drawing? Didn't you design it yourself? Why do you ask me what's weird?" Qin Tao glanced at him: "Could it be that you stole our design drawing?"

"What is stealing? In the previous era, it was clear that the design drawings were shared by everyone, and whoever had the capacity would produce them!"

"That was in the past, Director Ma, the times have changed, if you don't change yourself, living in the past world, pitiful, sad, sad!"

"What are you talking about? Huh, young man, you are so arrogant, you won't be able to get along in this system!"

Qin Tao glanced at him: "I can't get along? Do you know who my father is?"

"Your dad? Isn't your dad Qin Baoshan, the old factory director? Hmph, if it were him, he would definitely give us the blueprint!"

Qin Tao gave him a contemptuous look, you don't even know who my backstage is, and you actually say that I can't get along?Sure enough, I can't communicate with the self-righteous old mentally retarded.

He wanted to know the problems in the design drawings, how could he tell him?Tell him, wait for him to snatch the order of the missile boat with yourself?
Even when Wu Shengli asked, Qin Tao didn't say anything.

The hands and feet are actually very simple. In the set of drawings handed over to the Ship Design Institute, the water inlet channel of the water jet was reduced by one-third of the cross-sectional area by him!
The water jet propulsion cannot absorb enough water, so of course it cannot output at full power. However, that thing is inside the hull of the missile boat. Thick.

Can the Navy's missile boats be separated from Zhongjiang Shipyard for research?Of course it is impossible.The most important thing is to look at the appearance, from the outside, nothing can be seen.

The 022 missile boat wins by speed. The missile boat produced by Zhongjiang Shipyard according to the drawings of the hands and feet is not fast enough, so the navy certainly doesn't want it.

During this period of time, Ma Guoqiang did not know how many people he asked for research. However, none of the domestic ship designers has been in contact with water jet propulsion, so it is impossible to know the weirdness of it. Only Qin Tao knows the tricks inside. .

Ma Guoqiang wants to know?Dream it!
Ten years later, 20 years later, when the navy does not need the 022 missile boat, it will not be too late to tell him.

Qin Tao didn't continue talking to Ma Guoqiang. This guy's brain is sick and needs to be cured.

Ma Guoqiang stomped his feet, wheezing with anger.In fact, today he also knows that Qin Tao will not necessarily tell him, but he has no other way. Their shipyard is specialized in manufacturing military ships, so he has to try. In the end, he hit a wall without a doubt up.

Qin Tao walked into the cafeteria with strides, and ate heartily.

For other people, eating is secondary. When eating, communicating with each other and reaching various agreements is the main thing. However, Qin Tao is not familiar with them anyway, so let's talk about it after eating.

However, soon, Mr. Wu, Mr. Pan, and Mr. Ben all approached and sat beside Qin Tao.

Many people showed envious eyes. These people are all leaders in the industry!How could Qin Tao, a young man, be appreciated by so many people?
If it weren't for Mr. Wu today, Qin Tao wouldn't have had the chance to speak at all!

in the afternoon.

"After careful research, we believe that the plan of the 14th institute is more in line with the needs of our navy." Sure enough, a naval leader spoke, and at noon, after their discussions, they finally reached a consensus.

The faces of the people in the 23rd hospital were very ugly.

"In the next meeting, our shipbuilding industry will speak, and we can imagine the development of our destroyers in the future." Wu Shengli said: "First of all, let Pan Lao speak."

As the designer of the two destroyers, Elder Pan has a high status in the warship industry. At this time, it is well-deserved for him to speak.

"We are currently building two Type 052 destroyers, which will serve as a link between the past and the future for the development of our warships. However, due to the embargo on the power system above, this destroyer will not be able to continue to be built. Next, if we want to continue If it develops, then we can only use four gas turbines obtained from secret channels to continue to build two destroyers. According to the power of these gas turbines, two destroyers can drive five to six thousand tons. Therefore, the next destroyer, I think it is more appropriate to increase the displacement to five or six thousand tons, and if the ship is well designed, it can be raised to more than seven thousand tons.”

It is no longer a big secret that the four old Maozi's gas turbines have been circulated in the industry, but how these gas turbines were obtained is still a secret.

This also means that they will still be able to build two warships in the future. These two hard-won warships will become the targets of competition for countless shipyards!

"Leaders, please entrust this glorious task to our Zhongjiang Shipyard!" Ma Guoqiang couldn't help but said: "Our shipyard has a long history and has built many warships for the navy. Now, we will definitely be able to complete this task !"

"Everyone should already know." Wu Shengli said: "Only through competition can there be progress. Therefore, the Navy has passed relevant decisions. From now on, the navy's warships will use bidding methods from the beginning of design. The navy is only responsible for formulating basic parameters, and for others, relevant departments need to provide design plans and specific drawings, and then our navy will decide."

The way of bidding has already been paved. In the past few months, many shipyards have opposed it, and even raised the issue with their superiors.

However, under the firm attitude of the navy, this plan has been approved by the superiors. From then on, it is impossible to show determination and cry about your difficulties to come to order.

"Leaders, our Zhongjiang Shipyard has entrusted the Ship Design Institute to design a product for us. Now, I request to speak." Ma Guoqiang continued.

Of course, he also knew about the bidding, so he had already made preparations in advance.

"Okay, let's invite the director of the horse factory to introduce."

The slide projector was turned on, and Ma Guoqiang solemnly took out his own slide and inserted it on it. On the screen, a beautiful warship appeared in front of everyone.

"The hull of our warship is enlarged by the mature 051 destroyer, so we call it the 051B destroyer, which has perfect air, sea and ship attack capabilities."

Qin Tao sat there, looking at this destroyer with great interest, yes, it is really 051B.

There are double-mounted naval guns on the bow, sea rattlesnakes behind, anti-ship missiles behind the chimney, and finally the helicopter hangar and take-off deck.

The whole design is pretty good, after all, it is a product of the Ship Design Institute.

It seems that Zhongjiang Shipyard is in a hurry, and they also know that if they don't receive orders from the Navy, their shipyard will go down, but... they seem to have forgotten what the Navy urgently needs right now!

Ma Guoqiang talked continuously for more than half an hour.

When the navy decided to use bidding to determine the next warship construction, Ma Guoqiang once strongly opposed it. For the past six months, he has been active in the capital, lobbying various leaders, trying to get the navy to give up.

When this plan was finally implemented, Ma Guoqiang immediately went to the Ship Design Institute and commissioned the design. In short, no matter what, he must get this order, which is related to the life and death of their shipyard.

Other large shipyards along the coast have contracts for the construction of foreign freighters, so they can survive even without orders for these two warships. Their Zhongjiang Shipyard is different. Due to geographical constraints, if they undertake Foreign [-]-ton freighters, even if they are built, will not be able to go out at all!
They can only grab the contract for these two destroyers. Even if they used to build missile boats, they still want to build destroyers now!

"Are there any other plans for other shipyards?" Wu Shengli asked.

"Our Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group also has a special design plan for air defense ships." Qin Tao stood up: "Since the product of the brother company is called 051B, then ours should be called 051C!"

"Air defense ship? Are you going to use the Sea Sidewinder, or our Hongqi-61?" Suddenly someone was curious.

At present, these two models are the only ones that have matured in China. However, they seem to be very tasteless and cannot bear the title of air defense ship.

"None." Qin Tao replied as he walked up.

"Is it possible to use the new model of our Aerospace Second Academy? This model is still a few years away from successful research and development?"

"Not at all."

After Qin Tao answered this question, he walked to the slide projector and put on the slide he had hastily drawn. When the image on the screen became clear, everyone was shocked.

"A launcher for a revolver?"

"Look at the size, it's the launch tube of the S-300 missile, right?"

"Is that flat panel behind it a phased array radar?"

"What about the helicopter hangar? It's unscientific!"

"Cough, cough." Qin Tao coughed, looked at the people below, and when everyone calmed down from their surprise, Qin Tao said: "Our warship is called a professional air defense destroyer, so our warship is mainly used for One thing is air defense! It will provide the Navy with the most needed [-]-kilometer air defense firepower network!"

(End of this chapter)

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