Great warships

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 How can a second-hand sea harrier compare to Jacques 141
The British really saved the trouble, and directly copied the invincible plan intact!No wonder the British have less and less share of weapons in the international arms market.

However, the British cannot be blamed for this. If they want to redesign, it will cost a lot of money. With the cost of manpower in the UK, the redesign may cost a few million and go out. If they can get an order, take it If not, those millions will be in vain.

Therefore, they didn't dare to take this risk, they could only use the invincible level to fool them.

Anyway, they also have capital.

"Our invincible-class aircraft carrier once showed its prowess in the Atlantic Ocean and won the war in the 80s. A few months ago, our invincible-class aircraft carrier continued to fight and worked hard with our allies to maintain world peace. In this war, our Invincible-class aircraft carrier showed powerful performance, and among the light aircraft carriers, the one with the most combat experience is our Invincible-class aircraft carrier."

Evans was very proud when he said these words. Yes, as a British, he was proud of that war. Now, when he talks about the Invincible-class aircraft carrier, he is also very proud.

However, for everyone present, these are nonsense.

"Mr. Evans, please explain this warship." Naris said.


A structural diagram of the aircraft carrier appeared on the projection screen, and Evans began to explain.

The left side of the aircraft carrier has a flying deck, and the right side is straight. The bow is still the appearance of an ordinary warship. There is also a sea javelin system hanging on it. Behind the straight deck on the right side is a huge bridge. The entire aircraft carrier reflects the The design level of the 60s, from the current point of view, has long been outdated, especially the huge bridge, which occupies too much deck area, resulting in not much operable area on the deck. Of course, there is no way to do this Yes, such as those two huge chimneys, which take up a lot of space.

"Our aircraft carrier is the most suitable choice for you. The entire aircraft carrier, together with the carrier-based aircraft, is quoted at 20 billion, which is very cost-effective." Evans said.

Qin Tao laughed secretly in his heart, this kind of quotation directly frightened the Siamese country away, 20 billion, do you know how much the military expenditure of the Siamese country is for a year?

In the 90s, Siam adopted a series of financial deregulation measures, which attracted a lot of investment.It has brought about the rapid development of the entire country's economy. For example, in 1992, Siam's gross national product reached 1018 billion U.S. dollars, and its military expenditure that year was 29 billion U.S. dollars.

Therefore, if Siam bites its teeth and buys an aircraft carrier worth 20 to [-] million, can it still consider, [-] billion?Stop dreaming!Siam does not have that strength at all.

Vickers Shipyard, represented by Evans, was destined to be the first to be excluded.

Regardless of his design or his outstanding military achievements, they are all secondary. The price factor must be eliminated first.

There is actually no problem with the thinking of the British. Compared with the super aircraft carrier of the Americans, which costs tens of billions, their 20 billion aircraft carrier is definitely cheap!

So, after Evans spent an hour and finished the report, none of the Siamese above had the slightest expression, and Naris just said coldly: "Next, representatives from the Bazin Shipyard in Brazil, you want to continue speak?"

Rodriguez looked around, and then said modestly: "Let's invite representatives from the East, we will speak last."

The last is the finale, which is a common method used all over the world. At this time, Rodriguez does not speak first, but just wants to see what the design of the Oriental visitor is like. When they speak at the end, apart from introducing In addition to your own, you can also devalue the other two options.

Qin Tao stood up: "Everyone, let me introduce you next."

"Our design plan is an aircraft carrier with a standard displacement of 182.6 tons and a full load displacement of 22.5 tons. Its length is [-] meters and its width is [-] meters." Qin Tao started to walk towards the demonstration area. introduce.

(Speaking of the displacement of warships, there are different measurement methods. Specifically, there are no-load displacement, standard displacement, normal displacement, full-load displacement, and maximum displacement. No-load means that nothing is used, and standard displacement is no-load displacement. Add the weight of the full amount of personnel, ammunition, supplies, fresh water and machines, but not including fuel, lubricating oil and spare boiler water. Half of these things are loaded in, which is the normal displacement. Add all of them, it is the full load displacement, the maximum displacement , that is, continue to stuff all kinds of fuel, fresh water, etc. into the extra space until it can’t be stuffed.)
Rodriguez was a little strange, how is this size and tonnage data similar to our own?

"For the power system, we decided to use two configurations, one of which uses diesel-fuel alternating power; 2 sets of LM-2500 gas turbines with a power of 44250 horsepower, and 2 sets of MTU16V1163TB83 diesel engines with a power of 11780 horsepower. Only diesel engines are used, and the maximum speed is 16 knots. For the gas turbine, the power can reach 26 knots." Qin Tao continued: "The other way, we use steam power, four boilers, which can make the aircraft carrier reach [-] knots."

This gas turbine is American and installed on Siamese warships without any problems.In particular, the two frigates negotiated in the early stage use the same power system.

Evans wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Doubt that the opponent's speed is not enough?People have two options!
If you want to be advanced, use a gas turbine, and if you want speed, use a boiler.

When he said this, Qin Tao had already walked to the slide projector, and put his own slide on it. When the graphic was printed, Rodriguez stood up immediately.

"You, you, you..." Rodriguez repeated several words, but he couldn't continue.

What the hell, this structure diagram is almost the same as the structure diagram they are preparing to bid for, with only minor changes.

What exactly is going on?

Rodriguez also plans to compare the previous two models when he finally plays, and talk about the advanced nature of his own design. How can he say it now?To pick on other people's faults is to pick on your own faults.

His mind was filled with shock, what the hell was going on?

Rodriguez was caught off guard, could it be that the blueprint leaked the secret?Impossible, their design drawings were created by a few people in the team, and these people have no chance to contact the Orientals at all.

He completely trusts his subordinates, if it's not leaking the blueprint, then what is it?Different routes lead to the same goal?The opponent's thinking happens to be the same as your own?
This is impossible!

Our own drawings were modified from the drawings of the Prince of Asturias aircraft carrier. Did they also refer to the design of this aircraft carrier?Although the detailed drawings of this aircraft carrier have not been leaked, after all, there are still basic structural drawings in some military magazines and periodicals. The other party probably designed it like this?
When thinking of this, Rodriguez had nothing to say. He originally wanted to reprimand the Orientals for stealing, but now, he couldn't say it.

Qin Tao stopped talking and looked at Rodriguez: "Sir, what do you want to say? How about you introduce us first and we will be last?"

Rodriguez sat down with gloomy eyes.

"Thank you. We are very moved by your humility. We will continue to introduce without wasting time."

Rodriguez's face was red and white for a while, and everyone knew that this person must have emotions, but no one knew why.

Qin Tao continued to introduce: "In terms of weapon systems, we also have a lot of convenience. For example, we can reserve a place to install an eight-unit Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missile and three Sadral six-unit anti-aircraft missiles. system, launch Mistral air defense missiles, and can also install the Sea Sidewinder air defense missiles that we are imitating to provide point defense capabilities, and can also install Phalanx systems and 3mm cannons."

Rodriguez almost stood up again. These self-defense systems are almost exactly the same as their design. In this way, is there any need for them to introduce it later?They were all introduced by the Orientals.

How could it be such a coincidence?
If I had known earlier, he would never let the Orientals introduce him first.

"We will design and construct key places such as the flight deck, power plant, power distribution system, and damage control system in accordance with military standards. This is also to further lower the price of the entire warship." Qin Tao said: "In this way, we quote 5000 million for an aircraft carrier without carrier-based aircraft. If the power system and If all the weapon systems are purchased by you, then our quotation can be reduced to [-] million."

For the price of 26 million, two F-[-]T frigates, you can buy the shell of an aircraft carrier to go back. It is absolutely super cost-effective!
Rodriguez couldn't bear it anymore, and asked, "Excuse me, what carrier-based aircraft are you planning to use?"

He had to launch a counterattack. The price was too low, and they couldn't even make the offer themselves. Now, he wanted to save him, so he thought of this problem in a hurry.

"In terms of carrier-based aircraft, there are also many plans. For example, it can carry all helicopters, all vertical take-off and landing fighters, or a mixture of them."

"What type of vertical take-off and landing fighter do you plan to carry?"

Faced with Rodriguez's constant questions, Qin Tao was a little embarrassed: "Sir, it seems that the question-and-answer session hasn't come yet, right? Are you so impatient?"

When Evans was explaining just now, he didn't have a single question. He explained for an hour by himself, but when it came to Qin Tao, Rodriguez couldn't control himself and kept asking questions. Once or twice was fine. Qin Tao kept asking questions, and Qin Tao also started to fight back.

"This is very important, I hope you will answer seriously."

Rodriguez is very serious, this is the only breakthrough, don't wait until they speak, ask questions now!
"Well, anyway, this is the next content, but if I don't finish the introduction within an hour because of this kind of question that keeps interrupting my introduction, please ask for an extension." Qin Tao looked at the rostrum .

"Okay." Naris nodded.The big shot is really straightforward, playing the role of the audience, listening all the time, not speaking much.

"Then I will introduce the carrier-based aircraft first." Qin Tao said: "At present, in the world, there are two main types of vertical take-off and landing fighters, one is the Sea Harrier and the other is the Jacques. Therefore, we will use this Two types of aircraft are used as carrying objects."


Rodriguez laughed, did you do your homework before selling?The Siamese Congress purchased the Yak fighter as a carrier aircraft?The weapons equipped by their potential enemies are from the Soviet system!

"Since the Sea Harrier was introduced by Mr. Evans just now, I will mainly introduce the Yak fighter now."

Regardless of whether the Siamese are satisfied or not, they must at least brag about it first.

So, Qin Tao put on a new slide.

"Why is this Jacques?" Rodriguez was stunned when he saw this aircraft: "Why does this aircraft look the same as the MiG-25?"

The MiG-25, once an invincible existence, once made the West tremble with fear. When it reached a speed close to Mach [-] at an altitude of [-] meters, it stunned the entire West.

However, after Belenko's defection, the West finally had close contact with this kind of aircraft for the first time, and the sacred aura slowly fell.

It is not made of titanium alloy, it is made of stainless steel, and there is no variable cycle engine. It relies on the turbojet engine to turn on the afterburner. It will burn out after a long time. As for the radar that can burn rabbits to death in the previous legend, it is just The power is high, and it can't burn the rabbit to death at all, because the principle of the microwave oven is fundamentally different.

However, this kind of aircraft is still very powerful, and even many design concepts have been used by designers from other countries. For example, the layout of twin engines and double vertical tails was first created by the MiG-25, and then used in many On the fighter plane.

In the early 90s, when it comes to the MiG-25, it is still amazing.

"This is the latest Yak-141, a vertical take-off and landing fighter." Qin Tao said: "This fighter is upgraded on the basis of the Yak-38. Its biggest feature is that it can fly at supersonic speed. Mach 1.4, the maximum range is more than 2000 kilometers, the maximum ceiling is more than 2.6, and the maximum external weight is [-] tons.”

When he said these parameters, everyone present was shocked, especially the Siamese.

These military people, of course, know what these parameters mean.

The Sea Harrier fighter jet can fly up to Mach 1.1 in theory, but that is only theoretical. In actual flight, it has never flown beyond the supersonic speed. It's not bad to wander around the distance of one or two hundred kilometers around the aircraft carrier.

As for the mounting capacity, even on the Falklands battlefield, the Sea Harrier is nothing more than hanging two rattlesnakes, flying up to fight the Weeping Country.

Now, these data are scary enough, what does 2.6 tons of plug-ins mean?That kind of heavy anti-ship missile can be hung up!

If there is such a fighter, then their aircraft carrier will no longer be tasteless! The displacement of more than 1 tons is due to cost considerations, but an aircraft carrier of this level can only operate helicopters and vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. Don't even think about ordinary carrier-based fighter jets.

"Hmph, what's the use of advanced performance? Can I buy it?" Rodriguez began to attack again, and he had no other way. This aircraft carrier, coupled with this kind of carrier-based aircraft, Rodriguez Is there still a chance to introduce their aircraft carrier plan?
After the initial anger and surprise, Rodriguez has begun to wake up now. He must point out the flaws of this weapon to dissuade the Siamese.

Can it be purchased?Siam is a traditional Western arms purchaser!
Hearing his words, Qin Tao smiled: "Everyone should know that we have purchased Su-27 fighter jets from Lao Maozi."

This is no secret, the old Maozi's Red Star newspaper has published an article on arms exports, and everyone in the world knows it.

"Before us, this kind of Su-27 fighter has never been exported, and we are the first user." Qin Tao said: "Since we can even purchase the advanced equipment of Lao Maozi's Homeland Defense Air Force, then we can purchase a It shouldn't be a problem to approve Yak-141, right?"

"You want to buy this kind of aircraft?"

Someone on the podium exclaimed.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, we are very optimistic about this aircraft. Everyone knows that our country has a long coastline and has sacred maritime rights and interests to protect. However, our current fighters cannot fly so far. distance. Therefore, we plan to purchase a batch of these fighters.”

"You don't have an aircraft carrier, what do you want this kind of fighter for?"

"Well, it's still a military secret, so there's no comment."

Several people on the stage whispered to each other.

"Your Majesty, we have recently received news from China that they also have the idea of ​​building a warship of the same type as our aircraft carrier. If they want to build it, they will definitely purchase this kind of fighter." This is the voice of Lacour .

"Yes, although the transfer from a third country is a bit more troublesome, if we have this kind of fighter jet, our navy will have first-class combat effectiveness. Even if it confronts some countries' land-based fighter jets, it will not lose the wind." It was the voice of Naris on the other side.

Qin Tao secretly laughed in his heart. He said that now, there is no problem. Later, the other party asked why he didn't build light aircraft carriers or buy vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. The reason is very simple.

We also want to buy it, but the Red Empire is gone!The Yakovlev Design Bureau is closed, how can we buy it?
At that time, Qin Tao can cry with snot and tears. Who would have expected such a thing? The Su-27 we bought almost won't come back.

At this time, Qin Tao looked at the people present and said: "We are now discussing the bidding of the aircraft carrier, not the carrier-based aircraft above. The aircraft carrier and the carrier-based aircraft are completely different things. Mr. Rodriguez, you build ships Does the factory produce carrier-based aircraft?"

Rodriguez really couldn't say anything.

"Sea Harrier fighter jets are produced in the UK. Even if our valued customers want to purchase carrier-based aircraft, they will purchase them directly from the UK. Even if you have assembled a batch in Spain, it has long been over. What, you plan to use Will you sell your second-hand Sea Harrier to the noble country of Siam?" Qin Tao finally started to fight back: "The lifespan of Sea Harrier fighters is not long, so buying second-hand ones is not cost-effective at all. After the aircraft carrier is built, even if it We should use helicopters to make up the numbers first, and we must not buy second-hand sea harriers!"

Rodriguez's face was extremely gloomy.

This was originally their plan, but now they didn't expect it to be revealed by the other party!
They have done analysis and evaluation, and the Siamese Navy can spend up to 6000 million yuan. Therefore, they plan to quote a price of [-] million yuan for their own aircraft carrier, and then sell their second-hand sea harriers for more than a dozen. Give it to the Siamese Navy, so that [-] million is collected, and it just so happens that there are aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft.

Therefore, they are sure that they will definitely win this contract.

However, who would have thought that Qin Tao would mess up their plan.

On the one hand, Qin Tao took out a tall supersonic vertical take-off and landing fighter jet to fool the Siamese people. Seeing those people muttering, he knew that they were tempted. Well, in this way, how can they launch their package sales plan?
After Qin Tao finished speaking, he looked at Evans who had been silent all this time.

"Mr. Evans, do you export your second-hand British sea harriers?"

Evans shook his head: "No, those planes are too old, and our production line is still running. Siam can order brand new Sea Harrier fighter jets if needed."

The Sea Harrier fighter is definitely an evergreen tree in the history of military aircraft production. It has been produced since the 70s and 21s after successful research and development. It has been produced until the 1962st century. From 2003 to 40, it has been produced for [-] years. Ye Qiye still has a long production time.

Even if the bid is not successful, at least there is hope to bring back a batch of orders for Sea Harrier fighter jets, and Evans will be able to satisfy them.

When Zheng Ming and Yang Dawei went to the British side yesterday, they brought such a message to each other.There is no benefit for everyone to become hostile, it can only benefit the Spaniards, it is better to cooperate.

Now it seems that Evans is still very sensible.

"Just now, we wasted time because of some people's interference. Now, let's continue to introduce the details." Qin Tao continued to speak.

An hour passed, and 10 minutes later, Qin Tao introduced his aircraft carrier design in detail, and then looked at Rodriguez with a smile.

"Friends from Spain, it's your turn now. Don't worry, if you explain boldly, I won't interrupt rudely."

Rodriguez had a gloomy face, and when he typed out his aircraft carrier slides, everyone suddenly understood.

Why do Spaniards look like this?Because they suffered a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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