Great warships

Chapter 34 Stealth High-speed Missile Boat

Chapter 34 Stealth High-speed Missile Boat
In terms of naval division, Mingzhou is under the jurisdiction of the East China Sea Fleet. The East China Sea Fleet has five berthing ports. Qin Tao and the others are going to report to the Navy, and of course they are also going to the Navy Command.

As for the location of the naval command, of course it is also in Mingzhou!
When it was first established, it was in Huating. However, in the 60s, due to various considerations, the headquarters moved from Huating to Mingzhou, and it has been until now.

Therefore, Qin Tao and the others had to go to the headquarters to report, and the distance was not too far.

Mingzhou Shipyard, located in the south of Mingzhou City, has a long east-west flow, which is considered to be inside the estuary.The Navy Command is located in the northeast of Mingzhou City, so it takes about [-] kilometers to go through the entire urban area.

An old 212 with a navy license plate was advancing on the road. Qin Tao sat aggrieved for a while, and became a little dissatisfied.

"Old man, when I go to Lao Maozi's place next time, I will get a few cars back. We will often run business in the future, and we must not lose face when we go out."

Qin Baoshan didn't speak there, and Luo Wenzhong, the officer of the headquarters sitting in front to greet them, had already echoed in front: "Yes, the old man's Lada car is good, if there are more cars, it will Get a few for our headquarters."

"Your headquarters, didn't you apply for a batch of Santana?" Qin Tao asked.

Luo Wenzhong shook his head: "Our headquarters can only apply for off-road vehicles."

"Off-road vehicle? Then I'll get a batch of Pajero over here." Qin Tao said: "The price is guaranteed to be cheap, and I can give you a batch. However, the Pajero we use for ourselves also needs to be given a navy license."

It's not difficult for Qin Tao to get a car over here, but it takes a lot of thought to put a regular license plate on the car he gets. If it has a navy license plate, it's all right.

Luo Wenzhong's eyes lit up: "Pajero? Of course it couldn't be better. Our old 212s should have been replaced a long time ago, but the military budget is tight!"

In the 90s, the navy has been patient. Even a few Pajero cars have to be reported, approved, and go through a long process. If Qin Tao can do it here, it will be easy.

After a few words, one matter was settled, and Qin Tao's mood improved. He watched the scene along the way and hummed a little tune.

"I used to ask endlessly, when will you come with me..."

After the song was sung, the car finally hummed and drove into the gate of the headquarters.

meeting room.

Qin Tao opened a roll of printed design drawings, took out the first one, and hung it on the projection screen in front of the conference room.

Although there is a projector here, it is still an ordinary optical projector, which needs to display transparent slides. Therefore, Qin Tao simply printed out the designed things directly, which is convenient for explanation.

After Qin Tao unfolded the design drawing, everyone in the conference room was in an uproar.

"what is this?"

"Why does it look so weird?"

This is what Qin Tao wanted, with a smile on his face: "Everyone, I will introduce to you first, a transformation of our catamaran, a stealth high-speed missile boat."

"Where is the missile?" Zhang Zhen asked first.

There are missile boats in the army. Generally speaking, anti-ship missiles are placed at the tail. After all, there is only enough space there. But now, although there is a bulge at the tail on this design drawing, it doesn't look like a missile launch tube at all!

"It's at the tail." Qin Tao pointed to the design drawing of the 022 missile boat that he rushed to make overnight, and explained.

There is a large inclined box structure on both sides of the rear section of the missile boat. This thing is used to accommodate the anti-ship missile launcher. Depending on the size of the anti-ship missile, two or even Four anti-ship missiles, the structures on both sides are slightly tilted outward, so that after the missiles fly out, they can directly leave the front superstructure.

"Why such a design?" Zhang Zhen swallowed, and then asked.

"Of course it is for the sake of stealth." Qin Tao said: "Leaders, you should know that the era of stealth has arrived. Whether it is the Soviet Union or the United States, the new generation of weapons currently being developed takes stealth as a considerations."

"We only talk about the navy's weapons. In 1983, Lockheed Martin of the United States developed a stealth test ship-the Sea Shadow stealth test ship. This test ship also adopted the structure of a catamaran. Its The superstructure is recycled upwards, so that when the opposite sea surface search radar emits radar waves, all of them are reflected into the air, which greatly reduces the radar reflection area. Our design adopts the same idea. After such a design, we This missile boat will greatly reduce the radar echo."

The cold war is not over yet, all countries are developing a large number of advanced equipment, stealth is definitely a tall indicator.

What is said about the catamaran passenger ship is to deceive people, it is for technical verification, and after the verification is completed, it can be used on warships.

Qin Tao simply took out the plan of the stealth missile boat. Looking at the appearance of these people present, you can know that they are completely moved.

"However, our warships are very large. Even missile boats have a displacement of several hundred tons. Does it make sense for this kind of warship to pursue stealth?" Pang Jianmin asked a question.

"Of course it makes sense." Qin Tao said: "Through this design, we can reflect 90.00% of the radar echoes. On the enemy's radar screen, it will change from a warship with a displacement of several hundred tons to a warship with a displacement of tens of tons." tons of fishing boats, if the wind and waves on the sea were bigger..."

"That means that the enemy's sea search radar may not be able to detect our existence in time!" Zhang Zhen took over the conversation excitedly: "This idea is very good!"

Even if only the YJ-81 anti-ship missile is used now, it has a range of [-] kilometers. In the sea weather, this stealth-designed missile boat can completely disappear in the clutter of the waves, so that the enemy cannot find it, and then launches attack!

Not only the missile launch tube at the back, but also the hull part in the front has been designed to be stealthy. The shape of the entire missile boat looks a bit unconventional, but if you consider the indicator of stealth, you can realize that The benefits of this design.

"Attention should also be paid to details, including the zigzag shape of each seam." Qin Tao said: "Although we are the first to eat crabs, I believe that this design will become a trend. Our navy , will also have an advanced weapon and equipment. It is also in line with our current basic national conditions."

(End of this chapter)

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