Great warships

Chapter 282 People and funds can be resolved, let's do it!

Chapter 282 People and funds can be resolved, let's do it!

The mystery was finally solved. It turned out that this was the case. The An-71 early warning aircraft could ski jump and take off, but it couldn't fit into the hangar. The redesigned Yak-44 was used for nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and subsequent aircraft carriers.

Qin Tao stood in the workshop. In front of him, the Jacques-44 early warning aircraft stood right in front of him.

After the wooden prototype, of course it is necessary to manufacture metal prototypes, and several sets have to be manufactured, some of which are for static tests and some for flight tests.

Now, Qin Tao said that he wanted a prototype and bought it back to equip the transportation company. Of course, it was impossible. After all, it was impossible for a model that had not completed flight tests to fly commercially.

However, since Qin Tao wants to buy it and the Jacques Design Bureau is useless, of course it has to be sold, which is better than being missed by a company like Lockheed!

"Right now, this plane can't fly yet," Alexander said.

"It's okay, we can take it back with a Mi-26 helicopter."

"By the way, there should be some useless waste paper here, right? Pack it up and take it away. How much does it cost? You can just open it."

Qin Tao's gaze was still fixed on the prototype.

The airframe is intact, and it looks exactly the same as the E-2. Even the radome on the back of the machine is installed, and the engines on both sides are also installed in place.However, this is just a shell.

Although the Yakovlev Design Bureau is a research and development unit, they only develop the airframe and the supporting radar, which is the responsibility of other relevant units. They don’t care about the installation. The airframe has been prepared, and the test flight is no problem, and it will fly Go to the relevant units and let them install and test the flight.

For Qin Tao, of course, this shell is all he needs. He doesn't like the radar produced by Lao Maozi.

Lao Maozi's electronic technology is too backward, and he can't even process a flat-panel slot radar antenna.

Although they are all large plates, the top of the American early warning aircraft has a flat plate slot radar antenna on the back, and Lao Maozi's early warning aircraft also uses a mechanical scanning slot array antenna with a horizontal slot waveguide.It's just on the same level as the roof radar.

These antennas all have to rotate.

What about the early warning aircraft of the motherland?Directly on the phased array radar, although it is also against the big plate, there is no need to rotate it at all!

When the Navy has an aircraft carrier, the phased array radar technology has matured, so there is no need for any electronic equipment inside, as long as the airframe is enough.

After getting it back, it may be vacant for a few years. After that, when the technical strength is reached, it can be converted into an aircraft carrier-based early warning aircraft. Even if it cannot be used directly, it can still provide samples for the development of early warning aircraft.

As for the Yakovlev Design Bureau, since the project has been abandoned and it is just a body, it is normal to sell it.

He hesitated and said, "500 million, how about it?"

Qin Tao is his savior!He can't ask for too much, but if it is too little, he will suffer a loss, so he tentatively set such a price.

"Okay, no problem. However, I have a request. How many engines of this type do you have, can you bring them all to me?" Qin Tao directly agreed, just making a request.

An aircraft needs a qualified engine. Even after the Yak-44 is remodeled, it only needs to be ejected and taken off, and it still needs to work hard to make a miracle.

And the D-227 coaxial propeller fan engine it carries is extremely powerful, and one can have a power of [-] horsepower!

Comparing it with the American E-2 Hawkeye, you can see how against the sky. The Rolls-Royce T56-A-427A turboprop engine used by Hawkeye only has [-] horsepower. Not one of them.

This is of course because of its unique design, the D-227 engine with a three-shaft structure, is the world's first turboprop fan engine (propeller fan engine for short), it is between the traditional turboprop and turbofan jet One of a kind among the engines, and its propeller, is an eye-catcher.

It has two rows of scimitar-shaped multi-blade wide-chord propellers in the front and rear, and the number is not the same. The front row has 8 blades and the rear row has 6 blades. These propellers rotate at different speeds to solve the high-frequency noise and vibration of the coaxial structure. The problem can be described as ingenious.

It's just that this kind of engine is produced by Ermao, so it's not easy to get it in the future, so I just packed it up and took it away this time.

Alexander nodded: "No problem!"

The technology of Yak-141 and Yak-44 has been acquired. To Qin Tao, the Yakovlev Design Bureau seems to have no technology to search for. However, in addition to technology, there are also talents!

After negotiating the deal and leaving the design bureau, Qin Tao made a phone call, learned some information, and then went straight to a bar near the design bureau.

It's not time to get off work, and there are not many people in the bar. Plesakov is sitting in front of a bar, drinking dull wine.

"Damn it, I've known for a long time that Lockheed's people are uneasy and kind, and I once reminded him not to get too close to the Americans. Now, what he's doing is obviously retaliation!"

"Hey, brother, if you are willing to change places, I can buy you ten bottles of vodka." Just then, a voice came from behind.

Drunk-eyed Pleshakov turned his head and saw an oriental face, a man he knew.

"You want to buy me a drink?"

"That's right. Let's go over there." Qin Tao pointed to a quiet booth and said.

Plesakov walked over, sat in the booth, and looked at Qin Tao: "You came to find me on purpose?"

"That's right. I heard that you were fired. I'm very worried. Where are you going next?"

Preshakov shook his head: "I don't know."

"I guess there will be Westerners coming over soon and inviting you to join them."

"Shit, poop." Preshakov shook his head: "I will not join forces with them. Look at Mr. Tumansky, and look at Alexander who was so scared that he peed his pants. Hmph, those people are all devils .”

"So, do you want to go to the East?"


"That's right, I heard that you are the real chief designer of Yak-141. Alexander is only because of his father. In fact, his ability is not as good as yours." Qin Tao said: "If If you come with me, you will definitely be able to display your talent!"

"You also want to engage in vertical take-off and landing fighter jets?"

Qin Tao didn't speak, just smiled.

The technology of the R-79 engine has been bought back. In the past, the wreckage and technology of the Jacques-141 were also bought back.what's next?What should I do?

Now that we have met, Qin Tao has to do it!

The future navy will not only have an aircraft carrier, but also a large amphibious assault ship. What kind of aircraft should be used on such an assault ship?In the future, the navy will also build some island airports. What kind of aircraft are suitable for these airports?
A fighter that takes off and lands vertically should be the most suitable!

It's just that it is not easy to develop a vertical take-off and landing fighter, and it is also difficult for the current domestic situation.

The Air Force has taken a fancy to the Su-27, and some people even suggested that in order to buy more Su-27s, they should simply stop the No. 20 project. We have developed fighter jets, let alone the J-[-].

What about the Navy?
Most of the Navy's funds are spent on the Flying Leopard.

That's right, the Navy is so pitiful, the funds from the squeezed teeth have perfected the Flying Leopard.The navy does have an urgent need for vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, but the navy has no money!
Qin Tao set up his own scientific research institution to develop this kind of vertical take-off and landing aircraft?

That is of course impossible.

There are still a lot of things to be resolved, but Qin Tao knows in his heart that this opportunity cannot be missed.

After this village, there is no such store. Recently, due to successive accidents, Lockheed employees dare not come out for activities. They want to avoid suspicion. After a while, when the limelight passes, they may Will come to poach people.

Mikoyan and the people from the Sukhoi Design Bureau cannot be dug out by Qin Tao for the time being, but a group of people from the Yakovlev Design Bureau will definitely come out.

Headed by Pleshakov, they got a group of developers of vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. After returning, they handed over to the father-in-law, and they had to find a way to arrange their work.

Qin Tao made up his mind.

"That's right, you have already bought the materials of R-79, especially the one with the nozzle. You have a foundation for vertical take-off and landing fighters." Plesakov said: "Your electronic technology is good, Flight control will be better handled. I can't go to Westworld, so I'll do it with you guys."

Qin Tao was overjoyed: "I will arrange for you and your family immediately. By the way, it would be even better if you can contact other like-minded people. Anyway, there is no hope for the Yakovlev Design Bureau. Continue to do this kind of research and development."

Abduct the person back first!

By the time Qin Tao met Jiang Lao and Liu Lao and the others again, all the negotiations had been completed and the transaction was going smoothly. They didn't care about Qin Tao's disappearance in the past few days.

After all, Qin Tao has his own things to do.

"Mr. Qin, we will go back soon, will you go back with us?"

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, let's go back together."

His answer made everyone a little surprised: "We thought that you would continue to stay here to do a lot of things."

"No, let's go back together."

Qin Tao originally planned to stay here and do something else, such as a metallurgical expert.

However, the designer of the vertical take-off and landing fighter who poached the old man, and the helicopter he bought back, these things need to be explained to the old man, and coordinated with the old man, so Qin Tao needs to go back.

In the past few days, taking advantage of Lockheed's lack of activity, Qin Tao tricked more than a dozen aircraft designers in, and arranged for them to go around in circles, first to the Far East, and then secretly to China.

As for Qin Tao, he had to go back with Mr. Jiang and the others, so that he was in the open and the designers were in the dark, playing a game of repairing the plank road in the open and keeping the warehouse in the dark.

The capital, Yellow Tower.

"Okay, you guys are rich, two Mi-26s, two Mi-171s, you Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, you will fly in the future!" Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao, eyes full of curiosity It's a joke.

Qin Tao can always create miracles for them, and now, after hearing these good things, Wu Shengli is moved with emotion.

"We can fly if we want." Qin Tao said, "Our country does not open its airspace."

In the West, the airspace below 500 meters is open, so people in the West can fly below 500 meters, and their civil aviation career has developed rapidly.

Domestically, strictly speaking, drones are flying black. If the Air Force is serious, they can shoot them down at any time.

Even if it flies one meter high, it is still managed by the Air Force.

"Do you have any idea?"

"Our Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group provides aircraft, and our navy provides personnel and flight permits. How about we jointly establish a company under the name of a transportation company affiliated to our group?" Qin Tao said: "We usually engage in transportation flights and earn money. The money received is divided in half, and in times of crisis, our equipment can be requisitioned by the army at any time to carry out various emergency tasks, such as emergency rescue and disaster relief, etc.

"That is to say, usually you have the final say, but we have the final say at critical times? Well, it can be considered." An old man present said with a smile.

"Oh, well, this always makes me feel a little uneasy. We are the army, soldiers, it's not good to do this!" Wu Shengli hesitated.

From a policy point of view, there is no problem. A few years ago, with the reduction of millions of troops, military expenditures began to be greatly reduced, and the military also began to reform.

In December 1985, the "Interim Provisions on the Financial Management of Military Production and Operation" issued by the General Logistics Department provided guidelines, principles, financial and economic disciplines, business scope, proportion of troops employed, approval procedures, internal relations, charging methods, and principles for the use of proceeds in military production and operation. Issues such as these issues have been clearly and specifically regulated, and have become the normative documents for military production and operation activities at all levels and the basis for military production and operation audits.

Simply put, the military can do business!
However, many people have doubts about this policy, and Wu Shengli is one of them.

"This is our group's proposal. I hope the navy can seriously consider our proposal. If the navy rejects it, then we will go to the air force. If the air force fails, we will go to the army," Qin Tao said.

Now, Wu Shengli is also speechless. He can stick to the principle and the bottom line, but what about the others?

Rather than making other military services cheaper, it is better to...

I don't know why, after being with Qin Tao for a long time, Wu Shengli discovered that he has also begun to be influenced by Qin Tao's subtle influence!
This is not a good sign.

"There are so many reports on this matter in advance, I will continue to report the second matter."

After Qin Tao introduced a dozen experts headed by Yakovlev Design Bureau Deputy Chief Designer Plesakov, the people present had different expressions.

"Boss Qin, you're amazing. These old-fashioned designers have rich experience. It would be great if they could come to help us!"

"That's right, that is, although we are short of funds, we must not treat these guests badly. Even if we eat corn buns, we must serve them Western food!"

Everyone was very happy when you said a word, and I said a word, but Wu Shengli didn't say a word.

"Old Wu, why don't you express your opinion? The more talents your son-in-law recruits, the better for us! Why are you like this? What concerns do you have?"

"Taozi is not as simple as poaching talents, he wants us to participate in the vertical take-off and landing fighter project!"

Knowing a son is like a father, even if he is a son-in-law and father-in-law, he has a certain ability to sense the relationship between a half-son.

When Wu Shengli said these words, everyone was stunned.

If it is just a group of talents, it is of course a happy thing, but if it is a new project, it is still a project that costs a lot of money, what good is that?This is clearly a problem!

Even trickier than the last one!

"President Qin, we are currently working on the No. [-] project, and our navy is also working on the Flying Leopard fighter-bomber. Can these aviation experts join these teams?" An old man asked Qin Tao tentatively.

"They came here with ideals, hoping to turn their ideals into reality." Qin Tao said: "Even if we are not afraid of leaking secrets and let them participate in our key projects, they may feel that they have been deceived by me."

"This is clearly your deception." Wu Shengli said angrily, "Do you know how much it will cost? Why didn't you report it in advance?"

"I made a report in advance, the day lily is cold, and the people from Lockheed are waiting. I was late, so they went to the United States. Besides, if I make a report, can you agree?"

Qin Tao cut first and played later, but he still looked confident and confident, which made Wu Shengli a little speechless.

"What about now? What should we do now?"

"Old Wu, don't worry."

One of the leaders present said: "After Mr. Qin got the first batch of wreckage and materials, he handed them over to the 611 Institute for pre-research. Now, since Lao Maozi's experts have also been invited over a dozen Well, just ask them to go to the 611 and take charge of this project."

"In charge? Lao Zhao, you must know that this project has progressed to the prototype stage! The next step is to test the flight! It can burn [-] million or [-] billion a year. Our navy's scientific research funding, It’s not enough to put it all in!”

"Not enough, just find a way to make money!" Qin Tao gave the old man a nonchalant look.

Although the problem was for the old man, in order not to be hammered by Zhao Ling, Qin Tao was still on the way and figured out a solution.

"Make money, how do you make money?" Wu Shengli glanced at Qin Tao: "Why can you make so much money?"

"Selling weapons." Qin Tao said, "Arms are definitely the most profitable industry in the world."

"To whom? Do you think we are arms dealers from the West?"

That's right, weapons are indeed huge profits, but that also needs to be forged and hardened.The performance of your own weapons is advanced, so that you can sell them at a high price.

Factory 132 sold the J-27, and only sold [-] for [-] million. We bought the Su-[-], but we couldn't sell three.

The Army sells 59 tanks, which is the price of cabbage.

As for the navy, there are indeed a few warships for foreign trade, but the prices are not expensive, and they are almost half sold and half given away.The most profitable one is the aircraft carrier built for the Siamese. However, the Mingzhou Group earned all the money, and it has nothing to do with the navy.

"In the Persian Gulf, there is a country that needs missile boats to control that narrow strait." Qin Tao said: "Now, if our advanced missile boats are sold there, they will definitely make a lot of money."

Persian Gulf, control the strait?Of course everyone realized which country it was.

This country does need advanced missile boats, but...

"This country is very rich, so they can ask for a high price, and, relying on their relationship with the West, there is no need to worry about our missile boat technology leaking out." Qin Tao said: "If the navy can agree, then This project can earn at least one billion, or even more.”

"What are you bragging about? Even if we sell our 022 missile boats for 5000 million U.S. dollars, that's enough to defy the sky. They can still buy [-] of our missile boats at once?"

The 022 missile boat is unique in this era, especially its speed, which is extremely sturdy. Therefore, relying on the strength of this kind of missile boat, it can be sold. At most, the navy is reluctant to leak its technology.

However, if you want to say that you can sell a billion, no, you can make a billion, this is bragging.

"We sell technology." Qin Tao said: "This country will not purchase with confidence, for fear of being stuck. They hope they can produce it themselves, especially the above weapons and equipment, such as anti-ship missiles."

If you only sell warships, of course you can't sell so much money, but what if you sell the technology in a package?

This is not only the technology of the catamaran, but also the weapons and equipment on it!Especially, the most advanced anti-ship missile above!
Not only to sell weapons, but also to sell technology. If you sell this anti-ship missile production line to the other party, won't the money come out?

Qin Tao can't do this kind of business by himself. It must be coordinated by the navy. He just earns some design fees, construction consultant funds, and incidentally exports water jets and other things. It is enough to earn a few million , he is not greedy.

This is not just selling weapons to make money, but also has deeper considerations. Of course, it cannot be said now.

"With this money, we can fully support the vertical take-off and landing fighter project." Qin Tao knew that it was impossible to make a decision now, and he was just introducing it.

"In order to take care of the research and development progress of our engine, this fighter project should not be impatient, and it is still mainly in the pre-research." Qin Tao said: "Although Lao Maozi's design has matured, for us, it is still a long way to go. Not enough, we have to make a big change in its appearance, to make this aircraft have stealth capabilities."

"Stealth capability? Can fighter jets have stealth capability?"

At present in the world, only the F-117 can be invisible. The F at the beginning of the fighter is actually an attack aircraft.

"That's right, yes, fighter jets must also have stealth capabilities, or at least carry out stealth repairs, just like our 022 missile boats. In this way, the appearance design will take a long time." Qin Tao said his thoughts : "At the same time, it is also necessary to build a prototype, or an air test bed, focusing on the research of vertical take-off and landing technology, two-pronged approach, so that the one billion funds raised in this way can be used for three to five years. After these few years, the country's economy has also improved. With more military expenditures for the navy, it can continue to operate.”

The road has been said, Qin Tao hopes to get an F-35 out, but he can only propose.

 PS: Thanks to only the North Xingguo Anbang, book friend 20220427215500648, peeping intelligence bureau personnel, l599xl, book friend 151218223953757, Mr. Xiao Lai, Yu Yuwu group and other book friends for their rewards, thank you for your subscription and voting !

(End of this chapter)

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