Great warships

Chapter 268 Buy Chapter Kyiv

Chapter 268 Buying back the Kyiv (plus 4)

"The Kyiv, like the Minsk, was the most powerful war machine of the Red Empire Navy. Now, we are holding this auction, hoping to successfully auction it like the Minsk." Uskimen Ke looked at the crowd sitting below and said confidently.

This is the largest warship they can sell, and it must be sold more expensive than the Minsk!
"This auction starts at $500 million."

After Uskimenko finished speaking, the people below immediately began to discuss.

"What, 500 million? Is this too expensive?"

"That's right, this ship is different from the Minsk. It just broke out in a fire, and even Ah San is gone. Why is the internal structure seriously damaged? This broken ship can still be sold for 500 million?"

"I heard that Dazhou Company bought the Minsk, and there was an accident, and it has been unable to refit for a long time. This Kyiv must also be a pitfall."

As soon as the auction started, it was plunged into a weird atmosphere.

Li Jinshan looked around with a sullen face.


If the boiler inside is good, 500 million is not expensive, but if the boiler is broken, then they will buy it back at this price, and then disassemble it to sell scrap iron, which will definitely lose money.

The Minsk suffered a big loss. On the Kyiv, is it going to fall again?

Thinking of this, Li Jinshan looked at the people of Mingzhou Group not far away. Qin Tao sat there, as if thinking about something, and threw the bidding sign aside, without any intention of raising it.

"The Minsk was sold for 8000 million. Our Kyiv is even better than the Minsk. Come and bid!" Suchikov was anxious. He looked at the people at the scene and then at him. The one that was arranged.

If you want to make the auction enthusiastic, you need a trustee to raise the price. He has already arranged it. Now, why is the trustee still not asking for a price?

"U.S. Steel Corporation, I heard that you are very interested in this warship. Are you still making an offer?" Suchikov couldn't help but directly called the ship.

Hearing his roll call, the people there hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I'm sorry, we can't bid the price, we suspect this is a trap, if we call 1000 million, you just drop the hammer, then we need 1000 million to buy it Let’s go, if scrap iron is dismantled, it can be sold for 400 million yuan. However, we need to tow it back, occupy a dock to dismantle it, and there is a lot of labor. Taking these costs into account, we can earn up to 150 million yuan, so , if it’s more than 150 million, you’d be a fool to buy it.”

Everyone at the scene couldn't help laughing.

Even Qin Tao couldn't help laughing, these big bastards are so cute and stupid, they actually hired Americans as trustees, what happened?The Americans came up to tear down the stage!

Ever seen a bid like this?The following group of people didn't increase the price at all, on the contrary, they kept lowering the price!In particular, it was originally agreed to be a trustee, but in the end he came to tear down the stage. Such a scene is embarrassing!

Uskimenko's face was extremely ugly, and he could see that Suchikov's arrangement was too unreliable!
"You, how can you say that? Didn't we agree..." Suchikov stopped here. He was stunned by anger just now, but now he has found out. Just stupid.

Although he shut up in time, he also knew that he was completely finished. As the person in charge of the project, he suddenly lost his job, and now the auction was messed up. Next, he, a loser, might be asked to leave the army Bar?
Uskimenko's face was full of anger, but he also knew that he couldn't just get angry here, it would become a joke if it spread out, and he had to save it!

Uskimenko tried to calm himself down, looked at the crowd, and then fixed his eyes on someone.

"President Qin of the Mingzhou Group, you are here too, are you interested in photographing our warship?"

Of course, Uskimenko remembered that the time when he acted side by side with Qin Tao was also the most glorious time for him. He was very grateful to Qin Tao, and now, he hoped that Qin Tao could give him another hand.

Hearing Uskimenko's words, Qin Tao stood up and bowed respectfully: "Dear Your Excellency Uskimenko, we are honored to participate in this bidding. Our group is currently in a tight financial situation. That’s it, we are still willing to spend 200 million US dollars to bid for this warship.”

(The historical auction price was about 500 million, but it was already a few years later. Considering factors such as inflation, the depreciation of the US dollar, and the rise in global steel prices, in 92, the price of selling scrap iron was 200 150 US dollars is really quite high, and some readers also provided information, saying that scrap iron was [-] US dollars per ton at that time. Huadong Zhixiong did not find relevant data for a long time, so let’s just follow this price.)
After finishing speaking, Qin Tao looked in the direction of the Americans: "We know that at this price, if we drag it back and dismantle it, we will definitely lose money, but our brains are not flooded. If we can get the Kyiv, then it will Transform it into an aircraft carrier theme park, it is no longer possible to sail on the sea, in this way, let it play its residual heat, it is a better fate than dismantling it.”

Qin Tao is only willing to pay 200 million yuan, which is already higher than what the Americans said. Qin Tao also explained the purpose of buying it back: to transform the aircraft carrier park!
Now, let me tell you that we are business-minded. We bought the Kyiv back, and after the transformation, it can be more attractive.

"So, if we win the bid, we hope that you can give us Yak-38 and Ka-25 as gifts. After the aircraft carrier park is remodeled, we will display these aircraft on the flight deck." Qin Tao said seriously.

Li Jinshan became inexplicably nervous.

Qin Tao made a move, and he wanted to pay 200 million to buy the Kyiv back, so should he pay 250 million to bid with him?
For them, 250 million is not too much, they can take a risk, but... What if Qin Tao increases the price?What if the boiler inside really broke?

In his mind, what Qin Tao said just now rang again: it is no longer possible to sail on the sea, what does this sentence mean?Are you implying that the boiler inside is broken?

You suffered a big loss last time, so you must be careful this time!
After Qin Tao finished speaking, the scene became quiet again. Everyone looked at the rostrum, and Uskimenko felt extremely emotional.

Under the current circumstances, it is impossible to auction a high price. What Qin Tao said made him agree very much. What is the fate of the Kyiv?Since it can no longer continue to be transformed into an aircraft carrier and appear on the ocean as a war machine, it should be a good home for the Kyiv to transform it into an aircraft carrier theme park and continue to use its residual heat.

It's better than dismantling it into scrap iron!
200 million, this price is something they never thought of, but if they miss this auction, they will really have no chance in the future.

"President Qin, do you really want to transform it into an aircraft carrier theme park?" Uskimenko asked.

"In front of so many colleagues, am I going to lie?" Qin Tao said, "After that, what face do I have to participate in other auctions?"

Qin Tao is here, and he said it openly, just to pave the way for the future. When the Varyag is purchased, it will be transformed into a sea casino. Only when the Kyiv is successfully transformed, will others Believe me, after dragging it back, how to change it is up to you.

"Since it can no longer sail on the sea, then we..."

After hearing these words in Li Jinshan's ears, he completely gave up. Boss Qin did not lie. It seems that this warship is really broken down and cannot continue to move!
"The auction is over, and everyone's support is welcome!"

Uskimenko did not make a decision on the spot, but announced the end of the auction. Anyway, the potential buyer was Qin Tao alone, and their personal relationship was not bad, so they could continue to discuss in private.

Everyone else left in a gloomy mood, only Qin Tao stayed behind. Looking at the empty conference room, Uskimenko felt mixed feelings in his heart. In the complicated mood, he walked towards Qin Tao.

"Boss Qin, without you, we really wouldn't be able to step down just now. The damn Americans have been playing tricks on us all the time!"

After finishing speaking, he gave Suchikov a reproachful look. You really know how to find someone to tear things down. If it wasn't for Mr. Qin, it wouldn't have ended just now!
Suchhkov didn't dare to take a breath, and he couldn't help it!

"President Qin, can this price really not be higher?"

Qin Tao smiled wryly: "After we drag it back, we still need to modify it, and we have to invest about 50 to 100 million US dollars. When the aircraft carrier park opens, the ticket is 5000 yuan, and it receives [-] tourists a day, that is [-] yuan. Convert it down, roughly One or two thousand dollars, this is the peak season, and it will take us ten years to recover the cost."

After a simple calculation, you can know that this kind of investment is already very uneconomical to recover the cost in ten years. If the budget is increased, then there is no need for them to buy it.

Uskimenko let out a long sigh: "Oh, we originally..."

Originally, I was counting on the funds from the auction to get two Su-33s, now? 200 million US dollars, even the engine of the Taiwan Su-33 can't be bought back, it is enough to fill up the Kuznetsov!

"There was not much profit in selling this kind of decommissioned old ship. The Minsk was just a miracle. The Kimchi people regretted it when they bought it back. Therefore, it is expected that the Kyiv can be sold at the same price as the Minsk. Impossible." Qin Tao said: "If you sell the Gorshkov, you can still sell it for a good price."

There are four Kyiv-class ships, and the fourth ship, the Baku, is the latest model that was only commissioned in 88. Therefore, if this warship is sold, Ah San will definitely change his mind.

However, how could the Northern Fleet be willing to sell it!

The new warships that have been in service for four years, how can they sell their precious lumps?
When failures such as blown boilers occurred and they were unable to repair them, they would sell the warship in tears, and Ah San was still the one who took over the offer, and it would take several years.

Qin Tao's suggestion is also not feasible.

"Mr. Qin, the price of 200 million US dollars is too cheap. Therefore, our fleet needs to hold a meeting to discuss, and even report to Moscow to obtain Moscow's permission before we can sell this warship." Uskimenko said .

If it is sold for 8000 million, he can make a decision right away, and there is a problem with 200 million. It is too cheap. What if someone turns over the old account in the future?Hold a meeting to discuss, report to Moscow, and after a process, he will have no responsibility, and if it is sold at a low price, it will be sold at a low price.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, I can wait. If this transaction can be completed, according to our usual practice, there will be a 20.00% service fee. Do you choose to open an account with Moscow International Commercial Bank or go to Switzerland to open an account ?”

Uskimenko's heart beat suddenly, and he looked around. There was no one else around, and even Suchikov, for fear of reproach, kept away from him.

Qin Tao's voice was so low that he was the only one who could hear him. He swallowed and said, "Swiss bank accounts are the best. Moscow will not have any problems with this transaction and will definitely approve it."

Uskimenko thought for a while and continued: "As for the aircraft used for the exhibition, they have already been retired anyway. I will give you two Yak-38s and two Ka-25s, with free gifts."

At this time, Uskimenko is still immersed in excitement, 200 million, 20.00%, that is 40 US dollars!

"Well, Your Excellency Uskimenko, I hope we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future." Qin Tao said: "For example, renting a few nuclear submarines from your submarine force can increase your income. .”

Leasing a nuclear submarine?Uskimenko thought about it.

This is not without precedent. In 87, Ah San leased a K-43 nuclear submarine from the Soviet Union. For the third brother who did not have a nuclear submarine, the rented submarine can train the crew and show off its might on the ocean. Very good deal.

The first submarine was returned after three years of lease. Since then, Ah San has embarked on the road of no return by renting submarines for appearance. Back and forth, he has leased three types of submarines. For 30 years, he has always relied on rented nuclear submarines to show off I am the only country other than the five rogues that has nuclear submarines.

Now, the East also wants to lease nuclear submarines?

Uskimenko said excitedly, "What submarine do you plan to lease?"

"Type 949, Type 941, or Type 971." Qin Tao said three types in one breath, leaving Uskimenko speechless.

Oscar class, Typhoon class, Acura class, these are definitely big killers!It is the main force in Lao Maozi's navy. How could they lease this kind of submarine to the East?

"Moscow will not agree," Uskimenko said.

"You can quietly lend it to us, so that the rent will belong to your Northern Fleet." Qin Tao said.

Of course, he didn't expect Moscow to agree. If it was reported to Moscow, it would be hell if it passed, and the whole world would cause an uproar.

However, no one knows about nuclear submarines going underwater, and there are usually a batch of them docked in caves, so it is also possible to rent out one or two quietly.

I don’t know if Uskimenko has the guts. Anyway, it’s just a plan proposed by Qin Tao. As for the loan, it’s not for the navy to fill in the gaps, but for surveying and mapping imitation. Quickly reached a new height in nuclear submarines.

When Qin Tao left, it was already dark. When he returned to the hotel, he had just settled in when he heard a knock on the door. When he opened it, it was the familiar Pu Douxuan and Li Jinshan, who came to visit with a familiar translator. up.

"President Qin, I'm sorry to bother you at such a late hour." Li Jinshan said, "Congratulations on your successful bid."

Qin Tao smiled: "Mr. Li, the agreement has not been formally signed yet, maybe the old man wants to sell it for 8000 million, and then refuses to sell it to me."

The 8000 million at this time, to Li Jinshan's ears, is simply a kind of irony. They are also broken warships, one with 8000 million and one with 200 million. The gap is too big.

"President Qin, if you can get this Kyiv, can you test it and see if those boilers are in good condition, and if they are in good condition, can you resell them to us?"

Qin Tao glanced at Li Jinshan: "Well, of course there is no problem. If there are five intact boilers, then we will sell them to you for 200 million yuan, and five boilers for 200 million yuan. However, I advise you not to have too many boilers. Fantasy. It is better to quickly order a brand new boiler. Lao Maozi’s boiler factories, such as the Podolsk Boiler Factory and the Tagan Rog Boiler Factory, have already begun to see a large number of workers resign. If they have no orders, the workers will be gone. No, money can’t buy it anymore.”

Li Jinshan swallowed and spit: "Yes, we have visited these factories, and the prospects are not optimistic. Mr. Qin, can you help us to order one from there first."

"One?" Qin Tao looked at Li Jinshan in surprise: "Is one enough?"

"Let's try it first and see if they can produce it."

"Okay, then I'll make a trip. You can transfer the full amount of 200 million to our account, and I can make a trip for you."

"President Qin, can we go with you? Let my subordinate Pu Douxuan go with you."

Qin Tao glanced at Li Jinshan: "Of course not. If I want to order, I have to go through a lot of relationships and bribe a lot of related people. Follow me and get familiar with my connections. In the future, you will get rid of me and go directly to them to order the rest What about Sitai? I won't do this kind of thing of making wedding dresses for others."

Qin Tao had already made it clear, and Li Jinshan could only accept it.

"Okay, then we have to sign an agreement. If the boiler can't be produced, you have to refund the 200 million."

Qin Tao glanced at him again: "Huh, I don't like this kind of small business. If there is such an additional condition, then you have to add one more. In the future, if you continue to order boilers, you have to go through our Mingzhou Group. "

"it is good."

For Dazhou Company, they are already in a difficult situation. They can only find a way to order a new boiler, and they can only go through Qin Tao, because they have already asked the price. Wan is still high, they have no way out, no network of connections, so they can only go to Qin Tao's side.

Qin Tao easily received 200 million. In this way, the purchase funds for the Kyiv were in place, and Qin Tao didn't spend any money!
three days later.

Qin Tao took the ship pick-up personnel from Mingzhou, and hired a group of former old Maozi crew members, and boarded the Kyiv together.

The weapons that should be dismantled have all been dismantled, and the secret parts that have not been dismantled have also been destroyed by blasting. This warship looks a bit dilapidated. Seeing it, it is easy to think of the Red Empire. Once powerful, now lonely, the fate of the ship is the fate of the country!

The pick-up crew operated in an orderly manner.

"Boiler No. [-] is successfully ignited!"

"The No. [-] boiler has successfully ignited!"

Six of the eight boilers are on fire!
If Li Jinshan knew, he would definitely beat his chest and stamp his feet, regretting his mistakes, why hesitate?Take a picture!
Of course, if he made the move, then there is a high probability that the Kyiv will fail the auction, and Moscow will not sell it cheaply. Without Uskimenko's activities, it is impossible for the big bosses in Moscow to agree.

Buying this Kyiv is equivalent to not spending any money, just a bribe of 40, which is trivial.

After all, after you go back, disassemble the boiler and paint it with new paint, one can sell for 200 million, and five can sell for 1000 million!

Proper money-making business ah.

Qin Tao was very satisfied with this leak detection. After seven or eight hours of boiler burning, the huge hull finally began to wobble away from the pier, and then embarked on the return journey.

This journey was absolutely not peaceful. After leaving Murmansk and leaving the Barents Sea where the Northern Fleet was active, a Perry-class frigate came up and began to accompany the escort.

Occasionally, a helicopter flew by, and the camera protruded from the side cabin of the helicopter, and the cannon was aimed at the Kyiv, shooting wildly for a while.

The departure of this heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser was even more sensational than when it was in service, so that major media around the world kept paying attention to it.

East, Capital, Yellow Tower.

"Old Wu, your son-in-law has done another big thing, 200 million, and brought the Kyiv back. Shall we go through the formalities and take over the warship and transform it into an aircraft carrier?"

Hearing this suggestion, Wu Shengli shook his head: "Looking at your potential, the Kyiv is not usable at all. If it can be refitted, why would Ah San give up? Taozi has already said that he will drag the Varyag back later. ...Forget it, I won’t tell you guys, it’s useless to talk about it.”

"Varyag? Aren't Da Mao and Er Mao still discussing that warship?"

"The discussion didn't work out, and we still have to sell scrap iron in the future."

"The French are really serious. Just give us the Clemenceau for free. We don't think it's poisonous, but we still want money!"

"By the way, Zhang Zhong of our navy has already gone to the TV station as a special guest, and I don't know how his ability to fool people compares with that of Lao Wu's son-in-law."

"Don't you know if you look at it?"

On the TV, the special guest, Zhang Zhong, was talking freely.

"Theoretically speaking, it is still possible to transform the Kyiv-class heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser into an aircraft carrier. The key is the cost. If the modification costs too much money, or there are problems with the original structure, then the loss outweighs the gain. Better to build new."

"So, after the Kyiv returns to China, will it carry out similar modifications?"

"Of course that's impossible. We know that the Mingzhou Group that bought the Kyiv is a local enterprise and has nothing to do with our navy. They bought it back to renovate the aircraft carrier park. Moreover, until now, we are still close For the strategy of water defense, our country does not need an offensive weapon like an aircraft carrier."

(End of this chapter)

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