Great warships

Chapter 332 Three heavy industries want to cooperate?

Chapter 332 Sanxing Heavy Industry Wants to Cooperate?
Chaoyang District, No. [-] Jiannei Street, [-]th Floor, Guanghua Chang'an Building, [-].

"Welcome President Qin." Jin Nanji greeted him: "I am the person in charge of Sanhang Heavy Industry's China office, Jin Nanji, welcome to President Qin."

Qin Tao looked around.

This office area is about 200 square meters, with cubicles on the outside and various small rooms inside, including offices and conference rooms.

Everything is brand new, even in the air, you can still smell the paint.

"Your office has just been established, right?" Qin Tao said to the other party, "Is it just to receive me?"

This sentence was full of unfriendliness, Qin Tao even forgot to shake hands.

Jin Nanji smiled: "Of course not, Mr. Qin, you seem to be very wary of us. Yes, we are all shipbuilders. According to your Eastern saying, colleagues are enemies, but we also believe that as long as we can find We can learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses, and we can still work together."

"Cooperation? Can we have any cooperation?" Qin Tao said: "And, do you trust our Mingzhou Group? According to some people in your country, I am the main culprit for the bankruptcy of Dazhou Company. You want Let me be responsible. Especially, at the departure ceremony of our Kyiv aircraft carrier park, you people from South Kimchi Country embarrass me on the spot."

Qin Tao spoke so bluntly that even Xu Zhengyang, who was acting as an interpreter, felt a little curious. After receiving the call, they came over immediately. He thought it was Mr. Qin who was interested in the rolling machine. Unexpectedly, Qin Tao Is it always here to make use of the problem?
Cooperation is impossible, so it’s almost okay to come here to vent your anger?

However, there is a grievance and a debtor. At present, they don't have any enmity with Sanxing Heavy Industry, right?

Jin Nanji was not angry anymore, he smiled: "Boss Qin, you are really quick to talk. Yes, we have this kind of view in China, but it is mainly released by the executives of Dazhou Company. What do you think? , although our government has come forward to coordinate us to take over the mess of Dazhou Company, but the most we can do is to keep those workers from losing their jobs, but those executives will definitely not be hired. Therefore, they can't get high salaries. Of course there will be resentment."

Jin Nanji explained very clearly: "For us Sanxing Heavy Industry, we are grateful to you. After all, Dazhou Company is gone, and we only have one less competitor."

"Competitors? Aren't you guys huddling together to keep warm?" Qin Tao asked back: "Besides, if you say this, you still want to put the blame for the collapse of Dazhou Company on the head of our Mingzhou Group."

"Of course not, I'm sorry, I just used the wrong word." Jin Nanji continued: "In addition to civilian ships, we also build warships. The person in charge of Dazhou Group came from the army and has many connections in the army. Therefore, we can often receive When it comes to large military orders, Daejo Company is gone now, and we are the only ones left to share these orders with Hyundai Heavy Industries, and we are of course the one to benefit.”

Qin Tao nodded: "Then, what do you want us to do?"

"Mr. Qin, the bankruptcy of Dazhou Company should not be blamed on you. We believe that the biggest problem of Volkswagen Company is the workers. Their workers often complain about low wages and often go on strike, which seriously delays their production. " Jin Nanji said: "And this kind of thing will also happen in our Hyundai Heavy Industry. We have to endure a lot of money invested in the treatment of workers, which has brought a serious drag on the development of the company."

Qin Tao has already realized that the other party has something to say.

As long as you don't set yourself up, you can listen to it.

At this time, Jin Nanji observed Qin Tao's calm expression and continued to say, "Next, please come to our conference room and let's talk in detail together, how about it?"

In the conference room, Jin Nanji continued to introduce.

"And now, we realize that China is booming, your currency has devalued to the outside world, which attracts a lot of investment, and you also have cheap labor here. We have seen many companies intend to relocate factories to your land So, we also have this plan, and according to your current legal regulations, wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed, so we must find a partner."

Jin Nanji paused, his eyes full of anticipation, and he looked at Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, we, Sanhang Heavy Industries, intend to cooperate with you to build a new shipyard. I wonder what your idea is?"

Joint venture factory!

If a country wants to develop, it must introduce foreign capital and technology. In many industrial fields, joint venture factories have been established long ago.

For example, in the automobile industry, the Capital Automobile Factory introduced Jeep technology, and the Huating Automobile Factory produced Santana. Now, it is also expanding to the shipbuilding field!
Now, the labor cost in China is very low, and there is no such strong existence of trade unions. The treatment of workers depends entirely on the attitude of the factory leaders. It is simply a paradise for foreign capitalists!

Sanxing Heavy Industry has taken a fancy to it, and also wants to find a partner to form a joint venture and make money together. This motivation is still reasonable.

"Why did you choose us?"

There are many shipyards in China, and some are old ones. Why did you choose the emerging Mingzhou Group?

"Because you are the best developed among them." Jin Nanji said: "You have risen from the late 80s, and in just a few years, you have developed into the largest shipyard in China. You also have many advanced technologies and have created one after another. We are very optimistic about your development potential for new ships, so we are looking forward to cooperating with you. Since we want to invest in building a factory, we must of course find the strongest partner."

Qin Tao smiled: "So, have you considered our ideas?"

Jin Nanji shook his head, he really didn't think about it.

"In the field of civilian ships, we can build ships with high technical content such as natural gas ships, bulk carriers, floating docks, and large-scale transport ships. The current order has been scheduled for three years. In military ships, we not only He only manufactures warships for his own navy, and also manufactures aircraft carriers for export.” In Qin Tao’s words, he was still very blunt: “Now, our shipyard needs funds, technology, and orders. If we can’t produce it, we can build a new shipyard by ourselves, or buy a bankrupt shipyard, so why should we form a joint venture with you?”

Qin Tao's tone was very unfriendly, with hostility towards the South Kimchi Country, and moreover, he was confident.

Why should I do things with you that I can do by myself?

Jin Nanji was taken aback for a moment.

Of course he knew that Qin Tao had opinions and was full of hostility towards the South Kimchi Country, but he was confident that these projects would definitely satisfy the other party.

Therefore, he responded to Qin Tao's words very well, and he had full confidence.

But now, he suddenly discovered that he had overlooked something.

Many foreign-funded enterprises enter China and look for partners, but the other party readily accepts them and wags their tails. After all, as long as they engage in joint ventures, these enterprises will grow rapidly, and the products they produce will be taller with foreign logos on them. superior.What about customers?Also like to buy.

To put it in a word, it is worshiping foreign things and fawning on foreign countries, the country is backward, and foreign things are good.

However, there are also a few people who don't think so, and the person in front of him is naturally one of them.

They are creating China's advanced products, they are climbing the highest peaks in related industries, and their purpose of existence is to defeat foreign competitors and become world-class powerhouses. How can such competitors lower their profile and engage in cooperation?

It appears that this conversation is fruitless.

"However, for the sake of your sincerity, if you insist, there may be cooperation."

Hearing this, Jin Nanji's eyes lit up again: "Is there still a chance?"

"Yes, but you have to promise us a few conditions."

"President Qin, please tell me."

"First of all, in this joint venture shipyard, we hold more than 50.00% of the shares, and the heads of all levels of the shipyard are appointed by us."

This first condition made Jin Nanji frown.

They entered into a joint venture, of course, to increase profits by having one more shipyard. Of course, they have the final say. Now, Qin Tao requires a holding ratio of more than 50.00% and the right to appoint personnel, so they still want this shipyard what?
"Also, if you want a joint venture, you can't just have a shipyard. We also hope to cooperate with Sanhang Electronics, a subsidiary of the same group as yours, to establish a dedicated electronics company."

Unlike Dazhou Company, Sanxing Heavy Industry is not an independent company, but a large group. Among them, Sanxing Electronics is absolutely well-known. Before the bombing of mobile phones, Sanxing Electronics was definitely the leader in related fields.

Now, since a joint venture is required, Sanxing Electronics must also be added!

In fact, in 92, Sanxing had already set up a joint venture factory on the Haihe side. However, what is produced there now is video recorders, and it has nothing to do with Qin Tao.

If there is an electronics company under his own banner, it will definitely make a lot of profits, but what does this have to do with shipbuilding?
Jin Nanji said hesitantly: "President Qin, isn't your group a shipbuilder?"

"That's right, we are shipbuilders, but we also hope to include industries related to shipbuilding. With the development of technology, there are more and more advanced electronic equipment on ships. We hope to be able to produce independently to avoid being involved in related industries." Suppliers dragged their feet. In the past few years, our brother unit was because of the radio debugging above, and the supplier did not come, which resulted in almost missing the delivery time and bearing high compensation.”

Qin Tao spoke confidently, what do we need an electronics company for?Of course it is for the ship to make a complete set!

His reason can be explained.

"So, are you planning to assemble electronic products?"

"It's not assembly, it's production." Qin Tao said: "We need to build a wafer factory to produce chips domestically."

"Establish a chip factory? Aren't you a shipbuilder?"

"Who said that shipbuilders can't make chips? Our Capital Iron and Steel Company started making chips two years ago." Qin Tao said: "Although we are called Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, we first have a steel factory and a transportation company. , and recently established an air transportation company, why can't we make chips?"

Shougang, the most powerful steel company in China, has already announced loudly: "Shougang will not be surnamed steel in the future." They introduced the chip production line of NEC in Japan in 1991, and their sales in 1995 were 9 million.It seems that the situation is still very good.

However, in the 90s, the gap between domestic chips and foreign countries was gradually widening, even larger than in the 80s. It can develop because of the strong support of the state.

When the market was in a downturn, the state began to provide high subsidies and continuous blood transfusions so that Sanxing Electronics could survive. Engage in research and development.

The electronics industry is cyclical like this, and the replacement is very fast. Even if you make money, if you don't invest in research and development, you will soon fall behind and be eliminated.

If there was no national blood transfusion, Sanxing Electronics would have died countless times.

Although Qin Tao is a shipbuilder, he also has to build warships. Warships require a lot of electronic technology, so it is still necessary to introduce it. Moreover, he is not afraid of burning money. As long as he does it, he will continue to invest in it. Whether it is capital or talent, it must be done until the chip industry is fully matured.

There are warships, and there are civilian ones, even if it is not profitable, he will do it for the country.

But, it's too early to talk about these things now. He said it just to raise the bargaining chip in the negotiation, and let's see how the other party responds.

Jin Nanji showed embarrassment, this project is too difficult!
"Mr. Qin, your really embarrassing for us. So, would you like to go to the headquarters of our Sanxing Group another day and talk to the head of our group in person?" Jin Nanji continued to negotiate with Qin Tao: "By the way, we I have received a large number of shipbuilding equipment from Dazhou Company, some of which are no longer needed, and you can purchase them at a low price, which can also show our sincerity in cooperation."

"Really? What equipment are there?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

"It seems that there is a plate rolling machine for building submarines, so we don't need it." Jin Nanji said.

"Okay, I understand. However, I've been very busy recently and I don't have time to go there. If you are sincere, please invite your president to come to our place. No matter where I am, I will rush back to Mingzhou quickly. Your president." Qin Tao said, standing up: "Okay, let's end today's meeting!"

A trace of anger flashed across Jin Nanji's face, but after a while, he put a smile on his face again: "Okay, I will convey your invitation."

The other party was very polite and sent them all the way to the elevator. After the two of them went down the elevator, Xu Zhengyang said, "Just now, I felt a murderous aura."

"Of course, if eyes can kill, I don't know I have died hundreds of times." Qin Tao is very self-aware.

Although their Mingzhou Group has also developed and grown, but at most it is equal to Sanxing Heavy Industry. The entire Sanxing Group is a national-level behemoth in the Kimchi Country. To invite the president of the other party to come over, it is simply a big deal for them. It's an insult.

Of course, Qin Tao also felt the anger in the other party's eyes, but the other party was very self-restraining and did not attack on the spot.

"However, the other party has endured it all the time. Do you know why?"

"Your actions just now were all probing? Are you probing the sincerity of the other party?" How clever Xu Zhengyang was, he immediately understood Qin Tao's intentions.

Although he took the initiative to come to the door, Qin Tao did not have the self-consciousness of the guests. He was always aggressive and took up all the initiative. Ordinarily, this did not conform to Qin Tao's style. The one who stabbed the knife, that's how Dazhou Company was cheated by him.

How can you be so sharp now?

Now, Xu Zhengyang has realized that Qin Tao did this to see how sincere the other party is, whether he really intends to do business, or whether he intends to trick Qin Tao into the kimchi country.

So, what's the conclusion?
"It seems that these people are really uneasy and kind, especially in the end, they also talked about the plate bending machine, which shows that they are most likely to trick you into going there."

Qin Tao smiled: "They are really brave enough, and they are not afraid of introducing serious diplomatic conflicts. But..."

"Not good!" At this moment, Xu Zhengyang's face suddenly changed, and then, in the narrow elevator, he rushed out with a brisk stride, kicked his left foot on the side wall of the elevator, and then kicked his right foot on the side wall of the elevator. On the other side of the included angle, after two strokes, he had jumped to the top of the elevator, and then slammed hard at the most vulnerable exhaust fan on the ceiling.

Qin Tao also found something wrong.

On the side of the elevator, the floor number displayed by the seven-segment luminous digital tube is normal, and it has only reached the eighth floor. However, the feeling in the elevator is different. Only by carefully experiencing it can you feel that the elevator is accelerating.

The elevator has been running downwards normally, it can only slow down downwards, it is absolutely impossible to accelerate!
Qin Tao also figured out the problem. At this time, Xu Zhengyang's body had jumped to the top of the elevator ceiling. Looking at the traction wire rope with sparks above it, he felt extremely anxious. He stretched out his hand and shouted loudly: "Qin Tao Boss, come up quickly!"

Qin Tao stretched out his hands, and then was pulled up by Xu Zhengyang. This bodyguard is really strong enough!

Inside was the shaft of the elevator. It was pitch black, but he could feel the wind whistling. Xu Zhengyang quickly turned on the small flashlight, then gritted his teeth and said, "Boss Qin, do you dare to jump?"

In the building, there are three rows of elevators in parallel. The elevator they took is the one in the middle, and there are other elevators on both sides, and one of them is approaching.


Xu Zhengyang glanced at Qin Tao with satisfaction. People who do big things will be calm no matter what dangerous situations they encounter. Mr. Qin, an arms dealer, has a strong mentality.

"One, two, jump!"

Qin Tao closed his eyes and jumped out.

After all, it was the first time for him to do such a thrilling thing, and he also knew that he couldn't hesitate now, as the elevator accelerated and fell, he didn't have time to think about it at all, so he had to trust Xu Zhengyang completely and unconditionally.

Boom!He just landed on the top of the elevator next to him, and there was a huge impact on his feet. At this moment, he felt that his legs seemed to be broken at any time.

A feeling came from his back, and Xu Zhengyang had already pulled him back.

Qin Tao opened his eyes.

Xu Zhengyang had already started to kick the ventilation window of this car.

Boom, boom, boom!
Three times, the ventilation window fell down. Accompanied by the terrified high-decibel shouts in the elevator car, Xu Zhengyang jumped down and looked at the only woman inside. At this time, this woman had lipstick in one hand and a small mirror in the other. , is touching up makeup.

Xu Zhengyang shouted to the top: "President Qin, it's safe for now, come down!"

Qin Tao also jumped down.

"Miss, please don't worry, we are not bad people."

boom!At this moment, a huge roar sounded, and the entire car shook. It was obvious that the elevator they were riding just now fell to the bottom.

As the elevator swayed, the body of the woman inside also swayed. She screamed and tilted her body towards Qin Tao.

Subconsciously, Qin Tao wanted to reach out to help, but when he saw the lipstick in the opponent's hand, he had a thought and moved away.


Following the sound, a puff of blue smoke suddenly appeared from the end of the lipstick, and a bullet flew out of it, flying towards Qin Tao.

Qin Tao only felt the heat on his ears. If he wasn't smart enough just now, he would definitely have his head blown off by the other party.

Almost at the same time, Xu Zhengyang flew up and kicked the woman's arm.

Snapped!Lipstick fell to the ground.

puff!A stream of blood flew out of the woman's mouth, and flew away with her teeth. Xu Zhengyang's series of kicks had already landed on the woman's face, defeating the enemy with one move!
(End of this chapter)

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