Great warships

Chapter 245 Competitive relationship with Huating East Shipyard

Qin Tao originally wanted to set up a diesel engine factory to provide equipment for himself, but it was not easy to pick up ready-made ones.Qin Tao didn't want those third-line diesel engine factories that had been abandoned. The diesel engine factories that are still in operation can make money. Why come to Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group?
But now, the opportunity is in front of us.

In order to be able to mass-produce PA series medium-speed high-horsepower diesel engines in the future, and to be able to upgrade technology, the diesel engine factory in the old district wants to introduce funds from the Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, and it can only exchange part of the shares of its own factory. Exchange it for shares.

For diesel engine factories in old districts, this method allows them to obtain funds for development. After this technological innovation, their production capacity will reach a new level.At the same time, through this method, it is bound together with Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, and more diesel engines can be sold in the future, which benefits both parties.

As far as Qin Tao is concerned, he is not short of money anyway. He just got sucked into it. No, he just made a business with the Belgians. There is a lot of foreign exchange. Even if they are subject to certain foreign exchange controls, they want to use foreign exchange Purchasing is also more convenient than other companies.

With money, you can do all kinds of things.Qin Tao wanted to build a diesel engine factory again. Now that he has a stake, it can be regarded as a disguised form of owning a diesel engine factory.

In the past, this was absolutely unimaginable, but now, the country's economic system has been reforming, Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group is considered a collective enterprise, and there is no major problem in becoming a shareholder.

"Yes, we are willing to give Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group 20.00% of the shares." Wang Tianmin said.

"Okay, then follow what you said. It will take a while to go through the procedures, and the technical transformation cannot be delayed. We can first allocate the start-up funds for the transformation to you." Qin Tao is very straightforward.

Thanks to the national policy, if it was in the past, this would be unimaginable, but now, these are all possible.

As long as the sale of shares does not exceed 50.00%, the country loses its controlling position, or foreign capital comes to buy shares, there will be almost no difficulties in other ways of buying shares, not to mention the combination of strong powers now.

The diesel engine factory in the old area also has potential. If it is valued, it will be more than 3000 million US dollars. Qin Tao paid 500 million, accounting for 20.00% of the shares, which is definitely worth it.

"Now we are carrying out technical transformation first and producing STC diesel engines at the same time. When it stabilizes in the future, we can continue to develop. For example, we can introduce diesel engine technology from island countries and expand our product line."

If Qin Tao remembers correctly, the diesel engine factory in the old area later introduced some technologies from the Daoguo Daihatsu Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. Since he joined in, he must also help them develop, and when the time comes, additional investment will be required. Shares can be further increased.

Qin Tao doesn't need too much, 40.00% nine is enough.If you want an absolute holding, you have to wait for the opportunity.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin." Wang Tianmin was very happy. Although it was his proposal, there would be absolutely no objections in the factory. Everyone could see that it was a good thing for him to be tied up with Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group. There are great benefits! …

(The relevant law should be the "State-owned Assets Law of Chinese Enterprises". I don't know when this law was enacted. In the early 90s, I don't know if it is considered advanced. If it is advanced, it is regarded as innovation Well, someone has to be the first to eat the crab.)
The cooperation has been negotiated in this way, and the specific implementation may take some time, but with Wu Shengli, there should be no changes.

After everything was resolved, Wu Shengli was in a good mood. Accompanied by Qin Tao, he went to see the 051C under construction.

The construction of warships is definitely not accomplished overnight. The current No. 112 destroyer started construction in 89 and was launched in 91. Later, it was not until 94 that it was finally handed over to the army and became China's first ship.

As for the two destroyers with larger displacement, they should be slower, but when Wu Shengli looked at the construction progress in front of him, he was a little surprised.

"Looking at the progress, it will be launched by the end of this year, right?" Wu Shengli said, "You can't just focus on the progress and ignore the construction quality!"

"That's right, it will be launched at the end of this year." Qin Tao said: "This is the speed of our Mingzhou Shipyard. We must hurry up. Once this ship is launched, we can build a second one. Our berth is very fast. nervous."

Not to mention the destroyer of thousands of tons, even the aircraft carrier will be launched by the end of this year, the berth will be vacated, and coupled with the large dock of 40 tons, our own shipbuilding capacity is one of the best in the country.

The old man is also competent, he kept poaching workers, so that he went to some shipyards, and he was already treated with cold eyes.

There is nothing too technical in shipbuilding. As long as the workers' welding skills are qualified, the production equipment is in place, and the steel plates are sufficient, then roll up your sleeves and work hard.

"By the way, our navy has to allocate relevant funds to us, so we can't delay our construction. After all, this is a key project of the army." Qin Tao continued to urge his father-in-law.

The two 051C ships are indeed the key projects of the navy. After they are built, they can cruise in the northern waters to protect the safety of the capital. The superiors attach great importance to them, and there is already a special allocation, which is even more important than the 052.

The funds are sufficient, and the imitation of related subsystems is also very smooth. Although it is not as good as 112, it may be used by 113 earlier.

Wu Shengli nodded: "In terms of funds, it is enough to follow the formal process. The rise of our Mingzhou Shipyard is too fast, which is unacceptable."

Hearing Wu Shengli mention this, Qin Tao also mentioned: "Have the other brother units already taken action?"

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, especially the Huating East Shipyard, which has been building frigates, expressed strong opposition to your plan."

Huating has many shipyards, the largest of which is the Huating Shipyard (readers should know which shipyard corresponds to, this shipyard once built aircraft carrier No. 003).

The second largest is the Huating East Shipyard, which mainly builds frigates.

A large number of Type 053 frigates are built from this shipyard.

"Huating East Shipyard has old qualifications in manufacturing frigates. They are constantly upgrading their products. At present, they have begun to plan 053H3 frigates. It is a reduced version of 052. It has good performance and low cost." To himself His son-in-law, Wu Shengli doesn't mind revealing some inside information. …

Qin Tao nodded. In fact, Wu Shengli didn't say anything, but he knew about it.

The development of domestic frigates is on a road of self-reliance and continuous improvement.

Destroyers are too expensive to be equipped in large quantities. Therefore, the Navy needs a cheap frigate that can be equipped in large quantities to make up for the shortage of Type 051 destroyers.

In the mid-60s, the research and development of air defense frigates began, but because the supporting air defense missiles and main guns and other systems have not been able to complete the research and development, the air defense frigate project was forced to stop.Therefore, the Navy decided to make a slight change, changing the anti-aircraft frigate that stopped building into a sea-facing frigate, equipped with the "upstream" series of anti-ship missiles, named the 053H1 frigate, and NATO named it Jianghu 1.

The emergence of this kind of frigate has made up for the long-term lack of large and medium-sized ships in the Chinese Navy to a certain extent. However, due to the shortage of anti-aircraft weapons and the limitation of displacement, it can only conduct near-shore operations under the cover of its own air force, and it is seriously lacking in air defense. And the lack of potential makes it a cripple.

Although there are some shortcomings, the cost is cheap after all, so this kind of frigate is produced in large quantities, equipped with the navy, and is constantly modified. Control radar, three-coordinate electronic scanning radar and other electronic equipment are called "Jianghu II" type by NATO.

Later, after the Haiying 053 matured, two quadruple-mounted Haiying 1 anti-ship missiles replaced the huge and bulky "upstream" missiles. At the same time, the hull was also improved, using fully enclosed, fully air-conditioned, long bridge The building structure has the "three defenses" capability. It is called [-]H[-] in China, but it is named "Jianghu III" by NATO.

With the maturity of the Hongqi 61 air defense missile, the frigate has finally entered the era of 052. Six huge launch tubes were erected on the second deck platform. At the same time, the design of the hull was also changed. A brand new Jiangwei-level title.

Looking at the design of domestic frigates, we can find that the new technologies tested on destroyers will be installed on frigates, which will be cheaper and suitable for the needs of the navy.

After 30 to 053 years of updating, the Navy's frigates finally have air defense missiles. This frigate, code-named 2H1987, was first demonstrated in 1992, delivered in June 6, and then built 4 ships.

The entry into service of this warship made the navy finally reach the level of the West in the 70s, and the displacement has also been enlarged from the original 700 tons to more than 2000 tons. Moreover, there are already better air defense missiles in the country, so the relevant units Also continue to upgrade this star product.

"If I'm not mistaken, they plan to remove the subsystems on the 052 destroyer." Qin Tao said.

It makes sense that the Navy likes the 053 frigate. After all, many subsystems on this frigate are transplanted from destroyers.

Take the 053H3 that is going to be manufactured next, for example, two quadruple-mounted anti-ship missile systems, one eight-mounted "Haihongqi 7" air defense missile, one dual-mounted 100mm naval gun and four 76A dual-mounted The 37mm automatic gun has the same firepower as the 052, but the displacement is smaller and the cost is cheaper.

Therefore, the Navy built two 052s and stopped building them. The saved funds were used to build 053H3s, which is really delicious! …

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, a full set of 2000 destroyer weapon system is installed on the frigate with a displacement of more than 052 tons. Many people are quite satisfied with this plan. It is mature and reliable, and there will be no accidents."

"This kind of frigate can be built, but it will definitely not be able to undertake the future air defense mission of our navy." Qin Tao said: "Our Hongqi-16 will have more advanced performance and stronger air defense capabilities."

Of course Wu Shengli knew that what Qin Tao said was true, but...

"At present, our subsystems are all under research and development, so many leaders of the navy will have concerns, thinking that our frigate is too risky." Qin Tao said: "We can't say big things yet. Everything will take time to test."

In the past, Mingzhou Shipyard bid for destroyers, and there were not many competitors, because Huating Shipyard was building 052, so they didn't care about them, and there were only two 051Cs, which were still transitional products, and they didn't take it seriously.

However, the frigate is different. This thing needs to be built and served in large quantities, and it is the backbone of the navy. Huating East Shipyard will never give up this big cake.

Although Qin Tao's frigate plan is lofty, it is a moon in the water, a flower in the mirror, and any technical problem may make it difficult for them to move forward for several years.

Now people are picking on the engine problem. They think that the Chai Chai alliance is nonsense. Qin Tao solved it, but there are other problems.

"Our Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group has already developed in the field of civilian ships. Even if we don't involve in the manufacture of warships, we can live well." Qin Tao continued: "However, we are still making great efforts to study warships. Because we hope that our motherland can have a strong navy, and our shortcomings can be filled as soon as possible. The 053 can not meet the future needs of the navy by tinkering. After all, although we are defending near water now, in the future, sooner or later It is going to go to the ocean, and a [-]-ton frigate cannot sail in the ocean.”

Wu Shengli's eyes sparkled.

Qin Tao's words are reasonable, and the support of the state is another matter, but the officers of the navy all hope that they can have powerful warships that can go deep into the ocean.

"What we need is time. In the last year, these subsystems should almost be mature." Qin Tao said to Wu Shengli: "During this period, Huating East Shipyard may still be building the current 053H2, and at the same time refine their plan for the 053H3 frigate, and wait until next year when the navy invites bids, and everything will come naturally.”

Wu Shengli nodded: "Well, anyway, 053H2 is under construction, and it is normal for a year or two for the project demonstration of the new frigate."

Some things need to hurry up, and some projects need to be delayed. Anyway, the Navy does not have that much money. It is normal to build 053H2 first. The Navy has already approved four orders.

The next thing, of course, is to choose the best!
From Wu Shengli's point of view, regardless of relatives, only considering the future needs of the Navy, he is of course on Qin Tao's side.

"When the bidding ends next year, the year after, the navy will definitely need a large number of air defense frigates. Although our Mingzhou shipyard is expanding, it is estimated that it will be difficult to meet the navy's needs. At that time, we can also put our own Some of the orders are subcontracted to Huating East Shipyard, so they can’t let them have no orders, and their 053H3 frigate plan may also be sold to third world countries, after all, the price is cheap and the performance is balanced.”…

Wu Shengli was even more overjoyed. Qin Tao had considered very thoughtfully, had breakthroughs in technology, had confidence in the bidding, and consolation for the losers. In this way, he didn't have to worry about anything.

Anyway, it's useless for the Navy to be anxious now, there are only so many funds!

After visiting Mingzhou, Wu Shengli was completely convinced. Seeing that it was already afternoon, Wu Shengli said, "It's almost time, I should go too."

Although he was talking, his eyes were still looking at the dock in the distance, where the construction was in full swing.

Cars are constantly moving, transporting all kinds of building materials needed by the dock, and in the open space outside the dock, the sparks of the arc are flying, and the bulk carrier has already started to be built. This speed is really too fast up.

"Well, I'll see you off, where are you going next?"

"What's next? It's time to go back, but I happened to drop by and go to Institute 14 to have a look."

Qin Tao's eyes sparkled: "Come on, I'll see you off and drive into my car."

The phased array radar used on the Aegis battleship was officially decided to be handed over to the 14th Institute at the last meeting. This is the technology of the next generation of destroyers, and it is currently in a pre-research state.

Qin Tao doesn't care about these things, anyway, he doesn't need them right now, the most important thing for him is the roof radar.

After dismantling Lao Maozi's firm last time, all the technology of the roof radar on it was handed over to the 14th, and they were asked to imitate it. The two air defense ships currently under construction, and the air defense planned by Qin Tao next The frigate plans to use the roof radar as the main force. With the technical strength of the 14th Institute, it should be a matter of minutes to imitate this kind of radar, so he is going to see how the imitation progresses.

The people from the diesel engine factory in the old district went back by themselves. Qin Tao and Wu Shengli teamed up and went to Jinling.

It is said that Jinling was the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. In fact, if you count carefully, from the Wu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms period to the Republic of China after the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty in modern times, a total of twelve dynasties and countries once established their capitals here.

Therefore, Jinling can also be regarded as a treasure land of geomantic omen, with outstanding people.

The 14th school is located at No. 4, Gupinggang, Gulou District. It belongs to the northwest corner of Jinling. Two roads are cut, which is the slowly flowing Qinhuai River. .

When Qin Tao's Mercedes-Benz big G drove over, he felt like a nouveau riche, which didn't match the atmosphere here.

However, after coming down, he was immediately warmly welcomed by countless people.

"President Qin is here too? Your honored guest!" Elder Ben stretched out his hand enthusiastically: "President Qin, welcome, welcome!"

At the selection meeting of the navy's advanced phased array radar, Qin Tao firmly stood on the side of the 14th Institute, supported their S-band radar program, and made many suggestions. I am grateful, and I have contacted him again later. In short, at this time, Mr. Ben treats Qin Tao like a good friend.

Qin Tao was also very enthusiastic: "Mr. Ben, I came here to ask how the imitation work of the MR710 radar is going. We are still waiting there!"

"The technology used in this radar is already mastered by us, so we have already copied a prototype, which can be installed on a warship for testing at any time." Old Ben said: "Everyone, please follow me."…

Everyone followed Mr. Ben to a laboratory. Qin Tao recognized the imitation roof radar at a glance. At this time, it was standing on a shelf. The extent can be known.

"We got inspiration from Lao Maozi's radar antenna, and quickly made the antenna. However, we thought that some of the circuits used by Lao Maozi were outdated, so we made improvements along the way." The old man said.

"What, have you made improvements?"

"Yes, we have increased the power of the transmitter and increased the scanning distance. We have also changed the processing circuit behind to improve the data processing capability of the radar. Therefore, the maximum detection range, height, data processing and resolution of this 382 radar The capabilities are better than the original roof radar." Ben Lao said: "After the test is completed in our electromagnetic laboratory here, it can be installed on a warship for testing."

The 14th Institute is indeed a giant in the field of radar in China. It can not only imitate, but also modify it by the way!The performance is also more powerful!
"The performance of this radar is quite good. It can provide a lot of data in addition to being able to carry out data. We have reserved an interface. After the brother units complete the development of the Hongqi-16 missile, it will be able to match with the Hongqi-16. Provide early parameters."

"Old Ben, thank you so much!" Qin Tao was very happy, he never thought that this place would be so powerful!
With the roof radar, the Hongqi-16 is ready. Will the Navy still choose 053H3?
"As long as the test is completed here, it can be installed on our No. 105 destroyer for testing at any time." Wu Shengli said.

Qin Tao shook his head helplessly. No matter how hard it is, you can't suffer children, no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education. This is a famous saying. Now, Qin Tao also wants to say, no matter how hard it is, you can't have a hard test, no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in an experiment!
"Do you have a different opinion?" Wu Shengli asked.

"Yes, we want to test new weapons. We should have a special weapon test ship. It is inappropriate to refit the current destroyer." Qin Tao said: "For the development of the navy, it is necessary to build such a professional ship. warship!"

"Can't ship 105?"

"Of course it won't work. It's not a problem to modify a helicopter platform for that warship. It's not a problem to modify and test our radar. But in the future, we will test the phased array radar of our 14 institute and the advanced vertical launch missile. How to change it?" ?Dig a hole on the warship and stuff it into the vertical launch system? Hongqi 16 is still alive, and there is no place to plug in an area air defense missile like the S-300. Even if it works, the power supply on the warship is not enough " Qin Tao said: "This money must be spent!"

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