Great warships

Chapter 259 Can We Buy Varyag Over?

Chapter 259 Can We Buy Varyag Over?

"All the design drawings have entered our computer system." Qin Tao said to Leonid and Zaitsev: "Now, all these design drawings can be shipped back. Waiting."

"It's only been five days, Qin, you're moving too fast!" Zaitsev said with emotion.

Qin Tao's original plan was a week, but now, the task can be completed in five days. This speed is unbelievable.

"Yes, I will definitely do what I promised Nicholas." Qin Tao said, "This batch of design drawings must be escorted by a special person. Which one of you will go?"

"I, by the way, go back and report the progress here." Zaitsev said.

Leonid frowned, thought of something, and said, "I'll go with you and send these blueprints to the plane."

Leonid was a little worried about Zaitsev, so he followed Zaitsev to escort the drawings to the airport.

A smile appeared on Qin Tao's face, and the opportunity to do it has come!

As long as there is no technician like Leonid watching, there will be too many opportunities to do it. For example, without moving anything, just type a few lines of keyboard commands to copy all the drawings.

Except for Leonid, no one will deliberately pay attention to the movements of the computer, and they can't understand it. Even if there are other old men guarding the entrance of the institute, as long as no one takes out the paper design, they will will not hinder.

Just when Leonid and Zaitsev escorted the design drawings to the airport together, a group of people quietly visited the design office.

They didn't alarm anyone. When they got to the door, Qin Tao received the news and hurried over to greet him. When he saw the people getting off the car, his eyes widened even more.

"Liu, Mr. Liu?" Qin Tao couldn't believe his eyes. The person in front of him was the promoter of the motherland's aircraft carrier cause!
Elder Liu was accompanied by Wu Shengli and Zheng Ming, whom Qin Tao had known before. Each of them had excitement in their eyes.

"Well, I heard that design drawings are being made here to transform Lao Maozi's Kyiv-class heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser into an aircraft carrier, so we came here to take a look." Old Liu's voice was not high, but the excitement in that voice could be heard.

Qin Tao knew what Mr. Liu was thinking. This was the closest the motherland's shipbuilding industry was to an aircraft carrier.

"Well, yes, please come to the conference room, we can give you a briefing."

So, in the conference room, Mr. Liu saw the rough design of the remodeled aircraft carrier, looked at the jump deck, looked at the take-off line, and looked at everything on the deck. His eyes were full of anticipation.

However, after Wu Shengli and Zheng Ming finished listening, they were a little surprised: "Isn't such a design too child's play? The island is not moved to the side, the take-off and landing areas overlap, and the elevator is also inside. After the transformation, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced!"

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, there is no way to do it. If it is rebuilt in the shipyard in the Far East, it will be like this, unless it is rebuilt in our own shipyard, but the old man is definitely reluctant to part with the refitting funds, ah It is impossible for us to change it at the third watch."

Old Liu nodded: "That is to say, using the Kyiv class to transform the aircraft carrier will have many shortcomings, and it is not our best choice."

"That's right, the Kyiv class has a displacement of only [-] tons, and its foundation is limited, so it's not the best choice for transformation." Qin Tao said: "If we want to transform, a platform of [-] to [-] tons will be better."

When Qin Tao said these words, several people present were a little excited.

"A platform of [-] to [-] tons? Taozi, are you talking about Ermao's Varyag?" Wu Shengli asked.

Qin Tao nodded.

"We also plan to go to Ermao to inspect the Varyag. If it is in good condition, we plan to buy it." Zheng Ming said excitedly. In fact, he has received an order from Mr. Liu and intends to inspect it in person. It's been a while.

It's just that, after hearing about Qin Tao's work, he didn't go there immediately. Instead, he ran over to have a look, and asked Qin Tao what he meant by the way.

"Yes, Taozi, I heard that you have seen the Varyag, how is it? Can we buy it?" Mr. Liu asked.

Mr. Liu did not call Mr. Qin, but like Wu Shengli, he called him Taozi affectionately, which warmed Qin Tao's heart. Qin Tao looked at Mr. Liu and said solemnly: "Mr. Liu, yes."

Elder Liu's eyes showed anticipation: "Then let's prepare immediately!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, we can buy Varyag back, but not now." Qin Tao hurriedly said: "I don't know how many eyes are staring at me now. If we get involved, the West will not just sit idly by , Da Mao will be dissatisfied, even if we buy it, it is absolutely impossible to drag it back."

Buy now, the purpose is too obvious!
The enthusiasm of several people was poured cold water: "In the future?"

"That's right." Qin Tao said: "The Red Empire collapsed, and Da Mao, who inherited the mantle, has no strength at all to maintain the huge fleet before. The decommissioning of the Minsk is just the beginning. It will take less than a year or two. Classes will be decommissioned and then sold for scrap iron, we need to buy one or two ships back, and then transform them into playgrounds, so that when we buy Varyag, those who stare at Varyag can rest assured."

The IQs of all the people present are quite high. Qin Tao only said half of what he said, and the big guy understood it.

It's still the same sentence Qin Tao said, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, you have to take your time, and you have to do all kinds of preparations to get the Varyag perfectly.

So now, I can only watch.

"We can buy Varyag back in the name of opening a casino or something. As long as it is dragged to our shipyard, how to change it is our business." Qin Tao said: "At that time, we Its own aircraft factory can also produce Su-27 series fighters. It happens that on the basis of this fighter, a special carrier-based aircraft is transformed. Even if the Varyag is bought back immediately, there is no carrier-based aircraft. It's also trash."

An aircraft carrier is a systematic supporting project, not only a warship, but also an aircraft. In terms of carrier-based aircraft, the only one that can see hope at present is the Su-27.

These all take time. According to the Air Force's plan, when the second batch of Su-27s is purchased, technology will be introduced for production simultaneously. It will take several years until the Su-27s can be assembled by the own side.

"Yeah, I still have to wait. I hope I can see our own aircraft carrier in my lifetime!" Elder Liu sighed.

Mr. Liu's dream of an aircraft carrier has been going on for decades.

"Please rest assured that our aircraft carrier will definitely appear by the end of this century." Qin Tao said.

Old Liu nodded.

Far north, where the Pacific Fleet is stationed.

"Nicholas, what the hell is going on? Why haven't our drawings been delivered yet? It's been a week!" Orlov shouted to Nikolai: "Now, without the design drawings, we have no Don’t you look forward to formally signing the agreement with Ah San soon?”

Even if I asked for a design fee of 800 million, then you can't hold me back because of this, there are nearly one billion in fees behind, if you stumbling me now, you are disregarding the overall situation.

At this time, Orlov had such a mentality.

Nikolai had a wry smile on his face: "Orlov, I have urged you countless times, but there is a section of the railway that is out of order and they are repairing it. If you are in a hurry, should we send a convoy? The car pulled those blueprints back?"

Orlov shook his head: "No need, the speed of the car is slower. If we lose the blueprint of a car, then we can't design it! By the way, has the start-up capital for Ah San arrived? If so, we will give it to you as soon as possible." We dialed into the account and we're still waiting!"

"Well, I'm waiting too, don't worry, don't worry."

After sending Orlov away, Nicholas saw his old subordinate, Zaitsev.

"Your Excellency Nikolai, we have shipped back all the blueprints, and there is not a lot." Zaitsev said to Nikolai: "Qin's progress is very fast, and he assured us that it can be done as scheduled. Time to complete all the modification drawings."

Nicholas nodded: "Well, I knew that Qin would not let me down. Ah San's advance payment has arrived, and Qin should transfer 100 million US dollars to let them use it first."

Nikolai was very happy.

"Then do you want to hand over these blueprints to the Neva Design Bureau?" Zaitsev asked.

Nicholas shook his head: "Don't worry, if you give them the blueprint, they will press for the money. Let's procrastinate until Qin's design is completed!"

When Orlov returned to his residence, he saw Sokolov's face was very ugly.

"Sokolov, what's wrong with you?" Orlov asked curiously.

"Just now, some Americans came to me." Sokolov said: "They promised that as long as I go to their place, they will pay 500 million yuan for settlement, and then give them a monthly salary of [-] yuan."

Orlov's expression also changed greatly: "The Americans came to you? Then, what do you think?"

With a settling allowance of 500 million US dollars and a monthly remuneration of [-], even Orlov himself felt that he might not be able to withstand this temptation!
"Of course I refused." Sokolov said: "I have been designing warships for half my life. Our heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers are aimed at the Americans. Now, how can it be possible for me to serve the Americans!"

At the level of Sokolov, it is not just something that can be bought with money. People like him have lofty ideals in their hearts. Faith is more important than salary. Opponents work, Sokolov can not do.

Orlov finally breathed a sigh of relief, but afterward, Sokolov continued: "They found me through St. Petersburg."

If it wasn't for the people in St. Petersburg who leaked Sokolov's whereabouts, how could the Americans come here?Sokolov's words made Orlov feel ominous.

"We must get a sum of money as soon as possible, and then pay the people in the design bureau." Sokolov said: "If they can't settle down, I'm afraid many people will be poached."

The Neva Design Bureau is very famous. In the era of the Red Empire, so many military ships were designed, and there were many elites in them. Those young people did not have the consciousness of Sokolov. Under the temptation, they I am afraid I will choose to leave.

This will not only cause the leakage of warships in the previous era, but also greatly damage the strength of their Neva Design Bureau. After losing so many technicians, can they continue to design?

Once there is a talent gap, their design bureau may really decline.

Orlov nodded: "Well, I can't wait here anymore, I'm going to check in detail, what is wrong with the railway department, we have to act quickly, and then force Nikolay to give us the money !"

Nikolai is procrastinating on their blueprints!What's the idea?Want to use this to give yourself a break and cut down on design fees?

Of course it won't work, go and see for yourself, what's wrong with the railway!Can't continue to sit here and wait.

a week later.

With exhaustion all over his body, Orlov rushed into Nikolai's office and roared.

"Nicholas, our railway is not faulty at all, and the railway is intact! Where are our design drawings?" Orlov was very dissatisfied with being teased.

"Orlov, don't be angry." Nicholas said: "Last night, those design drawings were just shipped over, and now they have arrived in Sokolov's hands, and they have already started detailed design. Instead of It’s better to hurry over and design together with me if you waste time here.”

"No, I won't go, I will stay here, Nikolai, when will the start-up funds be credited to our account?" Orlov asked.

"Soon, very soon." Nicholas said, "Orlov, you need to be more patient."

"If I don't get the money, I won't leave!" Orlov made up his mind. He is the director, and his task is not to participate in the design, but to ask for money!

"Okay, then let's wait together. I'm also waiting for the payment from Ah San, but the waiting time is too boring. Shall we have a drink?"

When Nikolai took out the wine from the desk, Orlov couldn't hold back.As a result, when he woke up, he was depressed and found that he had already returned to the bed in the guest house!
When the angry Orlov continued to run to Nikolai's office, Nikolai had disappeared. It is said that he went to inspect the submarine base on the Kamchatka Peninsula, and he would not come back until a week later!

In this way, another week passed.

"Your Excellency Nikolai, we have completed the task." Leonid excitedly reported to Nikolai: "All the blueprints have been made."

Design drawings, all done?
Nikolai looked at Leonid: "Where is the blueprint?"

The design drawings they provided were sent by several transport planes, so the improved design drawings should also be loaded by several transport planes, right?

"Here." Leonid said, opened the handbag he brought back, picked out some foam from it and threw it away, and then took out a rectangular flat box-like thing.

Is this... a computer's hard drive?
Nikolai's computer broke down last time, and he had someone repair it, so he has seen this thing before, but the inside of his computer is 5.25 inches, and the hard drive in front of him is 3.5 inches, which looks smaller.

"After the design was completed, I directly pulled out the hard disk of the server where they stored the data and brought it back." As a technician, Leonid certainly knew that all the design drawings were stored in the hard disk, as long as he brought the hard disk back , then it can ensure that the secret of the blueprint will not be lost.

It's just that hard drives in this era are not very safe. Violent vibrations may damage the hard drive. Therefore, he took this thing as a treasure along the way and kept it in his arms.

Now, I can finally explain.

"Nice job, so how do we get to see what's inside?"

"Go to the computer center of our base, find a machine and install it, and then install the corresponding software to read the content inside." Leonid said, leading Nikolai to the computer center.

Although Lao Maozi's domestic electronics industry is backward, there is still a special computer room in a fleet base. After entering, Leonid was busy for more than half an hour, and then, on the computer screen, a complicated design finally appeared .

Nicholas swallowed: "Is this made by Qin using the most advanced computer-aided design?"

"Yes, they have the best computer in the world, and there are quite a few ship designers, including people from our side, so this design drawing is completely reliable." Remembering that Babiqi was there, Leonid was very emotional, Qin Tao is too powerful.

"By the way, why didn't Qin come with you?"

"He has some things over there that need to be dealt with, and he will come over after the deal is over," Leonid said.

"Well, I need to call him the remaining 200 million, and I can't make him wait too long. This design is completely fine, and Ah San will definitely agree."

Qin Tao has done everything he should do, and Nicholas can't be friends, so he has to give the money that should be given.

"By the way, can you print out a rendering?" Nicholas said, "It should be better if we use the renderings to introduce to Ah San."

After half an hour.

Sukjidal walked in. Recently, he and Natasha were inseparable, and he was so happy to live here. Now, when he heard the design drawing came out, he remembered his mission to stay here, and hurried away. come over.

"Our detailed design has been completed. The design of this aircraft carrier will definitely satisfy you. Let's take a look at our renderings..."

In the computer center, Nicholas showed the renderings to Sukjidar with a smile. Seeing the beautiful aircraft carrier jumping out of the paper, Sukjidar was also very happy: "It looks like a smaller aircraft carrier." Kuznetsov!"

"That's right, that's it. This aircraft carrier's combat effectiveness is impressive. It..." Leonid just wanted to introduce it in detail when he heard a bang, and their door was kicked open!
"Nicholas, it's too much, what are you doing?"

Orlov's anger has reached its peak. At the beginning, Nikolai invited them from St. Petersburg to help them modify the design. Now?
Nikolai actually wiped them out!These days, Nikolai has been procrastinating so that they cannot start the design quickly. Orlov once wondered, what is the point of Nikolai doing this?Doesn't Nicholas want to sign a formal contract with Ah San as soon as possible?
Nikola should fully support the design of their Neva Design Bureau!Even if he asked for 800 million, it should be.

Now, Orlov finally understands that Nikolai has prepared a backhand!
For the past week, he has been looking for Nikolai. Today, he finally heard that Nikolai has returned. When he arrived at the computer center, he ran to continue to press for payment. Who would have thought that he would see such a scene.

That design drawing was definitely not produced by their Neva Design Bureau, and the design drawing displayed on the computer screen is even less likely to be made by their Neva Design Bureau, because they did not intend to use a computer to draw a picture at all, but Modify directly on the original design drawing!

Nikolai shook off them and went it alone, which made Orlov completely outraged.

Nicholas' face also became gloomy. In front of customers, you must save me some face. What does this mean?Do you think I'm afraid of you?We already have detailed design drawings, don't be afraid of you.

Sukjidal was a little confused.

"How is this going?"

"Guests from afar, let me solemnly tell you that our Neva Design Bureau is the only design unit for the Type 1143 heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser. Only we have the ability to complete the aircraft carrier modification design of the Minsk, and no other unit can do it. You The design drawing you see now is rubbish, now, please transfer the 3000 million design fee directly to the account of our Neva Design Bureau, and we will design it for you."

"The start-up funds have already been called more than half a month ago." Sukjidal was a little puzzled: "Did you not receive the money?"

"Nicholas, tell me, what's going on?" Orlov controlled his urge to beat someone, his fists were already clenched.

"It's like this." Nicholas said: "We consider that the brain drain of the Neva Design Bureau is serious, and it may not be able to undertake the design task. Therefore, our Pacific Fleet organized its own design force and hired professionals. The design plan of the aircraft carrier has been completed. Sukjidar, please rest assured that we have used the most advanced computer design, and there will never be any problems, and the speed is very fast. Now we have completed a complete set of designs, Neva Design Bureau It’s too far behind, and they may take one or two years to complete the design, which will seriously delay the progress of our project!”

"I'm going to smash your ugly face to pieces!" Orlov couldn't bear it anymore, he waved his fist, and smashed it towards Nikolai's old face.

The fist stopped before it reached Nikolai's face, and Zaitsev had already caught the not-so-hard fist in time.

"Hmph!" Nicholas glanced sideways at Orlov: "You hit me here, do you still want to go back alive? Orlov, you can't blame me for this matter, it's because your appetite is too big."

"I will never let this matter go. Your Pacific Fleet will not end well if you do this. I will go to Moscow to sue!"

(End of this chapter)

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