Great warships

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

In Lao Maozi's place, it is normal for a son to follow his father's career.

For example, old Mikoyan's son Xiaomi Gaoyan, and old Yakovlev's son Yakovlev Jr. are both engaged in airplanes, and they are also very successful, but there are exceptions.

The old Mikulin is a genius in engines, whether it is in piston engines or jet engines, he has amazing achievements, but in terms of raising children, old Mikulin obviously failed.

Xiaomi Kulin did not inherit his father's talent. Instead of devoting himself to science, he entered the entertainment circle. Although he did not win any awards, he appeared in many movies. Especially, because of his father's relationship, Xiaomi Kulin has lived in a superior environment since he was a child. There are many cars in his garage.

What impresses people is that Xiaomi Kulin also owns a Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing sports car with gullwing doors. Although this car was produced in the 50s, it is already considered an antique, but because of It used a high-end fuel injection system, so it was purchased by the KGB and studied carefully in St. Petersburg. After losing its research value, it went to the market and was collected by Xiaomi Kulin, who loves sports cars.

These all show the characteristics of Xiaomi Kulin's rich second generation. How can he be so bleak at this time?
Now, Mikulin is also old, and the years have left wrinkles on his face, which makes his appearance look very similar to that of old Mikulin.

Mr. Jiang once met old Mikulin. Decades ago, when the relationship between the two sides was friendly, Mr. Jiang once came to Moscow and visited the famous Mikulin Design Bureau. The old Mikulin at that time left him I was deeply impressed, and even though decades have passed, I still recognize it now.

Of course, this is also because the medals sold by the other party are the same as the medals owned by old Mikulin. In the entire country of Da Mao, there are not many people who have so many medals.

At this moment, Xiaomi Kulin's sad appearance made people feel very emotional. The wrinkled old man in front of him seemed to be like the red empire that had collapsed.

"Mr. Mikulin, have you encountered any difficulties in life?" Qin Tao reluctantly handed over the genuine Lenin medal to the other party: "If you need money, I can lend it to you. You still have to pay for this medal." Take it."

But Xiaomi Kulin was very firm: "No, I can't borrow your money because I can't pay it back."

"Mr. Mikulin, you should have retired, right? Where's your pension?" Elder Jiang was a little curious. Decades later, when he set foot on this land again, Elder Jiang was still very unfamiliar with it.

"Pension? My pension is not enough to buy two bottles of vodka."

"Well, Mr. Mikulin, how about we go to a nearby bar for a drink?" Qin Tao suggested.

I provide the wine, you provide the story, tell your unhappy things, and make everyone happy.

Xiaomi Kulin immediately agreed. Obviously, he hadn't had a drink for a long time.

Entering the nearby bar, Mikulin raised his head and poured a bottle of vodka into his mouth in one breath, letting his stomach relive the pleasure of drinking. When he got the second bottle, he began to talk slowly .

Like some stars, Mikulin was very open when he was young. Although he was not very famous, he was rich. Therefore, he had a happy relationship with many stars of the Red Empire period, even European stars. experience.

In the process of falling in love with these women, Mikulin also had a son, who took the very popular name of Ivan.

Although he is not married, this does not prevent him from having a son, and it was only when he was about 40 years old.

Just a year before the collapse of the Red Empire, his son was still studying at Moscow University. His son had the talent of his grandfather, and his grades were very good. He wanted to enter the aero-engine design bureau founded by his grandfather and become an excellent engine designer. , to revive the glory of grandpa.

However, who would have thought that the young son was seriously ill and his kidney was broken!

I need to go to the hospital for dialysis every month, and I have to wait for a new kidney transplant.

Just last month, the matching was finally successful, but the transplant requires a lot of money, and it also requires life-long medication to suppress the body's rejection reaction.

Since Ivan was hospitalized, Xiaomi Kulin has not had a good day. His house, his sports car, and all his valuables have been sold to pay for his son's dialysis.

The sky-high cost of transplantation, what should he do?
He thought of his father's honors, those medals were very valuable, so he hung up the medals on the inside of the military coat and came out to sell them.

It's a pity that there was not a single successful transaction in a month. When they heard that the asking price was [-] US dollars, the customers who were originally interested were also scared away.

"On the black market, some people will sell their medals for five hundred dollars, which is an insult to honor." Mikulin said: "I also have principles. Buy it for US dollars, and then sell it for [-] US dollars, so I have to sell my own medals for [-] US dollars, only in this way, it can be regarded as worthy of my father's medals."

At this time, Xiaomi Kulin had already drank the second bottle of vodka.

"How much does the full set of transplant costs?" Qin Tao asked Xiaomi Kulin.

"Thirty thousand dollars." Xiaomi Kulin said, "I need to sell at least six medals to be enough."

That's why he asked for five thousand dollars each. If he sold one for five hundred dollars, it would be considered as selling all the medals in hand, and it would not be enough to cover the cost.

"Okay, I'll lend you [-] U.S. dollars. In the future, when Ivan is healthy and working, he can use his salary to slowly repay the debt. I will leave you an account..."

"No, no, no!" Xiaomi Kulin's attitude was very firm: "I will not leave the debt to Ivan, guests from the east, I know, you know my father, that's why you gave me such a prescription." Good conditions, my father's medals are handed over to you, which is considered the best destination, so if you give me [-] dollars, I will give you all the medals."

Seventeen medals, if all of them were sold at [-] pieces, it would be [-] US dollars, but in fact, only the Lenin medal is the most valuable, and other medals are not so expensive. At the same time, he peddled a Not a single one was sold for a month, so it was not easy to sell at a high price.

Since there is a destiny, then simply, sell these medals to the person in front of you, pack them all, [-] US dollars!
Elder Jiang frowned, not knowing how Qin Tao planned to deal with it, but after thinking about it for a while, Qin Tao nodded and said, "Yes."


Mi Kulin's eyes were full of light again. With enough money, Ivan could have the surgery. However, thinking of his father's lifelong honor being handed over to others, Mi Kulin still felt a little uncomfortable.

He raised the bottle and drank a new bottle of vodka in one gulp.

After the transaction was completed, they returned to the hotel where they were staying. Seeing the medals that covered the entire table, everyone chattered.

"The afterglow of the empire, I never dreamed that these medals would be sold one day."

"That's right, the honor of the Red Empire has just turned into money."

"If it were me, I would rather die poor, no matter how much money I have, I wouldn't sell it."

"It's also strange, why does the old man want dollars, isn't the currency in circulation here?"

If he hadn't gone to the bar with Qin Tao, Mr. Jiang wouldn't have understood why they were talking about dollars instead of rubles. I will understand.

"This is the same as the legal currency decades ago. In 37, 100 French currency could buy a cow. In 48, 100 French currency could buy four grains of rice. Think about it, what was the most valuable holding at that time?"

"Gold, silver, Yuan Datou and the like. Poor people, if they get their wages, they can quickly buy them into food."

"Yeah, so, here in Lao Maozi, although rubles are in circulation, they prefer to trade in dollars, which is definitely a hard currency."

Mr. Jiang was very emotional.

The Red Empire, once so powerful, has become like this now!
Mr. Liu looked at Qin Tao: "Boss Qin, you got so many medals, are you planning to go back as souvenirs?"

"Of course not, good steel should be used on the blade." Qin Tao said with a smile: "Let the old Maozi know who is their real friend and who is the jackal who robbed them."

Boom, boom, boom!At this moment, there was a knock on the door. After opening the door, a young man appeared at the door: "My friends, I have found out all the information you want."

"Now, the chief designer of the Tumansky Design Bureau is Fedotov, who is Tumansky's successor. Tumansky has already retired at home a few years ago."

Back then, when the design bureau was first established, it was called Mikulin Design Bureau. Later, after Mikulin retired, in fact, after falling out of favor, the design bureau was renamed Tumansky Design Bureau. This is of course because of the name of the successor. It's called Sergey Konstantinovich Tumansky.

He is also a master in the field of aero engines. The MiG-25 with double and triple indicators has dominated the sky for many years. The appearance of this aircraft is inseparable from Mikoyan, the design master, and Tumansky, the engine master. That P15-300 engine is the masterpiece of Tumansky's life.

However, people are always getting old, and Tumanski is also old. He retired a few years ago and has been at home all the time.

"Recently, Fedotov has a close relationship with the Americans, and various evidences show that he has accepted a lot of bribes from the Americans, possibly to buy some of their products." The young man said, turning several A photo was placed on the table.

"At present, we have not found out the specific identity of this person."

"He is John Jackson, a senior engineer at Lockheed Corporation and Skunk Works." Qin Tao said, "The purpose of his coming here is to buy the technology of the R-79 engine from the Tumansky Design Bureau." , especially the most valuable rotary nozzle technology."

"Boss Qin, how do you know?" Mr. Jiang and Mr. Liu were very surprised.

Qin Tao showed an inscrutable expression: "I have many good friends of Lao Maozi."

"If they also target the R-79 engine technology, it will be against us." Jiang Lao frowned.

"Yeah, so we have to find a way. By the way, how is Tumanski doing?" Qin Tao asked the young man.

"After he retired, he lived in the apartment building at No. 76 Vavilov Street, unit 101, [-], which is a Stalinka house. By the way, he seems to have caught a cold recently."

"Have a cold?" Qin Tao rolled his eyes and immediately had an idea: "Is there a box of Tong Ren Tang's cold and heat granules in our suitcase? Give it to me!"

Cold and heat-clearing granules?

Mr. Jiang and Mr. Liu looked at Qin Tao curiously. After someone brought the medicine, Qin Tao took it and ran out in a hurry. Everyone was still confused.

What is President Qin going to do?

The first day in Moscow passed like this. On the second morning, Qin Tao called Mr. Jiang and Mr. Liu, and went out again with the [-] dollar medal.

"Mr. Qin, did you give Tumanski the cold and heat-clearing granules yesterday?"

"That's right." Qin Tao said: "Let's go over today to see how his body is doing. Although Lao Maozi's physique is different from ours, the medicine left by our ancestors is still very effective, let alone Lao Maozi. , even if an old hen has a cold and a fever, it can be cured.”

Hearing Qin Tao compare Lao Maozi to an old hen, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Liu couldn't help but laugh. Your comparison is too inappropriate. Moreover, it is obviously a risk. Blame the problem on Ganmao Qingre Granules, and get into trouble.

Do you know how old the old man is?
Worried, everyone has come to the front of the apartment building.

After the Great Patriotic War, many cities in the western part of the Soviet Union became ruins and had to be rebuilt. In order to save costs, the simple Khrushchev Building came out.

However, the iron heels of the Germans have never set foot in Moscow. Although there have been plane bombings, Moscow’s losses are not serious. The Germans can’t even find the Red Square, and the Kremlin hasn’t even suffered a shell.Many buildings have survived like this.

This old 54-square-meter Stalin-style one-bedroom apartment has been preserved to this day. It is antique and the locals are used to calling this old house "Stalinka".

"As Tumanski, he shouldn't live in this kind of apartment, right?" Elder Jiang asked curiously while looking for the building number.

They are also chief teachers. Look at Makarov. Although his career is not going well, his life is still good. He lives in a villa by the sea.

"This is Moscow." Qin Tao said.

Where is Moscow?Old Maozi's capital, how many people want to come?It would be nice to have a place to live.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The other reason is that in the era of turbofan engines, the Tumansky Design Bureau has nothing to offer, and they are marginalized. How can they arrange accommodation? Pay attention?

After entering the 80s, with various reforms and privatization trends, those livable places have long been acquired by some people.

dong dong!

Qin Tao knocked on the door.

With the sound of creaking, an old man with gray hair appeared in front of everyone.

"Mr. Tumansky, your complexion looks much better. How do you feel today?" Qin Tao asked Tumansky.

"I feel better, Qin, the traditional Chinese medicine you gave me yesterday is really amazing!" Tumansky said excitedly, "It's even better than the injection I got when I went to the hospital!"

After speaking, Tumanski also noticed the two people behind Qin Tao: "Who are these two?"

In his memory, something vague began to slowly become clear. Where did these two people seem to meet?
"Mr. Tumansky, my name is Jiang **, and this is Liu **. We met decades ago. At that time, you taught us a few lessons, which benefited us a lot."

"I remember, you are students from the east!" Tumansky said excitedly: "Come, come in and sit!"

There is only Tumanski in the apartment. His wife passed away a few years ago, and his children live elsewhere.

Although there is only one person, the room is still clean. The living room is the living room. There is a card seat sofa and two chairs, which is enough for several people to sit. Next to the sofa is a bookshelf. The side of the shelf, It is the window.

Several people did not sit down, but stood in front of the bookshelf, with rows of books below and models above.

Each engine model is familiar to the two, and the production is exquisite. Obviously, the producer has put a lot of thought into it. Different pipelines and different paints are painted. Those paints are very fresh and look like It's the same as I did recently.

"I have been working on the engine for a lifetime. In 87, I couldn't do it anymore, so I quit. However, I still have a lot of affection for the engine, so I made these models when I was idle at home."

It can be seen that there are some tools on the dining table next to the kitchen. Obviously, Tumansky usually sits in front of this small table, immersed in his own world.

"Mr. Tumansky, you have been working on engines all your life, and you are our role model. We also want to learn from you."

Mr. Jiang and Mr. Liu are not young anymore, and they can even retire early. However, they are still too young in front of Tumansky. Tumanski is two or 30 years older than them. Still working.

Absolutely endless life, endless struggle, the old people of that generation all carry this spirit.

Tumanski nodded, and then thought of something: "What's the matter you came to find me? It's not just to see me, an old man, right?"

Including Qin Tao's delivery of medicine, there must be a purpose, Tumanski knew it well.

"Yes, there is something to do." Qin Tao said, opened the handbag he brought, and then took out something from it.

When the red ribbon was pulled out, Tumansky's eyes were fixed there, and then he saw a Lenin medal, which was taken out, then the second, and the third pieces.

Three Lenin medals were placed on the table, so that he had already guessed what, and then there were one after another Soviet Labor Hero medals, which are special awards set up to take care of some people who are not eligible for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union , To receive such an award is equivalent to a Hero of the Soviet Union.

One after another, when the eight Soviet Hero of Labor medals were placed on the table, Tumansky had guessed something: "Why is Mikulin's medal here?"

"Yesterday, when we just arrived in Moscow, we happened to meet Mi Kulin selling medals." Qin Tao continued to take out the Suvorov Medal while explaining: "We went to the bar to drink, and we found out that Mi Kulin My son is seriously ill and needs a lot of money. I originally planned to give him [-] dollars directly to treat the child, but he refused and gave me all the medals."

"For Mikulin, these medals are of great significance. I don't intend to keep them for myself. After I found out that you are here, I decided to give you these medals. After all, you used to be with Mikulin You are a good friend and a master of aero-engines, these medals are best kept by you."

Tumansky looked at the medals on the table, and then looked at Qin Tao: "What's going on? What's wrong with little Ivan?"

After finishing all this, Tumanski sat on the sofa beside him and sighed long, with sorrow written all over his face.

If the Red Empire is still there, how could such a situation arise?
Even if Mikulin has lost power, his grandson is sick, so there is no need to worry about treatment, and various expenses will definitely be waived.Why should it be reduced to the point of selling medals.

These medals represent the honor of those who have dedicated their lives to the Soviet Union!
"Unfortunately, such a thing would never have happened before." Qin Tao said: "The Red Empire has become what it is now, and the lives of the people have plummeted. All of this is because of the conspirators behind it, especially the Americans! "

Qin Tao began to reveal his real purpose.

The cold granule has won Tumansky's favor, and these medals have awakened Tumansky's nostalgia for the great country that used to be. At this time, all the foreshadowing work has been completed, and the strategy has begun!


"That's right, you wouldn't naively think that Americans brought freedom and happiness to this country, would you?" Qin Tao said, "People have only celebrated the collapse of the Red Empire for a few months, and the country has become what it is now. ? The shelves in the shopping mall are indeed full of food now, but, looking at wages and prices, how many people can afford it?"

Not to mention ordinary people, even people of Tumanski's level don't have enough pension to spend. If the government didn't give him extra subsidies, he probably would have to sell the few medals he had.

Qin Tao began to talk incessantly, and Tumanski's face became more and more ugly. Although he was old, his mind was still very clear. He quickly understood the theories Qin Tao said .

Mr. Jiang and Mr. Liu are a little worried. Take it easy. Tumanski is so big, so don't get excited. If something happens suddenly, it won't be solved by a few packs of cold and heat-clearing granules!

"The huge military heritage left over from the Soviet era is what they are thinking about. Recently, the Americans have been in frequent contact with Fedotov, and they must be aiming at the most advanced things of the design bureau."

(End of this chapter)

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