Great warships

Chapter 213 Lao Maozi's 4 Toshiba machine tools are redundant

Chapter 213 Lao Maozi's four Toshiba machine tools are redundant

Qin Tao felt a little funny.

In later generations, there is a lot of controversy about whether the Hongqi-16 is an imitation of Shi Keli.

Those who oppose are full of anger, and our own technical strength is strong!We don't need to imitate other people's products!You can also know from the project approval time that Hongqi-16 has nothing to do with Shi Jili!Why do we always doubt our own technical strength, and any self-developed product must find a foreign parent?
People who agree are also a set of theories, so why deceive yourself so much?Among other things, it depends on the shape of the missile. Are there four side fins in the middle and four trapezoidal fins in the tail?Of course, because our electronic technology is higher than that of Lao Maozi, so our electronic equipment is updated, and the blue is better than the blue.

The arguments of later generations belong to later generations. Now, Hongqi-16 is a proper imitation of Shijili. In the early 90s, the only mature navy was Haihongqi 16, which is a short-range point defense with a range of about ten kilometers. System, now, the second medium-range air defense missile Hongqi-[-] is finally going to succeed!
Qin Tao thought of something, and continued: "At present, our domestic relevant units are working on the vertical launch system of Lao Maozi's rotary wheel, so our imitation product should start from a slightly higher starting point, and use that rotary wheel The vertical launch system is transplanted, so that it can also have a full range of interception capabilities."

Wu Shengli nodded: "That's right, our starting point is higher!"

The original Shi Jili was still a single-arm launcher, unable to deal with saturation attacks, and the vertical launch system was more advanced.In fact, on the Hongqi-65 project model, the Navy proposed a vertical launch system, but it was simply not possible to achieve it based on the domestic technical level at that time.

But it’s different now. Now that we have samples of Lao Maozi’s hanging hair, we can work out a qualified vertical launch system. Of course, don’t even think about the grid-shaped thermal launch system. It is not easy to come up with a cold launch system.

Food needs to be eaten bite by bite, and work needs to be done bit by bit.

While talking, he walked to the door of the building. At this time, he was catching up with the two children bouncing downstairs and preparing to take the school bus to school. When they saw Qin Tao, Niuniu and Lili rushed forward.

"Uncle Qin, Uncle Qin, where have you been during this time, we miss you so much!"

A child hugged Qin Tao's thigh and refused to leave.

"Niuniu, Lili, it's time for us to go to school." Zhou Yongfei hurriedly said, "You take the school bus to go to school, and Dad has to hurry to work."

"The school bus hasn't arrived yet. By the way, my mother said that when you come back from outside, Aunt Zhao will have a baby in her stomach, isn't it, isn't it?"

Zhao Ling looked embarrassed, this sister Cong Ju spoke too directly, didn't she teach the children badly?How embarrassing!
"If you talk nonsense again, I will beat your ass!"

Zhou Yongfei is also very embarrassed, can this be said nonsense?

"I'm sorry, boss, President Qin." Zhou Yongfei hurriedly apologized again.

"Well, it's okay, it's not a big deal." Qin Tao said: "Niuniu, Lili, you wait, Aunt Zhao will definitely give you a baby for you to take care of."

"Okay, okay." The two children cheered.

Zhao Ling's face turned even redder. Fortunately, at this time, the school bus had already arrived, and Zhou Yongfei hurried to catch the school bus with the two children.

The two children turned their heads one step at a time, and that was called a reluctance to part.

"Xiaoling, there's nothing to be shy about." Qin Tao said, "You have to give me a lot of children, this is your task."

"Fuck you, have you forgotten what the country has called? Do you want to be a supernatural guerrilla?" Zhao Ling gave Qin Tao a white look, and went upstairs.

Although Qin Tao and Zhao Ling didn't get married here, the house was arranged according to the wedding room for them. Looking at the spacious and bright room, Wu Shengli was very satisfied.

"Dad, you can rest here." Qin Tao pointed to the master bedroom and said.

Wu Shengli shook his head again and again: "Don't let me ruin your wedding room, I'm not a brat, I just sleep here."

Wu Shengli lay down on the second bedroom, and soon, he was snoring like thunder.

Qin Tao and Zhao Ling were also tired, went into the bridal chamber and got into bed, fell asleep soundly without doing anything.

When he woke up, it was already sunset. It was because his stomach was growling that he woke up. Qin Tao got out of bed, opened the door, and was taken aback.

Nima, why are there so many people sitting outside?

Zhao Changshui, Cong Ju, Yang Dawei and others are all here, and even the supervisors of other factories are here, okay?

I closed the door by myself!Either the old man opened it, or Cong Ju opened it, because Cong Ju also has the key to her own house. Fortunately, she just slept and did nothing else. If these guys like to listen to the wall, then I will be ashamed.

"Boss Qin, are you awake?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin, everyone misses you very much!"

Qin Tao glanced at everyone: "So anxious? Fortunately, you didn't bring me anything. If anyone dares to give me something, I will throw it out in public."

This system must be fixed, so that in the future, someone will get married and have a wedding, and then give a lot of gifts, which is easy to breed corruption. Even Qin Tao doesn't like this. Other people, who would dare to accept gifts?
"Mr. Qin, we are here to report on work. You came back last night, but you never showed up. You guys are in a hurry."

"What are you in a hurry for? Are you on fire?"

"Tomorrow, our natural gas ship will conduct a pre-cooling experiment for the first time."

"Pre-cooling experiment?" Qin Tao said: "This is the most important operation, and there must be no accidents!"

The most important step before the natural gas ship is handed over is to conduct a pre-cooling experiment. After all, this kind of tank is to be filled with liquid natural gas at minus 100 degrees.The temperature is normal during the construction process, and the first cooling is very important. It can be said that if the construction technology is not enough, the first pre-cooling may fail, causing the ship to rework, or even the ship owner to abandon the ship.

Now that Qin Tao is back, Qin Tao must participate in this kind of experiment.

"Tomorrow, the thousand-ton gantry crane will cross the ocean and arrive at our port." Kong Laoer, the person in charge of infrastructure construction of the group, said, "This gantry crane will be installed in the predetermined area of ​​the dock, Mr. Qin, you have to check it out in advance." It depends on the location of our dock, whether it is suitable."

When the family home was being built, Kong Lao Er was always busy. Later, he simply became the person in charge of the special infrastructure project. He took on certain duties from the transportation company, but was mainly responsible for infrastructure construction.
"Tomorrow, the Jianghai ship will also have a launching ceremony, and many leaders will come. Mr. Qin, do you want to participate?" Zhao Changshui asked tentatively.

Qin Tao found out that these people did it on purpose, except for the gantry crane, the others were doing it on purpose, waiting for him to come back on purpose!

You think I am Nezha, with three heads and six arms, so many things, how can I be busy alone?

"President Qin, do we want to have a unified ceremony tomorrow, and you will participate in it yourself, and after the ceremony is completed, you will do your own thing?"

Qin Tao's face was a little ugly: "Unified ceremony? If you say it, you won't be laughed at? Let's split it up tomorrow!"

What the hell, don't you want to turn yourself into a spinning top?Fortunately, there were no moths on the aircraft carrier, and the aircraft carrier was still too early to be launched.

Just thinking of this, Qin Tao's eldest brother rang loudly.

The trip was for honeymoon, and it wasn't a pretense, so Qin Tao didn't bring his big brother with him, and kept it at home. Now, when he heard the phone ringing, he could only answer it, and then came the message from inside. Rakul's anxious voice.

"Qin, my friend, the situation in the Soviet Union is very special. Will there be any problems with our vertical take-off and landing fighter jets?" Lacour would call every day, and the answer he got was that Qin Tao had gone out, but he was in a hurry It’s bad. During the day, I actually made several phone calls. However, Qin Tao and the others were sleeping too soundly, so I didn’t hear them until now. Lacourt finally got through the phone and asked immediately. The most urgent question.

"Racour, my friend, please rest assured that we will pay close attention to this matter." Qin Tao said: "Please don't worry, no matter what happens, these Soviet military enterprises will continue to develop , even, in the future, when the Cold War confrontation is over, it will be easier for you to purchase aircraft from the Yakovlev Design Bureau, and there will be no political problems."

The other party must be very anxious. Seeing that the Soviet Union is about to collapse, what will happen to the plane?An aircraft carrier without aircraft is like a tiger without teeth!

However, after Qin Tao flickered like this, the other party slowly relaxed. That's right, that's it. If the Soviet Union really disappears with a bang, and there is no confrontation, it will be good news for them.

"Besides, even in the worst case, our navy will not give up, because we also need vertical take-off and landing fighters, so don't worry."

After fooling Rakul, Qin Tao hung up the phone. Looking at the expressions of everyone, he knew that they still had something to say.

"Boss Qin, we have encountered some problems with our yacht design." Yang Dawei said.

"You solve the problem yourself." Qin Tao said, "Don't bother me with these crap. Whoever solves the problem, I will reward him with 5000 yuan."


Qin Tao has a big head.

After waking up, I have to get busy. I went to check the river beach overnight and choose the location for the construction of the dock. It will not be returned. Since the Siamese country has placed an order, it must continue to manufacture and have the spirit of contract.

As for what happened to Lao Maozi, it was an accident, force majeure, and the terms of the contract were clear.

After inspecting all these, Qin Tao came to the design office, and happened to meet Wu Shengli and others. These naval officers gathered here for some secret information obtained here.

Zhao Ling stood there, explaining to everyone a large-scale drawing.

"This is the detailed design drawing of the German 209 submarine. It should not be wrong. We have already visited and inspected it." Zhao Ling introduced: "From front to back, it is divided into four cabins..."

She doesn't have three heads and six arms, and Zhao Ling also has no skills at all. She wants to develop anti-aircraft missiles, and at the same time, she has already dabbled in submarines. In fact, she also knows that the most suitable position for her should be the boss of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group. Secretary, this is her wife's responsibility.

At present, the domestic navy only has two types of conventional submarines, the old Type 033 submarine and the Type 035 modified from this submarine. Although they are constantly improving, the performance gap between them and world-class submarines is quite large.

And this 209 submarine belongs to the world's advanced diesel-electric submarines. They can gain a lot of knowledge by studying the design of this submarine.

"On the whole, the technology of this submarine is very advanced, especially the shock absorption technology inside, which is worth learning. However, we have not yet equipped many related systems, so we are not yet ready to directly produce this kind of submarine. ability." After Zhao Ling finished introducing, Wu Shengli said.

The navy needs advanced diesel-electric submarines, but these designs are difficult to apply immediately.

"That's right, if it is produced in our Mingzhou Shipyard, we lack a large plate rolling machine, and we cannot roll and weld such a large-diameter pressure hull." Yang Dawei said.

Yacht design is a trivial matter, but this kind of naval project is a major matter. Yang Dawei also participated in the development of 035 submarines in his previous work experience, and knows how difficult it is to produce such submarines.

Mingzhou Shipyard does not have such strength for the time being, and according to Qin Tao's style, he will never hand over these design drawings to other design institutes, and he has worked so hard to get them.

"Yeah, of course it's not suitable now. After all, we only have some experience from the West, and we don't have the experience of Lao Maozi. We have to learn from others and get back the design drawings of the 877 submarine (Kilo class) in the future. Let's synthesize it and take it. Its essence can be used to develop submarines suitable for our navy, and at that time, we can also get large plate rolling machines.”

Even if it is possible to purchase large-scale plate rolling machines from Western Europe, the price is quite expensive. The most appropriate way is of course to buy them from Lao Maozi's shipyard.

Qin Tao didn't believe it anymore. Lao Maozi has the underwater submarine power second only to the United States. How can he not have a large plate rolling machine?
Moreover, in the future, there will be very few orders from Lao Maozi's nuclear submarine shipyard, and this thing cannot be exported. Therefore, Lao Maozi's nuclear submarine factory will not have a good life, and it should sell some equipment.

and many more!

Qin Tao had an idea again, can he get back a multi-axis CNC milling machine that processes propellers?

Thinking of this, Qin Tao felt waves of excitement.

Although Qin Tao used a domestic CNC machine tool when processing the water jet propulsion, but that thing is only for experiments and is not a complete industrial product at all, so it often breaks down. The R&D team is almost always there. For maintenance, the hours of work are much longer than the hours of downtime.

Fortunately, there are not many orders from the Navy, and the pace of launching the 022 missile boats is slow, so it doesn't matter if the production of water jets is lower.

(Someone earlier questioned the five-axis linkage CNC machine tool produced by our country. This point can be guaranteed by the hero of East China. It is definitely not an exaggeration to get information from the big man Wen Qicheng in the industry. We started doing it in the 80s in China, but it took 20 It takes years to mature.)
At that time, domestic products were used because of the small number of orders and the small size of the workpiece to be processed. If you want to process submarine propellers, you must need something big!

It is definitely not available in China, and can only be bought from abroad.

At present, domestic warships and submarines still use conventional three-bladed propellers, and some advanced ones use five-bladed propellers. However, they are all in the shape of large electric fan blades. At the beginning, the advanced seven-blade large-slope propeller was used, which can effectively reduce the noise of the submarine, and even a little more advanced, the use of pump jet propellers has already been considered.

Qin Tao and the others don’t care about building civilian ships. They can purchase them directly from relevant units or from abroad. However, to build advanced seven-bladed large-slope propellers for submarines, they must currently import high-precision multi-axis linkage CNC milling machines from abroad. just work.

This big guy is too expensive, and you may not be able to buy it. In comparison, it's better to buy junk from Lao Maozi.

Those rags are only a few years old, and they are still brand new. Moreover, they have four sets, and they can't be used at all.

In 1985, Toshiba employees who were dissatisfied with their dismissal disclosed the fact that Toshiba had exported high-precision machine tools to the Soviet Union.

As for the four machine tools, of course they are still in Lao Maozi's country.

Thinking of this incident, Qin Tao felt very excited. The opportunity is just right now, not only the machinery and equipment, but also the technician from the Norwegian countryside who was abducted by the KGB.There is no need for any beauty tricks, the current KGB cannot pay wages, it is estimated that the swallow who married the Norwegian has long been unable to bear the loneliness, and the red apricot cheated out of the wall, bluffing and cheating?

"That's right, not only the plate rolling machine, but also the multi-axis CNC milling machine for making propellers. We also need to get one." Qin Tao then said: "In the future, we can process advanced propellers for warships by ourselves. .”

"Multi-axis CNC milling machine?" Hearing what Qin Tao said, an accompanying naval officer said, "It would be great if there was such a thing. We don't have to be hung up by foreigners, and we can produce it ourselves."

052's propeller?

Qin Tao recalled his experience in Europe last time, and he was also very emotional: "Yes, we have to overcome the technology of various propellers, and we have to be able to produce the pitch-variable propellers used on warships."

The propeller is the source of power for the ship to move forward. The blades of the propeller are all inclined. Specifically, there is an angle between the centerline of the hub and the centerline of the blade. The normal angle is about ten degrees, and the angle is greater than 25 degrees. The large skewed propeller, this kind of propeller, can significantly reduce the cavitation on the blade and control the vibration of the propeller, so it has been widely used in submarines.

However, it is only used on submarines. The reason is very simple. The plate of this propeller is too large, and it is acceptable to put it behind the butt of the submarine. After all, it is installed in the center of the tail of the submarine, but it is placed under the butt of the warship. It is not suitable.If it enters a relatively shallow port, the propeller may be able to hit the bottom of the water. (Inexplicably think of an old movie, the two extra-large propellers behind Zhou Xingchi's hat in Ouchi's Secret Agent.)
Ordinary propellers are used on warships, and the requirements for quiet performance are not so high anyway. However, if you want to obtain good performance, you must use variable-pitch propellers.

The two 051C ships that our side has already finalized must also use this advanced propeller!
However, don’t worry too much. After all, it takes a long time to build a brand new warship. Just look at 112. It’s not so easy to integrate. It will take several years for 051C to be delivered to the troops. Qin Tao has a lot of operations Space, next time you go to Lao Maozi's place, just pay more attention.

The next time I go, the Red Empire will definitely collapse completely, and Da Mao and Er Mao will separate, but well, there will be more good opportunities, especially the prodigal Er Mao.

"Our next step is to upgrade the water jet propulsion factory and produce propellers." Qin Tao said: "Our two 051Cs will definitely not be delayed."

Relying on people is worse than relying on oneself, not only shipbuilding, but also related supporting factories, such as steel factories, and propeller factories, all of which are already under consideration. Waiting for future opportunities.

Miracles again and again have forged Qin Tao's godhead. Now, Qin Tao is what he says, and no one will doubt it. Since Qin Tao has promised, it is appropriate for warships to use variable-pitch propellers next. .

After sleeping during the day, he will not be sleepy at night. Qin Tao has become a night owl who turns day and night upside down. After giving them a few ideas, the eastern sky is already bright.

Qin Tao yawned: "I have to sleep for a while, call me when the ceremony starts."

The first ceremony is the installation ceremony of the gantry crane, because just after dawn, the special transport ship can already be seen at the mouth of the sea.

This is the happy pirate transport ship of the Nordic Mammoth Company. It happens to be transporting goods in South America. After the transport is completed, it is planned to empty the ship to the island country for loading. Therefore, the freight this time is also very economical, and the insurance is less than 200 million.

To transport the gantry crane, you have to use a special cargo ship, which is placed on the deck in the open air. All kinds of super long cargo, even the container ship cannot be loaded and unloaded. Moreover, this ship now has its own boom, so it can unload things by itself. down.

The sound of crackling firecrackers woke Qin Tao up. When he woke up, the boat had already docked. He rubbed his eyes. It was too damn jet-lagged.

(End of this chapter)

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