Great warships

Chapter 28 Maritime Inspection

Chapter 28 Maritime Inspection

The old man is quite interesting. Although he sells scrap iron, he still manages to deliver the goods to the door. The B-474 submarine has enough diesel fuel and a few sailors to help operate the submarine. That's it, all the way Coming to the southwest.

On the command tower, the flag of the Red Navy fluttered violently.

The main body of the military flag is white, with only the blue border below, a red five-star on the left, and the sickle and hammer logo on the right. (Thanks to several book friends for their comments, it was originally written as the Mizi flag, but it was finally discovered later that the San Andrei flag is the disintegrated naval flag, and it should have been like this in the Soviet era.)
If this submarine dives underwater, it may cause some tension from the U.S. Navy stationed in the island country, but now, this submarine is sailing on the surface. If the U.S. Navy wants to come to make trouble, it will definitely lead to serious military confrontation.

After dawn, a helicopter flew overhead, but the other party just followed and took some photos.

Standing on the top of the command tower, Qin Tao breathed the humid sea air with Nie Shiyu, facing the sea breeze, Qin Tao's mood was a little turbulent.

"Brother, are there any problems with those planes flying around above our heads?" Nie Shiyu asked worriedly.

Qin Tao glanced at it: "They are just curious about our old-fashioned submarine. When their interest is gone, they will naturally leave."

Sure enough, not long after Qin Tao finished speaking, the helicopter above his head left.

Alternating day and night, after sailing for a few days, finally sailed into the territorial waters of the motherland. At this time, the command tower was replaced with a bright national flag. Qin Tao looked at the outline of the mainland that was approaching, feeling very excited.

"Brother, I really don't want to let time pass by. After I go back, I should go to school." Nie Shiyu's tone was full of reluctance.

"Shi Yu, for you, going to school is the most important thing. By the way, do you have any ideas for the future?" Qin Tao asked.

"I...Of course I want to go to university like you, and I also want to learn shipbuilding!" Nie Shiyu said.

"Then you will be very popular when you go to university."


"When I was in college, there were more than 60 people in our class and more than 300 people in the whole department, and there were only three girls."

"Hmph, I won't fall in love with them, I..." Before Nie Shiyu finished speaking, she pointed her hand into the distance: "Brother, look, what is that?"

In the distant sky, puffs of black smoke came out, and the black smoke was gradually approaching them.

Qin Tao picked up the high-magnification naval telescope left on the submarine, adjusted it a little, and saw the outline of the ship clearly.

The ship floated overboard, with a towering bow, and two naval guns at different heights could be seen in front of it. There was a radar like an orange peel above the bridge. As long as you saw this place, you would be able to recognize it.

This is the Navy's first frigate.

In the 50s, the 53rd Central Design Bureau of the Soviet Union designed the Type 50 frigate, a frigate with a displacement of 1000 and 75 tons, and 6601 ships were built in succession. The NATO code name was "Ferret" class or "Riga".In that special period, the motherland also introduced the construction technology of this frigate, called the 01 frigate, referred to as the [-] frigate, and the West called it the "Chengdu" class.

At the beginning, this kind of frigate may be advanced, but after more than 30 years, this kind of frigate has become outdated. Some of them have been equipped with anti-ship missiles and become guided missile frigates, but it still cannot stop its old age.

Qin Tao watched this kind of frigate gradually approaching, obviously coming towards his own side, and couldn't help touching his nose. It seems that the news has reached the ears of the navy, and they are very eager.

As the frigate gradually approached, Qin Tao could already see the hull number 508. The frigate circled around the submarine, and then the two sides sailed side by side.

On the frigate, a kayak was released, and several sailors rowed the small boat and boarded the B-474 submarine.

Qin Tao had also come down from the conning tower and stood on the front deck of the submarine, watching the sailors climbing up.

"Uncle People's Liberation Army, I'm from Mingzhou Shipyard. We bought this hulk from abroad and plan to drive it back to dismantle it. This is my certificate." Qin Tao took out his own certificate.

On the opposite side, a major saluted Qin Tao: "I am the political commissar of the Nanchang frigate, Pang Jianmin, and I was ordered to come and inspect."

Looking at this familiar person, Qin Tao almost called out Lao Pang, but the person opposite did not know him.

Pang Jianmin had a business-like attitude: "Even though it's a hulk, we still have to check to see if there are any prohibited items on board."

Qin Tao nodded: "This ship is indeed carrying contraband."

"What?" Pang Jianmin was startled.

"This hulk carries four wake-homing torpedoes of Lao Maozi." Qin Tao said, "I hope you don't make any noise. Lao Maozi is still driving the boat."

Qin Tao spoke in a very soft voice, even though the old man on the submarine didn't understand Chinese at all, he was able to take precautions, if this spread to Nicholas' ears, it would be difficult to do business in the future.

Pang Jianmin took a breath.

Although he is mainly responsible for ideological work on the warship, since he is a navy, he must also be familiar with the knowledge of the navy.Of course Pang Jianmin knew what a wake homing torpedo was. At this moment, his expression was extremely serious.

"After our submarine arrives at the shipyard and sends off Lao Maozi's crew, the four torpedoes will be donated to the navy for free." Qin Tao said, "I also hope that the navy will cooperate with us."

"Of course." Pang Jianmin said: "Everyone simply go through the process, and then, our warships will escort you to the shipyard."

"I don't need this one, it's too much work, and the navy doesn't have much funding, so it only takes a lot of oil to burn a trip out, so don't spend too much money." Qin Tao was really flattered.

"Of course I have to escort you all. Those are treasures. Don't let any accidents happen on the way. In case this broken submarine sinks... Bah, bah." Pang Jianmin spit quickly, such words are too unlucky, How can I keep my mouth shut?

He spat a few mouthfuls, then waved his hand: "Everyone, look up, don't enter the torpedo compartment, just turn around casually."

Soon, the inspection was over, and the other sailors went back in kayaks, but Pang Jianmin was still standing on the deck of the submarine.

"Political Commissar Pang, if you do this, you won't have 300 taels of silver here. If Lao Maozi's sailors find out, how will you let me do business in the future?" Qin Tao couldn't help complaining.

"Later? And later?"

"Of course, I only exchanged for one submarine. There are still many broken submarines in Lao Maozi's submarine base. In the future, I will get to know Lao Maozi well. Needless to say, this kind of conventional submarine, I guess I can give you nuclear submarines." Drive back." Qin Tao said: "So, don't hold me back."

"Okay, then I'll go back, and we'll talk again when we get ashore." Pang Jianmin finally gave up, obediently returned to the kayak, and returned to the frigate.

As for the frigates following together, it will not arouse too much suspicion, because their return is also a route.

(End of this chapter)

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