Great warships

Chapter 297 The old bus needs an advanced frigate

Chapter 297 The old bus needs an advanced frigate

When it comes to a warship, people will always talk about how advanced radar it has, how many vertical launch units it has, how fast it can run, and so on.

Few people will say what kind of combat command system it has.Because many people don't know how warships are commanded.

In movies and TV dramas, the captain stands majestically on the bridge, with a standing helmsman in charge of steering in front of him, and a first officer holding a binoculars next to him, and then the captain can give various orders.

If it was true during the Sino-Japanese War, but now that we have entered the information age, this command method has long been outdated.

The Type 051 destroyer still uses a simple mechanical commander, but now, the 051C under construction has begun to use a more modern command system.

An advanced combat command system requires strong integration capabilities, which can combine various subsystems so that warships can exert greater strength.

A row of computer screens, a row of keyboards, and then a row of sailors sitting there watching the screens and typing on the keyboards is the modern combat command system.

Since the most important task of 051C is to use the S-300 missile above to shoot down the invading enemy, its combat command system is expanded around the combat command system of air defense missiles.

In addition to air defense, there are also anti-submarine and anti-ship, which are all integrated together to give it a complete command capability.

Of course, it is not enough to rely solely on the research and development strength of Mingzhou Shipyard. While the 051C destroyer was being built, this system was under development. At the same time, it also received help from the 709th and 723rd Institutes.

Before the outfitting of the 051C destroyer, the development of this system has been completed.

Therefore, in the design of the brand-new air defense frigate, Qin Tao also boldly transplanted this system. This is the modern warship combat command system!

"Our command system adopts a distributed and open system architecture, so it has strong transplantation capabilities at the design stage. Now, we can completely transplant from the S-300 missile system to the Hongqi-16 missile system. In terms of the system, it is a high-speed local area network connected by optical fiber as a communication line. Through centralized command, comprehensive organization, and three-level management, all surface and underwater detection, countermeasures, weapons and equipment on the ship, as well as communications and data The links work together."

"In the future, we will further integrate the data link to realize communication and navigation between the entire fleet, identification of friend and foe, and even coordination with bases and aviation." Qin Tao continued: "This is also the reason why we adopt an open system. Due to the fully decentralized architecture, this method has the advantages of high degree of information sharing, fast information transmission rate, high compatibility with systems and equipment, and future expansion and upgrades are quite easy."

"That is to say, our warship will have a smart mind in the future?" Someone raised this statement on the rostrum.

"you can say it this way."

"You have such a good thing, why don't you take it out in advance? I suggest that the Navy organize personnel to appraise it immediately. If it can really achieve the magic you said, it is a cross-generation product. We can name it ZKJ- 5 The combat command system is a generation ahead of the current one!"

Why not take it out in advance?There must be something at the bottom of the box!Moreover, this system was developed for future Aegis battleships. Without such an advanced system, it really would not be able to adapt to a system like Star of the Sea.

Qin Tao is complacent.

Wang Hongmin's heart has completely sunk to the bottom. Now, he already knows that there is no hope for his shipyard.

Hongqi-16, four diesel engines, multiple rapid-fire guns, and this combat command system, this frigate is an era ahead of the existing ones!Moreover, except for the anti-aircraft missiles, the quotation is the same as that of Huating East Shipyard!
"Such a combat system needs powerful data processing capabilities, right?" Wang Hongmin asked. It wasn't that he was nitpicking, he was just curious.

"That's right, in the test, we used a single-board 6U VME RISC processor, which can already handle the data. In the future, the amount of data will be large, and it can be upgraded. This upgrade capability is our most important performance. .”

"Wait, what, RISC processor? Are you using a commercial processor?"

"That's right, the military processors we currently manufacture are not powerful. Without qualified high-speed computers, our modern command system would not be possible. Even if the calculation time is delayed by one second, it may be delayed." lead to failure."

This is the only regret, and at the same time, it is also a necessity of technology.

Take the United States as an example, it was indeed self-developed at the beginning. Two univac 1219 computers were initially used to command and control the "Beagle", "Brass Knight" and "Tart" air defense systems. However, when the development When it came to the Aegis system, the Americans found that it would be a waste of effort to do it by themselves. After barely working out the AN / UYK-44 system, they never did it again. They directly moved the commercial minicomputer into the warship, which is easy to use. Also affordable.

Therefore, after entering the 90s, the U.S. Navy simply stopped the development of military computers, and proposed the COTS system plan, striving to replace the military UYK43/44 with commercial computer hardware that meets the specifications.

Lao Maozi's electronic system has always been backward, so he started to use a discrete system. After the collapse of the Red Empire, Da Mao built several 11356 frigates for Ah San, and used a lot of Western equipment on them, which was an eye-opener. So, again Several 11356M frigates were built for their own use. This set of warships used the specially developed "Requirement-M" combat command system, which is also a combat command system developed based on commercial computers.

So, whether you accept it or not, this is a trend. If you don’t like it for pure military use, then take out a set that can be used and let us install it!
"However, this would be dangerous." Wang Hongmin said nervously: "During the war two years ago, the U.S. military installed a virus in the printer in advance, and then paralyzed the entire air defense system!"

Hearing Wang Hongmin's words, Qin Tao was surprised: "Who did you listen to?"

"Zhang Zhong! His program is very detailed. This is cyber warfare, information warfare, and computer hackers are everywhere!"

Qin Tao felt like he was in a cocoon. He discovered Zhang Zhong as a talent, and then he could fool people everywhere. So now, he has to bear the consequences of being fooled.

Printer virus, this thing is miraculous, but as long as you know the principles of computers and printers, you can understand that this is nonsense.

If there are network printers in the 21st century, then the printers can be directly connected to the Internet, and indeed they can spread viruses, but this is only the 90s!The printer must be connected to the computer, and the connection cable does not even use a USB interface, but a 25-pin D-type interface. This interface is almost dedicated to the printer, so many people also call it a printer port.

The printer will indeed communicate with the computer, telling the computer that it is ready, but the main thing is to receive the information from the computer. This thing can spread viruses, so hell.

Look at all the antivirus software, which one has a special printer virus scanning method?
Zhang Zhong is too deceitful!

Qin Tao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he could only continue to educate everyone, explaining that this printer virus is impossible.

"Of course, we have used some imported processors, and these processors may indeed leave backdoors, but as long as we use our own operating system, then even if they leave a backdoor, there is no way to find them." not."

Those hackers usually use system loopholes to intrude, and some of them were originally test channels left by the designers of the computer company during the test, but they forgot to close them when they were launched.

They use the processing power of commercial computers, but the specific operation and software they write must be their own. In this case, it is very difficult for the other party to invade.

Besides, what channel did the other party use to invade?Although an optical fiber network is laid inside the warship, it is impossible for hackers to board their warships. At most, they can only invade the data link. That is not what Qin Tao wants to consider. That is the work of the relevant personnel who study the data link. .

Qin Tao could only give some popular science about network security to reassure everyone.

If you have it yourself, of course you can use your own. In the future, Godson 3A has been used, but now, there is no condition at all!
Originally, the bidding meeting would take one day, but when it was close to noon, the meeting had already obtained a clear result. Mingzhou's proposal was unanimously approved!

"After the review of all the judges at the meeting, the Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group's plan is the most suitable for the development of our navy's future frigates. Therefore, I announce that the Mingzhou plan with a displacement of nearly 16 tons equipped with Hongqi-054 will win. It will It will be named Type [-]!" The leader who presided over the meeting grandly announced the result.

In the past, you could add letters and numbers after 053 to name it, but now this model is too different from the previous one, so you can't add it directly, so you need to use a new number to name it.

Everything is brand new, power system, air defense missile system, radar, command system, etc. This warship will become the main warship of the navy in the future!

"The navy will first place an order for three warships, and more project orders will be added later!"

Even if the navy uses 054 as its main force in the future, it is still limited by military expenditures, so it can only order three ships first. For Mingzhou Shipyard, the order for these three ships is completely acceptable.

"Thank you leaders for your trust in us. After the first 051C is launched, we will start the construction of the first 054 frigate on the vacant berth. Please rest assured, leaders, we will not let the navy down!"

Yang Dawei and others returned to Mingzhou with excitement.Then, I saw Pu Douxuan who had been waiting for Qin Tao for several days.

"Mr Yang, may I ask, President Qin hasn't come back yet?" After seeing Yang Dawei, Pu Douxuan hurried up and asked.

He came to Mingzhou with an ulterior purpose, and he had to meet Qin Tao before he could say that, otherwise, the people here would probably beat him out.

However, he waited and waited, but he didn't arrive. Mr. Qin is really busy!
"Boss Qin didn't come back with us."

"Then if I go to the capital, can I find him?"

"I don't know. President Qin may have gone abroad again after he separated from us."

What, go abroad?

Pu Douxuan was extremely disappointed. Is there such a shipyard leader?Always not in his own factory, but wandering around outside!
"If you have anything, you can tell us. I, or Cong Gong, or Director Qin, can help pass it on."

In fact, the big guys already knew the purpose of Pu Douxuan's coming here, but they didn't point it out. If Pu Douxuan wants to say something, they will answer, they will help to convey it, and they will definitely pay attention to it. The attitude must be sincere, and then, then Just pass it like a fart.

"It's better to talk to President Qin directly about these things." Pu Douxuan still hesitated, not daring to say it directly.

Then we can only continue to wait.

What is Qin Tao doing?
He is indeed going abroad, but this time the team is a bit special.

Zheng Ming, who was in charge of equipment in the navy, led the team, and Wang Hongmin led a few of his men as the main force. As for Qin Tao, he became a soy saucer instead.

Everyone went to the southwest neighbor of the motherland, the old bus.

In the past few years, Qin Tao has traveled to several countries, but the old bus who has the strongest relationship with the motherland has never been there. This is the first time.

Wang Hongmin felt a little nervous.

"Can the old bus see our frigate?"

"Of course." Qin Tao said, "Look at what Lao Ba's navy has on hand now. Those old warships can't support their navy at all. They need advanced frigates to fight Ah San. .”

The land of Pakistan is long and narrow, and the coastline in the south is not long. Moreover, due to their economic problems, the ships of their navy are old and their combat effectiveness is quite low.

"But, they only like British products. I heard that they plan to buy all the Type 21 frigates in the hands of the British."

"That was in the past, and in the future, they will choose our advanced products." Qin Tao is very sure of this: "Besides, the type 21 is worthless when you buy it. We can compare it to the old man. Let them know that choosing our frigate is the most appropriate."

Whether it is the army or the air force, Laoba has purchased a large number of Chinese-made weapons, but there is no such precedent in the navy.Except for building a supply ship for Laoba in the 80s, it has never entered Laoba's naval market.

Due to historical reasons, Laoba's navy admires the British navy very much, so most of their procurement items come from the United Kingdom.

Even if it is a Chinese-made warship that wants to enter the old bus market, it is still very difficult. After all, the performance is too poor!
Before 053H2G, although the Navy's frigate was called a missile frigate, it only had anti-ship missiles, and it relied on artillery for air-to-air combat. If the old man can accept this kind of chicken ribs, he will be damned.

It's different now!The newly designed 053H3 can definitely meet the needs of Laoba Navy.

"Boss Qin, thank you for showing so much care to us losers." Wang Hongmin said.

He is indeed very grateful. Although it is still difficult for them to accept bidding, the Navy has already issued instructions that all future weapon systems will be purchased through bidding.There was no cheating in Mingzhou, and they won in an aboveboard manner.

As a loser, they should leave the stage in dismay, but Qin Tao gave them a lot of support, not only proposing, but also personally following them!
Mr. Qin is definitely a good hand in doing business with the outside world!Along the way, he kept cheering them on.

Why did Qin Tao follow?Of course it was on the way.

A shipment of Scud missiles from Nikolai is on its way to Parthia. Qin Tao and this arms sales team have come over and completed the sales task. It is estimated that the Scud missiles will arrive at the port. By that time , Qin Tao went to find the Anxi people again, and the time was just right.

"Director Wang, you are welcome. We bid domestically to provide the navy with better weapons. However, externally, we are still good brothers and good friends. We have gradually become stronger through competition, and our country's shipbuilding The industry develops, and then they go to make money from foreigners together." Qin Tao said.

Wang Hongmin nodded, feeling extremely moved.

In the south of Pakistan, the largest port is Karachi.

The time has entered May, and a heat wave is blowing from the Indian Ocean, making the whole city look a bit muggy.

In the spacious and bright conference room, an air conditioner with a yellowish color was working, blowing cool air, making the conference room very comfortable.

"On behalf of the Pakistani Navy, I welcome you all. China is our good friend. This time, I heard that you brought good things?" Mahmoud, a senior official of the Pakistani Navy, said.

"Yes, we have brought the most advanced and powerful brand new frigate. Its weaponry is the same as that of the Type 052 destroyer we are currently building, but the price is very cheap." Zheng Ming and Mahmoud opposite, It can be regarded as an old friend who has met many times, and he was the first to introduce.

Then, Wang Hongmin opened the box he brought. This is a simulation model with a length of about one meter!

This is also Qin Tao's idea. For a more intuitive image, it is better to bring a model to introduce.

Sure enough, when the model was placed in the center of the conference room, the Pakistani naval officers present immediately opened their eyes wide.

"Are Sea Sidewinder missiles ahead?"

"The equipment of eight anti-ship missiles is indeed good and powerful enough."

"There is also a helicopter take-off and landing platform at the back. When did the Dongfang frigate start to carry helicopters?"

Everyone's amazement gave Wang Hongmin confidence, and he began to introduce the entire warship to everyone.

From the naval guns in the front to the helicopter deck in the back, I introduced everything, just like the introduction at the Yellow Tower.

Hearing Qin Tao shake his head helplessly, what did you introduce in the Yellow Tower?
Price, price!When I first came up, I took the price as a magic weapon. When I came here, why did I only introduce the data and not the price?

"Cough, cough." Qin Tao coughed twice.

Wang Hongmin turned his head.

"Director Wang, how about I add a few points?"

Wang Hongmin nodded.

"We heard that the United Kingdom is selling their six Type 21 frigates to your navy in a package. With all due respect, if you choose that kind of second-hand frigate, it will be a waste." Qin Tao said: "Those of them Warships have been floating at sea for decades, especially in the harsh winds and waves of the Atlantic Ocean, the life of the hull has been greatly affected, and it is estimated that there are cracks in some places."

"At the beginning, when the British built it, in order to save costs, they used a merchant ship plan. The superstructure was still made of aluminum alloy. Not to mention anti-ship missiles, it is estimated that they would be sunk by a large-caliber shell."

Straight to the point!

If they want to sell their frigates, they have to compete, with whom?Of course it is a second-hand British warship!

"Those frigates, in the eyes of the British Navy, also received rave reviews. They called this warship the worst design and the most failed warship in the world." Qin Tao said: "In the war more than ten years ago, Among them, these warships also fully demonstrated their disadvantages. All eight ships participated in the battle, and two were sunk. Think about it, everyone, even if this kind of warship is bought back, what is the point? Once a war really breaks out, this kind of warship Do warships dare to enter the battlefield?"

"Take the air defense system as an example. This kind of warship uses Seacat surface-to-air missiles. This 60s-designed air defense missile has a maximum range of only 5.5 kilometers and is still subsonic. It can only intercept aircraft at most. Facing modern Anti-ship missiles do not have any capabilities at all." Qin Tao said: "In war, such missiles are useless!"

"Look at our warships, which are equipped with Sea Sidewinder missiles. This kind of missile can not only intercept aircraft, but also intercept missiles, especially missiles that fly at low altitude and sea skimming. After we introduced them, we have tried many times. With two salvos, the accuracy of interception can reach almost [-]%. As a frigate, it must have this capability to be competent."

"As for the anti-ship aspect, we are equipped with C802 missiles. With the cooperation of ship-borne helicopters, they have a range of more than [-] kilometers, which is unmatched by British frigates."

Although the Eagle 81 was used in the domestic bidding, but since it is exported, of course the taller C802 must be installed. Without a range of more than [-] kilometers, can it be called an advanced anti-ship missile?

"Our newly built warship, after entering your navy, can serve at least 30 years. Compared with the old-fashioned Type 21 frigate, I think, even if it is not counted in terms of lifespan, just in terms of combat effectiveness, a ship like ours, It is also equivalent to three Type 21 frigates!"

"Yeah, we also know that the Type 21 frigate is very poor, and the three ships are not as good as this one, but the Type 21 frigate is cheap! The quotation given to us by the UK is 1200 million US dollars, and we can no longer find it. The price is lower than this." Mahmoud said.

"Your Excellency Mahmoud, you are wrong. Our advanced frigate is a brand new warship with three times the performance of the Type 21 frigate, and the price is also three times that of the Type 21 frigate. The British side is not 1200 million US dollars. Is it? Then our side is 600 million US dollars, how about it?"

"Everyone, I believe that you need advanced frigates, not second-hand junk! Our frigates produced in China have advanced performance, high quality and low price!"

 PS: Thanks to book friends 20220829091057593, l599xl, Empty City Old Dream Intoxicating People, book friends 20210117202839393, book friends 20190628193358313, book friends 20201019084929643, only North Xingguo Anbang, book friends 20220427215500648, [-] and other friends who secretly watched the rewards Subscription and monthly ticket support from all book friends!
(End of this chapter)

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