Great warships

Chapter 182

Chapter 182
"There was an omission in our original plan. The thrust of the hydraulic lifting device used was not enough to dismantle the gantry crane." Jims said: "We tried all kinds of methods, but there was no way to move the gantry crane. The $200 million has been spent. Please give us another amount of funds!"

Qin Tao's attitude is serious: "Really? Then let's act according to the contract. I should hire a lawyer."

What?Jims was dumbfounded.

Of course Jims knew the content of the contract, but now, he was really struggling.

Originally thought that the gantry crane could be properly dismantled with 100 million US dollars, but who would have thought that 200 million dollars were invested, just like a waste of time!
The gantry crane is still standing there, but Jims is already stuck.

He had to come here to complain, and asked Qin Tao to allocate a sum of money to him to continue the demolition work. After all, Qin Tao also invested 200 million in it, so he couldn't just watch the work stop, right?
How could he have thought that Qin Tao actually wanted to act according to the contract and even hire a lawyer?

"Mr. Qin, your shipyard needs this gantry crane urgently. I am also very much looking forward to dismantling the gantry crane as soon as possible. We are now a cooperative relationship. In your words, we should be in the same boat." James thought of such a word .

We are all in the same boat!

Qin Tao's eyes were cold, he glanced at Jims, and then shook his head: "No, Mr. Jims, you must be wrong. For us, we must assess the risk. Although we really want to get that gantry crane, but we I am even more afraid that the 200 million yuan invested in advance will be in vain. If you do not have the strength to dismantle the gantry crane, then our best way is to stop the loss in time."

James' face was very ugly.

Qin Tao is right, if from Qin Tao's point of view, the gantry crane still cannot be dismantled after seeing 200 million spent, then Qin Tao's best choice is to stop in time, which means he lost 200 yuan. It's only ten thousand. If you continue to invest in it, you may lose more.

"President Qin, please trust us, as long as you invest another 200 million, you will be able to dismantle it." Jims continued to beg: "Anyway, according to our contract, after dismantling, you will pay another 200 million. Now , just treat it as you paying the 200 million in advance, I promise, I promise!"

"Mr. Jims, since you think that if you invest another 200 million yuan, you will be able to dismantle it, then you can go to the bank for a loan. Compared with the compensation amount in the contract, you should know which option is better." Qin Tao said: " As for me, I can promise that the deadline for demolition will be one month later, this is the greatest obligation I can do."

James' eyes dimmed.

He came here just to ask Qin Tao for money to continue the demolition, but in the end, Qin Tao asked him to borrow money?

"Mr. Jims, I hope you can understand that before the gantry crane is disassembled, we will not invest another penny in it. If this hole is opened, then we will be caught in it. If the second 200 million is spent, The gantry crane is still not disassembled? Will you still ask us to pay another 200 million? This is a bottomless pit."

"No, no, I promise."

"Mr. Jims, when we signed the contract, you were so confident, so now, I won't believe your verbal guarantee, please take practical actions!" Qin Tao said to Jims.

Jims was completely disappointed. He knew that it was absolutely impossible to get money from Qin Tao. His only gain was that Qin Tao would not sue him for the time being and would allow him a month later. As for the rest, there is none.

What should he do?
Go to the bank for a loan of 200 million?

What mortgage?his house?
That night, Jims left with a disappointed feeling. Seeing the back of Jims leaving, Cong Ju was very emotional: "I feel a little sympathetic to him."

"Yes, from a personal point of view, I also sympathize with him, but from a business point of view, I have been very tolerant to him." Qin Tao said: "If we invest another 200 million in, then We're going to be stuck, if he borrowed 200 million, then he will definitely try his best to finish the job."

"President Qin, I understand that when doing business internationally, you can't talk about feelings." Cong Ju said.

From Qin Tao, Cong Ju has learned a lot. In international business, intrigues are very normal. You must not talk about feelings, but rules.

"Well, Mr. Cong, you are right. By the way, where is Mr. Zhou, I want to talk to him."

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Cong Ju's eyes were a little moved: "No need, Qin Gong, your time is very precious, and Director Qin has already talked to him."

"The old man is the old man, and I am me." Qin Tao said: "It was indeed my negligence in the past, but now, I want to chat with Zhou Gong."

In the office, Zhou Yongfei felt a little cramped, with his hands on his knees, which was very unnatural.

"Zhou Gong, I want to apologize to you." Qin Tao said: "As the boss of the group, I ignored the feelings of my subordinates."

"Qin Gong, Qin Gong, what are you talking about." Zhou Yongfei hurriedly said: "Mr. Qin, if it weren't for you, Lili and Niuniu are still not taken care of by anyone. They are hungry and full. Poor, now come to our Mingzhou Shipyard, the two of them are having a good life, and I am also very happy."

"But, you're a man. Don't you think it's embarrassing to let a woman take the lead outside and take care of the housework by yourself?"

"Of course not, that Li Sihai is just spouting dung." Zhou Yongfei said: "President Qin, you are an upright person and considerate of your subordinates. Everyone in the entire shipyard respects and worships you very much. I can see it. Xiaoju is the backbone of the factory, and I should take on more housework. Is it better than no one took care of the children before? Now the factory is taking care of me, and I know it.”

Qin Tao nodded: "Zhou Gong, after school starts in the fall, Niu Niu will be able to enter the first grade of primary school. Lili and Niu Niu can go to and from school together. Our shipyard has decided to get a school bus to take the employees' children to and from school."

"No, Mr. Qin, the children can just walk for such a short distance."

"It's not just our Niuniu and Lili, there are other children too." Qin Tao said: "This way, it will also allow dual-career families to work better. By then, our factory will probably start to engage in warship projects. , you are an electromechanical engineer, and the factory will arrange more tasks for you at that time, I hope you can work hard and take the lead as soon as possible."

Zhou Yongfei's eyes showed gratitude.

Of course he knows that there are many excellent electromechanical workers in the factory, and now there are many skilled technicians on the missile boats. Qin Tao is giving Zhou Yongfei a chance to develop better, and he can sit on an equal footing with Cong Ju, so as not to be caught. People poke the spine, a man is not as good as a woman!

He actually doesn't care, someone has to take care of the family, but Qin Tao can give him this opportunity, which makes him very grateful. Everyone in the shipyard can follow Qin Tao wholeheartedly, because Qin Tao has This kind of action to solve practical difficulties for employees!

The Huating shipyard, or other shipyards, are encouraging dedication and giving up their small family to care for everyone. However, Qin Tao will not do that. First there is a small family, and then there are everyone!

After the matter was resolved, Qin Tao came to the design office again.

"President Qin, you are back." Hu Jia and Yang Zhaoxiang were very excited after seeing Qin Tao: "What design shall we do next? Everyone can't wait."

They designed both the Jianghai ship and the natural gas ship. Although there are not many people in the team, they are definitely elites. At the same time, they use computers to draw, which is many times faster than other units drawing on paper.

Now, they look forward to new assignments.

"The next design will be very cumbersome and may take half a year. After all, it is the first time for everyone to try, and only Yang Gong has some experience." Qin Tao said.

Yang Dawei was also excited for a while: "A warship?"

"Yes, the displacement is more than seven thousand tons." Qin Tao said.

Everyone opened their eyes wide in excitement.

The domestic 051 has a displacement of more than 3000 tons. The 052 currently under construction has a displacement of more than 4000 tons. Now, the warship they want to build has a displacement of more than 7000 tons?

"Attention everyone, the warship we are going to design next is a super-secret thing. If it is leaked, no matter whether it is intentional or unintentional, it will eat peanuts, just like that Li Sihai."

"President Qin, don't worry, we have memorized the confidentiality rules by heart. First, don't ask about things that shouldn't be asked..." Yang Zhaoxiang said there.

"Okay, everyone knows it. In the future, we need to keep a person on duty in the design department. There is no one left here for 24 hours. I will also coordinate the installation of the monitoring system. Now, let's talk about the specific design. I have already done it. It is a simple design, and we need to refine this design and complete the system design of the warship within three months."

As he said that, Qin Tao took out the design drawing he had reported in the capital, and everyone was shocked when he saw the large pipes erected inside the hull of the warship.

"That's... S-300F?" Yang Dawei felt his words tremble.

"Even if it is, in fact, what we want to install is not the navy version, but the homeland defense air force version." Qin Tao said: "We have already obtained the specific information, and you can design according to this information. .”

"That is to say, the Navy will have its own regional air defense ship?" Yang Dawei tried his best to calm down.

"Yes, the navy has made up its mind. To build two ships, the order will fall to our group. Now, we have to complete the detailed design, and then take it to the capital for review." Qin Tao said.

Yang Dawei stared at the design sketch, swallowed, and continued: "President Qin, leave the design to us, and there will never be any omissions, but are you sure this plan is feasible?"

There is no helicopter hangar, the phased array radar is poked directly at the back, and part of the radar waves are blocked in the front. When the radar antenna is turned to the front, there will be a scanning blind spot.What if the superiors are not satisfied with the overall design?
"Well, just follow this plan." Qin Tao said.

"President Qin, there is still one problem." Yang Dawei said: "This kind of warship definitely needs a strong command system."

As a veteran of the Ship Design Institute, Yang Dawei has also participated in the design of the 052 destroyer. He knows that there are many things that are lacking in China. system.

A fighter jet is flown by one person, and a warship is driven by a group of people. In order to coordinate everyone's actions, a warship needs a command system.

At the time of the original 051 destroyer, the domestic technology was backward, and the mechanical director was used. This kind of thing was so primitive and backward that an open roof had to be left on the top of the bridge of the warship, and someone needed to stand on it. Command the battle there.

It was not until 052 that there was a modern ZKJ-4B combat command system, with monitors and keyboard operations, and it looked like that.

However, this command system is still not advanced enough, and it is even more impossible to match the advanced air defense missile system that Lao Maozi came over.

Qin Tao nodded: "We are a dedicated air defense ship, and the entire warship will focus on air defense operations, so an advanced command system is also needed. My idea is to move the command system of air defense missiles directly to the bridge. , As for the matching with the current navigational combat command system, we will complete it! 709 and 723 will also send technical forces to cooperate with us."

There are five King Kongs that develop the command system of warships in China. Among them, 709 is engaged in forward research and development, and 723 is engaged in surveying and mapping. Both institutes will provide assistance to let them complete the research and development of the command system of this air defense ship.

Yang Dawei nodded: "Well, since this is the case, then I can rest assured that we will work hard in the next time!"

"Yes, didn't President Qin say that someone should be kept under guard? I brought the quilt, and I will live here from now on!" Yang Zhaoxiang said.

"I'm coming too!"

"Me too!"

These college students are capable and have ideals. Now that they have stepped into the shipbuilding industry, of course they want to design the most powerful warship!

Qin Tao is very satisfied. With these people around, he can breathe a sigh of relief. If he designs the warship by himself, it will take a year or two to complete it day and night.

"Boss Qin, there seems to be a lack of information on the roof radar in the corresponding documents!" Soon, Yang Dawei, who was engaged in work, discovered the lack of information.

"Well, we don't have these materials yet."

"Then should we use domestic products instead?"

"No, we will have these materials soon." Qin Tao said: "Now we can reserve space first."

What is domestically produced? Is that the meter wave antenna on the 052?It's too backward, the threat of stealth aircraft is not serious now, there is no need to toss about that for our transitional warship.

Wait a few months, the Steadfast, hehehe...

(End of this chapter)

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