Great warships

Chapter 204 Reporter?crow?

Chapter 204 Reporter?crow?

The identity of this reporter is really useful!

Qin Tao felt extremely emotional in his heart. If he was the boss of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, he would be a competitor. The battery plan must have fooled the other party, so the other party had this idea: invite Qin Tao to investigate.

It is also good to come here for honeymoon travel, and by the way, to inspect the shipbuilding industry in Europe.

As for being exposed?Qin Tao is still very sure about the power of the father behind Vitalia. Even if that poor guy went to report to the British, no one would take care of him.

and many more!

Qin Tao thought of something again.

"Vitalia, is your follower still behind?" Qin Tao asked Vitalia.


"Then I have something to ask him."

"Ok, no problem."

Qin Tao continued to wander around the exhibition area, feasting his eyes on these weapons and equipment.

French stand.

A huge warship model caught Qin Tao's attention.

"Vitalia, take some photos." Qin Tao pointed to the model.


That model looks somewhat modern. Behind the bow of the 100mm naval gun is a vertical launch system. Behind the bridge, there is a large ball on a tall mast. This warship model, although it says NFR- 90's name, however, already carries the outline of a Horizon-class destroyer.

"This project seems to be gone, right?" Zhao Ling whispered to Qin Tao.

"Yes, although the project is gone, countries still need destroyers, so they have to continue building."

Seeing this model, Qin Tao was also a little emotional.

In 1987, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Canada launched a joint development program for a new generation of NATO general-purpose medium-sized air defense ships, code-named NFR-90. It sounds like everyone is working together to do big things. For warships that require more than 50 ships, R&D costs can also be shared.

However, from the beginning of this kind of plan, the participating countries have their own ghosts.

The Americans have their own Aegis system, and there is no demand for such air defense ships. They just want to use their mature air defense systems to dominate European warships, so that Europeans have no need or ability to develop ship air defense systems. up.

Both France and Italy are carrying out the Family of Air Missiles System (FAMS) program, and of course hope to make the FAMS air defense missile a common European system.

As for Germany, their submarines are excellent, and they have high requirements for anti-submarine. They require ships to have a large space and displacement margin to install towed array sonar.

In this way, a large number of countries have their own needs and ideas, and the overall design cannot be unified, but there is a consistent procrastination in Europe. Therefore, in September 1988, the United Kingdom could not hold on anymore and took the lead in announcing its withdrawal from NFR-9 .

After the abortion of NFR-90, countries have to build new warships. Therefore, the United Kingdom and France cooperated to launch the Anglo-French Future Frigate (AAAF), and if it is not surprising, this plan was finalized at this defense exhibition of.When Italy joins in next year, the AAAF will be renamed the "Common Next Generation Frigate (CNGF), and the program name will be the Horizon frigate.

This kind of warship has finally been repaired.Although the British withdrew from the plan again and made the Type 45 themselves, France and Italy went to the end.

Europeans are like this. Their military expenditure is limited and their labor costs are too high. Therefore, they want to jointly develop joint research and development, save funds, and share costs. So there are not many who can go to success in the end.

"Besides, since it is too expensive to develop a brand new warship, there is a high probability that they will have to join forces. This time the scale is smaller, and two or three countries can develop it together."

When negotiating with other people, Qin Tao and the others used English, and when communicating with each other, they babbled in Russian.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with Qin Tao. Now he is just pointing the country, showing off in front of his lover.

"However, the needs of each country are different. For example, the French and Italian navies only need to patrol the calm Mediterranean Sea. For them, a warship of [-] tons is enough. However, the British navy needs to patrol in the stormy sea. They sail on the high Atlantic Ocean, so they need a warship with a displacement of at least five or six thousand tons." Qin Tao said: "However, the development trend of warships is getting bigger and bigger. This contradiction is easier to coordinate. Everyone Just build a big ship. This is not a big problem, but the choice of equipment is the most important thing."

(It’s not that the hero of East China is unprofessional, but it’s too troublesome. For example, there is no such thing as a destroyer in the French Navy. Their warships are all called frigates. If the hero of East China refers to a French destroyer, it seems a bit military blind. Just call the warship.)
"As far as the power system is concerned, the British have already fully chosen gas turbines as power. In this regard, they are very advanced." Qin Tao continued to chat with Zhao Ling: "However, other countries are different, they prefer to choose The combination of gas turbine and diesel engine is more secure and reliable.”

Zhao Ling nodded.

"Of course, the most important thing is the weapon system. This contradiction is almost impossible to reconcile." Qin Tao went on to talk on paper: "The most important thing for this kind of air defense ship is the air defense combat system. The air defense system supports its entire fleet with a protective umbrella, which can even intercept missiles flying from a hundred kilometers away, but France is not so urgent. It only needs to kill the missiles flying in front of it. In terms of the system, one is Regional air defense, one is medium-range air defense, which should be the most divisive."

"Yeah, how should this disagreement be resolved?" Just then, someone beside him spoke.

"The solution is..." Qin Tao stopped here. He just said it smoothly, but now he realized that it was not Zhao Ling who asked the question. He looked at the people next to him: "Do you understand Russian?"

"Yes, I understand Russian. I just heard your conversation, and I feel that my eyes have been opened." The man said, "Let me introduce, my name is Abel, from the International Branch of the French Shipbuilding Bureau."

Sure enough, you have to be careful when you speak, to prevent the partition wall from having ears!However, what Qin Tao said is all from the existing information, even if he is invited to drink tea, he is not afraid.

"I'm sorry, I eavesdropped on your conversation. I didn't expect that there would be a professional like you among the reporters of Liberty Press." Abel said: "We are all in this situation and cannot see the essence clearly. An outsider, the analysis is very reasonable. I would like to ask, what compromises are needed to be able to work together?"

This proud Frenchman actually humbly asks himself for advice?
Qin Tao felt a little curious, but because of the sincerity of the other party...

"Everyone, please come to the back of our exhibition area, how about we drink coffee and talk at the same time?" Abel continued to invite.

Well, I'm tired from shopping too, so it's nice to have a place to rest now, especially the travel bag I'm carrying in my hand is already full of brochures, it's too heavy.

Although we are just a reporter now, as a far-sighted reporter, this analytical ability is still normal.

Qin Tao became the leader of the team, took Vitalia and Zhao Ling, and followed Abel into the back of the exhibition area. The small office area is not big, it is specially for people to rest, but , the romance of the French is vividly reflected here, even if it is only a one-day exhibition, they have to install a coffee machine here, and it is freshly ground coffee. After entering, you can smell a fragrance.

After four cups of coffee were served, he sat down in front of a small table. Abel greeted one of his men and brought a model of a warship.

It's much smaller than the one above the booth, but it's very delicate, and when you hold it in your hand, it's heavy, and it's actually made of metal.

"This is a metal model we made with CNC machine tools, and I give it to you as a souvenir," Abel said.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Qin Tao was really moved. Even if he was running the train with his mouth full of words, but he could gain the trust of the other party and get this kind of gift. His heart was still warm.

"Can you give some suggestions about our cooperation?" Abel asked Qin Tao.

"I like defense very much, and analyze these situations all the year round." Qin Tao said to Abel: "However, I am just an outsider, so, if I am not very accurate, just treat it as a chat between friends."

"Yes, we are friends." Abel immediately answered the question.

While drinking coffee, Qin Tao began to look at the brochures at the French booth. After a few minutes, Qin Tao opened his mouth.

"The British attach great importance to regional air defense. What they want most is the MK41 launch system. If it is that kind of system, then the Aster missile is destined to be unable to equip it." Qin Tao said: "The British themselves do not have Any weapon system, so you must insist on using the Aster missile. You can tell the British that this Aster missile can have a range of hundreds of kilometers and become an area air defense missile by adding a booster."

At this time, what Qin Tao saw was the design of the Ziyuan missile.

This brand-new active radar air defense missile has just begun to be developed by the French. It was originally intended to replace their various existing weapon systems. As for the range, it is on the [-]-kilometer level.

The British will definitely not be satisfied. If you want the British to agree, you must have an upgraded product.

Qin Tao's solution is the simplest, the front warhead remains the same, just replace it with an extra-large booster!

Qin Tao is talking about Ziyuan-15 and Ziyuan-30, of course. The latter is based on the former with a super-large booster to increase the range to 120 kilometers.

Now, the French are only concentrating on researching primary products, and have not considered upgrading products. Qin Tao can help them solve their problems with a word.

"That's right, the projectile remains the same, and the booster is directly added at the back, which will greatly reduce the difficulty of our development!" Abel was very happy.

"In terms of radar, the British plan to use the S-band, which is different from our radar band." Abel continued to mention the radar.

Like the domestic SHIELD system, the main issue they debated was the choice of band.

The British wanted to have a sufficient detection distance, so their Sampson radar chose the S-band, and planned to arrange 2500 T/R components with a power of ten watts on each antenna array, so that the transmission power of the entire antenna reached With a power of 25 kilowatts, the maximum search distance of 250 kilometers can be achieved, and [-] targets can be tracked at the same time.

The phased array radars of the French and Italians also plan to use active phased arrays. They do not need such a long detection distance, so they choose the X-band with a shorter wavelength, which has high accuracy and can be directly used for their radars. Aster guided missiles, however, have a maximum range of only 150 kilometers for air searches.There are only 250 targets monitored at the same time.

For the French and Italians, it doesn't matter how far they are. Anyway, they can get the support of land-based early warning aircraft. This kind of radar is to guide missiles.

The needs of the two parties are completely different.

At this time, a cup of coffee has been finished, and Qin Tao has finished reading the information. He looked at Abel and said curiously: "I am very interested in the T/R components of active phased array radar. There is too little information! I also want to write a special related article!"

At this time, Qin Tao had already changed the topic, and Abel frowned, and took out a document from his briefcase: "This is for interested customers. Since you have a demand, then I'll give it to you."

"En." Qin Tao took the documents and put them in his handbag before continuing to speak.

"You can first tell the British that as long as you increase the transmission power of your radar, you can also obtain a search distance of more than 150 kilometers. The big deal is that it will not be able to achieve this performance after it is made in the future. You can tell the British again. It can reach [-] kilometers, let them figure it out, if they think it is not suitable, let them do it themselves, anyway, your system has already been made, enough for their own use.”

This idea is really pitiful!

It is absolutely impossible to use the X-band to achieve a search distance of [-] kilometers, but the French can pat their chests and tell the British that we will be able to achieve this search distance.

If the British want to join this project, they have to watch it first. After a few years, the British have invested a lot of money and the system has matured. We will tell the British that we cannot achieve it. This kind of search distance is up to [-], you can figure it out!

At that time, even if the British are furious, it is already a done deal. They either grit their teeth and admit it, or do it themselves.

Abel's eyes lit up, yes!This is indeed a good idea, let's talk about it first!

A piece of information specially presented to potential customers, in exchange for such an idea, for Abel, it should be a profit, because after this defense exhibition is over, they will talk about this project with the British, originally They didn't know what to do, but after hearing Qin Tao's words, they were like thunder, and they suddenly understood.

"We still have to interview other manufacturers, so let's say goodbye first, thank you for the coffee." Qin Tao stood up: "I hope we will have the opportunity to meet again in the future."

"Yes, I hope we will have the opportunity to meet again in the future."

Abel sent the two out from behind, and when the two left, the assistant communicated with him in French strangely.

"Your Excellency Abel, their purpose is very suspicious!"

"That's right, if I'm not wrong, Qin should work for the KGB."

The assistant suddenly turned pale with shock: "Then you also gave him the information for the client?"

"Those materials are just basic principles. With the technology of the Russians, it may not be possible to make them within 20 years." Abel said: "Even we are still researching, and the Russians are not so easy to make it." , and, do you know the origin of that woman?"

"Which one?"

"That's not the one with yellow skin and black eyes."

"do not know."

"She is the daughter of a professor at a certain university in Moscow. Currently, this professor is active in Russia. In the future, she may become a figure in the center of Russian power."

What?The deputy was immediately taken aback.

In fact, Abel is also based on speculation. After all, he has never seen the daughter of this character, but he has already heard that when the Red Empire was in turmoil, a lot of money from the West flowed to those conspirators. At the same time, those conspirators also sent their families to various European countries to leave a way out.

This conspirator named Berezovsky has already led a Liberty Press. Since these people all hold the certificates of the Liberty Press, they can remind him. The composure and composure that can only be shown in superior living conditions made him speculate about seven or eight points.

"Then how could the daughter of such a big man get involved with the KGB?" The deputy still found it a little hard to understand.

"It should be a crow." Abel thought himself right.

In the KGB organization, there is a special existence called Swallow, all of them are beautiful and proficient in matters of men and women, they are used as beauty tricks, but what if the target of temptation is a woman?
At this time, a man has to play. This kind of man who has undergone special training from the KGB is called a crow.

Judging from his analysis, Qin Tao is a crow who gained Vitalia's favor by relying on bed methods, and then joined the Liberty Press to inquire about some information.

However, he didn't care. The information he gave was insignificant. Anyway, the old man's country was going to be in turmoil. In the future, what kind of threat would a broken old man have?

Even if Lao Maozi took those basic customer information, it is impossible to build this kind of radar. In terms of precision processing, Lao Maozi lacks too much.

On the contrary, no matter what the relationship between Qin Tao and that big shot is, these things will be known by that big shot. This is also their way of showing favor to the big shot. In the future, there will still be a lot of business to do.

Maybe their French Shipbuilding Bureau can still build ships for the fragmented old Maozi?
A sneeze!

Qin Tao sneezed.

"Brother Tao, what's the matter?" Zhao Ling asked in a low voice.

"I don't know who is speaking ill of me behind my back." Qin Tao said, "If I find out, I will have to cut his dick!"

Vitalia on the side heard it, and smiled on her face. It turns out that Qin likes to punish people like this, so follow what he said.

At sunset, Qin Tao also returned with a full load. He carried a bag in each hand, which was full of materials. After they came out together, they got into a car driven by Vitalia in the parking lot and drove away.

In the rearview mirror, a car followed closely.

Of course, Rodriguez will not just admit defeat like this. Although Qin Tao strongly denies it, he still believes that that person is Qin Tao, his competitor, and he wants to follow him, he wants to follow him to the other party's home, and then...

The car in front parked at the gate of FedEx. Just a few years ago, there was still a sign of Lex Wilknson limited, which was the number one express delivery company in the UK. However, it was acquired by FedEx at last.

What is he going to do?To send express?
When he comes out, he can go in and have a look. If he wants to send it to the East, then...

With this thought in mind, Rodriguez got out of the car and stood outside at a phone booth, pretending to be on the phone.

Suddenly, a wet towel stretched out from behind and covered his mouth. He struggled violently, but it was useless. His eyes slowly turned black, and his body slowly fell limp.

It was relatively remote here, and there were no pedestrians around. Rodriguez was dragged into the grass. Then, the man untied his belt and took out a sharp dagger.

After returning to the hotel and saying goodbye to Vitalia, Zhao Ling lay down on the bed.

"Brother Tao, tonight, you can't make trouble anymore, I'm going to die of exhaustion."

"Really? Then you lie down and don't move, I'll come."

"No, no, by the way, Brother Tao, our harvest today is good, especially those..."

Qin Tao quickly shook his head: "Let's watch TV!"

Does anyone know if there is a bug in here?It's better to be cautious!After all, Qin Tao sent those materials away by courier, and they had to be loaded on a ship to go to sea, or even to the eastern port, to be considered safe.

The TV was turned on, and the picture gradually became clearer. When the snowflakes turned into images, Qin Tao opened his eyes wide.

"On the grass near the FedEx company on Baker Street, the police found an injured man. The man's genitals had been cut off. The man was on his way to the hospital. Look for the severed part. According to preliminary investigations, the police suspect that this is a case of a couple."

Qin Tao opened his eyes wide, looking at the person being carried into the ambulance, why did he look so familiar?
Wait, is it?

 PS: Chapter 202 was re-entered after it was released at zero o'clock, and the editor did not release it until he went to work. Welcome everyone to watch it again.Thank you for the rewards from bookworms such as Tiantian Bookworm and Eric Xiao, and thank you for your subscription and voting!

(End of this chapter)

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