Great warships

Chapter 231 Technological Development of Nuclear Submarines

Chapter 231 Technological Development of Nuclear Submarines

"This is the P-700 anti-ship missile!" Accompanied by Qin Tao, Wu Shengli and other navy and related technical personnel came to the warehouse and saw the missile inside. Wu Shengli was shocked.

Is this an anti-ship missile?This is simply a drone without a cockpit!Compared with this missile, those domestic anti-ship missiles are like children's toys!
The volume of this kind of missile is really too big, and the weight is also extremely huge, so in Lao Maozi's place, only warships or submarines of more than [-] tons can carry it. As for the plane?Don't dream, it's impossible, this is a big guy weighing seven tons.

"Yes, this is a sample bomb that Lao Maozi's Ruby Design Bureau referred to when designing." Qin Tao said: "Although it is a sample bomb, everything inside is complete."

Wu Shengli nodded: "That is to say, if we have an idea, we can imitate this powerful anti-ship missile?"

"If we concentrate all the strength and resources of relevant parties, we should be able to imitate it, but I don't think this kind of anti-ship missile is suitable for us."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, everyone was taken aback: "Isn't it the most suitable for us?"

The navy's weapon system is very poor. Whether it is air defense or anti-submarine, they are all shortcomings. However, anti-ship is not completely capable. If it is to attack targets such as enemy destroyers, then the Haiying [-] anti-ship Missiles can meet the needs, but what if it is to attack the enemy's aircraft carrier formation?That is absolutely impossible.

With this kind of weapon, the navy's anti-ship range can be increased from [-] to [-] kilometers to [-] to [-] kilometers, which is of great significance to the navy. Why does Qin Tao still say that it is not suitable for his own side?
"This thing is too big, and only warships over [-] tons can carry it." Qin Tao said: "At least in the past ten years, the Navy will not have such a warship, even if we have it in the future, The number will not be particularly large, and in this case, it is useless for us to imitate this anti-ship missile."

Wu Shengli continued to nod: "Yes, the Navy still has to be patient."

"On the other hand, even if we have this kind of missile, it doesn't mean that we will be able to fight against the aircraft carrier formation." Qin Tao said: "The old man's method is to saturate the attack and use a large number of missiles to attack the enemy's aircraft carrier. When the formation launches an attack, their cruisers, aircraft carriers, and nuclear submarines launch together, and then cooperate with backfire bombers. It is often a scene of hundreds of anti-ship missiles attacking together. The victory depends entirely on numerical superiority. And we will not have this kind of strength."

Even if it is an imitation, the number is very small, and it is impossible to play according to Lao Maozi's tactics.

Everyone was a little bit reconciled, but what Qin Tao said was the truth. It is impossible to imitate such a weapon system alone to play a role.

"Then what do you want to do to get it back?" Wu Shengli asked.

Qin Tao also spent a lot of thought in order to get this missile.

"Of course it's because of its technology." Qin Tao said: "Although we can't mass-produce equipment now, we can study the technology used on it, and then integrate the technology of anti-ship missiles that are popular in Japan, and then develop our Advanced anti-ship missiles need to be reduced in size so that they can be easily inserted into our future vertical launch system."

When the warship has developed to 055, you can be surprised to find that the anti-ship missile launcher is gone!

This is of course because the general-purpose vertical launcher with a caliber of 850 mm is used on it, which can launch various missiles. The small ones have two bombs or four bombs in one hole, and one big one is put in, not just Haihongqi 9, Not even anti-ship missiles.

Needless to say, the YJ-18 is a big guy, and even the YJ-21, a large ballistic missile aircraft carrier, can be stuffed into it.

"Put it into our future vertical launch system?" A group of people expressed surprise at Qin Tao's statement.

"Yes, although we only started the vertical launch system for the first time on the 051C, in the future, we will definitely have a more advanced vertical launch system, which can be loaded with various missiles. At that time, we can save special anti-ship missiles. The missile launcher is installed." Qin Tao described the future prospect, and he was also very excited.

"Although supersonic anti-ship missiles are fast and powerful, they are not the most suitable choice due to their high flying altitude and high air resistance. In the future, we may be able to combine these characteristics. After launch, use them first. The sea-skimming ultra-low-altitude flight method is to reach the target and then switch to supersonic flight, which can not only reduce the volume and increase the range, but also reduce the probability of being discovered.”

The combination of subsonic speed and supersonic speed is the most suitable solution.

The crowd nodded.

Thoroughly understand the supersonic anti-ship missile technology of Lao Maozi, and then combine it with subsonic missiles to create a brand new anti-ship missile!

"If this is the case, can we make the missile into two parts?" Someone has already opened his mind: "A small turbine engine is installed in the back for subsonic cruise, and a ramjet engine is in the front. When it flies past at subsonic speed, The second half fell off, and the first half was ignited to make it into a second-stage rocket."

Qin Tao nodded again and again: "That's right, that's it, you are so smart!"

This is the idea of ​​Eagle Strike-18!The technical data of this missile has not been decrypted, but it can be launched from the 055's general-purpose vertical launcher, and then fly for hundreds of kilometers, and finally enter the supersonic attack stage.

Getting out this kind of anti-ship missile is the most suitable choice for our side. The big guy in front of us is for our side to conduct technical research.

Of course, in the event that a big guy like the Glory class is dragged back in the future, a batch of suppressing scenes can also be built, and the Varyag, which is idle anyway, can also be stuffed with imitations.

The technology of anti-ship missiles is discussed here.

"What's in the other boxes?" Someone asked curiously.

"MBP-110S nine-axis five-link CNC milling machine."

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard Qin Tao's words.

CNC milling machine?Nine-axis five linkage?This seems to be...the one that Lao Maozi once imported, right?A few years ago, the famous Toshiba machine tool incident, this thing can be brought over by Qin Tao?
It's incredible!

"In other words, we can have high-performance submarine propellers in the future!"

"After no need, we can replace the propellers of our several nuclear submarines in service soon." Qin Tao said: "I can help with the design and production, but this project has to be contracted by our Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group! "

They not only want to build propellers, but also replace propellers for submarines. In other words, they Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group is going to get in touch with the Navy's nuclear submarines for the first time!
Of course, their general contracting is also the most convenient, because there is a floating dock!Therefore, there is no need to drive the submarine, and the floating dock can be replaced on the spot!
Wu Shengli swallowed and said, "When?"

"The installation of the machine and the procurement of key parts will take about a month. During this process, we can also design a new propeller for our nuclear submarine at the same time, and then use a month to trial-manufacture the new propeller. At most In three months, we can replace our nuclear submarine with new propellers."

"Okay!" Wu Shengli nodded: "The navy must spend this money!"

As a country with five permanent members, it is necessary to have its own underwater nuclear power. Back then, when the motherland was poor and white, it endured hardships and stood hard work, worked hard and forged ahead, and insisted on developing its own underwater nuclear power. The attack nuclear submarine code-named Type 091 and The 092 ballistic missile nuclear submarines have officially entered the naval sequence.

Among them, the first Type 091 attack nuclear submarine started construction in 1968, launched in 1970, and entered service in 1974.It is the first generation of attack nuclear submarine designed and built by the motherland. It was designed and built completely independently without foreign aid. Although there were various problems during the sea trial, they were overcome in the end, and it is now considered mature. up.

A total of five nuclear submarines of this type were produced, with hull numbers ranging from 401 to 405, also known as Long March 405 to Long March [-]. (These are confidential, we just write them casually based on public information, maybe the number will be more, for example, there are several No. [-] nuclear submarines and the like.)
The first two ships are experimental, and the 403 is considered more mature, and has shown its face on many occasions.The 404 and 405 that followed were further improved models with stronger performance.

However, no matter how powerful it is, the basic power system has not changed much. It is still the most mature pressurized water reactor. Of course, the noise is also very loud, and it can be discovered by Western anti-reverse forces from a distance.

(Personally, I think it is normal for the first-generation nuclear submarines to be loud, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. Although you can give an example, say what about No. 403, but the submarine can wait silently underwater. When the technology is not enough, we rely on it. The command ability is small, after all, our captains are quite smart.)
Yang Xi, who has been silent all this time, is full of excitement on his face. Although he has brought so many good things, what he cares most about is still the CNC milling machine, because this thing can make propellers!

Now, Yang Xi was finally relieved. He knew that the superior would definitely improve the submarine's propulsion system first. For his side, this was the most important and top priority!

"However, we have never done a seven-bladed large skewed propeller. I guess it will take a period of experimentation to find the most suitable shape?" Yang Xi suddenly became a little worried again.

What shape of propeller is the most suitable?This is a complex science.

The previous propellers used the shape of electric fan blades, thinking that this method was the best. As a result, a master craftsman in China invented the off-knife propeller, and found that the propulsion efficiency was improved!
This is a complex knowledge of fluid mechanics. In many cases, it cannot be calculated by data at all, and can only be verified by experiments.

This is the first time I have come into contact with this kind of thing in China. First, I have to experiment. If I start to make it directly and find it is not suitable, it will cause serious waste. It not only delays time, but also costs money. The gain is not worth the loss.

So, it's best to experiment first.

However, if you do the experiment, it will take a long time.

Hearing Yang Xi's words, everyone present was thoughtful, yes, this kind of thing can't be risky.

"In this CNC machine tool, there is the propeller data left by the old man." Qin Tao said: "We only need to scale it down according to the shape they designed, and it will be the best solution. This is no problem. I I was worried about the mismatch between the propeller and the transmission system, and finally had to modify the reducer.”

No matter what kind of engine it is, the speed is not low, and it is often thousands of revolutions per minute. Therefore, if you want to drive the propeller, you must add a reducer in the middle.

The larger the diameter of the propeller, the slower the speed must be, and the greater the reduction ratio of the reducer.

Therefore, it is easy to change the propeller now, but I am afraid that it will be modified together with the reducer, because to modify this thing, the steel plate must be cut, otherwise it will not be put in at all!

If so, it's a big project.

After all, even Qin Tao has never done this job, so now speaking, Qin Tao is still a little worried. Although their Mingzhou Shipyard already has a large number of skilled welders, but waxing the aircraft carrier , I have never done such a thing as operating on a submarine.

"In this case, you can test it on No. 401 first. First, use it to verify the technology." At this moment, a person who followed Wu Shengli and hadn't spoken a word suddenly said: "If the changes are too big, then Only change No. 401, and forget about the others, but the verified technology can be used in..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but Qin Tao felt his eyelids twitching. He just introduced to everyone for so long, and Qin Tao didn't pay attention to this person. Now he finally came out.

Mr. Zhang!
He was born in 1936. He graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology with a major in turbines in August 1960. After that, he entered the shipbuilding industry and studied shipbuilding all his life. If you look at his resume, it seems ordinary, because many of them cannot be released to the public. .

For example, he is the chief designer of the second-generation nuclear submarine!

At the beginning, Mr. Peng took the lead as the designer of the first-generation nuclear submarine, while Mr. Huang was in charge of researching the most important power system on the submarine. With the cooperation of the two, they finally completed the development of 091 and 092.

However, everyone in the know knows that the first generation of nuclear submarines only solved the problem of availability, and the second generation of nuclear submarines is moving towards a higher level.After the first-generation nuclear submarine is launched, the second-generation nuclear submarine should enter the research and development state.

The research and development in the early stage was not smooth. From the establishment of the project in 1980 to 1988, it was all in the stage of theoretical research and had a theoretical foundation.From 88 to 96, there was a breakthrough, the goal of development was clarified, and substantial results were produced. For example, in 90, even a 3500:1 model of a 24-ton submarine was produced. , However, due to the serious backwardness of relevant technologies, the development of nuclear submarines still did not enter the fast lane. After 96, under certain stimuli and military exchanges with Lao Maozi, coupled with significant progress in the development of core components, the project It is officially launched.

But now, with the various equipment on the two 705-type submarines that Qin Tao brought back, many breakthroughs can be made in domestic related technologies. Therefore, the second-generation nuclear submarine is expected to be launched soon.

Propeller processing will also step up to a new level. Let’s make a seven-bladed large skewed propeller and try installing it on the 401 nuclear submarine. Anyway, that nuclear submarine was originally used for experiments. Distressed.However, there is no need for such a large-scale project for the other ships. After the technical verification has been obtained on the No. 401 nuclear submarine, it can be used on the second-generation nuclear submarine.

Anyway, the displacement of the two nuclear submarines is about the same, both in the five to six thousand ton class, and their shapes are similar, and they can be driven by the same propellers.

Although Mr. Zhang didn't finish his sentence, Qin Tao knew that it was going to be used on the second generation nuclear submarine, and he was excited. He just planned to get some titanium alloy to make a fortune, but he didn't expect it to be able to promote domestic nuclear submarines. The role of multi-purpose ah!

But how to get into the topic?
After thinking for a while, Qin Tao said, "I heard that Tsinghua University in China is researching high-temperature gas-cooled reactors. I wonder if this kind of reactor can be used in our new generation of submarines?"

China is still advanced in certain technologies, and high-temperature gas-cooled reactors are one of them. In 94, Tsinghua University held a special demonstration, which shocked nuclear reactor experts all over the world.

Its security is unmatched.

No matter what kind of nuclear power plant or nuclear submarine, it still burns boilers in essence, slowly releasing the energy generated by nuclear fission.The energy it generates is mainly heat, which can easily boil the water in the boiler and then drive the steam turbine.

The transmission of this energy is particular.

At the very beginning, water was used. After all, water is what humans have been in contact with most since industrialization. Research has begun since the age of steam engines. Of course, depending on the water used, there can be reactors for heavy water, light water, and ordinary water.

These have all matured, and almost all commercial power stations now use this structure.

In order to increase the energy density of the reactor, Lao Maozi developed a more special metal reactor, which heats the metal into a liquid, flows in the reactor, and brings out the heat generated inside. Facts have proved that this kind of reactor is immature.

The current Lao Maozi has also given up this kind of reactor and continues to use the mature and reliable pressurized water reactor.

In addition to these, there is another way, which is the air-cooled reactor.

Helium is directly used as a coolant, flowing through granular fuel to become a high-temperature gas, and then the high-temperature gas passes through a steam generator to generate steam, and then drives the steam turbine to output energy through the steam.

This method has many advantages, for example, the chemical inertness and thermal performance of helium used as a coolant and heat transfer are better, and it will not corrode equipment and pipelines at high temperatures.Therefore, the core outlet temperature of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor can reach thousands of degrees or even higher, and the maximum temperature of an ordinary pressurized water reactor is only 360 degrees.

Because it uses granular fuel with a large surface area, and uses high-temperature-resistant graphite material as a moderator, it consumes very little fuel. Under the same heat output, the fuel consumed is a fraction of that of a pressurized water reactor.

More importantly, the safety is good. Once an accident occurs, the reactor will automatically shut down and cool down, which will never cause serious accidents. Therefore, this kind of reactor has become the fourth-generation nuclear reactor recognized in the world.

High-temperature gas-cooled reactors have a series of advantages such as large surface area of ​​granular fuel, good stable heat transfer of helium, and high-temperature resistance of core materials. The thermal efficiency of the reactor is very high, and it can easily exceed 40.00%, while the pressurized water reactor is only about 30.00% .

However, since helium is required to pass through to cool the core, this thing has a large volume. A 10-kilowatt core requires a "big furnace" with a length, width, and height of 10 meters. Therefore, nuclear submarines must use If not, aircraft carriers are difficult to use, and ordinary pressurized water reactors have to be used.

Of course Qin Tao is aware of these shortcomings, he just wants to talk about it.

Sure enough, Mr. Zhang shook his head: "This kind of reactor is not suitable for our nuclear submarines. The current trend is to reduce the noise of nuclear submarines. Natural circulation nuclear reactors are the trend of our research, but at present, this technology still needs to be broken through."

Ordinary pressurized water reactors have two circuits. The nuclear reactor heats the cooling water, then passes through the steam generator, and then re-enters the nuclear reactor. The steam generator is a secondary circuit. The heated steam enters the steam turbine, and then returns to be reheated.

This operation is to avoid radiation. The primary circuit with nuclear radiation is isolated from the secondary circuit. There is no radiation in the secondary circuit. In this way, if there is a problem with the steam turbine or the like, it can be directly repaired.

There is a water pump in the primary circuit, which is responsible for the circulation of the cooling water inside. This water pump is the loudest noise except for the propeller on the nuclear submarine.

If the water inside can circulate naturally, the water pump can be removed, so that the quietness can be greatly improved.

"I went to Lao Maozi this time and visited their Oscar nuclear submarine. Their nuclear submarine reactor can realize self-circulation at low power."

Been to an Oscar?
Countless people cast envious glances, Yang Xi straightened his chest: "Yes, we went up."

Yang Xi is very proud.

We have been on the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier and the Oscar nuclear submarine. This trip is really worth it!

Now, the topic finally started to be discussed. Qin Tao continued: "I think that many designs on the Oscar nuclear submarine are worth learning, such as its weaponry."

Oscar's weaponry?Of course it is the P-700 missile beside them, but it is useless to say these things, it is impossible for us to produce this kind of missile in our country!
"Although we only have the Haiying No. [-] missile at present, we can also find a way to install it on the nuclear submarine and become a new weapon besides torpedoes." Qin Tao began to point out Jiangshan again.

Torpedoes are outdated, let's also play with submarine-launched anti-ship missiles!
(End of this chapter)

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