Great warships

Chapter 318 Yak-38 Improvement Plan

Chapter 318 Yak-38 Improvement Plan

In the small building, Plesakov was very excited when he saw a group of people coming in. He ran towards the crowd with almost a few steps, and then grabbed the hand of one of them.

"Mr. Qin, the shape plan you gave is really great! Through the simple modification design, our radar cross section has dropped by an order of magnitude!" Plesakov was so excited, this is definitely one Miracle!

As for the radar reflectivity, it was a calculation formula developed by a professor of Lao Maozi, but it was not taken seriously by Lao Maozi.On the contrary, it crossed the ocean and was regarded as a classic in the skunk factory.

Therefore, Plesakov and the others don't know how to make the aircraft have stealth performance. Qin Tao told them the specific ideas and guided them to improve. They have been working hard in this area recently. After all, the shape of the aircraft must first be determined.

With the capital investment, a professional electromagnetic laboratory was also established. According to Qin Tao's suggestion, they made relevant models and put them in for testing. The results made them unbelievable!

"By the way, Lao Mao, I heard that in the era of the Red Empire, what kind of plasma cloaking technology was used instead of physical invisibility? Have you ever been in contact with this technology?" Looking at the excited Pu Leshakov, Qin Tao asked immediately.

Plasma is the fourth state of matter formed by gas ionization. It is an ionized gas that is generally electrically neutral and consists of positive ions, free electrons and neutral atoms.It is said that in the 60s, Lao Maozi and the Americans began to do these researches, and some research results also appeared, for example, the interaction between electromagnetic waves and plasma.

When the plasma frequency is greater than the frequency of the incident electromagnetic wave, it will hinder the entry of the electromagnetic wave, which can only enter 2 millimeters at most, and [-] to [-] percent of the energy will be reflected.

However, if it is the other way around, if this value is small, the electromagnetic wave will enter the plasma and propagate in it. During the propagation process, part of the energy of the electromagnetic wave will be transmitted to the charged particles in the plasma, absorbed by the charged particles, and its own energy Gradually attenuates, that is to say, the electromagnetic wave is absorbed by the plasma!

Using this principle, the aircraft can be made invisible. When the radar on the opposite side emits electromagnetic waves, the own side gathers a layer of plasma on the surface of the aircraft, so that all the electromagnetic waves are absorbed and cannot be reflected back, so they cannot be detected.

If it is described by images, it is probably the same as the energy shield in science fiction.

However, it is one thing in theory, and it is another to turn it into reality. During the Cold War, Lao Maozi did come up with a lot of black technology. At the same time, the MiG 1.44 under development did not consider the stealth performance In other words, Lao Maozi pinned all his hopes on this plasma cloaking technology.

What are the facts?
Taking advantage of this opportunity, I can just ask Plesakov. Although the Yakovlev Design Bureau has been marginalized, they should know something.

"This thing was indeed being studied in the era of the Red Empire." Plesakov said: "This project is mainly carried out by the Skeldersh Research Center."

"Plasma invisibility?" Everyone present became curious, this sounds very grand!

"Is there really such a technology?"

"It's just that this technology is still very far away from engineering applications." Plesakov said: "They have encountered many difficulties. For example, if they want to absorb electromagnetic waves, they have to control the frequency of the plasma. This The frequency is related to many factors, especially the external conditions. If it is not done well, it will not absorb electromagnetic waves, but fully reflect electromagnetic waves.”

Originally wanted to be invisible, but what happened?All of a sudden it became clearer that this outcome was unbearable.

"Also, this plasma generator is not easy to make. How to generate plasma is a difficulty. According to our estimation, it will take at least ten years, or even 20 years, to really enter engineering applications."

It is indeed being done, but it is still too early to mature. This thing, like laser weapons, is ethereal.

Qin Tao nodded, he understood.

Although Da Mao has boasted about the plasma stealth technology many times in the next ten or 20 years, in the end, Da Mao honestly went to engage in the T-50, and made the shape to stealth, completely giving up this kind of tall In other words, until the end, this kind of stealth technology has not matured.

"In contrast, now we can have such a good stealth effect just by modifying the shape, which is really rare." Pleshakov continued to bring the topic back: "The stealth design of this shape, and It is the best choice without reducing the flight performance of the aircraft, and it is relatively stable, but... there is still a big gap with the American F-117."

The radar reflection area of ​​the F-117 is said to have been reduced to 0.001 square meters, while our own aircraft can only be reduced to 0.5. The gap is huge!

"At present, this is already a great improvement." Qin Tao said: "For a combat aircraft, it is not reliable to completely maintain stealth, unless you don't use the radar, as long as you launch it to the enemy Before the attack, it is enough not to be detected by the enemy. Specifically, it is enough to prevent the enemy from being detected tens of kilometers away. Later, when our wave-absorbing coating technology matures, we can absorb some radar waves, so that The RCS can continue to be reduced by an order of magnitude."

The stealth aircraft is indeed tall, but unless it is guided by an early warning aircraft and fights silently throughout the whole process, otherwise, when launching missiles to attack the enemy, one's own radar will always be turned on.

Turning on the machine will expose the target, so stealth is unnecessary.

Therefore, the radar reflection area is reduced by an order of magnitude, which is enough for Qin Tao.

After all, the invisibility of the appearance is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it still depends on the wave-absorbing coating. As for this thing, it needs the efforts of relevant departments, and Qin Tao cannot participate.

In the electromagnetic laboratory, there is a one-to-ten model, which is close to two meters in size. It looks very realistic. When Mr. Lin saw this model, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

"This shape is too sci-fi. It can only appear in movies. When I first saw the prototype of Project No. [-], I was amazed. But now, compared with today's surprise, it is simply not worth mentioning."

What Elder Lin said seemed to belittle Jianshi, but Elder Song didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Elder Lin was a frank and frank person, and he said what he had to say, and he definitely didn't hide it.

In public, Mr. Lin has supported J-[-] more than once, because he knows that J-[-] is of great significance to the Air Force, and now, Mr. Lin saw this model is extremely shocking, surpassing the shock of J-[-], that is normal .

The J-[-] is very beautiful, but it is still conventional after all, but the model in front of me is definitely unconventional.

The diamond-shaped nose, the parallelogram-shaped air intake, the wide fuselage, the butterfly-shaped wings, and the sloping double vertical tails, all of these look completely different from the current fighter planes, and they are simply from two eras.

If you make a comparison, it's like the gap between Su-27 and MiG-21.

"The stealth technology tested on this aircraft will be of great inspiration to our future development of new fighter jets." Elder Song said from the side: "Many design elements will be inherited and carried forward by us, and Mr. Qin is the best. The designs that come out are pretty good.”

Qin Tao quickly waved his hands: "I just said casually, you have to go through a lot of complicated calculations, and you are the real experts."

It’s just a shape and a few words, but if it really wants to be effective, it must go through engineering calculations. The proportional model in front of me was made after complex calculations. of.

Qin Tao can't take the credit.

"Old Wu, your navy is really powerful. You have developed such an advanced aircraft. In the future, our air force will have enough money to support you!"

Elder Lin was very happy, and seemed to see the great prospects of the motherland's aviation force.

The heavy-duty Su-27 and the medium-sized J-20 have become the backbone of the aviation force, and the stealth aircraft in front of us is entirely to meet the needs of the next 30 or even [-] years!The technology used on it is a generation ahead of the current aircraft!
"If you just talk about it and don't practice fake moves, you are investing. If JH-[-] didn't have our navy's funds, it would have been ruined long ago."

Just when their old friends fell in love and killed each other, Qin Tao had already circled the model plane, and he was very satisfied in his heart. This is the F-35 that looks like a real thing!
Let's find out if Lockheed can successfully bid by then?It would be fun if Lao Mei chose the big-mouthed X-32.

Wait, something seems wrong?

Qin Tao stood next to the air intake, thought about it carefully, and then thought of something.

"The board on the air intake will affect the effect of stealth, you can remove this board."

Looking at Qin Tao's fingers, Elder Song's face was slightly embarrassed.

"Boss Qin, you probably don't know that this board is called the boundary layer partition. All supersonic aircraft have this partition to exclude the airflow on the surface of the fuselage."

Mr. Qin is very good, but when it comes to professional content, he is not so proficient.

When the aircraft moves at high speed, the air flowing over the surface of the fuselage will produce the boundary layer effect, that is, the thin layer of air close to the surface of the fuselage will be blocked and the flow speed will slow down.In an analogy, similar to a river, the flow of water at the edge of the river will be slower than the flow in the middle of the river. (The hero of East China remembers that when he was in college, this seemed to be called the Bernoulli effect. I don’t know if it is right.)
In this way, if the air intake is directly attached to the fuselage, under the same area, the air entering will be reduced, and it is not uniform, which is easy to cause the engine to surge.

Therefore, except for the fighters with air intake from the nose, other fighters have designed this special partition plate on the air inlet to keep a certain gap between the air inlet and the fuselage to prevent the boundary layer airflow from entering the engine.

In the J-[-] fighter jets tested outside, the stick above the air inlet is hung up, which is the partition board.

Qin Tao smiled: "I know, I was just wondering if it is possible to design a non-adjustable convex curved surface near the air inlet, so that there will be a difference in pressure distribution at the air inlet, so that the boundary layer The airflow is blown away from the intake before it enters the intake, thus keeping the flow evenly into the compressor."

What Qin Tao said was the well-known clam-type air intake in later generations, or called a bulge air intake. This design has many advantages, such as reducing weight, blocking the air intake, and reducing the radar reflection area. Therefore, we get a wide range of applications.

However, it looks like a bag to a layman. In fact, the shape of this bag is very important. If it is a little wrong, it will have a great impact on the flow field characteristics of the intake port and the performance of the engine. It is difficult to design and difficult to manufacture. Simple, but not so easy to make.

All the technicians present began to think about it. After thinking for a while, Plesakov nodded: "Theoretically, it can be done."

"Well, everyone can continue to study this. Use this partition first. When the technology matures, it will not be too late to replace it." Qin Tao said: "After all, this is a vertical take-off and landing fighter. First, the basic requirements are completed. .”

The entire J-31 project is for the navy. It is a basic requirement to manufacture an advanced vertical take-off and landing fighter for the navy. Others can be placed in a secondary position.

"If the vertical take-off and landing fighter can be successfully developed, our Air Force will also have a demand." Lin Lao said: "However, it must be mature, not like the Yak-38."

In fact, when this aircraft was developed, Lin had retired a long time ago. What he said now is useless at all, but it can encourage the technicians present, especially these old men. Those who came over from the round have always been in a marginalized position. Now, it is even more encouraging for them to be affirmed by the bosses of the Air Force.

"Actually, we also know that the Yak-38 has many problems, so we also have various improvement plans." Plesakov said: "Take power as an example. We once planned to use the AL-21F engine to transform the Yak-38." -[-], which can solve the problem of insufficient engine power in high temperature areas."

AL-21F engine?Second uncle?
This engine is also a masterpiece of the Rurika Design Bureau. It was installed on many aircrafts in the 60s, such as Su-17, Su-24 and other fighter jets.

Moreover, it is very interesting that when Lao Maozi exported the Su-17 fighter jet, it was equipped with an AL-7F engine, called Su-20, and later equipped with Tumansky's R-29BS engine, called Su-22, However, his refusal to export the second uncle is enough to show that Lao Maozi values ​​​​this engine.

Although it was developed in the 60s, the performance is very powerful. The afterburner thrust has reached more than 110 kN, and the intermediate thrust is also 87 kN. Before the third uncle developed it, the Su-27 was also used for the test flight of the second uncle.

The main engine behind the Yak-38 fighter jet uses a Tumansky R-27V-300 turbojet engine, which can only produce 70 kN of thrust. If it is replaced with an AL-21 engine, even if it does not need an afterburner , that power is definitely strong enough!

After the Yak-38 was manufactured, it was not only used on warships. They also made many other efforts. big advantage.In order to adapt to more environments, they have also made various modification plans.

However, due to various problems, the various improvement plans of the Yak-38 did not reach the step of mass production in the end. The Yakovlev Design Bureau put all their energy on the Yak-141. They believed that this newly designed Fighters can perfectly solve the various defects of the Yak-38.

Now, hearing Plesakov talk about this modification, Qin Tao only felt bursts of excitement: "Old Mao, does this modification greatly change the aircraft? It can be changed at the front-line field airport." ?"

"The size of the two engines is roughly the same, and it is not difficult to change them. At the front-line field airport, it should be possible to complete the replacement." Plesakov replied after some thought: "Just a few special parts can be done. gone."

Qin Tao was even more delighted: "After this modification, will it be able to adapt to take-off in tropical areas?"

The thrust has been increased by more than ten thousand cattle. According to calculations, the weight of the plug-in can be increased by about one ton. If the original plug-in plan is still followed, it can completely adapt to take-off and landing in tropical areas!

"Yes, it is completely suitable for taking off in tropical areas. Moreover, after switching to this engine, the aircraft can also be equipped with the ability to take off with short ski jumps. Of course, the front wheels have to be changed, but it is not difficult. "

Hearing these words, Qin Tao almost wanted to hug the old Maozi in front of him and give him a kiss. Is there such a cool thing?This is simply an improvement plan tailored for that Siamese aircraft carrier!

Now, the only two mature vertical take-off and landing fighters in the world are the Sea Harrier and the Yak-38. However, the two are very different in the actual operation process.

In order to increase the loading capacity of the sea harrier, it generally uses a ski jump to take off, but the Yak-38 always takes off and lands vertically.

On the one hand, it is because of the problem of carrying their warships. The British Invincible-class aircraft carrier has a springboard for ski-jump take-off. Compared with vertical take-off and landing, it not only saves fuel, but also increases the take-off weight. Why not do it ?
However, Lao Maozi's Kyiv-class heavy-duty aircraft cruiser does not have this setting, and the Yak-38 does not have this condition even if it wants to take off with a ski jump.

On the other hand, the power arrangement of the two is different.

The Sea Harrier uses a Pegasus engine, which bleeds air from the compressor and cooperates with the gas injected from the upper tail. Whether it is vertical take-off and landing or short-distance take-off and landing, these powers can be used.

However, the front of the Yak-38 uses a lift engine. What about the lift engine for short take-off and landing?Is it open?Or close?

If you drive it, the power can only be downward. What if the plane is overturned?If you don't drive it, the engine at the back alone doesn't seem to have enough power.

Now, after changing the tail engine, the thrust has increased by 20.00%, so even if it is a ski jump takeoff, it can fully meet the needs.

With such a change, the Yak-38 can also achieve ski jump take-off and vertical take-off and landing. In this way, the combat performance will be raised to a higher level!

Seeing Qin Tao's excitement, Plesakov was a little curious: "Did you get a large number of Yak-38 fighter jets?"

"That's right." Qin Tao nodded and said, "It's okay to pick out more than a dozen usable ones from the broken ones. As for the AL-21F engine, there's nothing wrong with it, old Mao. , you need help to complete the engine refit and test!"

If it was before, this kind of engine was regarded as a treasure by Lao Maozi, but these decades have passed, this kind of turbojet engine has long been outdated, and Lao Maozi's army must have a lot of stock in stock, Qin Tao just needs to say hello, and he can ask Nicholas to help get a batch back, which can fully meet the needs of modification.

In this way, Qin Tao will not break his promise, and he can help Siam solve major problems, and he can become a good friend of Siam.

"Of course no problem." Plesakov nodded: "I was also involved in this modification project at the beginning, and I know how to modify it very well. In fact, we also planned to use a turbofan engine to modify it, and the fuel consumption will be greatly reduced."

Qin Tao shook his head: "Let's forget about it, fuel consumption is not important, the important thing is to save money."

His statement made everyone present laugh.

After inspecting the progress of the J-31, it was time for dinner. According to Qin Tao, everyone gave up eating in the 611 cafeteria and came to the most famous restaurant in the Land of Abundance, where four tables were seated.

"Today's dinner will be treated by Mr. Qin, and we big guys will follow suit." Elder Lin said with a smile, "We won't be picky anymore. We don't need to drink Moutai, just drink Wuliangye!"

Wu Shengli smiled and said nothing. His son-in-law is capable and can buy a plane for [-] million US dollars. A few bottles of wine are no big deal.

Moreover, Qin Tao hosted a banquet mainly to entertain Mao Duozhang and the others. These people traveled thousands of miles to the east. Although they worked very happily in the 611 office, their life was still a little simple. We invite them today It was Qin Tao's intention to make up for the eating and drinking.

The old men were very happy. Looking at the delicious food on the table and smelling the aroma of the wine, all of them moved their index fingers.

After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere at the banquet became even more lively. Tu Lao raised his glass and said to Qin Tao: "Boss Qin, we also hope that you can help sell our Super Seven project. If you have Client, the project moves faster."

During this day, Tu Lao has been following behind Qin Tao and his group, and has not spoken. Until now, he finally said what he was holding back in his heart.

For their 132 factory, the Super Seven project is all hope!
(End of this chapter)

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