Great warships

Chapter 186 Alternatives: Jacques-141

Chapter 186 Alternatives: Jacques-141
The renderings are still very domineering, especially the pictures of the fully loaded carrier-based aircraft on the deck, which makes people look impulsive. Lacour took a few photos and left contentedly. The design drawings of the F-25T were also taken away.

In the design department, there was a lot of joy. Qin Tao asked the accountant to withdraw a large sum of money, and then distributed the money to the designers on the spot.

"Qin Gong, don't worry about it. The 2 yuan is just enough to pay off our housing debt here." Yang Zhaoxiang looked at the 2 yuan handed to them and couldn't help shaking his head.

These technicians, if they go to other units, must be eligible for house allocation. However, Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group has developed a new way to raise funds to build houses. Even if they are college students, they are not eligible to directly obtain houses. , have to spend money.

However, compared to the wages promised to them, the money for the fund-raising house is just a drizzle for them, and it will be paid off in a year or so. Now, this bonus is enough.

Qin Tao smiled: "Of course, but the money still has to be paid. After the payment, you can go to the financial side to pay the money. One yard is one yard. At least, let the money feel in your pocket first."


Yang Zhaoxiang took the money and put it in his pocket solemnly, 2 yuan, two piles, one in each pocket, it was heavy.

"It's absolutely right to come to our Mingzhou." Yang Dawei also said: "In terms of material, there is nothing to say."

"Yang Gong, you will have more and more money in the future, but you have to be careful not to spend it indiscriminately, you have to save it." Qin Tao distributed money to everyone, and continued: "It won't take a few years. Our group will further restructure, and at that time, your money will have to be sent to the factory."

Restructured and sent to the factory?
The crowd was bewildered.

"In the future, our factory will be established as a joint-stock enterprise, and all employees will be able to buy shares. At that time, the monthly salary will only be your pocket money, and the annual share dividend will be the big one." Qin Tao said.

Qin Baoshan smiled and said nothing, Qin Tao can do whatever he wants, since he is the boss here anyway.

"En." Yang Dawei nodded, and then continued: "President Qin, what are we going to do next? Are we designing the aircraft carrier?"

They are engaged in design, and they are also engaged in design with enthusiasm. As a ship designer, it is such a rare opportunity to have the opportunity to design an aircraft carrier!

Yang Dawei couldn't wait.

"That's right, the next task is to design the aircraft carrier. After the people of Siam go back, it will probably take a few months to implement this project. Then, they should call for bids. At that time, our You are the most prepared, and you can directly take the design drawings and go to Siam to bid for it."

aircraft carrier?

Qin Baoshan was also shocked, Qin Tao actually wanted to build an aircraft carrier?It's unbelievable.

"However, Qin Gong, none of us have experience in designing aircraft carriers." Yang Dawei said.

"Mr. Yang, did you inspect the Melbourne number back then?" Qin Tao asked.

Yang Dawei nodded: "Yes, but, after all, it was an aircraft carrier during World War II."

"It's almost the same. In fact, the aircraft carrier hasn't changed much in these years. What we want to design is a light aircraft carrier." Qin Tao said: "I will work out the overall design, and you will be responsible for the sub-item design."

Yang Dawei shook his head: "No, Mr. Qin, the technology of aircraft carriers has changed a lot over the years. For example, aircraft carriers during World War II used deck elevators, while modern aircraft carriers use side elevators. We started from that ship. The structure seen on the Melbourne is suitable for a modern aircraft carrier."

The aircraft carrier not only has planes on the deck, but also has planes in the hangar below, especially the maintenance and so on, which are all done in the hangar below, which involves a problem: how to lift the plane from the hangar to on deck?
The aircraft carriers in the World War II era all opened in the middle of the deck, and some aircraft carriers even had three large openings in the front, middle and rear. Although this is convenient for lifting and lowering, when in use, the deck will expose a large hole, and the carrier-based aircraft cannot use it. Take off and land.

During the Cold War, this defect was made up. The elevator was moved from the center of the deck to the edge of the deck, such as the front and rear positions of the aircraft carrier island, the side rear of the angled deck, etc. In short, the take-off and landing decks are complete. , so that it will not interfere with the take-off and landing operations of the carrier-based aircraft.

But now, for an aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 1 tons, how to solve the problem of elevators?

"The elevator is not a big problem. We can install a stern elevator at the stern of the warship to lift the Sea Harrier. An internal elevator is installed in front of the island to lift the helicopter. Just get out of the jump deck on the left. Just do it."

"Stern? How to land?"

"Vertical landing." Qin Tao gave Yang Dawei a blank look. I have talked so much with the Siamese, but you didn't take it to heart?We are carrying a sea harrier, short takeoff, vertical landing, why do we have to land on the elevator at the stern?There is plenty of room ahead.

Yang Dawei suddenly realized.

You can't blame him, after all, it's his first time.

"Unfortunately, we can only build the hull, and the carrier-based aircraft on it have to be purchased by the Siamese themselves. This is the only factor that is not good for us." Qin Tao said: "Other bidding manufacturers may use packaged and sold way to fool the Siamese people.”

This is the only thing Qin Tao is worried about. For example, Spain will definitely come to bid. They can not only build an aircraft carrier, but also provide a batch of AV-8S carrier-based aircraft to Siam.

"Yes, when it comes to vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, apart from the British Sea Harriers, there are only Lao Maozi's blacksmiths." Yang Dawei said, "It is impossible for the Siamese Navy to purchase Lao Maozi's blacksmiths."

In the 60s, all countries began to be interested in vertical take-off and landing fighters. Even though China's aviation technology was backward, it once tested the vertical take-off and landing technology on Liu Ye's body. Of course, there was nothing to say in the end.

There are only two models that have really succeeded in reaching service status.

The British Sea Harrier arranged the engine in the middle of the airframe, and the nozzle was connected from the back of the compressor. The nozzle of the combustion chamber at the rear can also be turned over, so that the front and rear can work together to pull the green onions on dry land and support the aircraft.

Lao Maozi's Yak-38, nicknamed the red blacksmith, arranged the main engine at the tail, and placed two lift engines vertically behind the pilot, so that they would work together to lift the plane up.

It is clear at a glance which of the two schemes is better. Lao Maozi's Yak-38 has a combat radius of only more than 200 kilometers, and it is a proper mast guard.Moreover, what's more terrible is that because there is a lift engine in front, which blows directly on the deck, the problem of ablating the deck has never been solved.

Even Lao Maozi's heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser has left the Yak-38 idle at the land airport for a long time, and the British Sea Harrier has participated in actual combat.

However, Feng Shui took turns, and when the Americans were engaged in fertilizer and electricity, they used the technical route of the Yak-38, but replaced the lift engine with a lift fan.

According to the relationship between our side and Lao Maozi, it is no problem to purchase Yak-38. Even if the relationship between Siam and Lao Maozi is not good, a few months later, the red empire collapsed suddenly, and the confrontation disappeared. .

However, the Yak-38 is very cheating. When the old Maozi’s Minsk traveled thousands of miles from the Black Sea to the Far East, it was tested in tropical waters. As a result, the engine power decreased, and it was finally found that it was difficult to take off in tropical seas.

There is no solution to this problem. You can’t cheat Siam. You know, Siam is China’s traditional arms exporter. If you cheat them, what should you do if you don’t buy them in the future?
Qin Tao rolled his eyes, and suddenly thought of something: "If it is matched with a carrier-based aircraft, it is also possible. Lao Maozi also has a substitute for blacksmiths. We can sell this to Siam, at least Let Siam know that it is not difficult to choose a fighter, so buying an aircraft carrier and buying a carrier-based aircraft can be separated. At that time, let’s fight a price war again, and I don’t believe that the Siamese are not tempted.”

If the Spaniard's quotation does not exceed [-] million, we will quote [-] million. If the Spaniard quotes [-] million, we will quote [-] million. Anyway, we have a cost advantage. Even if the final transaction is [-] million, we can still earn him [-] million.

Don't think about it if it's too much, first set a small goal and earn [-] million.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Yang Dawei was a little surprised: "Is there a substitute for the blacksmith?"

Yang Dawei didn't know, but Qin Tao knew that Lao Maozi's replacement was Jacques-141.
The Yakovlev Design Bureau was famous during World War II, but it fell behind in the jet age of the Cold War. Although there are many reasons, the ending is still embarrassing.

When the Mikoyan Design Bureau and the Sukhoi Design Bureau were singing and marching forward, the Jacques Design Bureau could only pick up some cold food that others did not want. However, they are still very strong. When the Yak-38 enters service , They already know the weak points of this aircraft, so they are continuing to improve it.

It is said to be an improvement, but it is actually similar to a new development. Just this year, the brand new Yak-141 has begun frequent test flights on the aircraft carrier.

From the appearance point of view, this aircraft has many similarities with the MiG-25, such as the rectangular air intakes on both sides, such as the upper monoplane layout behind the air intakes, and if viewed from the front, the entire outline of the front fuselage It's so similar to the lines that it's hard to tell them apart.

Of course, it is completely different from the rear. Although they are all double vertical tails, the layout of the double vertical tails of the Yak-141 is just to empty the buttocks. Its vertical tails are supported by cantilever beams placed on both sides. of.

In front of the nozzle that can be deflected by a three-stage rotation combination is a monster with a maximum thrust of 108 kN and an afterburner of 151 kN, plus two lift engines with a thrust of 41 kN, which can easily make Jacques- The 141 takes off and lands vertically, and at the same time, it also has excellent combat capabilities.

The maximum speed exceeds Mach 1.4, the flight range reaches 2100 kilometers, and the practical ceiling is 15500 meters. The aircraft is responsive and can already compete with other fixed-wing aircraft.

It's a pity that when it just matured, the Red Empire collapsed suddenly, and the navy began to sell warships. Of course, it was unable to continue this kind of research and development project. Even the Mikoyan Design Bureau collapsed, and even because of the development Without salary, the chief teacher committed suicide with shame and indignation.The Yak-141 could only die without a problem, and in the end it was cheaper for the Americans. Except for the one that crashed, all the others were sold to the Americans.

Although some people say that the Americans had the design of the rotating tail nozzle in the 60s, anyone with a discerning eye can know that the Jacques-141 was revived on Feidian.

Thinking of this experience, Qin Tao sighed a little, and now that Qin Tao has been reborn, then, do you want to buy those prototypes of the Yak-141?
It's all money, so now Qin Tao must find a way to make more money in order to be able to do many things.

At this time, facing Yang Dawei's doubts, Qin Tao smiled: "Yes, Lao Maozi is engaged in research and development. When we have a chance in the future, let's get that kind of aircraft over."

There is no need to talk too much with Yang Dawei now, anyway, it is just designing an aircraft carrier, but why is Yang Dawei so excited?
"Qin Gong, tell me, if we can get that kind of plane, can our navy also have an aircraft carrier?"

It turns out that Yang Dawei's focus is here!
It is estimated that even a group of naval officers will come to inquire about the news when they know that they are going to build an aircraft carrier for Siam, and the price is still very cheap?
It's a pity that they still have to be disappointed.

"This kind of small aircraft carrier is too weak in combat effectiveness, which is not in line with the development of our navy." Qin Tao said: "The Americans keep making their own aircraft carriers bigger and bigger while fooling around about the uselessness of large aircraft carriers. Don’t be fooled, a [-] to [-]-ton ship is at most a dock landing ship, an amphibious assault ship, etc., and an aircraft carrier must have a displacement of at least [-] tons.”

"Furthermore, aircraft carriers operate in formations. Lao Maozi's heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser is a different kind. Let's not talk about it. Let's just talk about Western aircraft carrier formations. If there is no large number of air defense and anti-submarine warships to escort them, the aircraft carrier is a living target. Therefore, What our navy needs most at the moment is an air defense ship."

"That's right, an air defense ship is needed." Yang Dawei nodded: "So, we must build the air defense ship as soon as possible. By the way, Mr. Qin, when will the Navy allocate funds?"

The order has already fallen into his own hands, and now, Yang Dawei is a little anxious to wait for the navy to allocate funds.

Qin Tao smiled: "Well, we have to wait. On the one hand, we are building two large ships, and the docks are occupied. On the other hand, the navy's funds are probably almost spent. Maybe next year to get to work."

The country needs to develop its economy, and the army needs to be patient. The current military expenditure is enough for the navy to ensure the construction progress of the 052. This type of 051C has to wait.

"Boss Qin, will there be any changes in this project?" Yang Dawei was a little worried.

No matter what kind of project it is, as long as it is delayed, it may be ruined. Yang Dawei is deeply aware of this.

At this time, hearing Yang Dawei's words, Qin Baoshan on the side also became a little nervous: "Yes, Taozi, the order that our shipyard won with great difficulty, there should be no accidents."

"What could happen? I have already greeted Uncle Wu and asked him to coordinate and transport the four gas turbines to our warehouse first, so that we can prepare in advance."

When I went to Lao Maozi, I got a lot of good things back. One was used for testing and was handed over to the relevant units for research. The four have been built but have no targets for loading, and they are still well sealed.

As long as the four gas turbines are brought to our side, how can the navy break the contract?

If the contract is broken, these four gas turbines will be treated as compensation, and the Navy will continue to burn boilers honestly.

With such a good thing in hand, the navy would never dare to break the contract.

The main problem is that the S-300 system ordered from Lao Maozi has not yet been delivered, and the navy has limited funds. This project cannot be rushed at present.

"Old man, let's build the slipway first. With a slipway of [-] tons, it will be convenient for us to build ships in the future. The current dock is mainly used for ship repair."

Qin Baoshan nodded. After the family building was completed, the infrastructure team had nothing to do, and there was no old ship for them to dismantle. Taking advantage of this time, they simply built a new slipway.

Compared with the dock, the slipway is much simpler. It is to build a platform near the sea water, and push it down directly after the ship is built.Simple structure and low cost, it is the best choice for shipbuilding.

Now building a ship in the dock is simply a luxury!

"Boss Qin, then we won't build our 40-ton shipyard?" Yang Dawei was a little anxious.

"Of course we have to build it, but we have to wait for an opportunity." Qin Tao said: "We are starting to build the berth now, which just happens to make the Americans anxious. They want us to continue investing money. No way, they want to get back the cost. We can only continue to fill in the bottomless pit, and when we dismantle the gantry crane, we can continue to make money.”

Let the Americans know that you want to continue to increase money, but there is no way, we don’t wait here anymore, and start building slipways, just make do with it.

It can't be said that Qin Tao is despicable, everything is done according to the contract.

"What plan does the slipway plan adopt?" Qin Baoshan asked his son.

Even if it is a simple berth, it cannot be opened casually, it must have a perfect design.

"It's still conventional. There are tracks underneath, and it's upside down, but there must be room on both sides. We may be able to install more gantry cranes in the future."

Qin Baoshan's eyes widened, you boy, are you addicted to buying gantry cranes?

This, Qin Tao really has a plan. When the Red Empire collapses in Hangzhou, Ermao's shipyard will be miserable. It should close down, go bankrupt, and those gantry cranes can be purchased at a more favorable price.

It's just that it takes time, and they will buy it after shedding their last blood. It won't work in ten or eight years, so he still has to buy a gantry crane from the United States first, and then expand his own strength at a low cost.

"Let me draw a design." Qin Tao added.

In fact, if the navy is going to be built now, Qin Tao will not worry about it. He can directly dismantle the ship on the river beach, or directly build the ship on the river beach. Send the battleship down.

I made the design drawings of F-25T for the brother shipyard, and after getting the design fee of 500 million, the money was quickly spent by Qin Tao. In addition to the bonus of more than 20, the rest, They have all been invested in the construction of a [-]-ton slipway.

Qin Tao arranged everything and checked the construction of the two ships.When I had time, I took the time to go to the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant.

When Qin Tao came in in his Santana, the leaders of the steel plant immediately ran over excitedly: "Boss Qin, welcome to our steel plant for inspection."

Seeing Zhang Jinxi's excited expression, Qin Tao shook hands with him and said, "How is the steel plant?"

"Mr. Qin, our iron and steel plant is currently working day and night. The medium and thick plates produced are not only used by our shipyard, but also sold to several other shipyards and machinery processing plants. Now our products have already It’s in short supply.”

From being able to only smelt scrap steel in the end to using imported iron ore to make steel now, the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant has developed.

After Qin Tao and Zhang Jinxi shook hands, he went to look at the person around Zhang Jinxi, and found that he didn't seem to have seen this person before?
"Mr. Qin, let me introduce you. This is Professor Zhou Jie, a retired materials expert from our Huating University of Science and Technology. I have visited three times and invited him here." Zhang Jinxi said: "At present, Professor Zhou is in charge of the development of our new steel materials. , the steel currently developed in the laboratory can already reach a yield of [-] MPa."

Qin Tao was overjoyed immediately.

If a steel plant wants to continue to develop, it needs not only advanced production equipment, but also a research and development team.

Qin Tao delegated authority to Zhang Jinxi, and Zhang Jinxi did not disappoint Qin Tao, and hired him this kind of expert.

In the past, they could only obtain high-strength steel with a yield of 520 MPa to build catamaran missile boats only by remelting Lao Maozi's discarded submarines. However, these steels are limited after all, and they want to develop for a long time in the future , you must have steel that you can produce.

Now, once this kind of developed steel is mass-produced, they can use it in large quantities. The 051C built for the navy, and even the flight deck of the aircraft carrier of the Siamese country, can be built with this kind of steel. It's just a sea harrier, there's no need to be tough.

"Mr. Zhou, talents like you are welcome to join our steel factory. We are absolutely worthy of treating intellectuals badly. We will treat you at the same level as Yang Gong in our shipyard." Qin Tao immediately promised.

Professor Zhou smiled: "Gong Qin, if it's just for the treatment, then I'll just stay in school, and Huating Iron and Steel Works will also offer a high salary to recruit me."

"Then you?" Qin Tao was a little curious.

"I have compared it. Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group has got rid of the inherent disadvantages of state-owned enterprises. Your future is limitless. Therefore, I am very optimistic about you. I believe that this place will definitely develop into the largest shipbuilding industry group in the motherland. My this The old man is also selfish and wants to write his name here."

"Mr. Zhou, don't worry, we will write your name in the group diary in the future. In the future, our group will have special exhibition windows on both sides of the road, and you will be put there."

"My old bones will stay here in the future. Our shipyard will build natural gas ships in the future, so I must produce qualified invar steel materials in my lifetime." Zhou Lao continued.

Qin Tao clenched the opponent's hand: "Mr. Zhou, thank you for your contribution."

(End of this chapter)

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