Great warships

Chapter 305 Going to the East to Gain a New Life

Chapter 305 Going to the East to Gain a New Life

Ermao opened up and modified the An-225 for commercial operation. These are all things in the 21st century. Now, in their eyes, this transport aircraft has no role, so sacrifice it and remove some equipment. It is also a normal practice to satisfy the use of other aircraft.

But now, Qin Tao gave them a better choice.

"Qin, is everything you said true?" Dmitri asked Qin Tao.

Qin Tao nodded: "I never lie. [-] million US dollars is indeed a lot for our company, but it can still be tolerated. If such a good transport plane disappears from now on, it will be too much for it. , is unfair.”

Dmitry nodded: "I alone have no right to decide the fate of this plane. I need to hold a meeting, and after unifying the opinions within the design bureau, I have to report to my superiors."

Qin Tao nodded: "I can wait. However, please be sure to understand that I was only moved by Mr. Kowalski's behavior and sighed for this plane. That's why I made this decision. However, if someone If you think this plane is very important to me and want to raise the price, then I will leave immediately, and the things here will have nothing to do with me."

Qin Tao has always liked to collect junk, and he is best at buying at low prices.

[-] million US dollars, the purchase of this plane is definitely his first large sum of money. If the other party thinks that Qin Tao, a fat sheep, can be slaughtered, he is very wrong.

Airliners in this era are still very cheap. A Su-27 fighter jet can be sold for 5000 million US dollars now, which is more expensive than a Boeing 737 airliner. The Boeing airliner of later generations is only 8000 to [-] million US dollars.

Even if transport planes are more expensive than passenger planes, they are also used by the military, and the civil aviation fleet will not be equipped with passenger planes. As for giant transport planes like the An-225, they look awesome, but no customer will need this kind of people Dude, so, it can't be sold at a price at all.

Qin Tao's price of [-] million is not low.

Dmitry nodded: "Yes, we know that this price is already very good. If this business can be done, it will also be the biggest business of our design bureau. Therefore, we will definitely work hard to get it."

"Okay, then you go to coordinate, I have to talk to Kowalski, he is still very emotional now."

After Dmitry left, Qin Tao climbed up the ladder: "Dude, do you want to go down and have a few drinks? Also, Galunenko, are you coming too?"

Near Antonov Design Bureau, bar.

The four sat together, raising vodka in their hands.

Zheng Ming has been playing a supporting role. He hasn't woken up from the shock just now. He was extremely shocked by Qin Tao's generosity. Therefore, the current Zheng Ming can only serve as a foil, and Qin Tao frequently mentions Cup, chatting with Kowalski and Galunenko on the opposite side.

"Qin, although the An-225 is going to the east, it makes me sad, but compared to its fate of being dismantled, I am very satisfied to be able to fly back into the sky." Kowalski said: "This aircraft, It absolutely cannot leave this world in such obscurity, it can go to the east and gain a new life!"

"If you can't bear it, how about going together?" Qin Tao said.

go together?

Kowalski was shocked again.

Qin Tao smiled and looked at Galunenko again: "Mr. Galunenko, I still need a pilot to buy this plane, so I also invite you to take your crew members to the east and help me Fly the plane."

Galunenko was also stunned: "Me? To the East?"

"Yes, your technology is the best. Only a pilot like you can fly an aircraft like the An-225."

(It seems that the queen pilot of the An-225 is Dmitro Antonov, let's change it.)
Galunenko's eyes hesitated.

"Qin, are you going to take us all away?"

"That's right." Qin Tao said: "Now, the situation of Antonov Design Bureau is not optimistic. Although it is better than other military factories, it is still in crisis. If you leave Da Mao, you will lose the opportunity to produce aircraft. Ability. However, it is not easy to cooperate with Da Mao, because everyone wants more benefits."

After the collapse of the Red Empire, the production of An-124 came to a standstill. Both Da Mao and Er Mao wanted to restart the production line, but this was simply impossible.Too many interests are tied up, and everyone wants to get more benefits.

Take the final assembly of the aircraft as an example, Da Mao has always insisted on assembling the An-124 at the "Aviation Star" factory in Ulyanovsk, so what is the meaning of the Antonov Design Bureau?What are they doing in production?
"If you believe in me, then please follow me to the East. You can get rich treatment, a superior environment, and your talents can be fully utilized."

"Our talents are brought into play?" Kowalski looked at Qin Tao deeply: "Qin, you mean, are you also developing large-scale transportation?"

"Yes, our country needs this kind of aircraft, and it is impossible for us to purchase it all the time. Therefore, we will definitely develop it in the future, at least it must be an Il-76-class transport aircraft. After you go to the East, you can help maintain this aircraft first. For the operation of the An-225, when the time is right and our domestic large aircraft project starts, you will be able to give full play to your talents. Even, very likely, our relevant domestic departments have already started pre-research on these projects. After leaving, you will be able to take the position you are looking forward to the most.”

Although the Yun-20 project was officially established in 06, the pre-research by relevant domestic departments has already started. If Qin Tao remembers correctly, in 93, the aircraft company in the old area had already begun to carry out large-scale Pre-research of the transport aircraft project.

Now, with the Il-76 and Il-78 brought back by Qin Tao, those technicians are probably starting to look forward to it. If they get a group of people back from the Antonov Design Bureau, then this research The project might be launched.

"I was trained by the Antonov Design Bureau." Galunenko hesitated at this moment.

The training of pilots requires a large sum of money, and test pilots are even more worthy of gold. After being trained, they should dedicate all of themselves, even their lives, to Your own unit is right.

"You were cultivated by the Red Empire, but now, the Red Empire has collapsed." Qin Tao was very rude.

What are you grateful for Antonov Design Bureau?Isn't the cultivation of this design bureau the cultivation of the Red Empire?Now, that empire is gone, why not think for yourself?
"Even if you don't help us test the new aircraft, but only give my group to fly the An-225, the salary is twice the current salary, and, before the [-]th of each month, the salary of the previous month can be sent to the account. "

Ideals, beliefs, can they be eaten?

So, in front of the sugar-coated bullets, Galunenko immediately gave up those ideas.

"Then I am willing to go."

Twice the salary!It’s very tempting. Of course, if he goes to the West, Galunenko can also earn these wages, but besides the salary, he also has a career. If he goes to the East, he can still fly An-225, drive This big plane, flying all over the world, that feeling is absolutely good!
As for whether Qin Tao was talking big?How can someone who can spend 225 million to buy this An-[-] transport plane that no one wants can talk big?
"I'd like to go too." Kowalski also nodded.

"Well, people around you, if you want to go to the East, you can go, I welcome you anytime."

After a meal of wine, Qin Tao immediately sent the two of them a settling fee in advance. Seeing the backs of the two people leaving in a hurry, Zheng Ming finally came to his senses.

"President Qin, you are really generous, will you lose money in the end?"

[-] million dollars, buying an airplane, and then hiring a group of old-fashioned technicians at a high price, will definitely lose money.

If Qin Tao is not a shipbuilder, but an airplane builder, then it is reasonable for him to buy these. Now, what can Qin Tao do if he buys this big plane back?

Qin Tao smiled: "Losing money? Old Zheng, you don't understand the significance of the existence of such a large aircraft!"

In the 21st century, after Ermao came to his senses, he repaired the plane and replaced it with western avionics equipment. It was unveiled at the Paris Air Show in 01, and then it began to receive various commercial transportation around the world. The mission is over, this plane suddenly changed from an organ donor that no one cares about, to a sweet pastry, earning Ermao a lot of foreign exchange.

A strategic-level super transport aircraft can still make money in the express delivery business.

"What's the point?"

"For example, if the front of a subway car in a certain city breaks down and a new one needs to be transported in immediately, tell me, what is the fastest way for them to use?"

The big belly of the An-225 transport aircraft can transport all kinds of special parts, super long, super wide, super heavy, and all kinds of equipment can be transported.

Whether it is a subway train, an artificial satellite, or even a launch vehicle (that is, a ballistic missile), it can be loaded into its belly.

As long as it is put into commercial operation, it will definitely make money.

Even if it is transporting ordinary materials, it has advantages, one is better than four or five other large transport planes!

Il-76 can only be loaded with 250 to [-] tons. This cargo can hold [-] tons or even [-] tons. This can greatly reduce the number of flight sorties. With the same freight cost, it can also make money, because it saves the flight crew for other sorties. expenses!

Qin Tao never traded at a loss, since he encountered it this time, of course he had to take advantage of it.

Moreover, if it is not afraid of being noticed, it can even fly to the Nitka base and stuff those planes directly into the big belly of An-225.

The T-10K with the wings removed can be stuffed into two or three properly.

Of course, these are all fantasies, and everything depends on Ermao's decision.

Anyway, for Qin Tao, this plane is not a must. If they want to be a favorite, they can keep it for themselves and wait for it to be blown up in the hangar later.

Qin Tao waited for three days, and just when he was about to leave, Dmitry finally brought back good news.

The relevant procedures have been completed, as long as Qin Tao pays, An-225 will belong to Qin Tao!

Qin Tao was overjoyed when he got the news, and immediately went through the payment process, and then asked the people from the Antonov Design Bureau to unseal the plane and re-test it. At the same time, he asked Zheng Ming to coordinate with the country. After the arrangements were made, the plane flew directly to domestic!

The Antonov Design Bureau is also full of joy. By selling this plane, they will also get a large sum of money, laying a solid foundation for their next development. As for giving it all to the Progressive Design Bureau?

The Progressive Design Bureau wants [-] million, so are they going to give [-] million?Of course it won't work, and you have to bargain, the money has other uses.

"President Qin, you are really generous. I never thought that your group is not only good at shipbuilding, but also intends to set foot in the aviation field!" In the hotel in Kyiv, a celebration banquet was going on lively, Demi Terry spoke excitedly to Qin Tao.

Attending the meeting, not only people from the Design Bureau, but also many of Ermao's superiors also came here to celebrate. Since it was in the name of Mingzhou Shipping Group Transportation Company, everyone knew about Qin Tao. identity of.

Mingzhou Shipbuilding Group has been very powerful in the past few years. It has built aircraft carriers for Siam, catamaran missile boats for its own navy, and natural gas ships for civilian ships. It is still refitting the aircraft carrier park. The rise of this group is enviable. endlessly.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, what is the secret of your success?" A person asked Qin Tao curiously.

secret?The secret, of course, is to step on the corpse of the Red Empire. Of course, this sentence cannot be said.

"We opened the country very early, so our market economy has been going for more than ten years. If we want to develop and grow, we have to find ways to adapt to this market competition." Qin Tao said: "Our luck is also It is better. However, I also believe that after several years of development, your side will be revived! I also hope that the second unit of An-225 can fly into the sky in a few years, so that our aircraft Not alone anymore."

Best wishes, of course you have to put it nicely.

"Qin, you are the best in the market competition, can you give us some ideas? What should we do if we want to grow?" Dmitry asked.

"Different countries have different national conditions, so I can't say I am proficient in these. However, I think that if you want to continue to develop, you cannot leave Da Mao. Similarly, Da Mao cannot do without you, although now It is not a country anymore, but if you can establish a close cooperative relationship between your various military enterprises, it will be beneficial to everyone."

Dmitry nodded. What Qin Tao said was actually exactly what they wanted to do.It is also what Ermao's military-industrial enterprises want to do.

According to their statistics, there are [-] Damao military enterprises that rely on parts produced by Er Mao, and Er Mao also relies on Da Mao for a large number of parts. If they can cooperate, they will surely achieve a win-win goal.

To describe it in one word, it is Russia-Ukraine linkage.

"At the same time, if we want to adapt to market competition, we need to improve fuel consumption and comfort. This kind of An-124 transport aircraft is not suitable for the civilian market." Qin Tao continued to advise them, so that Can shorten the friendship between the two parties.

"Yes, next, we plan to develop An-38, An-140, and An-148, all of which are lightweight, and we will focus on multi-purpose and fuel-efficient." Dmitry has a kind of heroism See similar feeling.

"Of course, you can also cooperate with Dongfang." Qin Tao said: "We in Dongfang also welcome you. It would be even better if you can go to our Dongfang to open a factory."

To open a factory in the East?When Qin Tao said this, one of the people present became excited: "Mr. Qin, do you welcome us to open a factory in the East?"

"Of course. Whether it's Antonov or the Progressive Design Bureau, everyone knows that Dongfang's current aero engines are still weak. If you can go to Dongfang to open a factory, it will definitely open up the market." Qin Tao looked at it. To the person who asked the question, who was already acquainted at the dinner just now, the head of the Progressive Design Bureau Fidel Mikhailovich Muravsenko.

In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union established the No. 29 factory in Zaporosh. At this time, the designers and factories supporting the factory were together.

During the brutal war, the factory was relocated to the rear, and after the end of World War II, they returned to Zaporozhye, the designers became independent, and the 478th Experimental Design Bureau was formed, led by Ivchenko and Lotarev at the time Chief designer of the М-26 engine.

By 1966, the 478th Experimental Design Bureau was renamed the Progress-Zaporozhye Machine Construction Design Bureau.The glory of this design bureau also began. The engines they designed were installed on various aircraft such as Antonov, Beriev, Ilyushin, Tupolev, Mir and Yakelev.

Among them, the most famous one is of course the D-124T engine developed for An-225 and An-18. This engine refers to the structure of Rolls-Royce RB211 and boldly uses three rotors. There are only two such engines in the world. That's all.

Without this engine, there will never be a powerful An-225 transport aircraft.

At the same time, it also designed other engines, such as the D-26 turboshaft engine developed for the Mi-136 super helicopter, which was also designed by them.

After the collapse of the Red Empire, the Progress-Zaporozhye machine remained in Ermao's hands. For Ermao, this was a precious legacy. Unfortunately, Ermao has nothing but prodigals!
In 1994, the design bureau was renamed the Ivchenko-Lotarev Design Bureau.It was not until 2004 that it was changed to the name of the later Ivchenko-Progress Machinery Manufacturing Design Bureau.

In Lao Maozi's military industry system, the Design Bureau is responsible for the design, and the supporting factory is responsible for the construction. The supporting production for the Progressive Design Bureau is the famous Motor Sich Factory.

Now, the design bureau and the factory are almost integrated, and they can only survive in the fierce market competition if they stick together to keep warm.

Qin Tao made them a proposal that they could hardly refuse: go to the east and open a factory!
It's definitely a win-win.

The East lacks advanced engines, especially the engines used by this large transport aircraft. Therefore, although the Y30 has been finalized that year, the production depends on the D124 engine provided by Da Mao. If the An-18 is imported In terms of D-[-]T engine technology, those two are enough.

Of course, the transport aircraft is equipped with four engines because of reliability considerations, but as long as there are engines, it is no problem to rebuild a larger one, which is at the same level as the An-125.Moreover, this kind of engine can improve fuel economy and service life. If it can be used in civil aviation airliners, there will be hope for domestically produced large airliners!
This is also a rare development opportunity for the current Progressive Design Bureau and the supporting Motor Sich factory.

The West has advanced aero engines, so they will definitely not choose them as partners. Their market is in the East!

"Your government, do you welcome us?" asked Muravsenko, who still had some concerns.

"Of course welcome. Our country is currently developing and needs a large number of talents. If your engineers can go to the East, they will be warmly welcomed by us." Qin Tao said: "If our country does not have enough funds to invest If so, then our Mingzhou Group is also willing to allocate part of the funds to establish a joint factory with you."

What the other party was afraid of was money. To Qin Tao, money is not a problem!

If you have the money to spend 225 million US dollars to buy a dusty An-[-], of course you also have the money to form a cooperative factory to jointly produce advanced engines.

For Qin Tao, this is indeed a bit of a nonsense, but to solve the heart problem of the aviation industry for the motherland, he will do it when it is time to do so.

"This plan requires us to seriously consider it." At this moment, a leader spoke up, pouring cold water on the enthusiastic Muravsenko.

Going to the East to set up a factory is not a trivial matter. Their Progressive Design Bureau and the Motor Sich factory have nothing to say, and it can even be said that this is related to the country's strategic issues.

"Our hands of friendship have been stretched out. Now, it depends on your attitude. Now, let's toast to the smooth cooperation in the future!" Qin Tao said, raising the glass in his hand.


Everyone raised their glasses.

In the cooperation again and again, Qin Tao is the one who has both ways and ability, and Zheng Ming is willing to be a green leaf to set off Qin Tao's flower, because he knows that everything Qin Tao does has great significance.

If the aviation industry here in Ermao is introduced into the country, it will definitely be a huge leap for the aviation industry of the motherland!
It's a pity that the Progress Design Bureau does not design fighter jet engines, otherwise, the heart problems of J-[-] and J-[-] could be solved.

At this banquet, Qin Tao made an invitation. As for future cooperation, we will wait for the opportunity. This kind of thing should not be rushed. If Qin Tao has the right to speak, he will definitely oppose it, which is unrealistic.

 PS: Thanks to old friend 599xl, book friend 170107055434979, Jiutian Xiaoyao Guangyuanzi, Ironic Romance, book friend 20220829091057593, empty city old dream intoxicating heart and other friends for their rewards, thank you all book friends for subscribing and voting!
(End of this chapter)

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