Great warships

Chapter 197

Chapter 197
The AK630 close-in anti-aircraft gun still has a certain power. With a rate of fire of several thousand rounds per minute and a reserve of two thousand ammunition, under the guidance of the fire control radar, it set up an anti-ship missile to fly over. The metal storm composed of shells is still no problem.

Although its accuracy is not high enough, and the area where the shells scatter is relatively large, with the compensation of the quantity, if it intercepts a subsonic anti-ship missile, and has not yet performed a terminal snake maneuver, there is still a great deal of confidence in intercepting it at once. successful.

According to Qin Tao's vision, he wanted to show the domestically-made PJ630 naval gun, which was improved from the AK13 close-in defense gun, and use it as a defense weapon for Siam to build an aircraft carrier, but he did not expect that the catamaran missile boat is too good. Siam actually submitted an application for purchase.

Can it be exported?
It doesn’t matter what Qin Tao said. After all, this kind of weapon is one of the few killer weapons of the navy. It can’t be sold for money. The navy will continue to order, and Mingzhou Shipyard can continue to produce it, and there is no need to export it.

After Wu Shengli heard the big man's words, he thought for a while, and then said: "This kind of missile boat is currently only suitable for mobile operations in offshore waters. It is used by us for guerrilla warfare at sea. Its displacement is only more than 200 tons. It has no air-conditioning equipment. Can it adapt to the combat environment in tropical waters? If you have a need, you can ask Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group to conduct some adaptive research. After the research, you can make a choice, isn't it better?"

What Wu Shengli said is very reasonable. Is the 022 missile boat really designed for tropical environments? After all, this kind of offshore defense missile boat does not need to go to the South China Sea to fight. There is no special air conditioning system on the missile boat. , Inside this iron/aluminum alloy shell, it is estimated that there will be a high temperature of sixty to seventy degrees, which simply cannot keep the sailors energetic to fight.

So, this needs some research.

Delay for a period of time, and then after careful study, decide whether it can be exported.Anyway, Mingzhou Shipyard has a contract for the construction of an aircraft carrier, and it is already full of oil, so it doesn't care about it.

Summer is coming to an end and the capital has a pleasant climate.

After returning from the sea, the guests of Siam carefully studied the various parameters and quotations of the Sea Rattlesnake and the PJ13 close-in anti-aircraft gun. After a day of careful consideration, the big shots finally made a decision.

The quality is reliable, the firepower is ferocious, the success rate of interception is high, and the price is cheap. What can I say? Just install these weapon systems on their aircraft carriers!
In this way, except for some electronic equipment on the ship island that needs to be imported from the West, the weapon system is also handed over to the Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group for direct assembly.

"We are very interested in the Yak-141 carrier-based aircraft. I wonder if there is a chance to visit it?" Just after the entire contract was signed, the big man put down his pen and suddenly asked such a question.

Visit Yak-141?

Qin Tao's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Sure enough, the other party was serious!

All the Chinese representatives present were very embarrassed. Everyone knew that the so-called Jacques-141 was Qin Tao's trick to fool people. But now, I didn't expect that people actually took it seriously, and now they are asking to visit!
At this time, don't show your timidity. Although the contract has been signed, the other party has not yet paid the down payment. To the reputation of the motherland's arms sales!
Qin Tao's mind was thinking rapidly, if it was an official channel, it would definitely not work. After all, if an officer from the Siamese country appeared at Lao Maozi's place, it would definitely cause a sensation in the world.

However, it is very simple if you put it another way.

So, Qin Tao showed a smile on his face: "Of course it's no problem, but now we can only use unofficial methods. You can send one or two officers to pretend to be our people. You can go to Yakovlev to design As for the official purchase, it will have to wait a few years. By then, our navy's aircraft carrier has also been built, and we need to purchase a batch, so that there will be room for operation. I hope you can understand. "

After all, this has something to do with international politics. Hearing what the other brains said, the big man hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Then, let's leave Lacour and his adjutants behind, and Mr. Lao Qin will take them to the Red Army. Check out the empire."

Lacour nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Qin Tao let out a long breath, and it would be better to keep Rakul. Now Rakul and Qin Tao are already good friends.

Wu Shengli stood aside, breaking into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Qin Tao solved the problem. When Qin Tao proposed an unofficial method and pretended to be his own personnel, Wu Shengli had already guessed Qin Tao's plan, and this was the only way.

However, if you want to visit, such a good opportunity should not be wasted!Should we also send a few aviation experts to follow Qin Tao to see and see?

Well, it must be, this opportunity should not be missed!
The big man has a lot of things to do every day. He came here to visit the sea performance, signed the contract, and conducted some state affairs exchanges. On the third day, he returned to Siam, leaving only Rakul and his adjutant.

The navy's actions were also very quick. In a short period of time, they gathered a boat full of good things for Qin Tao, such as canned food, ham, flour, fine wine...everything was in accordance with the old rules, and the navy could also get some benefits from it.

Standing at the bow of the boat, facing the sea breeze, Qin Tao felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Is he a shipbuilder, or a second-hand dealer?As the boss of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, he spent much more time running around as a second-hand businessman than in the shipyard!
"Qin, why did we bring so many things there?" Rakul asked Qin Tao.

The adjutant he brought with him is a linguist who can speak several languages, and now he can be used as an interpreter. Rakul sometimes speaks simple English to communicate with Qin Tao, and sometimes speaks Siamese directly, and then asks the adjutant Give the translator.

"Because we want to make friends with Lao Maozi." Qin Tao said: "Lacourt, my friend, after you get there, you'd better keep silent and don't talk, so as not to reveal your identity."

Everyone is of the yellow race, so if they don't open their mouths to speak, the old man will not notice the abnormality.

Lacour nodded: "I know, my identity is Zhao's distant relative."

Rakul and his adjutant were assigned identities. Rakul is a distant relative of Zhao Ling, and the blood relationship is far away. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that they don't look like each other at all.

Lacour looked around, and then saw an old man and a young man standing on the other side of the deck, and said, "What are their identities?"

"They are aviation experts in our country. They will go to Lao Maozi's Pacific Fleet to inspect the aviation equipment. When the time comes, they will make a request to watch the Yak-141." Qin Tao said.

He looked at the two people over there. At this time, the two were also looking at Qin Tao's gaze and smiled.

"Mr. Gu, it's windy at sea, don't catch a cold, you'd better go back." Qin Tao said to the older man.

Both of them are from the 601 Institute in China. The older one, surnamed Gu, is honored as Gu Lao, and the younger one, a middle-aged man in his 30s, is called Sun Cong.

(Everyone should know about these two people. In fact, the hero of East China also likes 611. In the big country aviation, you can feel that the hero of East China hates the North Institute. But now we are looking at carrier-based aircraft. As we all know, the carrier-based aircraft was developed by 601, and the vertical take-off and landing fighter jets developed by our country in the 60s were also developed by 601, so after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to invite these two to play, our J-611 and J-[-] [-], there is no way to board the ship, so the [-] will not be involved for the time being.)
Gu Lao had a smile on his face: "It's okay, my old bones are still strong. This time, I can go to Lao Maozi's private inspection with President Qin. It's a rare opportunity. It's been decades!"

Although the Su-27SK fighter jets will be assembled in the 112 factory in the future, and then the 601 Institute will study the above technology, and finally come up with the J-11, but that is all in the future. Now, the first batch of Su-27SK contracts, It also belongs to the method of direct purchase of the whole machine, which does not involve assembly, so the people in the aircraft design institute have not had the opportunity to get in touch with Lao Maozi's aviation technology for the time being.

Gu Lao was very excited when he thought that he was going to visit the famous Yakovlev Design Bureau this time.

Sun hurriedly said, "The Yakovlev Design Bureau was brilliant in the age of propeller planes, but in the age of jets, why was it taken away by Mikoyan and Sukhoi?"

Sun Cong, who is in his 30s, has been working in the 601 Institute for nearly ten years. He graduated from the Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He first engaged in avionics and then the whole machine, and now he has gradually begun to show his talents.

He is naturally very interested in things in these industries.

Hearing what he said, Qin Tao said with emotion: "There are personal abilities and personal relationships between Mikoyan and Sukhoi. However, in terms of military aircraft research and development capabilities, the Yakovlev Design Bureau also has many capable people. Yes. Let's go this time, build a good relationship, and in the future..."

Sure enough, it was inconvenient to take Lacour with him. It would be easier to talk if they were all on their own. However, for the sake of a large order of more than 3 million US dollars, Qin Tao still had to be more enthusiastic.

"We've already contacted them. When we reach their waters, a frigate will come to pick us up." At this moment, Zhao Ling came out and said to Qin Tao.

There were six people in their group, excluding the crew, who were really going to inspect Lao Maozi's place. Zhao Ling was also transferred here. This has almost become a routine.

"The frigate is coming to meet you?" Hearing Zhao Ling's words, Rakour was surprised. The personal relationship between President Qin and Lao Maozi is too good, right?

Qin Tao smiled: "We are all old friends. In the future, our business will be in the waters of Siam. If there is a need, I will probably ask your navy to help."

Lacour immediately patted his chest: "No problem!"

Time was on board, and it passed quickly, and soon, it entered Lao Maozi's sea area. Sure enough, a frigate of Lao Maozi moved over with black smoke, and even a helicopter flew over. The plane came down.

"Hey, my old friends, it's a pleasure to meet you." Qin Tao warmly extended his arms to Zaitsev, which has almost become a normal meeting etiquette.

This kind of hug is nothing. When Brezhnev was alive, he felt that hugging was not enough to show enthusiasm, so he went a step further. Two men hugged and gnawed together. The scene was so spectacular that it was even made into a poster. Well, when the Iron Lady went to visit the Red Empire, she guarded against Brezhnev's move and didn't let him succeed.

"Come on, Zaitsev, let me introduce you. These two are experts from the 601 Institute in our country. They came out to meet the world. The two here are relatives of Zhao."

Zaitsev shook hands with everyone enthusiastically: "Welcome to the Soviet Union. Since you were brought by Qin, you are our friends. I hope you can have a good time in Vladivostok."

That afternoon, the ship docked, and everything was familiar. Qin Tao took Zhao Ling to Nikolai's office, and the other four people, led by Zaitsev, wandered around the port.

"Qin, the things that were agreed last time can be shipped away, but the modern grade will have to wait for a while." After seeing Qin Tao, Nicholas said.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, I'm not in a hurry. I'll drag it away when you finish the process."

After the two of them discussed the deal, the phone rang after the sale of the goods was settled.

Nikolai picked up the phone, and Zaitsev's voice came from inside: "Hey, Comrade Nikolai, these guests have seen our Yak-38 fighter jets, and they heard that we have a more advanced vertical launcher." Drop the fighter jets, I want to go and have a look."

"Really?" Nicholas thought for a while, and then said: "They just crashed a prototype recently, and the navy is very sad. If this project is successful, it can be used on our existing heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruisers. Since our distinguished guests want to go, I will take them there and have a look, and see if there is any hope for this project."

Hearing what Nicholas said, Qin Tao suddenly realized, yes, why did he forget?The famous Yak-141 crashed a prototype in 91!
All good planes are dropped. All three generations of planes currently in service in the world have crash records during flight tests. The only one that has broken this curse is the domestic J-[-].

The Su-27 also fell during the test flight. However, it is a key project of the Homeland Defense Air Force. into the abyss.

"Nikolai, my friend, Yakovlev Design Bureau crashed the plane?" Qin Tao asked Nikolai, "Their plane was smashed into pieces, do you want to sell it or not?"

Nicholas was overjoyed, yes, he almost forgot that Qin Tao often likes to collect trash when he comes here!

"I don't know, we can go and have a look." Nicholas said.

At the beginning, it was only out of the relationship between friends, I took the guests to have a look, but now, with the benefits, it is different.

Even if the Yak-141 is a cross-generation aircraft, but no one is optimistic about this project, the Navy has also begun to build an aircraft carrier like the Kuznetsov with a ski jump. In the future, the carrier will be based on the Su-27K Mainly, so, Yak-141 is even very likely to be terminated directly.

Since they are all unnecessary things, it is normal to take them out and sell them.

When thinking of this, Qin Tao suddenly had an idea, this is a good opportunity, now the past, isn't it just sending charcoal in the snow?Anyway, the aircraft that Yakovlev Design Bureau has painstakingly developed for more than ten years has been abandoned by the old Maozi government, so they have to be given a way to survive. If Yakovlev Design Bureau gets a sum of money, they can continue their work Researched.

It's better to come early than coincidentally. I originally thought that the Jacques-141 dropped the prototype, which was bad news for me, but now I changed my mind and it became a good thing.

"Nicolas, my friend, I need your help." Qin Tao smiled and talked about his plan with Nicola.

Anyway, it was just an old man who didn't want the plane, and Nicholas didn't have any psychological burden, so he readily agreed.

Yakovlev Design Bureau.

The chief designer Alexander Yakovlev looked at the pile of broken wreckage in front of him with complicated eyes.

(I really didn't find out who the current designer of the Yakovlev Design Bureau is. I just found out the designer of the Yak-38, and there is still only one name. It is estimated that he is the son of the old Yakovlev, and he is related to the Mikoyan Design Bureau. Similar, I don’t know if it’s right, if anyone knows, please let me know. A tragic figure, who has been working on a vertical take-off and landing aircraft for most of his life. No way, this name is as common as our Xiao Ming.)
Alexander felt that this life was extremely hard. When he took over the Yakovlev Design Bureau, World War II had passed, and the glory of the past was gone. They designed several jets for the army, but they were all excluded. They have reached the edge, so they can only survive in the cracks, and they have developed trainers and regional airliners.

When the navy needed vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, they were moved and took over the task. After all, the navy's carrier-based aircraft were not in large numbers, and neither Mivoltage nor Sukhoi looked down on them. In this way, this task fell to theirs. In their hands, after more than ten years of hard work, they finally developed the prototype Yak-36 to the mature Yak-36M, which is the Yak-38, and deployed it to several heavy-duty aircraft cruisers. The quantity is almost single digits.

Due to performance defects, their Yak-38 was dubbed the Peace Dove and the Mast Defender by the Navy. However, they were not discouraged. Not surprisingly, their Yakovlev Design Bureau won the bid again.

If you want the Yakovlev Design Bureau to rise again, you can only pin your hopes on this brand new vertical take-off and landing fighter!This aircraft, code-named Yak-41, was slowly produced under Alexander's hands.

From 75 to the present, Alexander has been focusing on the design of this vertical take-off and landing fighter. Unfortunately, due to the shortage of funds, it was not until 87 that they obtained enough funds to build two prototypes.At the same time, the model of the aircraft has also changed to Yak-141.
That's right, there are only two of them. One of them will be dragged to the static test stand for static tests. The one in front of me is the only one that is actually tested for flight. After more than 200 hours of test flight, it fell down. up.

"When we were developing the Yak-38, we never crashed the plane. The cause of the crash this time must be thoroughly investigated. We are currently studying the flight control code. The fault is likely to be caused by the flight control." Alexander's side , Assistant Andre said.

The most dangerous part of this vertical take-off and landing fighter is the take-off and landing stage. Therefore, the crash also occurred at this time. Due to the low flying altitude, the aircraft did not break into parts, and the entire aircraft still maintained its original shape. The shape is just slightly flattened.

Therefore, they can completely study what went wrong based on the wreckage of the plane.

Since the plane fell, they immediately set up a tent above the plane to save the plane from being exposed to the sun and rain, and the faulty parts were covered.

At the same time, they will also check in the order of software first, then hardware. For flight safety, this aircraft uses the most advanced three-degree full-authority digital fly-by-wire control system. In the Soviet Union, this is the first model. Even the famous Su-27 uses analog telex operation.

Because there is no experience, it is very likely that there will be a defect in the control system that will cause the plane to crash. There is no way to do this, and it can only be continuously summarized through experiments.

"Yes, it is likely to be caused by flight control defects, but we have no funds, and it is too difficult to build more prototypes," Alexander said.

"This plane, can we still fix it?" Andre asked.

fixed?The plane has been flattened, and the main girder and frame are crooked. How can it be repaired?The difficulty of repairing is about the same as rebuilding.

"If Moscow can allocate funds to us, even if it only allocates 500 million rubles!" Alexander clenched his fists. Do you want to go to Moscow again and ask those old men for help?
(How do you feel that the treatment is similar to that of Yunshi back then? Parents can't love their mothers, they are completely marginalized, and they will die on their own.)
"Comrade Alexander, Comrade Alexander, I have a call for you, and it is from the Pacific Fleet."

Just then, someone ran over.

Pacific Fleet?Did you come to ask why the plane failed?Alexander was hopeful.

When he finished the phone call, his face was extremely serious.

(End of this chapter)

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