Great warships

Chapter 357

Chapter 357
The big guy came out, not for tourism, but for work. Other companies and groups are nervously summarizing the harvest of the day, how many customers came to see, how many customers intend to order, and what the other party is worried about is What, how can I make the other party make up their minds to place an order.

These are all crucial.

But what about Mingzhou Group?

After today's work was over, he ran out to go shopping in the food street like a normal person?Do they know how difficult it is to come out once?Do they know how much it will cost?
"The purpose of our group is to be serious when working, and to relax after work, so that we can greet the new day with better energy." Qin Tao said: "If you make yourself very nervous, then It will definitely be exhausting, and then it will be inefficient, which will eventually affect our normal work.”

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about these management things with you." Wu Shengli said, "What did you gain today? Don't say that being angry with Hyundai Heavy Industries is your biggest gain."

Qin Tao smiled: "Of course not. Our biggest potential customers are here today. It is expected that Lao Ba will order our frigates within three to half a year after the defense exhibition. As for the Pyramid Kingdom, they may It will be a little later, probably more than half a year, or even a year, and we will purchase two of our submarines. With these customers, our defense exhibition this time can be considered a perfect ending."

"What? You are so confident? What happened to the submarine? When will you be able to produce submarines?"

Wu Shengli was surprised. After all, although Qin Tao brought back submarine experts, he didn't bring back various equipment. They can still produce submarines?

"That's right, our products are strong, so there is nothing to worry about. Our design of this submarine is also very advanced. The navy can also order it if it needs it!"

Wu Shengli smiled: "You are the most confident! Your submarines have been sold. If the user feedback is good, our navy will consider it again. Since you are so confident, then I will not say anything. Wait until the defense exhibition is over. Our research ship will go to the southern waters for investigation, if you are idle and bored, you can go with us."

The conversation was over, and they went back to their rooms to sleep. Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang slept in the same room.

Xu Zhengyang asked curiously: "Boss Qin, is what you just told Leader Wu true?"

"What do you think?" Qin Tao asked back.

Xu Zhengyang shook his head, of course I don't understand.

"Our products are of high quality and moderate prices. Even if those customers are not settled for the time being, if they come back after a round, or even after the defense exhibition, they should still come to us again."

You have to give customers time to think about it. There are too few people who can place an order on the spot at this defense exhibition.

This night was not peaceful.

The staff of Hyundai Heavy Industries who had been bullied by Qin Tao were the most annoyed.

"Damn, they are so hateful!" Li Renjun was so angry that he didn't eat lunch, and if his stomach didn't protest, he wouldn't even eat dinner.

But now, Li Renjun was sitting on the sofa, thinking about the scene during the day, feeling extremely depressed.

Originally, they did not intend to bring King Gwanggaeto to the defense exhibition, but after hearing that Mingzhou Group had a new design plan for air defense frigates, they decided to use this destroyer as their main product.After all, this is the only one that can be obtained.The previous warships were too backward.

This brand-new destroyer, with its American-made equipment, should be favored by some countries. It would be great if it could be sold.

Who would have thought that it would be said to be worthless!
This is not the most important thing. There are so many reporters on the scene. By tomorrow, they will probably be featured in major newspapers!

In particular, there are island countries watching from the sidelines. Although the islanders cannot sell warships, they can contribute to the flames!One can imagine what kind of situation they will face tomorrow.

"We can't swallow this breath, we have to block them!" Zheng Yuzhe was also full of anger.

It is easy to say harsh words, but it is not easy to turn cruel words into reality.

At this time, everyone in the room was thinking, how can they look good to each other?
"Their warships use their own diesel engines. Do you think there will be any pollution?"

Finally someone came up with a crooked way.

the next day.

There was no opening ceremony on this day, and there were no various speeches. At the same time, the customers who came to inspect were gradually fascinated by the chaos of the first day, and began to calm down and analyze their real needs.

Therefore, if it is possible to negotiate a successful order, it must be on this day!
At the same time, there are more projects on the second day. In the outdoor exhibition area, various ground equipment performances can even be performed.

Therefore, the flow of people at the booth of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Group is much less than yesterday. Qin Tao had already expected that he planned to fish like this, but who would have thought that someone would actually come to his door.

"Excuse me, what kind of diesel engine does your warship use?"

"French technology, absolutely reliable."

"So, is this diesel engine environmentally friendly? Can it meet Euro [-] emission standards?"

The voice of the question was so loud that Qin Tao, who was originally sitting on a chair beside him, stood up.

"Mr. reporter, may I ask, are you interviewing across disciplines?"

"Of course not, I'm a professional military reporter." The other party raised his reporter card, the European Thames River newspaper, reporter George.

"Then why do you ask such an unprofessional question?" Qin Tao looked at this guy: "Euro [-] emission standard, is it for cars, or is it mainly for heavy trucks, our warships are not included in it."

"That is to say, it is not environmentally friendly?" George continued to ask.

"Mr. reporter, is shit delicious?"

"What did you say?" George's face became angry, and his voice became louder: "How can people eat shit, you say that, it is an insult to my personality! Everyone come to comment, only dogs can eat shit , he is insulting me, the boss of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group is insulting me!"

There is excitement!

Another group of people came around.

"Mr. reporter, you also know that only dogs can eat shit, but humans can't. So, why do you want to apply the emission standards set by the European auto industry to our warships? Everyone is here, so please comment .Using such means to slander our warships as not environmentally friendly, is it intentional to find fault?"

"Yes, all kinds of emission standards are for civilian use. In the military field, there is no such thing as environmental protection." At this moment, the familiar female reporter's voice sounded again: "Military equipment is used for war. War is a kind of destruction, during World War I, poisonous gas was used, who would consider environmental issues?"

Once is a coincidence, twice or three times, of course it is a deliberate coincidence!

Qin Tao's heart is like a bright mirror.

"However, we human beings only have one homeland! Even if it is a warship, environmental protection must be considered. After all, warships are not only used in wartime. In peacetime, warships are also used."

"This sentence is good. We also hope to formulate a global warship emission standard. At that time, you will write an article criticizing us for not being environmentally friendly. We accept it humbly. Now, use the car's environmental protection standard to apply to our warships. , This is as disgusting as making people eat shit."

Did this guy come by himself, or was someone instigated?However, it doesn't matter who it is, this excuse is too low-level.

"However, Mr. reporter, there is one sentence that is not wrong." Qin Tao continued: "We humans have only one home, and we must take good care of it. We have a vast sea, and there are many animals in it, all of which have been destroyed. Ruthless fishing. Although bound by global conventions, there are still some countries doing sneaky things. We detest these behaviors and are willing to contribute our own strength.”

contribute my effort?
"Bring over our No. [-] ship model." Qin Tao shouted to a staff member.

So, a model with a length of about half a meter came into Qin Tao's hands. At this time, everyone's eyes lit up.

Mingzhou Group is involved in the military business. The first model is the catamaran missile boat. Now more than a dozen ships have been in service. Although it is not worth mentioning in the field of warships, the missile boat, but with its special shape and excellent performance, Still got a lot of people's attention.

The original version of the missile boat cannot be exported, but it can be sold after remodeling. When Qin Tao went to fool the Anxi people, he used the remodeled product.

At this time, Qin Tao has this one in his hand, which has a very special shape.

Its bottom is still an ordinary catamaran, but its superstructure looks a bit like a yacht, and no weapons and equipment are seen, but on its top, there is a thick and long pipe , this pipe looks like a cannon!
However, if calculated according to the proportion, this cannon is estimated to be about the same as the cannon with a caliber of several hundred millimeters in the battleship era.

"What is this?" the female reporter asked.

"This is our environmental protection ship." Qin Tao said: "It is just a simple model at present, and its displacement can range from [-] tons to [-] tons, so it can completely adapt to sailing on the ocean. Its top is its most The main weapon, the water cannon."


Everyone's eyes widened.

"A powerful water pump is installed on it, which can suck up seawater and spray it out hundreds of meters away." Qin Tao introduced with a smile: "In the past, when environmental protection organizations intercepted illegal hunters, they only It is too unsafe to use ordinary boats, and even need to rely on collisions. It is too unsafe to use our boats. If you encounter wanton hunting of fish that is prohibited by the international law, you can bombard them with water cannons and force them to Abandon fishing operations!"

For the Mingzhou Group, these are trivial matters. After all, the dredger technology is available, and the technology can be transplanted to make this kind of water cannon. It can not only pump water, but also pour water into it when needed. It is more powerful to hit the sand.

"We chose the chassis of the catamaran, on the one hand because of the stability of the catamaran, and on the other hand because of its fast speed." Qin Tao continued: "The speed of those illegal fishing boats is only a dozen knots. , Our ships can easily sail to [-] or [-] knots, and after receiving the news, we can attack quickly, or gain an advantage in a confrontation. This is the contribution of our Mingzhou Group to protect the world."

Why did you bring this kind of ship to this defense exhibition?
If someone wants to ask, Qin Tao also has sufficient reasons to answer: Because this kind of ship has water cannons, it can also be used as a coast guard ship when needed, why can't it be put on the defense exhibition?

In fact, it was posted yesterday, but most people didn't know about it, or didn't recognize it. Until now, when Qin Tao announced it, everyone was shocked.

There is such an idea?In the future, environmental protection organizations and illegal fishing boats will fight water wars at sea?Is this an oversized water gun used?It's so creative!

"Of course, in order to prevent our boat from being misused, only legal environmental protection organizations registered internationally are eligible to purchase our equipment."

"Can your ship go to Antarctica?"

"Of course no problem. If we feel that [-] tons is not enough, we can still make [-] tons."

"Okay, then on behalf of the Oceans Asia organization, I will order a catamaran water cannon boat like yours!"

Qin Tao was also surprised.

He was mentally prepared. There were not many people who could place orders on the spot here. Unexpectedly, he would have a good start?

No, open the door blue, the other party is wearing blue clothes, looks like the sea, and the other party also has a reporter's sign on his chest, but it is obvious that the other party is not only a reporter, but also a member of an important international environmental protection organization member!

"Okay, let's go in and talk."

This is an unexpected harvest, and the other party's organization must have some strength to support it, so it is not short of money. How much is this first transaction?
After all, this is not a warship, but a civilian ship, and I can't scare the other party away.

The people outside were dumbfounded, especially that George, who accepted a sum of money and asked him to come and cause trouble, he was very confident. Who would have thought that he would make the other party in the end, and he turned into a clown!

In fact, if he knew more about Qin Tao, the speech he gave when the Aircraft Carrier Park was built, would not have the scene today. This is self-inflicted humiliation.

The female reporter was also looking at Qin Tao's leaving back with complicated eyes.

After entering the tent, Qin Tao called his assistant to pour a glass of water for the customer, and then introduced him.

"With different displacements and different speeds, the prices vary greatly." Qin Tao said: "For example, in our current design plan, if a catamaran with a displacement of [-] tons wants to reach a speed of [-] knots , then, we can use the diesel engine used by our current frigate, but if we want to reach a speed of [-] knots, then there is no diesel engine that can meet the needs, and we can only use a gas turbine."

After all, no matter how powerful the high-speed diesel engine is, it is impossible to output more than [-] horsepower!Only gas turbines can meet the requirements, but whether it is purchased or used in the future, the cost will increase a lot.

Of course, Mingzhou Group has the technology, and related gas turbines can also be purchased. If the West does not sell them, there are plenty of them in Lao Maozi. It is difficult to find high-power ones with hundreds of thousands of horsepower. Isn’t it easy to get tens of thousands of horsepower?

When he said this, Qin Tao suddenly thought of something, rolled his eyes, and continued: "Of course, if you want to use sail power, we can also help design it, so that you can use it during normal sailing. Sail, this is the most environmentally friendly, how about turning on the engine when needed?"

"Yes, this is really what we want!" The other party nodded immediately: "At critical times, we need to run fast and be powered by gas turbines. Usually we use sails. This is the most perfect design!"

With a displacement of [-] tons and a gas turbine for power, the basic design is finalized.

"In terms of interior, what standard do you want to meet? Our group is also manufacturing yachts, which are divided into ordinary and luxury types."

"For our environmental protection organization, the ordinary type is enough, but we are going to sail near the Antarctic, so the ship must have high wind and wave resistance, and must have high enough strength to fight against glaciers."

"Of course, we have common marine steel, high-strength warship steel and titanium alloys to choose from. What plan do you choose?"

"How high is the strength of high-strength warship steel?"

"From two to three hundred megapascals to four to five hundred megapascals, the latest steel can reach six hundred megapascals, but the output is not high."

"That's five hundred megapascals."

"Okay, if that's the case, then we estimate that the price of such a catamaran water cannon boat will be around 5000 million. In this way, in order to show our shipyard's support for environmental protection, we will give you a 4000% discount. $50.00 million! However, a [-]% deposit must be paid in advance.”

"Of course no problem."

The contract for the first ship was signed just like that. Before Qin Tao could take a breath, another client came to his door.

"Hello Mr. Qin, my name is Moriyama Noren, please take care of me."

After finishing speaking, the other party bent down and bowed. This is just, quite standard.

"Excuse me, can your water cannon boat be exported as a fishery administration boat? If possible, we will order ten."

The order of ten ships is very meaningful to Mingzhou Group, but Qin Tao looked at the other party suspiciously: "Why do you want so many fishery administration ships?"

"Because we have a traditional fishing industry, we need to maintain the fishing order at sea." The other party said very politely: "Please take care of me."

While speaking, he actually bowed for the second time.

Qin Tao sold the catamaran water cannon boat to the international environmental protection organization, and he still sailed near the Antarctic, of course, to stop the ships coming to the Antarctic to hunt whales, of course, the islanders are the most popular.

now what?Now the islanders actually came to buy the same catamaran water cannon boat?
Sure enough, having money is good. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

If an environmental organization buys one, they will buy ten. When the time comes to confront each other, they will take advantage of it.

Seeing Qin Tao's puzzled eyes, the other party continued: "Mr. Qin, since you exhibited this equipment at the International Defense Exhibition, it should not only be used by those environmental protection organizations, but should also be used by us."

"I have a question."

"please say."

"Mr. Shenshan Savage, you obviously have a strong shipbuilding industry. Why don't you build this small two-hull fishery administration boat yourself? You come to me to place an order. After you go back, you are not afraid of those shipyards criticizing you? "

"Yes, we have a strong shipbuilding industry, but we haven't made any achievements in high-speed catamarans. That's why we hope to introduce your ships. Moreover, we can introduce ten ships at once to avoid expensive Fang thinks we want to imitate this kind of boat, after all, we have enough ten and don’t need to build more fishery administration boats.”

At this time, Qin Tao was engaged in a battle between heaven and man in his mind.

To sell, or not to sell?

In all fairness, Qin Tao doesn't want to sell his catamaran to the islanders. He doesn't like the islanders. However, if we consider the actual situation, there is no reason not to do door-to-door business. It is still a one-time purchase of ten ship.

You know, the island country is a big shipbuilding country. If the fishery administration department of the island country comes to Mingzhou Group to order fishery administration ships and publicize it, it will definitely give yourself a face and destroy the prestige of the people of the island country!

"President Qin, can you provide us with the relevant ships? No matter how high the price is, we will accept it." Seeing Qin Tao's hesitation, the other party continued to speak.

"I originally only wanted to help environmental protection organizations, but I never thought about becoming a fishery administration ship." Qin Tao said, "However, since you have come to the door on your own initiative, I can't keep you out. How about it? We can sell it to you, but the level has to be lowered."

After finishing speaking, Qin Tao lowered his voice: "You should also know that those environmental protection organizations are hard to mess with. Once they are targeted, we will be in trouble, so we still have to be careful."

"The level is lowered? How do I lower it?"

"For example, in terms of displacement, let's use [-] tons, and in terms of speed, how about [-] knots? In this way, even if those environmental protection organizations come to question us, we can give them an explanation."

Moriyama Nohito frowned.

What they want is a big guy with a displacement of [-] tons that can reach [-] knots. Now that it is downgraded, is it necessary to buy it?
"Since you are here to purchase, you should also know that the so-called speed is based on stacking engines? We will export according to this standard first, and when you buy it back, you can change it however you want. This has nothing to do with us. "

"Boss Qin, we can accept this speed, but can we increase the displacement to [-] tons?"

"Well, it's a bit difficult. Since you have made a request, the displacement can be relaxed to [-] tons. If it is higher, then I will doubt your sincerity in coming here."

Qin Tao's words immediately blocked the other party from saying anything.

"In terms of price, we are also very fair, how about 5000 million US dollars?"

(End of this chapter)

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