Great warships

Chapter 374

Chapter 374

How big is it?You can look at a set of data: 106.1 meters in length, 40 meters in wingspan, 800 kilometers per hour in speed, 7500 kilometers in range, can carry 850 soldiers, and have a take-off weight of several hundred tons. (There are many opinions about this weight, and some even say that it can carry [-] tons, which is unrealistic to me personally.)
Moreover, its appearance is very special. It looks like both a ship and an airplane. It can be said to be a mixture of an airplane and a boat.

The bottom of the fuselage is the hull. After all, it takes off and lands in the sea, and its upper half is like an airplane, with wings and a tall T-shaped vertical tail. However, it is different from ships and airplanes. At the nose of the aircraft, there is a short horizontal wing with a row of engines placed on it.

What are these engines used for?
Of course, it is used to spray air backwards. The jet engine in front of the nose will spray air backwards, and then form an air cushion, which is used to enhance the ground effect and make it have a stronger take-off ability.

So, when spotted by satellites in space, this kind of thing became an odd-looking Caspian monster.

During the Cold War, Lao Maozi developed many unique weapons, and the Caspian Sea Monster was one of them, but unfortunately, it was not put into practical use until the collapse of the Red Empire.

At the beginning, Qin Tao asked Nicholas to see the Caspian Sea monster, but because of confidentiality issues, he still didn't see it. This time, since Qin Tao has already come here, he can have a chance to see it.

Qin Tao came wherever he pleased.

The night wind was blowing, the car did not turn on its headlights, Xu Zhengyang took advantage of the darkness and drove forward skillfully, anyway, the speed on this kind of dirt road would not be fast.

The roar of a motorcycle came from the opposite side, and the dim headlights shone into the cab of the truck.

Xu Zhengyang's face immediately became serious, and he felt something was wrong all of a sudden.

"President Qin, there is a situation, do you want to go down first and let me handle it?"

"Go down?" Qin Tao looked at the darkness on the side of the road, what if I jumped down and fell off my arms and legs?
Before he could make a decision, the motorcycle had already parked in front of them, and the rider on the back seat got down, holding a fire stick with a disc-shaped drum on it.

"Stop! Hand over your money!"

When he heard the other party yelling these words, Xu Zhengyang felt a little relieved. What he was afraid of was encountering an ambush set up by someone else's conspiracy. Now, looking at the two locals opposite, they should be the ones who blocked the road and robbed.

It was late at night, there were no cars on the road, and there were no policemen nearby, so these two people came out to make a profitless business.

What to do, kill them?
Don't look at the fire stick in the opponent's hand, but he has no combat experience at all. In Xu Zhengyang's eyes, he is just a rookie. He can kill both of them easily.

Then throw the corpse into the weeds aside to feed the wild wolves, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.Moreover, there are people behind them secretly protecting them, who can clean up the scene.

However, if you do this, after all, two people are gone, and there may be some hidden dangers left.

Just when Xu Zhengyang was hesitating what to do, Qin Tao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, spoke.

"Son, put down the fire stick and come here, I have a big box of sausages here."

Big sausage?
Xu Zhengyang was a little speechless, Mr. Qin, in the face of robbers blocking the way, isn't it connivance for you to do this?Besides, the other party will let us go because of a box of big sausages?
However, I didn't expect that the other party actually listened.

The boy on the motorcycle was still riding the motorcycle, and he took the fire stick from his companion, who strode towards Qin Tao with great strides.

The other party really came!

A box of big sausages is so attractive to them?

Xu Zhengyang was still a little worried. He already had the weapon in his hand and could kill these two at any time.

Qin Tao was smiling, as if he wasn't afraid of danger at all.

The other party walked outside the cab, and Qin Tao handed out a box of large sausages hidden in the cab.

"I just have this last box, and I'll give it all to you. Hurry up, kid. I can understand what you're doing. If you weren't starving, you wouldn't have come out to do this kind of thing."

The other party took it, said thank you, and left.

That's right, it's as simple as that. After the other party got on the motorcycle, he waved to him.

"Boss Qin, did you just solve it like this?" Xu Zhengyang felt incredible. When encountering such a thing, his first thought was to use force to solve it, but Qin Tao used a simpler method.

"That's right, that's the solution. However, we didn't bring any more. If there are still people who don't have eyes, then use your method. Alas, poor children."

Qin Tao said this, as if he really had sympathy.

"Aren't you afraid that someone will hire them?"

"Our operation is secret this time. I don't believe that those people can accurately grasp our whereabouts, and then set up traps here. If this is really the case, I will admit it."

No one knew beforehand that their car was going this way, not even Xu Zhengyang. It was Qin Tao's impromptu idea. No matter how good those intelligence agencies were, could they guess Qin Tao's trajectory?
In particular, it was a motorcycle driving from the opposite side. Qin Tao knew in his heart that it was locals who came out to rob. Looking at the appearance of those people in the base, he knew the living standard here. Not to mention ordinary people.

Therefore, Qin Tao generously gave them a box of big sausages.

Xu Zhengyang continued to drive forward with emotion in his heart.

Fortunately, no similar situation has been encountered before, and it is estimated that it is already late at night, and the road is so remote that no vehicles will pass by.

When the sky just dawned, the car finally drove to Derbin Beach.

From a distance, I saw a huge monster on the beach.

The surface of this monster is dull, and it looks like the aluminum alloy has been eroded for a long time. There are eight weird big eyes in the front, like magazine clips, and straight wings in the back, just like the planes in World War II, without any sweep. Angle, tall T-shaped vertical tail, and three rows of double-mounted anti-ship missile launchers on the back of the machine.

This thing looks like a monster.

"No wonder it's called the Caspian Sea Monster." Xu Zhengyang said with emotion: "But, isn't there anyone watching it? Let's just drive there like this?"

In the era of the Red Empire, such a big guy was still classified as highly confidential, but now, is it like this?

"Since no one is guarding it, let's go up and have a look." Qin Tao said, "Actually, it's not a Caspian Sea monster, it's a smaller pigeon."

The real Caspian Sea monster is much larger than the guy in front of him. Moreover, although the rear has a T-shaped vertical tail, the tail is inclined upwards, just like the wings of a flying bird. The T-shaped vertical tail in front of him is flat, and , the head is not right.Although this thing is big, its length is only five to sixty meters, and it is still a long way from the Caspian Sea monster, which is more than 60 meters long.


"Yes, it is one size smaller, but it should be the one with the most flights so far. Let's go up and have a look."

"How to get up?"

"Put the car on the middle wing, there is a hatch there." Qin Tao said.

Xu Zhengyang stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the engine roared forward, and the wheels of the truck would occasionally slip, but eventually they drove under the wing, and the two climbed to the top of the cab before climbing onto the wing.

Sure enough, there was a hatch on the side, and it was still locked.

This was not a problem for Xu Zhengyang, he picked up a steel wire, poked it in, and it broke open after a few strokes.

The mechanical lock is better. If it is an electronic lock, without high-tech equipment, it is really difficult to unlock it quickly.

Xu Zhengyang secretly thought in his heart.

There is a rotten smell in it.

Xu Zhengyang struck a match, as if he was afraid of carbon dioxide in it.

Qin Tao smiled, this is not a dry well, what are you afraid of?
His foot stepped on it.

The inside is all white. Compared with the dilapidated appearance, the inside seems to be better preserved. Qin Tao tentatively pushed open a door, and then saw the stainless steel interior and a toilet inside.

The one that comes up and pushes open is the bathroom!

Qin Tao was speechless.

Then, continuing to move forward, Qin Tao continued to push open the door of the next room, and this time, there were bunk beds.

There are bunk beds on one side, a small table on the other side, and several boxes under the table.

"If you classify this thing, it should be a boat." Xu Zhengyang made a judgment.

Only a ship can have this kind of luxurious toilet, this kind of cabin with bunk beds, and on the plane, it would be nice to have a crowded seat.

"Boat? Let's move on and you won't think so."

Under the leadership of Qin Tao, the two continued to move forward.

"This should be the anti-ship missile control room." Qin Tao looked in through the glass on a hatch, and saw various complicated control devices, but he was not interested in them.

After all, after purchasing the Hyundai class, our own side will also have Sunburn anti-ship missiles, and on the back of the flowertail pigeon is the Sunburn anti-ship missiles.

He wanted to go ahead and have a look.

Finally, the front door was pushed open, revealing the sky-blue interior, with two seats in front, various instruments and equipment, and the operation panel used by large aircraft.

"President Qin, you are right. Seeing this, I think it should be an airplane."

The rudder is used to operate the ship, and the cockpit in front of him is almost the same as the cockpit of a large aircraft.

"It's a combination of a ship and an airplane." Qin Tao said, sitting in the crowded driver's seat in front, reaching out to touch the steering column.

Suddenly, he frowned.

"No! If this big guy had been abandoned, then the contents inside would have been stolen long ago. Now, it's clean. I dare say that within a week, someone must have wiped it! "

The dilapidated outside and the clean and tidy inside formed a stark contrast. At first, Qin Tao thought it was well sealed, but now, he has already noticed that something is wrong.

Also, in the sleeper room that was pushed away just now, the handwriting on the side of the box seems to be very familiar. He only compares it now, it should be a big sausage!
At this moment, Xu Zhengyang also became vigilant. His ears seemed to hear some extra noise. Besides him and Qin Tao, there was a third person on this monster?

Sure enough, a woman's voice sounded.

"You bloody thieves, put your hands up!"

This is a middle-aged woman, like most big-haired women, when she reaches middle age, her body begins to gain weight and looks a little bloated. She holds a fire stick in her hand, which does not look threatening. Xu Zhengyang has more than a dozen kinds Different ways can bring her down at once and get the gun back.

"I'm very sorry, we broke in without permission." At this time, Qin Tao raised his hands obediently, making a very obedient look: "We just passed by here, and we were very curious when we saw this thing. So come and see, we're not here to steal."

"Are you spies? You are more hateful than thieves!" The woman's expression was still very nervous.

"Spy?" Qin Tao smiled: "Do you really think that if we were spies, would we be obediently subdued by your fire stick? We have already killed you. Please relax, We were really just passing by occasionally."

At this moment, Xu Zhengyang made a sudden move.

Even if the opponent does not know how to fire, it is still dangerous. What if the opponent gets nervous and goes off?Xu Zhengyang must absolutely guarantee Qin Tao's safety.

The woman screamed, and the fire stick in her hand fell into Xu Zhengyang's hand like a magic trick, and then clicked, the magazine inside fell down and separated from the gun body.

In the blink of an eye, the situation changed a lot, and the woman's advantage was gone all of a sudden, and she couldn't help but take a step back.

"If we are really spies, then now, the best way is to get rid of you. You have also seen that we did not do this. We did not have any malicious intentions. Now, can you relax? Let's have a good talk. "

"Well, it's relatively narrow here, and there's a restaurant at the back, we can go there and talk." The woman nodded.


Of course we have to talk, Qin Tao already had a hunch that this woman is definitely not simple, maybe she can be used by him.

The woman didn't give the two of them much time to think, because she had already turned around and walked back.

Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang followed behind.

"This thing is really big." Qin Tao was feeling, using the words he had already said to express his admiration, which could also make the other party relax their vigilance.

"Yes, it's unbelievable that this big thing can fly, and it must have a good lift-to-drag ratio."

When hearing this sentence, the woman's body paused, and then continued to move forward.

Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang also continued to walk forward. For some reason, Qin Tao felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

Even if there is a dining room and a kitchen, it shouldn't be the last one, right?Although he was not clear about the layout inside, but subconsciously felt that there seemed to be a problem with the location.

"Be careful." Qin Tao couldn't help reminding Xu Zhengyang.

At this moment, the woman walking in front suddenly stretched out her hand and quickly pulled a lever on one side of the wall.

Qin Tao's face suddenly changed. He has heard the sound of gears under his feet. What's going on?

Xu Zhengyang picked up his clothes and pressed the mechanism on his belt. A steel cable flew out from the center of the belt and shot towards the ceiling in front. There were sharp nails in front of the cable, which could be nailed into the ceiling. Cable exists, even if the two people's feet suddenly hang in the air, they can maintain stability.

One of Xu Zhengyang's arms was already hugging Qin Tao by the waist, trying to help them get out of the crisis.

At this moment, the woman's hand grabbed the wrench on the side, and slammed it hard, swinging away the flying steel cable. At this moment, her face was full of pride.

Hmph, this is my world, none of you can take advantage of it here!
The floor under their feet turned downwards, and the bodies of Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang fell down involuntarily, and they could no longer hold on to other supporters around them.

At this moment, Qin Tao had a special feeling in his heart. This scene was very familiar. No matter how you look at it, it looked like Zhang Wuji was tricked by Zhao Min in Jin Yong's novel and fell into the cellar in some manor.

Then, Qin Tao saw Xu Zhengyang's foot kicking on the side wall, and his figure jumped out again!

Well, even if this scene is very similar, I am not Zhang Wuji, Xu Zhengyang is about the same, but the middle-aged woman above is much uglier than Zhao Min.


The woman let out an exclamation.

Xu Zhengyang's figure still couldn't jump outside directly, but it was no problem for his outstretched arm to grab the middle-aged woman's leg. At this time, the woman was standing on the edge of the opened cover. , wanted to see the ugliness of the two of them, but in the end, the ankle bone was grabbed, followed by the whole body being dragged down together.

This reduced version of the Caspian Sea monster has a vertical height of seven or eight meters in the engine room. The three people fell from the upper deck to the lower hull, and the V-shaped structure below. Several people rolled down the side wall and kept rolling. to the bottom.

"Oh, it's really hard to raise only women and villains!" Qin Tao said with emotion.

The upper cover is not closed, it is still open. It seems that this thing has to be closed by operating the upper handle. However, the lower side wall is smooth, and it is not easy to climb up.

There is light through the opening of the cover, and the status of the three people can be seen.

Lying there crooked, this woman was the worst. Xu Zhengyang pulled her down by her ankles and lost her balance in the air. When she fell, she was like a fairy descending to earth with her face first.

The woman's nose was broken, and blood was coming out of it, looking very pitiful.

So, Qin Tao could only pass over the tissue in his pocket: "Hey, just wipe it off."

The woman took it and wiped her nose, but her eyes were still full of dissatisfaction and anger.

"I've said before that we're not thieves or spies, we're just curious, so come up and take a look." Qin Tao said, "You don't have to treat us like this. There is an old saying in the East, it's called the way of harming others." Don't have a heart, look, you want to harm us, but in the end, you brought yourself down."

"Are you from the East?"

"Yeah, what do you think?"

"I thought... no, his skill is so good, he must have been trained."

"That's right, I'm a businessman. When I come to your place, I have to bring a bodyguard. He is retired from the army." Qin Tao said it very simply and clearly.

The woman nods.

"Now, let's have a good chat. When we first came up, we were still a little worried. We didn't know if there were guards here. If there were guards, we would definitely not come up rashly. We had to ask the guards for permission first. "

"It's like this." The woman said: "Originally, someone was guarding here. After the collapse of the Red Empire, it was the army at first, and then the army left. It was two former technicians. However, at the end of last year, one of them died of old age. , Last month, the other one was also forced to leave because of life. Although I have been writing a report to the Moscow high-level, asking them to send someone to take care of the project here, but it takes a long time to go through the procedures. Time, I can only live here alone."

"Why you?" Qin Tao was a little curious.

"Because, I will never allow anyone to tarnish my father's research results!"

your father?Qin Tao looked seriously at the man with paper balls stuck in his nose, like a pig with onions in his nose.

"Your father, is Alexeyev?"

"That's right, my name is Tatyana Alexeyeva." The other party said his name: "At the beginning, when my father was building KM, I had just graduated from Moscow, so I came to help my father. , I participated in one project after another, and later, my father was demoted, but I was not affected, and I became the person in charge of the project."

In Lao Maozi's place, it is normal for a son to follow his father's career, but it is rare for a daughter to inherit his father's career.

Qin Tao looked at the woman in front of him with some surprise.

"Your father is a great man. He relied on his own strength to push this ground-effect aircraft to such a height. Although the hand of God did not hold him to the end, his achievements are enough to be included in the scientific literature. history."

"Thank you." When someone praised her father, Alexieva was very excited and her eyes were red.

"Could it be that your father is worse than Yakovlev?" At this moment, even Xu Zhengyang joined in.

The woman was not kind to them, first pointing at them with a fire stick, and after being subdued, she actually wanted to use the trap here to trap them. Xu Zhengyang was originally annoyed by this woman. If it was a man, he would have clicked and twisted the other party neck up.

But now, Xu Zhengyang was a little moved when he heard that the woman was the designer of the Caspian Sea monster and was still protecting this place alone.

"That's right. At the beginning, my father was very important. Within a few years, KM was created. However, after the new leader came to power, his plan was not taken seriously and he was sidelined. He kept asking for funds, annoyed his superiors, and was constantly demoted. In 75, he was demoted to an ordinary employee, and at that time, I took over the entire project."

(End of this chapter)

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