Great warships

Chapter 291 Zhenhua Port Machinery

Chapter 291 Zhenhua Port Machinery (addition)
Are you a businessman?Or a technician?
Even Qin Tao was a little bit emotional. He was an aircraft carrier engineer and now he has become a criminal capitalist.

No way, who makes oneself poor?If the economy is not developed, everything is useless!If he doesn't make money, will he still want to tow the Varyag back in the future?Stop dreaming!
Development is the last word!

Qin Tao was feeling emotional. When he arrived in the capital and met a group of leaders, he was ridiculed by these people.

"President Qin, I think you can be the general manager of our import and export company."

"That's right, Mr. Qin, we can't believe what you've gained this time. This year, our navy finally doesn't have to worry about funding."

Facing everyone's praise, Qin Tao's face was filled with a smile: "Yes, how does the navy plan to thank me? Do you want to hand over the construction contract of the new frigate to Mingzhou Group directly?"

"That can't be done. You were the one who proposed the competition at the beginning. Now, how can you go against your own proposal? Besides, at present, your plan is the most suitable for the future development of the navy. The only problem is your Chai Chai combined power system." Wu Shengli said.

"Of course there is no problem with this." Qin Tao said: "We will definitely hand over our mature and stable power system to the Navy. By the way, what weapon system has our competitor prepared to compete with us?"

"This is..."

"Okay, let me guess." Qin Tao couldn't bear to embarrass the people present, and said, "This design comes from my mouth, you just need to nod or shake your head."

"Okay, let's see what tricks you can come up with."

"Currently, we are the only ones who are eyeballing the technology of Diesel-Chai. Other shipyards don't have this technology, which limits their use. If we don't use gas turbines and only use our diesel engines, then we can only use two. , the displacement will be limited to about 053 tons, so this frigate is still an improvement on the basis of the [-] frigate."

"The hull of the 053 frigate is small, so our Haihongqi 16 air defense missile must not be able to fit in it. At present, we have copied the Sea Sidewinder missile in our country and it has become our Haihongqi 7. Therefore, they This kind of missile will be used as the main anti-aircraft missile, coupled with 100mm naval guns and Eagle Strike 81 anti-ship missiles, to create a low-end frigate."

Everyone looked at Wu Shengli, Wu Shengli shook his head immediately: "Don't look at me, I have been a soldier all my life, when has there been a leak? I never said these things."

Everyone's reaction has proved one point: Qin Tao's guess is completely correct!

Qin Tao was secretly happy. It seems that the relevant units, or directly, the designers of the Ship Design Institute, are really not creative enough.

A frigate must be a low-end warship. It cannot be equipped with gas turbines, but can only use diesel engines. It cannot solve the problem of paralleling vehicles, so it can only have a displacement of more than 2000 tons.

What can you do with this amount of water?
Even if the Hongqi 16 missile is much smaller than the S-300, it cannot be installed on a [-]-ton warship.

They can only use Haihongqi 7.
how to say?If there is no mature air defense system, Haihongqi 7 is still good. In the 90s, the navy was useless. Even the Haihongqi 167 was installed on the No. 7 destroyer of six or seven thousand tons. It was not until later that it was replaced with a vertical Launched Red Flag 16.
"So, what do our navy think?"

Everyone didn't speak. It was obviously inappropriate to talk too much with Qin Tao before bidding.

"Okay, then I'll continue to guess." Qin Tao said: "Are you thinking, don't put eggs in one basket, let's have a high-low match, build the frigate designed by our Mingzhou, and build the frigate of the brother unit? "

Everyone opened their eyes wide again.

Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from Qin Tao.

"If you think like this, it's a waste." Qin Tao said: "The Haihongqi 7 missile can be squatted on our frigates that are already in service at any time. What's the point of building a batch of frigates for this kind of missiles? The navy should take out the funds and focus on manufacturing frigates equipped with Hongqi 16 missiles, so as to solve the navy’s imminent air defense problem, relying on Haihongqi 7, does the navy dare to go shopping around the south?”

What did you call Qin Tao for?Are you listening to him teaching the big guys here?
Wu Shengli coughed: "Taozi, take it easy, don't be too presumptuous."

"Our navy is still poor. If it is rich, it must be bigger!"

"It is precisely because of poverty that we have to build big ones. Small ones are a waste. In terms of quantity, we actually have a lot of warships, but in terms of quality, we are dumbfounded. Our warships have left the protection of shore-based aviation. , There is no defense capability at all. Good steel should be used wisely, and precious funds should be used to solve the navy’s imminent air defense problem. No matter how many cheap warships you build, do you dare to go deep into the ocean?”

Qin Tao said more and more vigorously: "Now, we need to improve the quality. If we want to build, we must build high-quality warships. You can also see that warships in various countries are now tending to be larger. The [-]-ton warship A frigate, an [-]-ton destroyer, is nothing at all. In the future, our navy will need destroyers with a displacement of more than [-] tons."

With wry smiles, everyone began to ponder.

Qin Tao knew that his goal had been achieved. As long as these people thought about it, they would surely find that what he said was right.

The frigate designed by the brother unit, that is, 053H3, has mature technology and low cost, but what's the point?Transforming the original frigate can achieve the same effect, and continue to build this kind of tasteless?

Of course, all the funds should be spent on the tall 054 frigate!
Qin Tao's foreshadowing work has been done. In this way, even if Qin Tao is not there, Yang Dawei and the others will definitely not fail when they come to bid, because their Mingzhou plan is the most suitable for the navy.

"Yes, we need to improve the quality." Wu Shengli said: "At present, we have been studying whether to use these funds to purchase a modern-class destroyer."

Purchase one?Wouldn't it be better to get those two ships back?However, two ships seem to be not enough money!
It is too difficult for the navy to raise funds by itself, and Qin Tao can't help out all the time, so we still have to wait!
Until when?
There should be a big event this year, which is called one of the three shames. At that time, the country should pay attention to the development of the navy, right?
Can you add fuel to the flames and exaggerate it?
Qin Tao thought about this matter in his mind.

"Taozi, Taozi?"

When Qin Tao came back to his senses, more than ten minutes had passed.

"We just said that tomorrow we will formally sign an agreement with the Anxi people. Are you ready?" Wu Shengli said.

"We have already made arrangements. As long as the contract is signed, we can send people there to help Parthia build a shipbuilding industry from scratch." Qin Tao said, patting his chest.

After discussing with the leaders of the navy, Qin Tao went to meet Kassim and other people who rushed over to sign the contract, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

The specific technical drawings of the catamaran high-speed transport ship, 2000 million US dollars, is not high at all, the absolute price of cabbage, the shipyard built by the Anxi Kingdom next to Bandar Abbas, the first phase will invest one billion US dollars, and it will be operated by Mingzhou Shipping Industry groups come in as general contractors.

Even if others are jealous, there is no other way. After all, the business was brought in by Qin Tao. However, the construction of the shipyard requires a large number of materials, which are all ordered from China. Get a piece of this project.

As a general contractor, Qin Tao is instantly a star, and there are often a lot of people around him.

"Mr. Qin, hello, I am..."

"Okay, got it, I'll think about it."

Qin Tao felt extremely headache, he lacked a capable secretary by his side!My wife is also a strong woman, and she doesn't want to help her. To deal with these domestic wolves, she needs a special talent.

With this in mind, Qin Tao walked to the bathroom.

"Mr. Qin, hello, I am..."

"Brother, can you wait a moment, can I make it easier?" Qin Tao looked in the direction of the voice, and then saw an old man looking at him with a smile on his face.

This face looks familiar!

"Old Guan?" Qin Tao called out.

"Mr. Qin, you know me? That's great!" Guan Tong said excitedly to Qin Tao.

"You are very famous." Qin Tao said: "Deputy director of the transportation * water transport factory, director of the ship machinery department of China-Hong Kong Corporation, but what you do in office is not as important as what you are doing now."

"President Qin, are you so familiar with me?"

That's for sure!Of course, Qin Tao is very familiar with the people in front of him. Can Qin Tao not know about those famous weapons of great power?
"Your factory produces port machinery." Qin Tao said, "Come to me now and plan to recommend your equipment to me for use in the shipyard in Anxi. Don't worry, the shipyard over there needs port machinery. , as long as you can produce, it is your order."

"Really?" Guan Tong couldn't believe his ears. Other people also approached Qin Tao, but Qin Tao never gave a positive answer. He was the first one!
"Really, I trust your company, and I also believe that your ideal of revitalizing China will definitely be realized."

"That's right, I named the company Zhenhua to revitalize our China!" Guan Tong said excitedly: "When I was the director, I already discovered that the cranes in domestic ports are only imported at high prices from abroad. Even if they are second-hand products, they are unwilling to choose our domestically produced products. And foreign suppliers are all arrogant and prejudiced. At that time, I took a deep breath. We Chinese must also You can do your own port machinery well!"

In the port, a large number of cranes are needed to carry the goods, and in the shipyard, all kinds of cranes are also needed. These are the directions that Guan Tong is looking for!
Last year, Guan Tong retired, but he refused to accept his old age and started his business in Huating with the funds he had scraped together.

The name of their company is "Huating Zhenhua Port Machinery Co., Ltd."And this company is the predecessor of the famous Zhenhua Heavy Industry, the behemoth that monopolizes the world's port machinery!
Any company must have a corporate culture. It can be seen from the name of the company. Whether it is Zhenhua or Huawei, it will give people a high-spirited force.

However, the initial development of the company was not very good.

After all, it is very difficult to start from scratch. For the whole year of last year, Guan Tong led the entrepreneurial team to toss back and forth in the rented factory.

The difficult environment did not hinder Guan Tong, because his ideal has never changed.

In his sixtieth year, Guan Tong lived and ate and lived with the factory workers. Starting from imitating other people's products, he disassembled the product components and made drawings one by one to understand the principles and accumulate technology.

Relying on the previous relationship, Guan Tong kept running around, looking down, begging his grandpa to sue his grandma to sell his products.

"Old Guan, I just agreed to you because of your ideals and beliefs. Okay, let's go to the office to talk." Qin Tao said: "Last year, you successfully exported your products to the Port of Vancouver, which is considered a gift to us." Domestic products took a breath."

Guan Tong smiled wryly: "Yeah, I understand that all the ports in our country like foreign goods. No matter how good the quality is, they don't buy our own products. They would rather buy second-hand goods from foreigners at a high price. I don’t buy where I can buy my own products, so if our company wants to develop, we can only open up foreign markets first.”

There is no way to do this, it is not forced.

Seeing that the domestic market could not make a breakthrough last year, Guan Tong gritted his teeth and went to the Port of Vancouver to participate in the bidding. Their quotation was 30.00% lower than that of competitors, and there was no shipping fee.

In this way, the first sale was made, a foreigner's.

Although this business is not profitable, they attach great importance to it. Guan Tong led his men to manufacture cranes for export abroad as if polishing a work of art. With the spirit of excellence, although this business did not make money, they won international word of mouth.

In the next one or two years, the Port of Vancouver and the Port of Miami will begin to place orders with Zhenhua Corporation, and Zhenhua Port Machinery will gain a firm foothold in the European and American markets.

Now, they just finished the business in Port of Vancouver. They heard that there was a big deal here, so they ran over here. Originally, they thought Qin Tao would have a hard time talking, but Guan Tong was pleasantly surprised to get all the orders of Port Machinery!
Back in the office, Qin Tao closed the door and poured two glasses of water himself.

After receiving the water, Guan Tong said with great emotion, "Boss Qin, thank you for your trust."

Although Qin Tao is young, he is a general contractor. People from other companies have never enjoyed this kind of treatment. Even Guan Tong used to be an official. Let his heart warm.

"Can you produce gantry cranes?" Qin Tao asked.

Guan Tong froze for a moment.

The gantry crane has brackets on both sides, just like a door opening. This is definitely Mount Everest among HAECO.At present, Zhenhua Port Machinery can only produce gantry cranes and shore bridge cranes, and has not involved gantry cranes.

However, he only hesitated for a moment, and then nodded: "Yes! The construction of the shipyard may last for two or three years. During these few years, we will definitely be able to produce qualified gantry cranes!"

Qin Tao nodded in satisfaction. On the face of the old man in front of him, he saw a courageous and transcendent spirit, an indomitable and fighting spirit. It is precisely because of this spirit that Zhenhua Port Machinery can develop into a future generation giant.

"Are you sure?" Qin Tao asked.

"I'm not sure, we have to do it." Guan Tong said: "At present, we rely on low prices to open up the market, but we know that if we only rely on low prices, there is no future. We must also make high-value products. We want to improve the market competitiveness of our products, we can do what others can do, and we can do what others can't do!"

"Old Guan, as long as you have this spirit, then I will fully support it!" Qin Tao said: "Our shipyard has a [-]-ton gantry crane. I will give you permission. You can visit our gantry crane, and even When the gantry crane has no work tasks, it can also be disassembled for research.”

Qin Tao was deeply moved by Guan Tong's spirit.

After joining the WTO, Chinese manufacturing has spread all over the world. However, most products compete with foreign products at low prices. Foreigners like Chinese products, but at the same time, they always think that Chinese products are of poor quality.

In only a few industries, Chinese manufacturing has become the hegemony, and HAECO is one of them.

Relying on this unyielding momentum, in 98, Zhenhua Port Machinery had grown into a leader in the port container machinery industry, and its products accounted for a quarter of the world market. However, due to competition based on low prices, so , their profits are not high.

Guan Tong realized that the first phase of the task has been completed, they already have a market, and the next step is to increase profits, they began to vigorously develop the technology of port machinery, and put 5.00% of the output value into product development every year Among them, tens of millions of funds are even dedicated every year to reward employees who have made outstanding contributions.

Just relying on this method, they achieved 90.00% of the market, crushing their counterparts from all over the world, and they also maintained sufficient profits.

Now, Qin Tao gave them a hand.

"Mr. Qin, thank you so much." Guan Tong was extremely excited: "Mr. Qin, we can't repay you for your help."

"Why can't you repay it?" Qin Tao said: "You have to copy a gantry crane first, and after studying the technology of our gantry crane, you can make a copy, install it in our shipyard, and test it. "

Qin Tao is willing to lend a helping hand, but definitely not for free.

If Zhenhua Port Machinery wants to build a gantry crane, they will first build one for Mingzhou Shipyard for free.

Now, there is still a lack of gantry cranes on the berth. Qin Tao's original plan was to go to Lao Maozi's shipyard that was on the verge of bankruptcy to buy some gantry cranes, but how can the old ones be used for new ones?
"As for the steel needed to build the gantry crane, you can get it from our Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant. There are steels of any strength, and they will definitely meet your needs."

The main material of the gantry crane is steel. Qin Tao can provide this, and it will save Zhenhua Port Machinery from subsidizing too much. When Huagang Machinery builds gantry cranes in the future, it will purchase directly from Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works.

"Okay." Guan Tong nodded. He knew that there was no free lunch in the world. Qin Tao's arrangement was already considered a very good condition for them.

This time, their port machinery will knock on the door of another country and show their presence in the entire Anxi Bay. The nearby ports may also purchase their port machinery, and the business will grow bigger and bigger.

"I am very optimistic about your Zhenhua Port Machinery. In the future, you will become the leader in this industry." Qin Tao said: "Although you still have to find out how to connect the [-]-ton gantry crane, in the future, you will definitely manufacture It is not a dream to come out with a larger gantry crane, [-] tons, or even [-] tons."

A [-]-ton, or even a [-]-ton gantry crane?Guan Tong doesn't dare to think about it now, but he firmly believes that as long as they keep moving forward in a down-to-earth manner, one day they will become the leader in this industry!

"By the way, Mr. Qin, your company is engaged in shipbuilding. Can you build a special port machinery transport ship? The freight of port machinery can easily cost millions of dollars. This money is earned by foreigners. It's so distressing." Guan Tong said.

No matter how the port machinery is disassembled, it can be transported by some ordinary ships. However, many countries prohibit the port machinery from being assembled in the port of their own country, so the whole machine must be transported.

These port machines are all special large-scale mechanical equipment. They must be transported by special ships for their ultra-long, ultra-wide, ultra-high, overweight, and ultra-long-distance transportation.

"Currently, in our whole world, only the Dutch company DOCKWISE can provide the service of transporting such super-large machinery and equipment. The port machinery we have worked so hard to manufacture, more than half of the profits, are earned by the transportation company."

Qin Tao also remembered his own gantry crane. If he hadn't tricked the Americans, he would have paid a huge amount of money, including the transportation fee, which was also a huge sum.

Zhenhua Company will gradually develop and grow, and there will be a large number of port machinery transportation tasks, so, for Qin Tao, what else is there to say?
"You're right, we have to have this special large cargo ship." Qin Tao said, "This project is included in this year's production plan. However, for the sake of simplicity, it is the most convenient for us to transform."

At the beginning, Qin Tao transformed the floating dock with stranded oil tankers, and the effect was very good. Now, if he wants to transport port machinery, the transformation is the most suitable.

In later generations, Zhenhua Heavy Industry did not reconcile its profits to be divided by the transportation link, so it simply did it by itself, bought second-hand transport ships, and refitted them.

The existence of this fleet allows Zhenhua Port Machinery to guarantee the delivery time of equipment and win the trust of customers. At the same time, they also put profits in their own pockets. They have become the only port machinery in the world that can manufacture and transport by themselves. manufacturer.

Now, of course, the task of manufacturing this transport ship will fall on Mingzhou Shipyard.

(End of this chapter)

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