Great warships

Chapter 195 Sea Rattlesnake Target Test Performance

Chapter 195 Sea Rattlesnake Target Test Performance
"Mr. Qin, you Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group released a David satellite!"

In the capital, the Yellow Tower, and the conference room, countless people looked at Qin Tao with admiration.

Yes, it is worship.

Qin Tao actually got the order for the aircraft carrier, even if it is a light aircraft carrier of [-] tons, even if it is a civilian standard, it is quite against the sky!

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, there is nothing we can't do, but this also requires the cooperation of the navy. The guests from Siam will come tomorrow. If our navy slows us down, then , we just never get in touch with each other."

Hearing what Qin Tao said, the expressions on the faces of the people present were wonderful. Wu Shengli said, "Mr. Qin, there are so many shipyards in our country, which one is not begging our navy to talk to us in this tone, You are definitely the first."

"We have the strength to have the confidence." Qin Tao said boldly. He really is not afraid of these people in front of him. In his previous life, he and these naval bosses also had the same attitude. After transmigrating, he is even less afraid. .

"Tomorrow's itinerary, what is the best way to arrange it? Mr. Qin, can you plan for us?" A leader said with a smile. Everyone didn't think that Qin Tao was so presumptuous, because Qin Tao was a person who could create miracles. , the navy has to support it.

"Tomorrow, arrange for them to board our No. 109 destroyer and go to sea to observe the shooting experiment." Qin Tao said.

Sure enough, Qin Tao was creative and came up with such a suggestion!
In the 80s, China and the West had a honeymoon period. After a lot of investigations, the Navy introduced the French Sea Sidewinder surface-to-air missile in 1987 in order to make up for the shortcomings of anti-aircraft firepower. When it was introduced, it was ready for localization. According to the plan, the Haihongqi-7 ship-to-air missile project was started.

At the same time, since this missile has been introduced, it must first be installed on a warship for testing. Ship No. 109 Kaifeng undertook this mission. In September 8*9, Ship 9 docked at the outfitting dock of a shipyard and began After modernization, the two 109mm anti-aircraft guns at the rear were removed, and an eight-unit Sea Sidewinder anti-aircraft missile launcher from the legal CSF company was installed in this position, with 2 bombs and combat data for the missiles. system, search radar, communication system, fire control radar, etc.

It was not until December 90 that the modification was completed, and it is currently undergoing sea trials.

This warship has become the first domestic warship equipped with sea rattlesnakes. As for others, such as the 052 class, it is still in the construction stage of the shipyard, and other frigates are also being refitted.

So far, the only destroyer that can be pulled out is No. 109. Because it is very different from other warships, this warship is also called 051TD. T stands for special modification, and D stands for official design, both of which are pinyin letters.

The reason why the 109 ship was chosen is because this warship has begun to undertake some weapon system test tasks and has become a weapon test ship at sea. When the new anti-ship missile is developed, it is refitted to the 109 ship for testing.

What Qin Tao wants to do is also very clear.

"What we have negotiated is just a shell. The Siamese country has not yet made up its mind about the weapon system on it. We must let the Siamese country know that purchasing our weapon system is quite good, and let them form a habit."

"Form a habit?"

Many people do not understand this sentence.

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, let them know that it's completely fine to purchase our warships and purchase our weapon systems incidentally. Once this habit is formed, they will not think much about Western weapon systems in the future. "

Siam is a traditional arms exporter of the motherland, and the navy is also equipped with many warships made in the motherland, even amphibious ships. Therefore, in the bidding for the new generation of frigates, relevant domestic agencies are confident that they will definitely be able to win the order get it.

However, the result was a big surprise. The manufacturers of the motherland were eliminated first, and finally Siam chose the frigate of the kimchi country.

This confuses many people. Finally, to sum up the experience, Siam's weapon systems are mainly Western ones, especially the MK41 launch system. Therefore, its own frigates were eliminated because of this factor.

If you are used to Western products, customers will be very cautious when choosing Eastern products, because the weapons are not universal, and logistics is a headache.

From now on, fool them, no, cultivate the habit of using the weapon system produced by the motherland!

"Let them experience the advanced sea rattlesnake system on destroyer No. 109, and then let them observe the scene where our 022 missile boat destroys sea targets with rapid-fire guns. In this way, the aircraft carrier they purchase will choose our weaponry."

022 missile boat?
Hearing what Qin Tao said, someone present frowned again: "I'm afraid this is not suitable? The 022 missile boat has been in service for so long, and has never shot a target."

The Navy is poor, and they are reluctant to spend money, and now they suddenly play, what if the performance fails?
A smile appeared on Qin Tao's face: "Our target missile seems to have a self-destruct program, right? Isn't it enough to set the timing?"

The expressions of the audience are very wonderful.

"I don't believe it. During our military exercises, in order to make the superiors enjoy watching, we have never done this before. It has a lot to do with it. Let them show their real skills!"

"Boss Qin, you..."

"What? Is my suggestion not good? Then what was your original plan?" Qin Tao said with a smile: "Invite them to come, stay, eat, talk? What visual impact can it have? There is no creativity at all. "

"I think President Qin's plan is good." Wu Shengli said.

Others also nodded one after another. Qin Tao was right. Their previous plans were too uncreative. Visual impact?Nothing like shooting a target.

"That's right, anyway, our ship 109 should take a target shot."

Ship 109 has been refitted until now, and has not hit a target yet!After training for so long, it's time to play for real.

Everyone agreed, and the matter was settled like this. The next day, a special plane landed slowly at the Capital International Airport.

Qin Tao stood at the back of the crowd. After all, there are too many big shots here. For those of his level, just stay behind honestly. As a result, when the big shot who presided over the meeting got off the plane first, Qin Tao Also startled.

Why is this big guy here?

However, if you think about it, this kind of project must belong to the national level, and there must be more than just naval officers!
Wu Shengli was in the front, and he went up to greet him with the people from the foreign affairs department. When they heard that they were going to watch shooting at sea, these people were obviously very excited, and they immediately nodded in agreement. So, after a short rest in the airport, they sat down again Boarded the Dolphin helicopter and flew directly to the naval base.

The big shots took one plane, and Lacourt couldn't squeeze in, so they took another plane, and Qin Tao was also on this plane.

Lacour was very happy to see Qin Tao, and immediately chatted with Qin Tao.

"After three years, our Navy will be able to have an aircraft carrier, which is very exciting."

There are translators in the same company, who faithfully perform their duties and act as microphones for the conversation between the two.Although the two can communicate in simple English, on this occasion, it is still necessary to go through a translator, which is more formal.

"Yes, we are also very happy. The navy has promised to build it for you first, and the aircraft carrier built for them can be dragged back."

"Chinese people are really interesting in treating their friends." Lacourt said: "We are very grateful to China."

Like the monkey country, Siam cannot be a white-eyed wolf.

At that time, the United States withdrew from the Monkey Country in desperation, and the Monkey Country arrogantly declared itself the third military power in the world and wanted to build a huge federal country.

Of course, Siam would not watch such a thing happen. The West didn't care, but China was kind enough to reach out and give them a hand.Therefore, the relationship between Siam and China has improved in this way.

Now, this kind of arms sales is a matter of course. As long as the performance meets the needs of the Siamese people, and the price is cheap, Siam has no reason to choose foreign products.

Naval base, port.

Destroyer No. 109 stood majestically on the pier, with colorful flags hung from bow to stern, and welcomed the representatives of Siam with the highest standard ceremony.

Captain Sun Yu was full of excitement. He stood on the bridge and looked at the sailors in brand-new navy uniforms, standing from the bow to the stern of the ship. His heart was filled with excitement.

What kind of guests are greeted is secondary, the key is that they will launch Sea Sidewinder missiles to intercept the YJ-8 target missiles flying from low altitudes!For them, this is the first time!
When the order was issued, the sailors who had been training for several months were gearing up. They had been preparing for this day for a long time!
On the open space of the pier, two helicopters landed slowly.

"My friend, this is our Type 051DT destroyer." Wu Shengli introduced: "Although in appearance, it is no different from our previous Type 051 destroyer, but its weapon system has been replaced. See, in the middle of the warship, there are 16 latest anti-ship missile launchers."

That's right, 16 pieces.

After all, the previous triple-mounted anti-ship missile launcher was too big and occupied a huge space. After the two launchers in front and behind the chimney were removed, there was a huge gap in the middle, and the anti-ship missiles in the shape of a letter were arranged horizontally. The missile launcher is very spacious, even if two sets are arranged, there is still room left.

In this way, a 051-class can carry sixteen Haiying-[-] missiles, and its anti-ship capability is just right.

"Behind it, we have arranged a group of Sea Sidewinder anti-aircraft missile launchers. After we board the ship and go to sea, we will conduct a target shooting experiment to let everyone see the performance of our anti-aircraft missiles."

The big man nodded frequently: "Okay, great, we didn't expect that you would organize this kind of event for us! We are very excited and looking forward to it."

"Hello, Chief!" At this moment, seeing everyone coming, an officer at the bow shouted.

"Hello Chief!" All the people shouted together.


In unison, everyone raised their right arms. This scene was extremely spectacular. When it comes to military prowess, no country can compare to China!

Wu Shengli and others returned the salute, and then said: "Everyone has worked hard, now, everyone is in position, ready to set sail!"

The sailors ran away one after another according to the established route, and returned to their posts. The ship's side was full just now, but now they all disappeared.

The big man boarded the boat with great interest, and then, accompanied by Wu Shengli and others, walked to the back first, watching the Sea Sidewinder missile launcher.

The eight-unit launcher stands on the second deck behind the tail gun, looking up at the sky, looking majestic.

"This is the Sea Rattlesnake system we imported from France. We are currently in the process of localization. In the future, we will replace it with our domestic model, and the cost will be greatly reduced." Wu Shengli said: "This system has been installed in the The four F 2000-ton destroyers in Saudi Arabia, and the French Navy is also equipped with a large number of them. It is an excellent modern air defense weapon."

Qin Tao looked at the launch system poked on the second deck, and he was filled with emotion. In the 90s, and even after entering the new century, the navy relied on this as the main force of air defense.

The Sea Sidewinder missile system, available in two variants, the original Type 8S, and the Type 8S with a coaxial configuration of the missile launcher and the multi-sensor fire control system.In terms of appearance, there are four launch tubes on each side, and a radar antenna like a pot lid in the middle.

However, this early model was quickly phased out. The replacement 8MS type, the launcher is separated from the fire control system. This launcher has become a compact eight-unit system that can rotate and pitch, and the fire control system is arranged in the device. the rear.

Compared with the two, the latter is easy to use and easy to upgrade, so it is widely used.

However, the weapon system in front of us has limited space for modification, so there is no special automatic loading system behind the missile launcher. In combat, there is no continuous combat capability at all.

Of course, for a test ship, it is enough.

"The biggest feature of this missile system is its excellent ability to intercept sea-skimming anti-ship missiles." Wu Shengli has personally experienced this project and is very familiar with this missile.

In the 80s, the war in the Atlantic made the Exocet missile completely famous.

Its trump card is the sea-skimming attack. It flies at low altitude the whole time. In this way, the sea-search radar of the target warship cannot be found at a long distance. Due to the influence of the curvature of the earth, when it is found, there are only a dozen If the waves on the sea were bigger, the target would not be exposed until a distance of five or six kilometers.

At that point, it was almost impossible to intercept.

Although the British Navy's sea javelin system is well-known, it is simply incapable of dealing with this kind of missile. In naval battles, the results are minimal. Therefore, this is why the domestic navy did not finally introduce the sea javelin.

The times have changed, and future anti-ship missile attacks will be carried out by means of ultra-low altitude!
The Haiying No. [-] missile currently equipped on this warship is an ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming anti-ship missile similar to the Exoceting Fish. At the same time, this warship also has special weapons to deal with this kind of missile.

Wu Shengli introduced to everyone: "We know that in order to accurately track anti-ship missiles, the most important problem is to overcome the influence of sea clutter, so this missile has radar, infrared, television and other means."

Looking at the pot-like antenna, you can tell that the performance of this radar is not good. When it is tracking missiles flying across the sea, the radar will encounter a lot of problems.

Mirrored targets, background noise, beam distortion... especially if the enemy releases electromagnetic interference, it will cause them trouble.

At this time, the infrared angle deviation tracking device will play a role. The principle of this device is similar to that of anti-tank missiles, which can help missiles overcome various disadvantages of radar guidance and accurately track targets.

If the radar fails to work, it can quickly switch to TV tracking and guidance.In short, multiple means are used together to effectively ensure the hit rate of the missile.

"When intercepting the sea, two missiles are generally used to intercept one target, and the theoretical interception rate reaches 90.00%. Of course, we will have to wait for a while before we go to sea and test to know. Now, let us Get on the bridge!"

What was introduced at the beginning was a complete set of combat systems, not only Sea Sidewinder air defense missiles, but also supporting electronic equipment, such as Sea Tiger search radar and Beaver-II fire control radar. Overcome the C3I operational command system for overall planning and coordination.

On the bridge, the command and combat system modified from the No. 105 ship has been installed, and it works jointly with this Tavitak C3I combat command system. The use of these systems makes the bridge of the No. 109 ship look modern.

Even if a lot of space was freed up, when everyone walked in, the inside of the bridge suddenly became crowded.

"Let's go to the top." Qin Tao pointed to the top of his head, just above the nautical bridge, and there is also a special compass bridge. This bridge with a shed is the characteristic of the 051 destroyer, even if it is this ship. Destroyer No. 109 already has a modern command system, but the compass bridge has not been dismantled.

(Look at the photo, after the post-modification, there seem to be two big balls squatting here, I don’t know when it was modified, in order to leave a place for the protagonist and others to stand, and also because I don’t know when these were modified, Therefore, it is assumed that it is still the previous bridge style)

Therefore, some people who felt that they were not too important could only go up to the compass bridge together. Although Lacourt was qualified enough to stay below, when he saw Qin Tao going up, he followed.

It's still bright!

Lacour leaned on the railing and stood with Qin Tao. At this time, the 109 warship had already sounded its whistle.

Woo, woo!
Puffs of black smoke rose from the chimney behind the bridge. The propeller at the tail turned, and the warship slowly left the pier. The bow split the waves and moved forward.

"This position is really good." Lacourt said to Qin Tao.

"Yes, as long as our eyesight is good enough, we can see wonderful pictures of missile interception at sea. By the way, do you need binoculars?"

The roof of this shed is transparent, and the surroundings are directly open. The field of view is so wide, and it is the most suitable for watching the missile interception.

"I think a telescope is probably needed, but the field of view of the telescope is small."

The greater the magnification, the smaller the field of view. Pick up the binoculars. What if the field of view is limited and the missile cannot be found?
"You can catch and track the tail flames of our missiles," Qin Tao said.

"Well, that's a good idea."

While the two were talking, the warship continued to move forward, the port was no longer visible, and there was an endless sea all around.

"Ship 109 called the target launcher, and ship 109 called the target launcher." Captain Sun Yu picked up the radio and started the call according to the original procedure: "I have reached the scheduled target test sea area, please contact me. Fire a target, please shoot me a target"

"The target launcher received it. I am currently on your starboard side. Please note that the target missile will arrive from the starboard side."

This kind of weapon system test is risky. Even if the target bomb does not have a warhead, it is a big guy with a few hundred kilograms. When it flies over at a speed of Mach 0.9, if it is not stopped, it will hit it. Yes, it is enough for the warship responsible for the test mission to drink a pot.

"Ship No. 109 received, I have made all the preparations!"

"The 5-minute countdown begins!"

On the warship, a tense atmosphere entered.

At the rear of the bridge, the two quadruple anti-ship missile launchers launched to the port side across the first row are the secondary mast of the 109 destroyer. The shelf supported by the triangular pyramid has the characteristics of the old Maozi era. The original search radar has been replaced with a brand new TSR 3004 "Sea Tiger" air/sea search radar. At this time, it began to rotate and search the surrounding sea area.

Dense radar waves shot towards the surrounding sea area. According to its height, it should be able to detect naval ships seventy or eighty kilometers away, but now, there is no target launcher on the radar screen.

"Your YJ-8 target missile, can it fly a hundred kilometers?" Naris, who stayed on the bridge, asked.

"Of course not. Anti-ship missiles with a range of more than 35 kilometers are under research. At present, our missiles can only fly for about [-] kilometers. The target missile test ship is about [-] kilometers away."

"So, why can't your sea search radar detect it? Could it be that the performance of the radar is not good enough?"

"No, this is the most advanced S-band sea search radar successfully developed by the French Thomson company a few years ago, with an operating range of hundreds of kilometers."

"Then, why isn't your target launcher displayed on the radar screen, is it..."

"Yes, it is a 022 missile boat that can hide in the waves."

Suddenly, all the guests were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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