Great warships

Chapter 355

Chapter 355
Qin Tao threw out Wang Zha.

The eyes of the old buses have changed.

Is there such a good thing?

Yes, of course this is a good thing.

What is Gwadar Port?It's just a remote wasteland. There are some primitive indigenous tribes who have lived there for generations and lived an isolated life.

For Lao Ba, it is too difficult to develop the economy, and the existing sea ports are not enough. They have long wanted to develop Gwadar Port, but they have no money.

Therefore, after the collapse of the Red Empire a few years ago, the American company Uncol bid for the oil pipeline project of Laoba, and the terminal point was Gwadar Port.

But the old bus doesn't have this kind of energy, does it?

This is of course starting from the country of Turkey, which is also an important energy country in Central Asia. There is a famous Aderabad oil field in the country. In this way, as long as the construction starts from the oil field of the country of Turkey and passes through the imperial cemetery, It can reach Pakistan, with a total length of nearly 17 kilometers and a planned investment of [-] billion.

In this way, the oil and gas resources of Turkey in Central Asia can be directly exported to the port of Pakistan through pipelines, and then transported to the Far East by giant tankers crossing the Indian Ocean, so the economic prospects are very attractive.

However, even if the Red Empire collapses, Da Mao still regards Zhong Adam as his back garden, and Da Mao will never stand idly by.So with a wave of their hands, they directly bought out 80.00% of Turkey's oil and gas reserves exploitation rights.

In this way, even if the pipeline is installed, there will be no energy output at all, so this plan will be terminated.

Besides, since the Red Empire withdrew from the Imperial Cemetery, there have been continuous civil wars there, and there is too much uncertainty to build an oil pipeline through that country.

Therefore, the construction of Gwadar Port was silently terminated.

Now, Qin Tao has proposed that he can lease the Gwadar Port to himself, so that he can have a large amount of funds.

"What do you want Gwadar Port for?" Mahmoud remained calm.

The usefulness of the port is either due to a suitable geographical location, as a transit point for shipping, such as Singapore, which is a tiny place in Malacca, has a geographical advantage.The same is true for the Pearl of the Orient.

Or, as the country's external port, it undertakes the task of importing and exporting.

For the old bus, it is enough for the country's import and export business to be undertaken by the current port. It is useless to build a Gwadar port. As for the transfer station, it is even more unnecessary.Oil tankers come out of Anxi Bay, and they haven't been able to turn to their ports for transshipment.

At the beginning, it was developed for the export of oil and gas resources in Turkey, but now it has come to naught.

Is it to build a naval base?Impossible, China's policy is offshore defense, where is the need for overseas bases?

"Well." Qin Tao hesitated for a moment, and then said: "At present, it is really not very useful, but after we get this port, we can unload some goods from this port and transport them to our country by land. .”

The old buses present all opened their eyes wide.

Actually, Qin Tao didn't want to reveal his trump card so early, so the construction of railways and oil pipelines can be left alone for the time being.However, it is still possible to talk about land transportation after unloading.

After all, although the road is difficult to walk, it is still passable.

"The Xingchen incident greatly stimulated us." Qin Tao said: "So, in the transportation of certain goods, we would rather spend more time transporting by land than by sea."

Several old bus officers nodded.

That's right, the Xingchen incident last year had a huge impact. China purchased the Hyundai class and the Kilo class after that.

"Yes, you have reasons to obtain Gwadar Port." Mahmoud nodded.

"We not only have a reason, but also have this strength." Qin Tao continued: "You probably know that last year, we built a shipyard for the country of Anxi. Now, it is progressing smoothly. In terms of overseas construction, we have We have already had great experience. We can definitely build Gwadar into a modern port."

"During the construction process, it will bring about related employment in the local area. We will recruit thousands of workers from the local area and let them earn high income. After the construction is completed, the local sanitation and transportation will have great development. "

Qin Tao threw out a lot of olive branches.

"So, how many years do you plan to contract for? What's the price?"

"At least 50 years, how about the price, four F-40T foreign trade frigates?"

It seems uneconomical to exchange four frigates for 50 years of use rights of a port, but if you consider the investment of Mingzhou Group and the benefits of the surrounding and even the entire country, it is quite cost-effective.

After all, if there is no investment, there will always be an ancient and primitive area, and Laoba has no strength to develop it himself.

Four ships, 50 million U.S. dollars, in exchange for [-] years of use rights. Qin Tao said this condition, but only gave the other party a preliminary plan, because this kind of thing cannot be finalized in a few words, and it needs repeated negotiations among all parties. There may also be many people obstructing it, and it may take a long time to finally reach an agreement.

Now it can only be a proposal.

"This kind of warship uses Da Mao's weapon system. Will we encounter problems in purchasing ammunition in the future?" Mahmoud continued to ask.

There are few countries in the world that can produce military industry, and most of them rely on outsourcing. This kind of outsourcing will cause serious problems in the supply of ammunition in the future.After all, the relationship between Da Mao and Ah San is better.

"Don't worry about this. We have already purchased two modern-class destroyers, which also use this kind of missile system, and it is impossible for us to purchase ammunition all the time."

You don't need to say this kind of words too clearly, just mention it a little, and the other party will understand.

It doesn't matter, you don't need to go to Lao Maozi to buy ammunition later, the ammunition from our knockoff is better than the original one.

This is the last question.

After seeing off Laoba's navy representative, Qin Tao continued to go out, watching Yang Dawei lead the fifth wave of people to visit.

This warship is not a Chinese cabbage, and it must be weighed in many ways. The purpose of participating in the defense exhibition is to take a look, broaden your horizons, take a fancy to it, and discuss it in detail. It may take many negotiations before the final purchase.

Only those kind of old customers will be easier to place an order.

For Mingzhou Group, the Siamese Navy is definitely an old customer. However, these customers have just bought an aircraft carrier, and then they are thinking about a supply ship. Therefore, even if they are interested, they cannot directly place an order. Now F- The 25T frigate has not been delivered yet, and it is impossible for Siam to have a new frigate procurement plan.

At this time, Yang Dawei was accompanied by naval officials from the Pyramid Kingdom.

"Currently, in the whole world, there are very few warships that adopt the vertical launch system. Our warship is definitely the most suitable choice for you." Yang Dawei kept introducing there, although he is engaged in technology, but Now, it's not bad to catch ducks on the shelves and do sales promotion.

"Compared with the 053HE we imported before, there has indeed been an earth-shaking change. However, my friend, if we purchase it, we have one more requirement."

"please say."

"Can it be built in our own shipyard?"

Asking this question made Yang Dawei stunned.

The two can be regarded as old friends. More than ten years ago, the Navy of the Pyramid Kingdom came to the East to start construction and ordered two 053HE frigates. This was also the first time that domestic frigates went abroad.

When the other party came, Yang Dawei, the designer, accompanied him all the way, and he had formed a friendship with the other party, so now, Yang Dawei was able to do so with ease, old friends, are familiar with each other, everything is easy to talk about.

However, upon hearing the other party's condition, Yang Dawei lost his mind.

How is it possible to let the other party build it by themselves, this is a frigate!
"That depends on the quantity you purchase." At this moment, Qin Tao's voice came.

Yang Dawei heaved a sigh of relief, since Qin Tao came, he didn't have to make any troubles, and let Mr. Qin make up his mind about the decision-making.

"If you can purchase four ships or even more at one time, then when we sign the contract, we can stipulate that the first two ships will be built in China, and the last two ships will be built in your shipyard. If you only plan to purchase There is really no need for two ships, the cost of your own construction will exceed the cost of purchasing us."

Every country has its own special national conditions, and the pyramid country is no exception.

They used to be the big brothers in the region, but they were abandoned because they sued for peace with their enemies.They were originally equipped with the same old Maozi, but later they began to move closer to the Western world.

However, their country's economy is not very developed, and when purchasing weapons, they have to make trade-offs and make comparisons.

China exports weapons without any political conditions attached. Therefore, they have also purchased a large number of Chinese weapons, from fighter planes to warships, all of which are made in China.

Moreover, they are also working hard to improve the industrial level of their own country, so after the introduction, there are often additional conditions, that is, to produce in their own place.

The K-8 trainer is an example of this.

海军来说,金字塔国十年前采购了053HE型护卫舰,他们自己叫做扎菲尔级,上面的武器有 1座66式双联装57毫米舰炮;3座61/76式双联装37毫米炮;4枚“海鹰“HY-2型反舰导弹;4座RBU1200型5管反潜火箭发射器。

When purchasing ten years ago, the performance was not very strong. Now, it is completely behind. They are very concerned about obtaining new frigates.

Therefore, in 96, they obtained 4 US-made Perry-class frigates and 2 Knox-class frigates, which can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

In their part of the sea, there may be no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys dominate.

As for now, I don't have any on hand yet, so I'm in a hurry.

It would be great if we could purchase this brand new air defense frigate back, and it would be even better if we could build it in our own shipyard.

Their idea was very good, but Qin Tao put forward conditions for them.

At least four ships!

"If the price is cheap, of course we can purchase four ships." Mamish said.

"The price must be cheap. The version equipped with Hedgehog surface-to-air missiles only costs 5000 million U.S. dollars. You built it yourself, and it will come down to about [-] million U.S. dollars." Qin Tao finally made a public offer.

"What? This is too expensive!"

"That's right, how much is the aircraft carrier built for Siam?"

"Everyone, that's the standard for civilian ships. If you want to lower the standard, we can also lower the price." Qin Tao said: "Besides, we only manufacture the shell of that aircraft carrier, and many of the equipment are purchased from Siam. Now if you As long as there is a shell, I will sell it to you for 5000 million yuan, and install the equipment yourself, how about it?"

Xu Zhengyang, who followed Qin Tao, was a little curious. Mr. Qin is very generous to the old bus, but not to others. This pyramid country is supposed to be our traditional customer, so why can't we give a friendly price?
"Of course, no matter how much the price is, you need to settle the final payment when the ship is delivered." Qin Tao continued to add a condition.

Now, Xu Zhengyang's eyes were even more surprised, what's wrong with Mr. Qin?The attitude towards the old bus is so good, but the people in the Pyramid Kingdom are so harsh?Do you look like a business?
Of course, Qin Tao is in business, but he would never do business that loses money. A certain client has a criminal record of not paying the final payment and repaying the debt. Of course, similar things must be put an end to.

Otherwise, if a warship is built, it will earn [-] to [-] percent of the final payment, and the other party will directly forfeit the final payment, so what else will I earn?Qin Tao would not do this kind of thing of making wedding dresses for others.

Customers like Laoba can earn less. After all, the relationship is strong. For other customers, then we will follow the rules.

On the other hand, Qin Tao also knew that the client in front of him had no choice at all.

What can they choose?
FREMM "European Multi-Mission" frigates are not seen yet. None of the warships built in Europe are equipped with pendant hair. Most of them buy second-hand Perry class from the United States. Those warships are just a point defense system for sea sparrows. Can it be compared with our tall hair?
American Aegis?Don't even think about it.

In the 90s, when 054 was launched, it was definitely the first choice of the third world, and any customer would find it really fragrant.

"The export version of the King-class warship has been launched in the South Kimchi Country." Finally, a person in the delegation of the Pyramid Country couldn't help but said, "Let's go and see the products of the South Kimchi Country."

"What? King class?" Qin Tao was also a little curious: "Is it the earth king?"

"Anyway, the displacement is about the same as that of your warships, and the performance of western equipment is not inferior to yours at all."

"Yeah, let's go and have a look." Mamish said.

The conditions Qin Tao just mentioned were hard for him to accept, so now he also gave up his interest in this warship and decided to look elsewhere.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Mamish and others are very curious, what are you going to do?

Of course it was to smash the scene!Just now the other party sent a person over to smash his position, what else can he say, of course he will smash it back!

"Let's go, it's fun to go together."

Can't you see that we have to change the manufacturer because we are not satisfied with the service of this warship?What do you mean by going with us?
However, they were embarrassed to speak out, so such a group of people left the booth of Mingzhou Group and went to the indoor exhibition area.

Generally speaking, as long as there are no ordinary tourists, there will not be too many people in this kind of exhibition area, but today is the first day after all, and there are a lot of reporters from all kinds, so the whole defense exhibition seems to be very lively up.

The exhibition area of ​​the South Kimchi Country is just not far from the China Shipbuilding Corporation. When Qin Tao and the others passed by, they saw that there were many people surrounded there. After all, in Asia, there are not many rich people. , when countries purchase warships, many go for high quality and low price.

Inside the booth of Hyundai Heavy Industries, designer Li Renjun was introducing it.

"Our king-class warship is almost the same as the domestic KDX-1 warship. Its biggest feature is that it uses a 16-unit vertical launcher that can launch sea sparrow surface-to-air missiles."

In the past, the main force of the South Korean navy was second-hand warships decommissioned by the United States, and they also pursued a policy of offshore defense. After all, for them, once they fought, the enemy would definitely come from the land in the north.It is useless to have a strong navy.

It was not until the late 70s that they started the road to the first level of self-made frigates, which is the Ulsan-class frigate.Since the target is still the enemy in the north, there is no need to consider air defense at all. This frigate is fine for self-use, and no one wants to export it.

In this way, after entering the 80s, the policy of the southern pickle country changed from "coastal defense" to "sea defense".Just when the first Ulsan-class frigate entered service, they proposed the famous "Self-made Destroyer Experimental Plan", which implemented a three-step strategy, and the product of the first phase was the KDX-1 Gwanggaeto King-class destroyer.

In terms of analogy, this first destroyer is very similar to the domestic 052. They both purchase a large number of advanced weapons and equipment to achieve rapid improvement in combat effectiveness when their own industrial capabilities are insufficient.

For the southern kimchi country, the weapons and equipment above are of course all American products.

In terms of displacement, a full load of 40 tons is very similar to the F-[-]T exported by Mingzhou Group, but in terms of configuration, it is far behind.

At this time, hearing these guys bragging, Qin Tao coughed twice, cleared his throat, and then spoke in a loud voice.

"The 16-unit vertical launcher is still a sea sparrow with a range of only 16 kilometers. This is simply fooling people!"

As soon as he said this, the person above who was explaining immediately became annoyed.

"Who? Who's talking nonsense there?"

"Nonsense? A warship with a displacement of nearly 16 tons is actually only equipped with [-] vertical launch units, or sea sparrows. What's the use? It's worthless!"

Li Renjun was completely annoyed, and looked down sharply. At this time, the crowd below also moved out of the way, and Qin Tao and Li Zhengyang appeared in front of everyone.

"Mr. Li, this is President Qin of the Mingzhou Group." Zheng Yuzhe leaned in front of Li Renjun and whispered to him.

After Zheng Yuzhe came back disheartened, he told Li Renjun what had happened. At that time, Li Renjun didn't care. He would never have thought that the other party would come to his door!

However, behind the opponent, why are there still a group of people from the Pyramid Kingdom?Our side had already introduced these people before the start of the defense exhibition, and they seemed dissatisfied, so they took a quick look at it today and left.

How come back now?
Zheng Yuzhe couldn't figure out these things in his mind, but now, the most important thing is to drive the other party away!
"President Qin, if you do this, aren't you afraid that we will call the security guards in?"

He was straightforward enough to call the referee directly. Qin Tao is causing trouble here. Call the security guard to send him away.

"What's wrong with me? As a warship designer, can't we communicate with each other?" Qin Tao said with a smile: "If you are afraid of communicating with us, well, we can go, and you continue to entertain yourself here."

"Stop!" Of course Zheng Yuzhe knew that if Qin Tao left, it would definitely spread the word everywhere and tarnish their reputation of Hyundai Heavy Industries, so let's just say it clearly now, what are you afraid of?
"You say that our design is not good, so let's talk about it, why is it not good?"

"For the Sea Sparrow, it is enough to use the eight-pack MK29 launch box. Why did you choose the vertical launch system?"

"The vertical launching device, of course, is to obtain the ability to withstand saturation attacks! We have sixteen units, which can intercept eight targets at the same time!"

"What about after eight? In the current maritime battlefield, saturation attacks have become the norm. As long as the enemy has a ninth missile, you will not break the defense!"

"However, if you use MK29, there are only eight bombs. How can it compare with the MK48 launcher with sixteen units?"

"So I just said that this is a tasteless air defense system. If you use vertical launchers, you have to at least double the number and become 32 units. In this way, even if two missiles intercept one target, they can also intercept it." Sixteen targets. The survival rate on the battlefield is doubled. If the opponent still has No. 17 missiles, it is enough."

Enough is enough, what do you mean?
Of course, it is the price. An anti-ship missile can cost up to a million, and a warship can cost tens of millions, or even over a hundred million. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to intercept seven or eight targets. If it intercepts more than a dozen targets, then It would be a good deal to be sunk again.

Li Renjun really can't say anything, their original imaginary enemy is still the North Kimchi country, how many anti-ship missiles can there be?Sixteen launch units are enough, but if it is pushed to the international market, it will not work.

"Then what's the use of using the MK29 launch box?"

"For a point defense missile system, oblique launch is more suitable than vertical launch." Qin Tao continued to talk eloquently: "The oblique launch device can be rotated in advance to the direction of the target's attack and launch at the right time, while vertical launch The system needs to be launched into the sky first, and then dived down, which will delay time."

"Vertical launching is the trend!"

"If the MK41 vertical launcher is used, the number is still very large, and it can be loaded with various weapons. That is indeed a trend. If there is only one type of sea sparrow, and the number is not large, then why bother with vertical launch? To catch up with the trend of the times ? See if you are qualified enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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