Great warships

Chapter 211 Sandfly Anti-Ship Missile

Chapter 211 Sandfly (Sunburn) Anti-ship Missile
"That's right, those high-ranking officials, relying on their own power and status, are reselling state materials. We have already noticed it."

"That's right, if they can flip, so can we!"

"We cannot take these six thousand rubles for nothing."

Nima, so powerful?
Of course, Qin Tao knew that in the past few years, Lao Maozi's domestic conflicts have been many, and the army is still stable because it can receive wages. However, the ordinary soldiers at the bottom have begun to be disappointed with the behavior of the top.

Now, not paying wages is a fuse.

"Your warships, you can't dismantle those fixed things." Qin Tao began to induce, these hostages said that they could not be taken for nothing, but they had to be thrown away.

"We can dismantle missiles, we are all missile soldiers!"

"That's right, we're giving you the big guy."

"This missile was originally planned to be tested. The captain has hidden it on the warship for half a year, and the base doesn't know about it. Now, it's no problem for us to give it to you."

Hearing the excitement in Qin Tao's heart, the captain of this warship probably wants to sell the missiles to the West, right?After all, the West is still very afraid of this kind of missile, and they have to help the Soviets and not leak the secrets of this kind of missile to Westerners.

Qin Tao didn't expect that it would go so smoothly. These people were planning to besiege the headquarters because of their wages. Now they are grateful to themselves and got a big one for themselves. It was their captain who kept it for themselves. It's very lucky.

Qin Tao looked at Zaitsev. At this time, Zaitsev had a slightly complicated expression on his face.

"Zaytsev, haven't you been paid?"

Zaitsev nodded.

"Since we met, I have your share."

As Qin Tao said, he gestured to Zhao Ling, so Zhao Ling turned her head back, took out a stack of rubles, and stuffed them into Zaitsev's hands. Since their backs were facing the sailors, they didn't know that Zaitsev was taking rubles. how much.

So Zaitsev did not hesitate.

"I'm going to drive a crane over here," Zaitsev said.

Zhao Ling gave Zaitsev a total of [-] rubles, which was enough to tempt Zaitsev. It is said that Zaitsev followed Nikolai to do great things and gained a lot of benefits. However, It is precisely this kind of experience that makes it easier for Zaitsev to see money. Once he has benefited, it is difficult to stop.

This opportunity is really great.

Over the past few years, Lao Maozi's top management has become very corrupt. How much benefit did Nicholas get from Qin Tao?This is just the tip of the iceberg. The soldiers at the bottom, in their eyes, have already begun to waver. In addition, Qin Tao is so generous in helping them solve their problems. They are very moved. Of course, they must give Qin Tao a big gift. up.

As long as Zaitsev doesn't tell, no one will know.

The two warships are close together. After all, according to Lao Maozi's rules, warships of the same type must be parked together. This is the dock where the Type 956 destroyer is docked. Therefore, only a crane can easily move things Hang over.

Moreover, the hooks of this crane are specially made, just like those big claws specially used for lifting wood.

Qin Tao stood on the bow of the Kokang, looking at the sailors who worked hard after getting the money.

When the 956 destroyer was designed, it took anti-ship and air defense as its main mission. Therefore, according to the characteristics of Lao Maozi, it arranged a set of quadruple anti-ship missile launchers on both sides of the bow. The device looks huge, and what is stuffed inside is also the famous sun-burning anti-ship missile!

This has many code names, the NATO code name is SS-N-22, and Sunburn is its nickname. In Lao Maozi, it is called P-270 Sandfly (Mockht, which is transliterated as Musket). However, this code name refers to The entire launch system, including radar, data link, fire control system, etc., as for the missiles stuffed into it, is numbered 3M80.
It is easy to insert it, because the missile is placed at an angle. Put the missile into a special bracket and hang it up, aim it at the launch nozzle, and then you can insert it. However, if you want to put this missile It's not easy to pull it out.

Encountered this opportunity, Qin Tao wanted to seize it, and didn't look for an opportunity from the warehouse, so he directly used the ready-made one. However, for the old man, this set of operations has been done countless times.

After all, their warships must carry missiles when they go out to sea and carry out combat patrols, but after carrying them for a period of time, they need to be unloaded for maintenance. This kind of hoisting operation is also very common.

An iron frame was erected at the front end of the launch tube, which was a temporary platform specially used to transfer missiles, and the sailors were busy beside the frame.

The cover of the launching tube was opened, and Qin Tao was a little excited. This was the first time he saw a 3M80 missile in this era!

The shell of the missile is made of titanium alloy as a whole, and only the warhead part is made of composite material radomes. Therefore, when the pointed warhead comes out, the missile body behind it is shining under the light.

Looking at the thick appearance, Zhao Ling also took a deep breath, it's too big!

Compared with it, the domestic anti-ship missile is simply a child's play. The diameter of this missile is 0.76 meters, and the domestic Haiying 0.36 is only [-] meters. As the missile is slowly drawn out, it becomes longer and longer, becoming a A big guy with a length of more than nine meters.Although the front and rear two sets of wings are folded up, it can still show its huge size.

"Only the Soviets can make such a big guy!" Zhao Ling couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Because only the Soviet Union will face the huge threat of aircraft carrier formations. Under this threat, the continuous development of super anti-ship missiles has produced a variety of big guys. This is unmatched by other countries.

Take the present as an example, only Lao Maozi has supersonic anti-ship missiles, and those of other countries are all subsonic.

This is of course also because it has the world's unique monolithic rocket ramjet propulsion.At this time, as the missile was gradually drawn out, the rear engine was gradually exposed.

In front of the warhead is the radar and electronic equipment, and then there is the warhead, which is a [-]-kilogram semi-armor-piercing warhead. Relying on the kinetic energy brought by supersonic speed, it can completely smash into the enemy's warship.Even battleships can chisel through.

Behind the warhead is the fuel tank of the huge ramjet engine. Four small cylindrical structures appear where the wings are located, making the missile an approximate square interface, inside which is the fuel injection of the ramjet engine. and components such as flame stabilization.After that is the solid rocket booster with complete engine casing and nozzle.

When it is working, it is very spectacular. The solid rocket booster at the back is working, directly pushing the missile to supersonic speed. After the booster is working, the booster and the nozzle are discharged backwards and thrown away without wasting any space. Then the ramjet engine works, so that this missile can work above Mach 2 during the whole cruise.

Although it is relatively large, in this era, this thing is an invincible existence.

Because the flying speed is fast, the time left for the enemy is relatively short, even if it is Aegis, it may not be able to intercept it.Not to mention another snake maneuver at the end.

The only problem is that this thing consumes fuel too quickly, so such a big guy weighing four tons has a range of only about [-] kilometers.

Of course, compared with the domestic Haiying No. [-], it is definitely an existence against the sky. Getting one back this time will definitely make the navy happy.

The missiles were finally hoisted out.

Qin Tao kept looking at this missile. When he got the scrap iron of the missile boat last time, he thought about getting this kind of thing, but the launch tube of the missile boat couldn't be inserted. This time, it was the best match. that's it.

The boom of the crane began to rotate slowly, turning to the destroyer Resolute on the other side. This warship was silhouetted in the darkness, looking so vicissitudes of life.

The missile was hoisted together with the bracket below, and then aimed at the Sunburn missile launcher of the Steadfast, and then, this shiny missile was stuffed in like this.

After the missile got in, the cover of the launching tube was closed, and Qin Tao finally let out a long breath, okay, this way, you're done!

The radar and other devices on this warship have obtained the permission of Nikolai, and now the missiles are installed, and they can even be repaired and used when they go back.

However, Qin Tao quickly gave up on this idea. Since he told Nicholas that he wanted to dismantle the ship, he must dismantle it when he goes back. He must not break his promise. This is related to his reputation.

Everything is in place and you're done, even if Nicholas knows, he has to turn a blind eye.

"My friend, do you think this is okay?" Grasov continued to ask Qin Tao.

"Very good, thank you guys, you are really my friends!" Qin Tao said, "Since we are done today, how about we go out for a drink?"

Hearing the drinking, these old men were very excited: "Of course, by the way, friend, do you need any help from us?"

Qin Tao looked at the silhouette of the Resolute under the moonlight: "I still want to remove the mast from this warship."

"It's easy, we're here to help," Grasov said.

While speaking, he waved to his companions: "We have taken the benefits, so we have to work more, and we will go to drink after we finish working. Now, help dismantle the mast!"

So, a group of people cheered and climbed up the mast. While the crane was in place, some people went to the top of the mast to tie a rope and hung it on the hook of the crane, and some people went to dismantle the base of the mast and remove various connecting cables. It took half an hour. After that, the hook wobbled and hoisted the mast up.

Then, the rear mast was mounted on the helicopter take-off and landing platform, and another hour later, the front mast was also removed, and together with the roof radar, etc., it was poked at the front end of the naval gun.

Originally, Qin Tao planned to toss about after the Shenzhou floating dock arrived, but he didn't expect that it would be dismantled so soon, and he was still flattered.

"Everyone helped out with the work today, and each person will be given a bonus of ten rubles." Qin Tao said.

Who would have thought that these enthusiastic people would be rejected.

"No, we can't, we've got our wages, we're happy, and we can still drink."

Since you don't want to, let's drink!
The next day, people in the port were surprised to find that the mast on the Resolute had been removed. However, they didn't have much doubts. Anyway, it was still placed on the warship after it was disassembled. Until a week later, this They were completely surprised when a warship suddenly disappeared. How could such a good warship disappear suddenly?
However, this is just a trivial matter. The entire Red Empire is precarious and the situation is changing rapidly. What they care about now is their own fate.

Since the mast was removed a few days ago, it may have been dragged away and removed!
Little did they know, it was a busy night.

When the floating dock sailed near the port of the Pacific Fleet, it was already dark.

Yang Xin, the captain of the floating dock, is also a veteran with many years of experience. He stands in the cockpit on one side, his spirits uplifted, because he knows what good things he is about to take away.

The tugboat has already untied the cable, helping to push the huge floating dock sideways, and approaching the Resolute little by little.

At this time, the firm has also been untied of the cable, and a lot of things have piled up in the big hole blasted behind it, all of which are good things from the Yakovlev Design Bureau. swaying on the surface of the water, waiting.

The whole process was like performing acrobatics. The floating dock moved under the firm, and then the two ships overlapped. Then, the floating dock drained water, and the firm was lifted out like this.

When the firm number is fixed, everything is considered complete.

Qin Tao stood on the bridge of the Resolute, looked at Zaitsev and others: "Please tell Nikolai, we will go back now, and we will cooperate again in the future."

Zaitsev nodded: "Please be careful along the way."

Zaitsev and others left in a rubber boat. The floating dock was still busy. A huge tarpaulin was supported on the top to completely cover the contents. At the same time, with the help of the tugboat, they accelerated away from Lao Maozi port.

The people inside were still busy. When a group of people climbed up from the floating dock to the Resolute, Qin Tao was a little surprised.

"Dad, why are you here?"

There was no change fee, so Qin Tao changed his words directly. Wu Shengli was also informal, and waved his hand: "Can I not come? After getting your news, we held a meeting all night and took various measures to protect this ship. The return of the ship, our fleet is ready, if anyone dares to stop us, we want them to look good! I will come with me personally, so I can rest assured!"

Behind Wu Shengli, several naval officers followed, including Zhang Zhen and Pang Jianmin, all of whom were old acquaintances.

"It would be great if this ship can not be dismantled into scrap iron. After repairing it, it can be used again. It will definitely become the number one ship of our navy." Zhang Zhen couldn't help but said, when they climbed up, they I have already looked at this ship several times, and it will definitely be repaired.

"Then what?" Qin Tao said: "Then I will be grounded. As long as I set foot on Lao Maozi's land again, I will be arrested and squat in a cell. My relationships will also be implicated, and maybe I will Go in and squat."

Wu Shengli nodded: "That's right, we can't do this kind of thing by exhausting the river for fishing and killing chickens for eggs. Moreover, our harvest is already big enough. It's almost time to start construction on the first warship of 051C."

Although the project has been finalized, it has not yet started. After all, Qin Tao used a lot of old-fashioned equipment in his design, so he cannot start work for the time being. Now, move the various electronic systems on this modern-class warship to It is a matter of course for our own warships to go up. It can be said that the return of the firmness means that there will be no more problems in the construction of 051C!
Just flip it around, switch to 051C, change its appearance, and it can be driven out in a big way.

"Yes, the weapon system above is very important to us, and our air defense missile system will also benefit a lot, but it's a pity that the missile was not brought over, it's just a shell." Another said the leader.

"What missiles do you want?"

"Of course it's anti-ship missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, we already have them."

"We also have anti-ship missiles."

Everyone was shocked.

"Is it that kind of big killer?"

"That's right, it's the kind of Mach 2 killer!"

"Hey, Dad, what are you worried about? It's well placed inside. Do you want to take it out and have a look? We'll talk about it when we go back!"

Mingzhou Shipyard.

On this day, the workers went to work as usual, but when they came to their jobs, they suddenly found that there were more guards here!It used to be just a platoon, but now it is a battalion!
Is something big going to happen?

The vehicles of the army and the scientific research institute all moved over. These vehicles were all parked on the empty river beach, where some boats had been dismantled before, but now there was nothing there, only withered yellow reeds. Swaying, now, a team of people are cutting reeds there, cutting out a large open space on the river beach.At the same time, some steel frames produced by the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant were transported to the river beach.

I guess there is something good again?
Forget it, don't worry about it, let's go to work!

The workers took no surprise, took their own tools and continued to work. This day passed in their wonder.

That night, after the sun went down, rumbling roars came from the distant sea.

The river beach began to tremble, and a huge monster was pushed towards the river beach by several tugboats. When it successfully flushed the beach, countless people were busy, fixing the huge monster, and then propping up the steel frame. When the next day just dawned, a huge shed had already been set up here, completely covering the contents inside!
It will cost a lot of money to build this shed. After all, this shed can completely cover the Steadfast, it is simply a huge factory building.

However, there are many benefits. For example, you don’t have to worry about the reconnaissance satellites overhead. Even if the Pentagon finds out that an old-fashioned Hyundai-class destroyer suddenly disappeared, it doesn’t know where it went or how it went missing. If If this destroyer is dismantled in the open air, it is estimated that many satellites will change their orbits and fly overhead every day.

With this shed, the Steadfast doesn't need to be completely disassembled immediately, and can be studied first.

The first to come up, of course, are related domestic experts.

When the 3M80 missile shining with metallic light was hoisted out, many people held their breath.

"Mr. Qin, thank you for bringing us this big guy." Elder Liang said to Qin Tao.

Qin Tao had a smile on his face: "This is what it should be. At present, our navy is actively developing anti-aircraft carrier technology. This anti-ship missile has been brought back by us. I believe it will definitely allow domestic anti-ship missile technology to enter the country." In the new era, however, this kind of missile is too big and its range is not high, so we need our technicians to imitate it on the basis of it, thoroughly understand the technology, and then develop a more advanced domestic anti-ship missile.”

Qin Tao doesn't understand this, but there are relevant experts in China. Mr. Liang has spent his whole life on anti-ship missiles. From the earliest imitation of the Styx missile, the upstream No. [-], to the current Haiying No. [-], It was all carried out under the auspices of Mr. Liang. Now, of course, this supersonic anti-ship missile fell on Mr. Liang as a duty.

Mr. Liang nodded: "Yes, we have to thoroughly understand the technology of this anti-ship missile, and then develop on the basis of its technology. If I can't finish it, then it's up to the next generation."

With that said, Mr. Liang looked at the people around him.

These young technicians are all in high spirits. Liu Shenggen, who came to deliver the missile launcher last time, was among them. At this time, hearing what Mr. Liang said, Liu Shenggen nodded: "Yes, Mr. Liang, this kind of missile If the diameter is too large, the air resistance will be large, so we need to improve to a slender structure, so that the range can be greatly improved!"

Improvement must be improved, and it depends on how to change it. At this time, Liu Shenggen has already put forward a suggestion to reduce air resistance and achieve a longer range!
Wu Shengli did not leave, but came all the way. Although the time at sea was long, he also chatted with Qin Tao a lot along the way. At this time, hearing these words, Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, the slender structure is It is necessary, our navy will have a general-purpose vertical launcher in the future, and missiles that are too thick are not easy to fit in."

In the future, the weapons on the warships will not fight independently, and they will be placed in their own places. The warship will be a vertical launcher, and whatever is needed can be plugged in.

"That's all for the future. For now, even if there is no modification, it's just a copy." Qin Tao said: "Step by step, don't worry. However, there is a rigid time point. "

Ordinarily, Qin Tao shouldn't be the one to say such things, but now, he is already an authority and the object of everyone's reliance, so no one would think it inappropriate for Qin Tao to say this.

"What time?" Elder Liang asked.

"At the end of 95." Qin Tao said: "We don't care about anything else. In the future, our 022 missile boats will be equipped with such anti-ship missiles, even if only two are installed."

Wu Shengli nodded.

Although Qin Tao has explained it many times, Wu Shengli is still curious why Qin Tao is entangled in the time point of the end of 95. However, it is only the end of 91, four years, and it is still possible to imitate a product.

(End of this chapter)

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