Great warships

Chapter 293 It's as easy as crushing an ant

Chapter 293 It's as easy as crushing an ant

The Land Cruiser bypassed Hutouben and continued to drive forward, leaving behind two poor people crying for their parents.

"Zaytsev, what is the origin of the villain?" Qin Tao asked Zaitsev.

Zaitsev shook his head: "I don't know. Dare to stop our car, I'm really tired. Breaking their legs today is just to teach them a lesson. If they don't have a long memory in the future, I will blow their heads off." !"

Zaitsev was originally a naval infantryman, and later he followed Nikolai and was responsible for doing black work. These social people who don't have long eyes will be killed if they are killed. Anyway, the Far East is such a large area, just find a place Just throw it away.

"The villain should be the most powerful force here." Nicholas said: "The real name of the villain should be Vyacheslav. Currently, in Volikonski, he has contracted the laterite nickel mine there."

"Laterite nickel ore?" Hearing the news, Qin Tao was taken aback immediately: "In the Far East, is there still nickel ore?"

According to Qin Tao's impression, Lao Maozi's nickel mines are mainly in the Ural Mountains and near the Arctic Circle. He didn't expect that there are nickel mines in the Far East?
"Yes, our country has a vast territory and rich products. Even in the Far East, there are various mineral resources." Nicholas said: "Although the nickel mines there are not famous, the reserves are still about [-] tons .”

Lao Maozi's nickel ore has proven reserves of more than 600 million tons. This [-] tons is indeed only a small mine, but Qin Tao is secretly happy.

Come here for whatever you lack. I have been planning to build a nickel mine for a long time, but this time I actually let myself run into it.

"That villain must have done a lot of bad things when he robbed this nickel mine?" Qin Tao asked Nicholas.

Nicholas nodded: "That's right, I heard that there have been dozens of fights, large and small, and hundreds of people should have died. Those dry laterite nickel mines are all stained with red blood." After Nicholas finished speaking, He glanced at Qin Tao in surprise: "Qin, are you interested in that nickel mine?"

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, we need nickel mines. Nikolai, my friend, if possible, I hope to obtain the mining rights of that nickel mine. How about half of the profits we get?"

In the past, when doing business, it was all one-time, and the money earned was spent and there was no more. But now, if there is a mine, it can flow for a long time, keep earning, and pass it on to three generations.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, Nicholas took a deep breath: "Qin, the forces here are intricate and complicated. I will try my best, but it will take time."

"I know, Nicholas, my friend, I have enough patience. I will transfer 100 million to your account as service fee."

It is not easy to set up a mine. The gangsters have to take care of everything. After all, Nicholas is in the army, not in the locality. He will not be stingy in some places that need to spend money to clear them.

Nicola nodded.

The car drove into Belogorsk and went straight to the base. Through the car window, Qin Tao could see a row of Maz 543 military vehicles. This monster with eight big wheels looked mighty and magnificent, with an old man Unique aesthetics of violence.

In addition to the Scud missiles carried by eight wheels, there is also a six-wheeled missile, which looks a little smaller. It is the 9K79 missile. Although the range is less than two hundred kilometers, it is very accurate. It is a sharp weapon for missile troops to conduct precise strikes.

Before attacking, the West likes to use the air force to blow up all kinds of targets on the enemy's positions, while the old man's army is the world's number one, awesome, and he has to do all kinds of things by himself, and kill the enemy's deep targets before the attack The mission is to rely on the short-range ballistic missiles equipped by itself to complete.

The army stationed here is a specialized missile brigade belonging to a motorized infantry division, responsible for being the pioneer before the attack.

It's just that the rows of equipment looked like they hadn't been moved for a long time, and even the tires of a few cars were flat, and the occasional soldiers walking around seemed listless.

The car drove to the front of the brigade headquarters, and at the same time as everyone got out of the car, someone inside came out cheerfully.

"Your Excellency Nicholas, why are you here when you are free?"

"Yeah, I haven't been here for a long time. This time, I'm on the way. Come and have a look. By the way, let me introduce you. This is Qin, my friend. Qin, this is Onopuko."

"Qin, you are Nikola's friend, that is, my friend. Come on, let's go in and talk." Onopko shook hands with Qin Tao enthusiastically, and then entered the office together.

"Onopko, do you have some expired Scud missiles here?" Nikolai said to Onopko, "Qin is in charge of buying scraps. If you have any, you can sell them to him."

Expired Scud missiles?

Do missiles have a shelf life?
This is true. For example, the sea rattlesnake imported from China is about seven to ten years old, and the Aspide in Italy is five years old. However, if you analyze it carefully, you can know that these missiles have a warranty For the first time, it is entirely because they use solid propellant. When the missile leaves the factory, fuel is added into it. It has been stored in the warehouse for ten or eight years. Due to chemical reactions, the effectiveness of these fuels has been reduced.

As for ordinary liquid missiles, because the fuel is only filled when it is used, the shelf life of this kind of missiles is very long, usually 30 to [-] years.

Therefore, Scud missiles are rarely said to have expired. The earliest models were in service in the late 50s, and it has only been in the early 30s. Most of the 8K14 missiles equipped in their army are from the 80s. .

"If you have it, we can buy it in large quantities, and the quantity is favorable." Qin Tao said: "For example, if you can provide us with 15 pieces, then we are willing to pay a price of [-] US dollars."

Qin Tao originally planned to say 20 yuan, but he thought that he would have to share some benefits with Nicholas, so he simply quoted a price of 15 yuan.

This is not low, two hundred!After such a business is completed, Onopuko in front of him will get a benefit of 300 million US dollars!

Onopko immediately made a decision: "No problem, we can sell you the expired missiles in stock, and then give you [-] extra missiles!"

That's how the business was negotiated. Someone introduced that it was so simple and easy. Qin Tao nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then we will make a deal! Tonight, send them to the port of the Pacific Fleet base."

"no problem!"

All over the world, most of the Scud missiles that can be seen use the Maz 543 high-mobility wheeled launch vehicle. In fact, this wheeled launch vehicle numbered 9P117 was not popular with the old Maozi army. , In order to allow the missile troops to keep up with the main force, they like to use 2P19 tracked launch vehicles.

The chassis of this kind of car is transformed from the chassis of the ISU-152K self-propelled artillery. Later, except for a few field troops still in use, most of the other tracked chassis were eliminated.

Now, it is not easy to complete the task of transporting two hundred Scud missiles.

Those Maz 543 military vehicles cannot be moved, otherwise people will easily see the problem, and there are not enough special Scud missile transport vehicles, so the crawler chassis that have been rusted in the warehouse for decades were dragged out again.

This time, these chassis will take a one-way journey. After arriving at the port, they will be shipped together, which can be regarded as a free gift from Onopuko to Qin Tao.

As for whether Qin Tao will use these things to smelt iron or use them after returning home, then Onopuko doesn't have to worry about it.

When it gets dark, everything is ready.

Looking at this huge convoy, Qin Tao felt overwhelmed.

Most of the transport vehicles use the Maz 6 military vehicle driven by 6*200. The shape of this vehicle looks similar to that of the old Jiefang in China. It has a pointed head, round headlights on both sides, and even the rearview mirror. The small round lenses look so retro.

Behind it is a trailer with a single row of tires and no brakes. It is controlled entirely by the front of the vehicle. Originally, it could only carry one missile, but after welding a simple frame, it can carry more missiles. A missile is gone.

Even so, there are not enough transport vehicles, so there are some ordinary cars that temporarily serve as trailers. Two rows of wheels are tied to the bottom of the missile and hung behind the car, which looks like a transport pole.

Only an old man can do it. It's hard to know if the bullets will be deformed. Anyway, it's just selling second-hand goods. The customer's requirements should not be too high.

The more than 20 2P19 launch vehicles are definitely the most brilliant in the entire team.The missile is longer than the chassis, so an iron frame is exposed at the front of the chassis, stretching two or three meters forward, and the warhead is poked directly in front like this, looking mighty and domineering.

"Qin, let's go." Nicholas said to Qin Tao.

"No, Nikolay, I want to go back in this car."

Seeing Qin Tao pointing to the 2P19 launch vehicle, Nicholas could only smile and shake his head: "Okay, since you are willing, then take this vehicle back and see you at the base."

Nicholas still likes his Land Cruiser, it is very comfortable to sit in, he is an admiral, even if he is on land, he has to take a special cruiser.

Watching the Toyota off-road vehicle drive away, Qin Tao waved to the people around him: "Let's go, let's go. Everyone's technology is very good. You don't need to turn on the lights to complete this transportation task."

In order to avoid being discovered by aerial reconnaissance, any military driver must learn the driving technique of not turning on the lights at night. Now, the moon is sparse, and even without turning on the lights, they can still drive normally.

It was bound to be an unforgettable night.

Qin Tao was in the 2P19 launch vehicle, looking at everything around him excitedly.

Although it is a tracked chassis, it does not need to charge into battle. Therefore, the cab of this vehicle is similar to that of a car. There are two large pieces of glass in front, so you can see the road clearly. At the same time, there is a special launch control room above the cab. .

Since the upper part has a wider view, Qin Tao sat on it and felt the momentum of the tracked vehicle.

The engine at the rear was humming, and the tracks on both sides were spinning. Qin Tao looked at the gradually changing terrain on both sides, and couldn't help asking: "Are we going the wrong way?"

When I came here, I obviously didn't take this road.

"That's right, we can save dozens of kilometers by taking this road." The voice of the driver in front, Ivan, said: "Also, we can't take the road, otherwise we will be scolded."

Only then did Qin Tao react.

The road outside the barracks was originally a dirt road, and these vehicles could come and go on the dirt road at any time, and then go to the road to drive.

Those wheeled vehicles in the back can go on the road, but if their crawler chassis vehicles drive around on the road, the road will be completely useless.

Lao Maozi has never used rubber-mounted tracks, and more than 20 tracked launchers can't harm the road.

"Although our speed is slow, we can take a shortcut and maybe catch up with the off-road vehicle in front." Ivan said, stepping on the gas pedal again.

As an old driver, Ivan is quite familiar with the roads here.

"Really? That's great. I'll treat you to a drink when we arrive at the destination!" Qin Tao was also very happy.

Go on, go on!
I don't know how long I have been driving, the sky is full of stars above my head, the endless field is under my feet, and there are many car lights in front of me.

boom!A soft sound broke the silence of the night sky.

When he heard this voice, Ivan became excited: "Did you see it? There is a road ahead, there must be someone fighting there, so many cars, surrounded by one in the middle, I guess, it must be villains."


Qin Tao's expression changed: "Hurry up, drive over! Use the radio to notify other vehicles and drive over together. They will probably be surrounded by the people who came with me!"

Although the distance is far away, I can't see it very clearly, but since Ivan judged it to be the largest force in the area based on its size, that is, the villains, what else can Qin Tao say?
Hurry up!

The villain is not dead, how did the nickel ore in the villain's hands fall into Qin Tao's hands?Now, there is just an excuse to rescue Nicholas and the others!Regardless of whether it is Nicholas and the others, in short, this beam must be knotted, and the knot will get deeper and deeper, irreconcilable!
Ivan's original thought was just to watch a good show, but now, when he heard that Nikolai and the others were inside, he also became anxious. While shouting on the radio, he operated the 2P19 launch vehicle and rushed over.

Behind, one after another, the launch vehicles also rushed up together.

on the road.

A Tiger Ben and a dozen other models surrounded the Toyota Land Cruiser.

Toyota, Honda, Nissan... There are different models, and even most of them have the steering wheel on the right. The doors of these cars are all opened, and all the people inside can get out.

The big man in all black, still holding a thing in his hand, pointed at the Lu Xun, and he definitely got the people inside.

The front of Lu Xun's car has been deformed, and the engine compartment cover has been tilted up. Opposite it, the blue bird that blocked it has turned upside down and turned over.

"Come out, come out!" The people outside shouted.

Zaitsev's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that the other party would target their car, and dare to launch an attack here. These guys really don't know how the word "dead" is written.

Zaitsev picked up a melon in his hand.

"Everyone get ready, throw the cantaloupe out together, and break out immediately after the explosion, Varisi, Kaxin, you two are behind, cover Your Excellency Nicholas and go first!"

Zaitsev knew that there was going to be a tough fight tonight.

"No, Zaitsev, you report my name. Let them know who you stopped." Nicholas remained calm.

If he was riding in his original car, if these people dare to make a mistake, they must be impatient. Now, these people outside have no idea who is sitting in this Lu Xun.

It is estimated that the other party thought he was another leader and deliberately found fault, so there was such a big battle, right?
Nicholas looked out through the car window, and the firepower of those people has also increased. If they are not under them, even if they throw out the melons in their hands first, and then rush out, they may not be able to retreat unscathed!

Nicholas didn't want his subordinates to suffer any losses. These people are all his confidants, so let's reveal their identities.

"Listen, people inside, you're actually here to provoke me, a villain." Outside, a short fat man stood beside Hutouben, using the body of the car to cover himself, and shouted to this side.

"Today, if you want to leave alive, then raise your hands and let me break your legs!"

Beside Humpty Dumpty, the two lame guys nodded frequently.

If one of their legs was broken, they had to break both of the legs of the person inside. Only in this way could they relieve their anger.

Hearing people shouting like that, Zaitsev's face was extremely ugly, he was too rampant, dare to talk to His Excellency Nikolai like that?This villain is looking for death!

At this moment, a rumbling sound came from a distance, and Zaitsev was immediately overjoyed, and Nikolai behind him also breathed a sigh of relief.

There was also a slight vibration from the ground, and the man in black turned his head to the outside, looking in the direction of the sound. Under the darkness of the night, it seemed that there was a demon there.

The villain's face also changed slightly, did the other party come to help?Why didn't you come by road?The direction over there is the wilderness!

A man in black smartly started the car, and the car turned to the direction of the sound. Under the beam of headlights, they finally saw clearly.

The tracks were whirling and spinning, the steel car body was moving forward, and there was such a big guy on the top, it looked like a monster that suddenly appeared in the dark.

That's an armored vehicle of the army!
Scud missile launcher?

"Quickly, tell them that we know the commander of their troops! Please don't misunderstand them!"

"Hey, our boss villain said that he knows your commander, don't get me wrong!"

A man in black ran out and shouted over there.

"I can see clearly that what is surrounded inside is the car I was in when I came here!" Rushing to the front of the 2P19 launch vehicle, Qin Tao shouted to Ivan who was driving in front: "These bastards are all damned!" !"

"That's right, damn it!" Ivan adjusted his direction and bumped into the person standing in front of him.

The villain was dumbfounded, and so were the other people. They didn't expect that the person coming from the opposite side would come up and do it without saying a word!

Da da da!
The guy in someone's hand spit out flames, shot at the moving vehicle, hit the steel, and wiped out streaks of sparks.

Guys like them, facing 2P19, are simply fire sticks!Although this kind of missile launch vehicle cannot charge on the battlefield, it is still no problem to block the fire stick.

The track continued to move forward, and then crushed on a Nissan car. In an instant, there was a creaking sound, and the car was crushed!
"Quick, run!" someone yelled.

The villain wanted to get into his own tiger head car, but he reacted later, rushed to the outermost side, and got into a Honda sedan. Before his body was completely in, the driver had already stepped on the accelerator, and the car moved forward. jump up.

"Damn it, slow down!" The villain shouted loudly, grabbing the car door.

So, the driver quickly let go of the accelerator and waited for the thugs to get into the car. In just such a short moment, they completely lost the chance to leave.

Another 2P19 launch vehicle drove up and hit the side of the car directly. The car moved sideways, the wheels rubbed against the road surface, making a terrible sound, and then the car rolled over the roadbed.

A ball of flame, burning up.

It's as easy as crushing an ant!
Qin Tao jumped off 2P19 and ran towards the Land Cruiser.

"Nikolai, Nikolay, my friend, are you all right?"

Nicholas was in a complicated mood: "Qin, thanks to your timely appearance this time."

Nicholas absolutely never thought that such a thing would happen on the return journey. This villain was too much, and he even dared to block his car!
"As long as you're fine." Qin Tao said, "It seems that the law and order here is really not good. Some street gangsters dare to come and intercept your car."

"Yes, these people must not be let go!" Nicholas said: "Zaytsev, after returning, bring people here, and no one who is a villain's subordinates will be let go!"

Nicholas was furious. He had never encountered such a thing. As a soldier, it didn't matter if he died in battle or shrouded in horse leather. Their navy was even more willing to sink to the bottom of the sea with their warships.

But now, to fall into the hands of this kind of person, and to be insulted and have his legs broken!
What else is there to say, let's kill it!
Even those government officials can't say anything. It's good enough that Nicholas doesn't go to the people behind the villains.

Qin Tao was also secretly happy in his heart, this is all right, it's neat, the villain and his organization are finished, so the small nickel mine at Volikonski will belong to him and Nikolai in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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