Great warships

Chapter 279

Chapter 279
Click, click!
The flash of the camera kept emitting strong light, which was very dazzling under the dim street lights of Moscow.

The cordon has been pulled up, and the people inside are being carried on a stretcher and sent to an ambulance, but all this has been in vain.

By the time Vitalia rushed to the scene with Qin Tao in a sports car, it was already too late.

With so many reporters watching, it was impossible to squeeze in. Qin Tao could only watch the ambulance leave, and his mind was also thinking rapidly.

After finishing his work, Tumansky went home. As a result, when he was strolling near the door of his house, he accidentally got into a car accident and the murderer also escaped. There were only a few witnesses nearby. He saw a black car. Yes, I don't know anything.

License plate?Didn't see clearly.

How is this going?

The reporter started to interview witnesses at the scene. Qin Tao rolled his eyes and said to Vitalia, "Vitalia, please do me a favor."

"It's an honor." Vitalia said with a smile.

"Tell these reporters the content of the manuscript I gave you." Qin Tao said, "I am the face of Dongfang, and it is not convenient to show up."

This kind of thing is better done by local old men. Qin Tao's oriental face is easily misunderstood by others.

"Of course no problem." Of course Vitalia knew what Qin Tao was planning.

"Oh, it's so pitiful. During the day, the scum of the design bureau was just found out, and he was murdered at night."

After Vitalia just said this sentence, countless reporters rushed over with a huff.

"what happened?"

"Yeah, what's the inside story here?"

"Tumansky's current chief engineer, Fedotov, accepted bribes from the Americans and planned to sell the technical data of the design bureau to the Americans. Before the transaction, he was discovered by Tumansky and stopped in time. Today during the day, Fedotov was just taken away for investigation, and now something happened. I think there must be something wrong with it.”

Who did it?

Reporters need to be imaginative, and they will be able to react quickly. There is definitely an inside story!
At this time, the cold wind was blowing, and Vitalia was wearing a coat, a hat and a mask, covering herself tightly, only showing her blue eyes.

"How did you know?"

"Because I am..." Vitalia stopped in the middle of her sentence: "You can investigate by yourself, I can't reveal my identity, otherwise, I may lie on the ground at any time."

After finishing speaking, Vitalia turned around and left, but inadvertently dropped the manuscript Qin Tao gave her to the ground.

A few sharp-eyed reporters reached out to pick it up, and some even snatched it up, turning it into two halves. By the time they tried to find Vitalia again, they had long since disappeared.

Vitalia is gone.

"Now, it's enough for those people to drink a pot, and it hasn't exposed our Liberty." Vitalia said: "Qin, this action is so perfect, I feel like God is helping you .”

"How is that possible? I don't believe in that." Qin Tao said, "I just believe that I am righteous."

"Wait, there seems to be a car following us!" Vitalia suddenly noticed something, and felt a little anxious.

There is a car following!

Vitalia skillfully turned the direction, flicked her tail, and entered a remote street. The tracking behind her seemed to have disappeared.

Are you worrying too much?

Vitalia continued to drive, and when she got out of the street, a car on the side of the road followed her.

"Damn it."

"I think you don't have to worry too much, they might be protecting me," Qin Tao said.

At the beginning, when Qin Tao and Zhao Ling met Vitalia in Europe, someone followed Vitalia, who was actually a bodyguard. Now, the same situation happened to Qin Tao.

In fact, Qin Tao can also guess that his importance has been proven after numerous appearances and major events. Therefore, there must be someone secretly protecting him. The first few times, when he was alone When people wandered around Lao Maozi's land, they had already discovered it.

Vitalia breathed a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be like this. I was taken aback. I thought someone was trying to harm us."

A busy day has passed, and the next day, various newspapers, overwhelming news came.

"The death of the chief teacher. This title is mediocre." Qin Tao picked up a newspaper and commented.

The content inside is roughly a description of the scene, and then connect with what happened at that time to make inferences. In particular, it clearly states that the object of Fedotov's betrayal of technology is Lockheed Corporation!

It seems that this reporter has done an investigation.

"Afterglow of the Empire, this title is much more domineering." Qin Tao continued to read the newspaper. The title was very domineering, but the author obviously strayed from the topic, and just used Tumansky's death as an introduction for a long-winded narrative. , How powerful the Red Empire is, how aggrieved Da Mao is now, combined with the soaring domestic prices, it can also resonate.

"The epitome of the times, um, this is written more implicitly."

In this way, Qin Tao commented one by one, and after reading all these newspapers, about an hour passed.

"President Qin, these public opinions are overwhelming, so our project will be in order, right?" Elder Jiang asked Qin Tao.

Qin Tao gave Mr. Jiang a blank look. You are so old, you are still so naive?
"At present, these newspapers just want to attract attention and increase sales. They have nothing to do with justice. They just find this news attractive. Maybe it will be replaced by other hot news the next day. Now, if we want to obtain technology, we still have to give gifts to those big guys, don’t take this seriously, if some big guys are angered, these reports may drop to freezing point tomorrow.”

"However, is there any inside story here?"

"Who knows, it might be some drunkard who drove into an accident. It might just be a coincidence. If people from Lockheed did it, I don't think they are that stupid." Qin Tao said, "However, since the incident It has already happened, we still have to go to Tumansky’s memorial service for his old man.”

The truth of the matter is never important, what is important is how to use this kind of incident to serve oneself.

It is easy for the public to forget. Taking advantage of this heat, it is estimated that some big bosses will also be angry. If they are active again, they will make a decision on their own project. If they wait until the heat of this matter passes, their own side may be delayed. several years.

If Mr. Jiang wanted to recover the activity funds, he would be too naive.

"Well, listen to you."

The memorial service was held on the morning of the third day after the accident. The whole ceremony was not grand, neither in the Kremlin Palace nor in the Union Building, but in a nearby church. This kind of Western-style funeral also gave people a feeling of special touch.

People always have beliefs and sustenance. When one belief collapses, another belief has to fill the vacuum.

In terms of officials, only the mayor of Moscow came. For an aviation master like Tumansky, it is considered shabby enough. It may be to avoid conflicting plans, and many bigwigs deliberately did not show up.

There are a lot of people from the aviation industry.

Tumansky, who was born in 1901, did not die until 1992. This kind of funeral is regarded as a joyful mourning in China.However, since it was a car accident, it cannot be said to be the end of life.

Mentioning this incident, everyone was very emotional.Before he was alive, the old man was able to eat and drink, and everything was normal. He didn't look like an old man in his 90s at all. He could go to the National Security Bureau to accuse his students of crimes, and then deal with them on the spot. How could such a person Can you say it's gone?
The death of Tumanski made the people present sigh.

After the silence and other ceremonies passed, Qin Tao looked at one of them.

"Mr. Alexander, can we have a chat?"


In the corner of the church, Qin Tao and Alexander sat down on a few empty seats, leaning on the radiator behind them.

"I regret it very much." Qin Tao said, "If I hadn't given Master Mikulin's medal to Master Tumansky, nothing would happen later."

"No, Qin, these have nothing to do with you." Alexander said: "If you take those medals back, people will look down on them. Now, the medals of the two chief engineers are placed in the exhibition hall of the Design Bureau. This is already the best ending."

"This incident is really strange. If it was done by Lockheed, then they are too courageous. If it is not done by them, it is too coincidental." Qin Tao said.

"Yes, the result of the investigation by the Security Bureau is that it was an ordinary drunk driver who didn't know who he hit and killed. Therefore, the Moscow side intends to let this matter cool down."

"Do you think so too?" Qin Tao asked.

Alexander shook his head: "I don't know, but the people in our design bureau were very angry after hearing the news. Therefore, our cooperation with Lockheed is probably going to fail."

The fact that Alexander can say this shows that he has ruined Qin Tao.

The current Lockheed Corporation has not yet cooperated with Martin Corporation, not the giant Lockheed Martin Corporation of later generations, but Lockheed's R&D strength is still very strong.

For example, the F-117, an aircraft that doesn't look like an airplane, and which stubbornly pursues stealth as the first priority, is produced by Lockheed's skunk factory.

At the same time, Lockheed is also developing the next generation of aircraft.

The F-22 bidding has ended, and Lockheed, which won the victory, is not complacent about it. They know that the Cold War is over and the number of expensive F-22 equipment will continue to decrease.

This can be regarded as a high-end fighter in the high-low configuration of the US Air Force, and they still need a large number of low-end fighters.

According to the needs of the Navy, they also need to allow the aircraft to have vertical take-off and landing capabilities, so that they can replace the Sea Harrier and obtain contracts from the Navy and the Marine Corps. This type of aircraft is the biggest cake in the arms market.

Although the real tender will not be available until 96, but now they are about to start.

Therefore, Lockheed extended its hand to Da Mao, and they also want to carve up part of the legacy of the Red Empire.

The Yak-141 project was brutally terminated by the Da Mao military. If the aircraft wants to continue to fly in the sky, it must obtain funds.

The funds obtained from selling the materials at the beginning have all been used up. Now, Lockheed has contacted them on its own initiative!
"Lockheed is going to give us around $[-] million so we can get enough money to build more prototypes and advanced avionics, and even, they're proposing to have our plane go to the Paris Air Show next year. But right now, we'd rather not have that money than work with them, it's a deal with the jackal, with the devil."

Other people may not have been touched too much, but Alexander, the chief designer of the Yakovlev Design Bureau, was deeply stimulated, because the engine of the Tumansky Design Bureau was for them Supplied by Jacques Aircraft.

Even the Lockheed people were introduced to Fedotov by Alexander.

Thinking of these things, Alexander clenched his fists. This is simply seeking skins from tigers and working with wolves!When it was eaten, I don't know.

Even, he himself accepted some benefits from Lockheed, which made him a little worried.

In this complicated mood, Alexander told Qin Tao about these things. Anyway, the transaction would not be possible. Telling him made him feel better.

"Alexander, I don't know if you have noticed. Now, the aviation forces of various countries are updating their own aircraft. There are more and more third-generation aircraft. Our country has also begun to negotiate the purchase of the second batch of Su-27 fighters."

Alexander nodded. He didn't know what Qin Tao meant by saying this. After all, their Yakovlev Design Bureau had been marginalized, and they didn't have advanced third-generation fighter jets at all!

Originally, their Yak-141 still had this opportunity, but the research and development of the third-generation confidentiality required an astronomical amount of funds. Without the support of the state, it was difficult for them to continue this project.

"However, it is too difficult for ordinary pilots to fly third-generation aircraft. They need to adapt to the two-seater third-generation aircraft first. The flight life of precious fighter jets is exhausted during training. This is a great waste , Therefore, the world market will definitely need a large number of high-end trainer aircraft." Qin Tao said.

Yakovlev's eyes lit up: "Qin, you mean the higher education machine?"

Qin Tao nodded: "If you put all your energy into this project, you will definitely stand out in the market competition, and then lead the entire design bureau and factory out of the predicament. As for your Yak-141 project, if there is no funds, It's better to put it down first, and then talk when you're full, and it's not too late to study when you have strength later."

Pilots are worth money. This sentence is not a joke. Training pilots costs a lot of money.

After theoretical study, you have to get on a primary propeller trainer for basic flight. If you pass the test, you will be transferred to an intermediate trainer. After you are qualified, you will be disembarked from the army and fly a two-seat trainer for the army, and finally fly solo.

After such a round, it will cost a lot, especially in the end, when it comes to the two-seat trainer plane of the army, it will be even more costly.

Forget about the J-27 and J-[-] in the past, but the current Su-[-] is a high-end product worth tens of millions of dollars. What happened?If it is not used on the battlefield, all the life of the airframe will be consumed in the training of pilots, which is not worth it.

If there is an advanced trainer plane that can simulate the flight characteristics of the Su-27 and operate it directly on a special trainer plane, it will be much cheaper.

This is an advanced trainer aircraft, which requires advanced design. Four-redundancy digital telex is necessary. Even at critical times, it can be used as an attack aircraft with bombs on it, and it can even be used as an attack aircraft with missiles on it. It can also fight with second-generation aircraft. last few rounds.

For the Yakovlev Design Bureau, it is unwise to continue to invest huge amounts of money in the Yak-141.After all, for Da Mao, the MiG 29 and Su 27 are enough, and the Jacques-141 is destined to be impossible.

"Qin, your proposal is good. We are already pre-researching the trainer aircraft, but this project also needs money." Alexander said.

In fact, the benefits of this advanced trainer aircraft have long been noticed by the top executives of the Red Empire. In the late 80s, the Soviet Air Force and the Homeland Defense Air Force decided to start developing the next generation of dedicated advanced trainer aircraft.

The MiG Design Bureau, Miyashishev Design Bureau, Sukhoi Design Bureau and Yakovlev Design Bureau all intend to participate in the competition for this project, and have also carried out pre-research based on their understanding of the next generation of advanced trainer aircraft. Work.

In the first round of competition, the schemes of Sukhoi and Miashishev Design Bureau were eliminated, and Yakovlev's Yak-130 and MiG Design Bureau's MiG-AT entered the next round of selection. type, and then the Red Empire is gone.

Now, the energy of the MiG Design Bureau is focused on the MiG 1.44 project. Therefore, this advanced trainer project will most likely fall to their Yakovlev Design Bureau. If they develop it with all their strength , There is also enough technology to be successfully developed, the problem is, they are still short of money!
"This is just a trainer aircraft project, which does not involve too many secrets. You can find international investment. I heard that the Italian Alenia-Macchi Company is developing a similar aircraft, but you have no experience. You can completely Exchange technology for funds, of course, I can also help." Qin Tao looked at Alexander: "If there is any unnecessary junk in your place, I can buy it and try my best. For example, in the Is there an early warning aircraft in the plan for the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier?"

Under Lao Maozi's current system, their maritime aviation can only use helicopters to temporarily provide early warning capabilities. Helping the fleet to supplement the low-altitude blind area is just a way to achieve the purpose of long-range detection.

But the old man has no other choice. Even if it is the Kuznetsov that takes off by ski jump, it is impossible to deploy ordinary carrier-based early warning aircraft. It can only be operated after the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier enters service and has a catapult. Fixed-wing early warning aircraft.

When the Ulyanovsk heavy aircraft cruiser began to be developed, the supporting fixed-wing carrier-based early warning aircraft also began to be developed.

The demand for this kind of aircraft is not large. Even if the production plan for the next 20 years is planned, there is only a demand for [-] aircraft.

The other design bureaus looked down upon it, and the Yakovlev Design Bureau could eat it alone, but it couldn't do without competition, so the Antonov Design Bureau also joined in.

Naturally, the Antonov Design Bureau did not take this kind of small project to heart. It is impossible to develop a new one. It simply improved on the basis of its own short-range take-off An-72 transport aircraft.

Different from the AWACS radars of other countries in the world, the Antonov Design Bureau simply and rudely placed the radar antenna directly on the vertical tail, which made the least changes to the aircraft, but it also caused the center of gravity to move backward, so the vertical tail Had to lean forward and balance the weight a bit.

The appearance of this aircraft looks very strange. On the upper wing, the engine is directly inserted into the root of the wing, similar to a seaplane. It is said that for short-distance takeoff, the lift engine of the Yak-38 is also inserted into the ass. .

Who would have thought that such a wonderful thing would be chosen by Lao Maozi!
(It is said that this cargo can ski jump and take off on the warehouse ship. I don’t know whether it is true or not, but it is well controlled in terms of weight. The maximum takeoff weight is only 33 tons, which is the same as the Su-33.)
The Yakovlev Design Bureau attached great importance to it, and specially designed a new airframe. The appearance of the product they produced was almost exactly the same as the American E-2 early warning aircraft, so it was also called Hawkeye Sky, Red Hawkeye and so on.

The rear radar, propfan engine with coaxial counter-rotating propellers, and multiple vertical fins, in appearance, look like the same model as the Hawkeye.

However, Hawkeye only weighs 27 tons, but this cargo is as high as [-] tons, and no aircraft carrier can bear it. (I don't know if it's the airframe, the engine, or the electronic equipment.)
It uses a pulse Doppler radar called "Quantum-M". The antenna diameter reaches an astonishing 7.3 meters, but the output power of the radar is only 5 kilowatts, which is only half of that of the American radar. It cannot be compared.

Although the Yak-44 was eliminated, a wooden model of the Yak-44 appeared on the deck of the Kuznetsov. I don’t know what the purpose is. (Therefore, there is also a saying that the An-71 early warning aircraft is really eliminated. Although the weight of this product is suitable, but the height cannot meet the needs, and the hangar cannot be inserted into it. The specific history has been hidden in the fog. The above All are the current protagonist’s cognition, and there will be turning points in the future, take a look at the title of our chapter. So, everyone, please follow what the hero of Huadong wrote!)

Now, Qin Tao once again played his traitorous traits. If there is something suitable, he can of course go back with it.

Thinking of the joy of working together last time, Alexander swallowed, and then said, "Well..."

(End of this chapter)

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