Great warships

Chapter 369 Bidding for Gwadar Port

Chapter 369 Bidding for Gwadar Port
"Chinese, our friends!"

People kept saying hello and yelling outside, so the village chiefs sitting in the bidding venue were a little strange, who was coming outside?Through the window, they saw a familiar vehicle painted with a red cross.

Immediately, their hearts beat violently.

Are you Chinese?

The Chinese who helped them!
If it weren't for the medical team from China, Kadir's grandson would have died!
At this moment, Kadir was a little confused.

"Mr. Qin, I really didn't expect that you, a group with no experience in port management, would actually come to participate in the bidding?" Li Mingyao said to Qin Tao.

"We didn't expect that a management group with no experience in foreign construction would come to bid for the port construction project," Qin Tao said.

"Let's go, let's all go in, we will leave this bidding event to the local people to make the decision." Rahim said.

Thus, a group of people entered the bidding venue.

Internationally, they are not very enthusiastic about investing in the construction of ports, let alone bid for an underdeveloped country unless there is important strategic significance there.

Gwadar certainly doesn't count.

After all, this place is next to Anxi Bay. Inside Anxi Bay, there are already a large number of port facilities, and no one will be interested here.

As for the PSA Group of Singapore, there is also a purpose in coming to bid.

There were quite a few reporters on the scene, not only local, but also from other places.

Raheem spoke first.

"Everyone, today in Faquer, we held this bidding meeting to select a suitable bidder in the principle of fairness and openness to develop our Gwadar Port. It is too backward here. We need to enter the modern Civilization, of course, what happened last time will never happen again, and we will witness this historic moment in front of countless reporters."

"Now, let's ask the bidders to explain their ideas, first..."

"Singaporeans go first."

"Oriental guests go first."

Qin Tao and Li Mingyao gave way to each other.

"Then draw lots!" Raheem said.

Soon, Li Mingyao, who was the first to appear in the lottery, stepped onto the rostrum.

"Everyone, I am here today to participate in the bidding on behalf of the Singapore Port Authority. Everyone should know that our country is a tiny place, but it is a big economy because we have first-class experience in operating ports. Our group is The world's top [-], we have created a lot of brilliance..."

Li Mingyao spent a full 10 minutes bragging about their group, and then he started to get down to business.

"We have decided that we will invest one billion dollars to develop Gwadar Port, and we will build it into a large modern port!"

One billion dollars, is Mingzhou Group willing?Or, do they have so much money?
They are only willing to pay [-] million at most, and it is still used to exchange for four frigates!This transaction caused a great shock among the high-level officials in Pakistan, and many people criticized the military. That's why the American company signed the agreement smoothly.

However, it was exposed later, needless to say, it must have been done by the military.

Now, let's rely on our strength, you Mingzhou Group will offer [-] million, and we will offer one billion, so I don't believe we can't beat you!

However, he didn't see, or he had ignored the feelings of these people below.

In this bidding, the opinions of the local people are very important. The Gwadar Port Development Committee specially organized here is to let the local people get their opinions, and the reporters on the scene will report all this truthfully.

However, Li Mingyao didn't have too many worries about this. In his eyes, these are just bumpkins who have never seen the world. Now that he has thrown out a billion-dollar construction project, he has already shocked the people present. up.

Li Mingyao also came prepared.

He took out a design drawing, the berths of the port, the throughput of the port, the unloading area, the container storage area, etc., which were very beautifully done.

Finally, when Li Mingyao finished speaking, only a few people applauded, which was arranged by him in advance, which made him a little embarrassed.

However, the people below must have been shocked, they probably haven't recalled it yet, have they?

"Next, let the Chinese bidding team give us a speech." Rahim just finished speaking, and there was a burst of warm applause from below.

This is not right, and the attitude towards myself just now is completely two extremes!

At this time, Li Mingyao already had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Hello everyone, I am here on behalf of Mingzhou Group, hoping to help change the backwardness of this place, and hope that the people here can live a happier life." Qin Tao spoke, and Xu Zhengyang was on the side, doing simultaneous translation.

Hmph, what are you talking about, the happy life of people here?Li Mingyao watched coldly from the sidelines, what should you do?Send them money?

"First of all, the medical facilities here are very backward." Qin Tao said: "So, if we succeed in bidding, within a year, we will build a third-level hospital in Gwadar Port, and we will also set up a hospital in the hospital. In the event of an emergency, the Baboai Medical Emergency Center will be dispatched immediately to provide medical assistance."

The eyes of the people below changed.

They held their breath.

The arrival of the Chinese medical team has already helped them a lot. However, the medical team will not be stationed for a long time. There will always be a day when the medical team leaves. After these medical teams leave, it will become a big problem for the locals to see a doctor. !

now what?The other party promised that once the bidding is successful, a hospital will be built here!The same large hospital as their provincial capital!In the future, if the child is bitten by a poisonous snake again, he will not have to watch him die!

What disease do they have, and they will not have nowhere to turn for help!

"We have observed that there is a serious lack of fresh water here, so it is impossible to grow various vegetables and fruits, resulting in malnutrition of the local people, and even some children suffer from photosensitive skin diseases." Qin Tao continued: "So, if our bid is successful, Within one year, we will build a seawater desalination plant to provide local domestic water. Within five years, the production capacity of the seawater desalination plant will meet the needs of production. The local area is full of deserts. After that, It will also be full of trees and become a big garden."

Medical problems, water problems, once the Mingzhou Group wins the bid, these problems will be resolved!

And these are the most urgent needs of local people.

So, hearing what Qin Tao said now, they are full of expectations. They need water, they need hospitals, and they need Chinese people!

"It's impossible. How much does it cost you to do this? Can you provide it for free? You do this to earn money from the local people. Look, how poor and backward they are, and you actually want to use it on them Make money!" At this time, Li Mingyao finally realized that something was wrong, and he saw expectations and hopes in the eyes of these local people.

The performance of these people is completely different from just now, he knows that these people have been persuaded!
Therefore, he must expose, expose the other party's true intentions!

"Mr. Raheem, when we are bidding, shall the other party be allowed to intervene?" Qin Tao looked at Raheem.

Raheem looked at Li Mingyao: "Mr. Li, please pay attention to bidding discipline!"

Li Mingyao held back.

Qin Tao nodded in satisfaction.

"We are all civilized people, don't do such uncivilized things that interrupt others' speeches."

Uncivilized?Why are you so uncivilized? You guys are making nonsense!
"Since that uncivilized gentleman just raised a question, I think I have the obligation to explain it to everyone here." Qin Tao said: "Of course these are not free, because free things are often the most expensive things. Yes, our hospitals and fresh water all cost money, and it’s a market economy now.”

Seeing the serious expressions of the people below, Qin Tao continued: "Of course, everyone may think, with the money you earn from fishing, can you afford to drink water and see a doctor? Please don't worry, I We haven’t finished talking about our plan yet, next thing we want to talk about is education.”

Hmph, rambling, nothing important.Li Mingyao watched Qin Tao continue to play tricks.

"We will build a Gwadar Port Vocational Technical School here. After the school is completed, thousands of people can be trained to master vocational skills every year. These people can provide human resources for various companies in the port and can go to work in other big cities. Some of them who perform well can even join our Mingzhou Group and work at our headquarters."

The big guys have no money, it's easy to handle, let's train, after the training is completed, you can make money.

If the port is established, it will inevitably require a large number of personnel. Scheduling, drivers, cranes, import and export procedures, etc., all need people to do it. The role of local employees is huge.

Now, when Qin Tao said this, the people below became even more excited.

Going out to sea to fish is risky, not to mention all kinds of terrible weather, just talking about fishing with the net, you can't catch it. If you are unlucky, you will lose money when you go out.

And on the pier, it is much safer, making money directly at the door of the house!

"We are serious about education." Qin Tao said: "The overall education level in the local area is too low. Education must start from the baby. We will invest in each village, or a few villages gathered together to establish Primary school, here, Faquer, we will build a middle school, so that the entire Gwadar area, from primary school to secondary school, will be covered. Of course, our company is not responsible for the operation. After one year is completed, we will hand over to local education department."

And school!

"That's right, we need schools to give dolls the opportunity to be educated!"

"We welcome the Chinese, and the Chinese are our friends!"

"Yes, we like Chinese people!"

The people at the scene became excited.

The elderly Kadir even stood up and looked at his companions around him: "We don't trust other people, we only trust the Chinese, they are our true friends, and they will always be the first ones when we are in danger Appeared. My grandson’s life was saved by the Chinese, and our entire village has been blessed by China. My vote is for the Chinese!”

"That's right, we're going to vote for Mingzhou Group!"

"That person, what he just said about investing one billion yuan has nothing to do with us!"

The bidding has not yet ended, and the voting has not yet started. As a result, a crowd of people flocked to the ballot box in Mingzhou for a few days, and voted for Mingzhou with the ticket they got when they entered the venue. state group.

Li Mingyao was in a hurry.

"Hey, you all have to stay calm, calm down! Don't be fooled by him. They Mingzhou Group has no experience in port operations. They will mess up everything here. They haven't said how much they will invest in the port. They We can do what we say!"

But it didn't work.

These people didn't listen to Li Mingyao's words at all. They all rushed to the front desk and voted for the Mingzhou Group.

There was no need for a vote-calling session at all, because the situation at the scene was already very clear: Mingzhou Group, with the advantage of unanimous votes, won the approval of the locals!
No one can question the result of this vote, because there are countless reporters staring at the scene, and cameras are recording the whole process, so Mingzhou Group is completely what everyone expects!
Qin Tao looked at these people with a smile, knowing that he had already succeeded more than half.

Why not all successes?

Because in history, it was not ordinary civilians who really made the decision.

But now, public opinion has risen, so those who really make the decision have to consider the opinions of these civilians.

After all, the black box operation was given to an American company last time, which has already aroused public outrage.

"Damn it, is this still a bidding for the port? Up to now, their Mingzhou company has not said how to build the port or how to operate the port!" Li Mingyao suddenly reacted.

Why do you fail?Because of the things I said, the people present didn't like to listen.

However, what he said is the real content of the bidding. What Qin Tao said is meaningless!
But it was useless. Even if Rahim forcibly terminated the current voting action and asked Qin Tao to continue talking about the development of the port, and then decided to vote after the conclusion, these people would still vote all the votes for the Mingzhou Group.

Mingzhou Group's action to buy people's hearts is terrible.

A few days ago when I heard that some medical team came, Li Mingyao still dismissed it, thinking that these people were playing tricks, but now it seems that they can firmly grasp the hearts of the locals. He just said so much , turned out to be a clown.

Li Mingyao clenched his fist.

"President Qin, we have achieved great success today." On the land returning to the residence, Bai Jie, who followed along with him, his eyes lit up, and he saw with his own eyes the methods of President Qin, beating up his competitors all over the place. Jena was so excited, even more excited than he himself had won the bid.

"These are all well-prepared by us." Qin Tao said: "These locals were originally developed by hating foreigners. They can agree with us because we are really here to help them."

"Now, we are already what everyone expects, but we must also pay attention to the official attitude, and we must not go too far."

Bai Jie nodded.

"Next, we will go to their provincial capital, and our actions there will be very critical. After all, our opponents will not be willing to fail."

Bidding is just the beginning. Next, there is still a lot of work to be done. For example, there will be a special hearing here in the provincial capital.

When Qin Tao stepped into the venue, he felt that the atmosphere was a little tense.

The person who presided over the meeting this time was an important person from the capital, Allah. At this time, his face was very serious.

"Okay, everyone is here, we can start, first of all, please Raheem to introduce us to the situation in the early stage."

Raheem stood up.

"At the bidding meeting at that time, we invited all the village chiefs in the entire Gwadar region together, and two bidding teams gave them speeches. As a result, these village chiefs unanimously chose Mingzhou Group,..."

Someone below started whispering.

Qin Tao knew what these people were talking about.

Isn't it just accusing yourself of cheating?I used various methods to fool the local bumpkins, but in the end, they all chose Mingzhou Group. In fact, they didn't mention a word about how to develop the port.

However, there were also some people who showed approval. Some people were very moved by Qin Tao's actions.

After all, Laoba is China's best friend, and they trust China very much in their bones.

"President Qin, can you give us a detailed report on the development of the port?"

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "We believe that the development of the port should be divided into three phases. First, we will carry out the first phase of the project and plan to invest [-] million US dollars."

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Li Mingyao, who had been silent all this time, showed a disdainful expression: "It's only [-] million. For an international port, what is [-] million? If we want to invest, we will invest at least one billion dollars!"

"Empty-handed speaking, anyone can say it. If I exaggerate, I can still say that I invested 20 billion." Qin Tao began to fight back: "Anyway, I don't really want to take it out. It's just bragging, who wouldn't?"

"Why are we bragging? We just want to come up with a billion!"

Qin Tao sneered: "Everyone may criticize me for grandstanding. I didn't mention how to build a port at the bidding meeting. I just catered to the appetite of the local people. But, I want to say that those are things we really want to do. If you If you have watched the video at that time, you can see, I made it clear, within a year!"

"Look again, our bidding opponents have drawn one pie after another, but did they say when it will be completed? They only said how big the port is, and did they say how many ships are guaranteed to call every year?" Qin Tao continued: "It's better to be down-to-earth than castles in the air!"

"President Qin, you are slandering, Chiguoguo's slander!" Li Mingyao was anxious: "We are a big international company, since we have said it, we must do it!"

"Do it? Well, you said that you want to invest one billion yuan. Then, after the successful bidding, can you open a special account and deposit the one billion yuan in this account, and the relevant agencies of the old bus will be responsible for supervision?"

Li Mingyao became dumb all of a sudden.

What he said about investing one billion yuan is of course a big picture.

"Do you dare? Give your plan a clear timeline and proceed according to the timeline. If you don't complete it, the corresponding amount will be confiscated by the old bus. How about it?"

"Hmph, do you dare?" Li Mingyao asked back.

"Of course we dare." Qin Tao said: "As long as the old bus promises that he will only be responsible for supervision and will not use the money for other things, then we can transfer [-] million US dollars immediately!"

"Hmph, you only have [-] million, we have one billion, one billion!"

"It's useless for you to brag about 100 billion, it's just bragging anyway! If you call in the billion investment, then we will give up bidding and leave immediately without saying a word!"

The people present muttered again, but the content of the speech this time was not about the Mingzhou Group, but about the Singapore Port Group.

"Have you seen it? In the world, scammers are everywhere. You must keep your eyes open. Have you heard of the Ermao Black Sea Shipyard?" Qin Tao began to talk: "At the time, there was a ship built on the berth. 30.00% of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the West regarded it as a thorn in the side, so one company said it wanted to buy scrap iron, and another company said it wanted to use that berth to build oil tankers. So, the Black Sea Shipyard dismantled the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and the result? ?”

"Huh, empty talk is useless. At the beginning Ermao didn't even need a deposit. It was too naive. Later, we Mingzhou Group went to help and brought back those scrap iron." Qin Tao continued: "You can look at our company's reputation , we have always said the same thing, what we say, we will do.”

"So are we!" Li Mingyao was anxious.

"It's the same with you, don't you want to invest one billion? Why, dare not deposit it in a regulatory account? Well, let me change my proposal." Qin Tao said: "Our two companies have proposed their own port construction. And the operation plan, no matter who chooses, it must follow the operation plan. As long as it fails to fulfill its promise, then the old bus will take back all the power and hand it over to the other party to continue to do it. How about it? In the contract, add such a clause?"

Li Mingyao's face turned pale.

"That's right, you can choose one of these two conditions, so as to ensure the smooth construction of our port." An observer said.

"Yes, if you don't dare, then you must have a ghost in your heart." The second person said.

More and more people have spoken, and almost all support it overwhelmingly.

Today's situation is beyond Li Mingyao's thought.

Although he failed in the bidding of the original residents of the port, Li Mingyao was not discouraged, because he believed that his proposal was far better than that of the Mingzhou Group, and he would win the final victory.

But now, in this higher-level hearing, there is also a one-sided situation. Even those who doubted the Mingzhou Group at first turned their attention to Li Mingyao.

"Mr. Li, do you dare?" Qin Tao launched the final attack.

Li Mingyao did not speak.

"You dare not, because you have other purposes!"

(End of this chapter)

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