Great warships

Chapter 376 J-31 Road: International Cooperation

Chapter 376 J-31 Road: International Cooperation

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli pondered.

The next day, an office at the naval base.

"Actually, the higher-level leaders attach great importance to the J-31 project. After all, after the plan for the southern sea area is reported, the higher-level leaders can also appreciate the benefits of vertical take-off and landing fighters. Relying on those improved products of the Yak-38 can only be used in emergencies. More advanced vertical take-off and landing fighter jets are needed." Wu Shengli said to Qin Tao: "However, you also know that the current military expenditure is still quite tight."

The development of a modern fighter requires a lot of financial support, often billions, and this J-31 product has added indicators such as stealth, which is similar to the fourth-generation aircraft. The research and development investment of this aircraft , it will rise even higher.

Judging from the current domestic situation, it is already very good to be able to spare funds to allow the J-31 to complete the test flight. The J-[-] has not been approved by the state at all, and it is completely a project developed by the Navy itself. It is difficult to obtain sufficient funds funds.

The initial funds have almost been consumed, and there is no source for the next funds. Qin Tao said that Wu Shengli is very grateful for using the funds from bidding for missiles on this project.

However, it is impossible for Mingzhou Group to spend money all the time. Among other things, the development of Gwadar Port alone will cost Mingzhou Group a large amount of money.

Therefore, the source of funds in the future must be resolved.

"I have a proposal, just for reference." Qin Tao said: "Since this project cannot receive financial support from the state and is only a project of our navy, can this project take an international route?"

"International route?" Everyone is very confused about this term.

"Just like the Super Seven, everyone should know this aircraft. The superiors didn't take care of it at all. It was an international cooperation project with self-raised funds from the 132 factory. Later, the international partner withdrew the funds, but they still insisted on it. Recently, it is said that the old bus has taken a fancy to Mikoyan Company, and it is possible to turn around." Qin Tao said: "Our project can also go this way."

"Looking for foreign funds to fund?" Everyone understood a little bit.

"It can also be said to be joint research and development. They provide funds and have to obtain some technologies. However, the core technologies are still ours. We can contract some unimportant projects to them."

"No, absolutely not." A leader at the scene became emotional immediately: "If it is a purely foreign trade model, we can still do this. Now, this aircraft is for our own use, and we must not push it to international market!"

"It seems that everyone attaches great importance to this aircraft. However, if there is no money in the pocket, the project will not continue. After a long time, what if the old man can't get his salary and leave? I can't take it a second time. They fooled around."

"It's a big deal to do it yourself. Back then, I was poor and useless..."

"That era has passed, now, how many people are willing to give selflessly?" It is just like my father, and the old man is not my father, can this be the case?
Qin Tao looked at the leader: "We need to keep pace with the times!"

"However, if we introduce foreign funds in the design stage, will that lead to the leakage of our research and development secrets? In the future, we will also equip the same aircraft ourselves. Will potential enemies touch our aircraft? Clearly? Don’t forget the lessons of the peace model back then!”

"You haven't understood what I mean. We are the general contractor. Well, to put it simply, we don't have enough money to spend now. Find a few people who don't lack money to take advantage of us to invest in us and help us share our worries. Don't worry, in the future, you can hand over unimportant parts such as wings and empennages to them for production, and then call it joint production, but in fact, you are spending other people's money to do your own business!"

"As for the aircraft, we can make some internal manipulations. For example, in the important flight control system, set a password that requires our authorization to use. It is unlocked once a year, and the ground attack capability also needs to be unlocked. If there is no authorization from us, Even if they are equipped with aircraft in the future, it will be a piece of scrap iron."

"Actually, your worries are unnecessary. When you arrive, you will find that the most important thing for an advanced fighter is the electronic system, and the electronic system will develop a generation in a few years, very quickly. You can guarantee that your aircraft is the most advanced."

"Anyway, the country doesn't have funds to invest now. Seeing that the project is about to be disbanded, wouldn't it be good to bring in a few big donors and spend money for us?"

"Boss Qin, you just said that, don't you guys understand? Anyway, you are deceiving people, which is what you are best at."

"Hey, Leader Wang, be careful what you say. What is deception? This is called international cooperation!"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong." Leader Wang followed suit.

"Taozi, your idea is very good, let's continue." Wu Shengli opened his eyes wide.

"Well, we can adopt a hierarchical model. For example, in terms of partners, they can be divided into three types according to the amount of investment. Different levels have different authorities. For example, those who invest one billion US dollars can assist in production. For a wing or something, if you invest [-] million U.S. dollars, you can get the priority purchase right of fighter jets. If you invest [-] million U.S. dollars, you can only wait for the previous customers to purchase, and then make the final purchase. At most, you can get a preferential price. Of course. , This is just an idea, and we will refine it in detail later, anyway, our plan has to be reported to the superior for approval, and it will take a long time."

Although these people present appreciated it, it was useless, and the person who made the decision had to speak up.

This set, of course, was copied from the experience of the F-35 fighter jet project. Of course, there is no F-35 yet, so in the future, Qin Tao can say with arrogance that this is an American copying his own ideas.

When Americans study the F-35, they need to invest a lot of money. They can't afford it themselves, so they can only take international cooperation projects.

The high-end F-22 is used by itself, and the low-end F-35 is exported. This is not just an arms sale, but a disguised solicitation.

If they can do it, so can we!
This idea was born in the Parthian country. The Parthian country lacks fighters, and its own research and development of fighters is short of money. Everyone just came to a deal.It's a pity that I didn't have the courage at the time, and I had to get the approval of the leader first.

"Ahem, everyone, I want to pour cold water on everyone." At this moment, another voice sounded: "At present, our aviation industry products are only imitations of the MiG-21 era. There is not even a decent third-generation aircraft, at this time, we want to take the project of developing fighter jets to the world, saying that we want to develop a fourth-generation aircraft capable of stealth, will anyone believe it?"

Hearing this question, the others also frowned.

Yes, who would believe it!

If our own side can develop advanced fighter jets, why bother to introduce the Su-27?Just this one question will make people speechless. After all, a country that can't even develop a third-generation machine is now talking about building a fourth-generation machine. Isn't this a joke?
Now, the self-developed J-[-] is still a highly confidential project, and it cannot be disclosed to the public. The only thing that can be disclosed is the Flying Leopard fighter-bomber, and that aircraft is also the foundation of the second-generation aircraft.

So, no one believed it.

It would be embarrassing if it was announced and no one came.

Not only did the secretly developed project leak out, but the expected harvest has not yet been obtained. Isn't that a waste of work?

Qin Tao smiled.

Of course, there are countries that have not developed the third-generation aircraft, and then developed the fourth-generation aircraft. The South Kimchi country is one. They have also developed stealth fighter jets, and there is another country that is willing to pay them.

Of course, there are indeed some problems with what our side is doing now, but this is nothing. Since Qin Tao brought it up, he must have his own ideas.

"What we want is this kind of sensational effect. Since the F-91 showed its power in 117, everyone has realized the advantages of stealth aircraft. However, no one knows how this aircraft is built, especially, The stealth fighter that the Americans are currently developing has not been made public, so our aircraft will be the world's first public stealth fighter, so this just shows our catching up in this respect."

"For many years, the world has thought that our aviation technology is backward, but with the fourth-generation aircraft, we have caught up and surpassed it!" Qin Tao said: "This technology is completely developed by us. In this way, we will establish our image as an aviation power, and may also drive the export of our fighter jets."

"Of course, we can also build momentum in advance and exaggerate the conclusion that the fourth-generation aircraft is omnipotent. If we want to fight against the fourth-generation aircraft, we only have the same fourth-generation aircraft. In this way, many countries will be interested. Countries with which the U.S. has bad relations, they have an imminent threat, they can only come to us for help.”

"Of course, there is still a long way to go for this aircraft to mature. We can propose when it is made public that it will take about ten years for the first flight, so try to lengthen the time as much as possible. Within these ten years , as long as it is a customer who invests money in, you have to wait patiently, we can't lie to people."

"Of course, if the Navy wants to keep it secret, we can first announce the plan of the ordinary aircraft. This vertical take-off and landing plan can be announced later." Qin Tao said: "We only need to announce the shape of the aircraft, and we can It scares a lot of people."

In the design stage, Qin Tao proposed three models in one aircraft, and, in order to compete with existing aircraft in a differentiated manner, the most difficult vertical take-off and landing model was developed first.

This model will inevitably go through many years of research and development. In comparison, the ordinary model is much easier.

Therefore, it is more acceptable for potential partners to engage in ordinary money first. Anyway, they don’t know what to use the money for.

"If you say that, it's definitely possible."

"It's not necessarily, it's for sure. I dare to pat my chest here and guarantee that as long as we can announce it, there will definitely be a partner coming to the door. Maybe it will be the kind of big sponsor who spends a billion dollars."

Qin Tao's words made everyone present nod.

Anyway, there is no funds at the moment, so if you want to get the plane out as soon as possible, you can only use this method.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's form a document and report to the superior. Old Wang, you report to the leaders of the capital."

"Okay, if you want to stay in Huating, I, Old Wang, will make a trip." Leader Wang took it over generously.

When everyone dispersed, Wu Shengli looked at his son-in-law meaningfully: "Taozi, this plane is very important to our navy, isn't it?"

Qin Tao nodded: "Our navy's carrier-based aircraft is currently the only choice to use the Su-27 modification, but this type of aircraft has no stealth capability after all, so, when our J-31 is successfully developed, it can be given to the navy. A large amount of equipment can be used as a land-based fighter jet or an aircraft carrier-based aircraft. It can be used for ski-jump and catapult take-off, or it can take off vertically on our amphibious assault ship, stationed on islands, and so on. .”

This aircraft is built according to the idea of ​​F-35, and of course it can play a similar role to F-35 in the future.

Qin Tao had high hopes.

Qin Tao is reborn here, so he must do all the foreshadowing work well, so that many potential enemies will have F-35 in the future, and his own side can still only rely on the J-15 to protect the sea and air, although this fighter is a hero. The only carrier-based heavy fighter after the cat retired, but it has no stealth capability after all.

J-31, Qin Tao had this intention when he numbered it.

"Unfortunately, it's just a single-engine aircraft!" Wu Shengli said, "Isn't this kind of aircraft unsuitable for carrier-based aircraft?"

"At that time, it will be enough to improve the reliability of the engine." Qin Tao said: "In short, if you want to use a vertical take-off and landing fighter, you can only use a single-engine solution. After general use, it will save logistics and maintenance costs. To find ways to."

"I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it." Wu Shengli shook his head quickly.


Just then, a voice came from outside.

"Come in!"

Wu Shengli's adjutant walked in: "Leader Wu, just received news that there will be a big storm in the southern waters, and Shuangsha Island will be the center of the storm."

Wu Shengli's eyes lit up, the opportunity has come!

"Taozi, what a great opportunity!"

"What's the matter? Do I have to go out again? I haven't been back for 24 hours!"

"A good man has ambitions in all directions, guarding his wife and children on the kang, what good will he do?"

"Dad, I don't like to hear you say that. How can I remember that you always run to Huating, don't you also..." Seeing the change in Wu Shengli's face, Qin Tao subconsciously swallowed what he wanted to say.

"Let's go to Mingzhou tomorrow."

"What are you doing in Mingzhou?"

"Look at the things you promised, have you made them?" Wu Shengli said: "If we want to act, we have to act quickly. Those things of yours are crucial."

"Well, okay," Qin Tao replied, "Then let's go and have a look together."

Mingzhou Shipyard is the root of Qin Tao. However, in recent months, due to Zhao Ling's pregnancy, no, Qin Tao's busy affairs, so he has been stationed in Huating. Anyway, Huating also has many units of Mingzhou Group. Including the newly established No. [-] Design Department of Mingzhou Group, it was all arranged by Qin Tao.

This time, Qin Tao and Wu Shengli returned to Mingzhou Shipyard together, which aroused everyone's curiosity.

Why did Mr. Qin come here?

Qin Tao pretended to inspect the shipyard.

"This ZPMC ship has been rebuilt?" Qin Tao looked at a ship on the outfitting dock.

"Yes, the basic assembly is completed, and the sea trial will be ready almost tomorrow. Zhenhua Heavy Industry is very relieved of us, and even the lifting arm is installed here."

Qin Tao nodded and looked at this special ship.

It looks extremely weird.

The bow and stern are tall, but the middle is very low, as if the belly of a tanker has been cut off.

In fact, it is really a tanker with its belly cut off.

"This is a [-]-ton super-large transport ship." Qin Tao introduced from Wu Shengli's side: "Zhenhua Heavy Industry bought a second-hand oil tanker, and we specially rebuilt it, cutting off all its belly, Then it was strengthened. In this way, the space in the middle can transport all kinds of oversized pieces.”

Wu Shengli nodded: "There must be a length of 200 meters in the middle. However, the ship's side is so low, will it encounter big waves and flood water during transportation?"

"This ship was originally a semi-submersible barge. Even if the central part goes into the water and only the front and rear parts are left, there is no problem." Qin Tao said, "Don't worry about sinking the ship, we have already considered it."

Big at both ends, small in the middle, and two big heads at the front and back of the slender body, it looks uncoordinated, but this kind of professional boat has to look like this.

On the bow side, there is a bridge, similar to a cruise ship. The people on board work and live there. As for the stern, there is a large crane. In this way, even if you arrive at a brand new shipyard, there is no lifting For equipment, you can also rely on your own crane to hoist the port machinery on the ship. This time, it is the best choice for the mission!
Wu Shengli raised his head and looked at the milky white paint on the bow.

"This ship hasn't been named yet?"

"Yes, according to Zhenhua Heavy Industry's plan, this first ship is going to be called Zhenhua No. [-], and it will be numbered sequentially in the future, so as to save you from thinking about various names. However, the name of the ship has not yet been written."

While talking, a car drove to the side of the pier, several people walked down, and one of them greeted from a distance.

"President Qin, President Qin!"

Qin Tao looked over with a smile on his face: "Old Guan, why are you here?"

"Mr. Qin, we originally planned to visit you in Huating. We just found out that you came back. We went to visit. They said that you have returned to Mingzhou, so we came here." Guan Tong had a smile on his face: "Mr. Qin, I heard that you bid for Gwadar Port again, this port also needs HAECO, right?"

"Guan Lao, if it's only for this kind of thing in the future, then you don't need to use it, just make a phone call. I also said that as long as you can produce port machinery, we will not buy other companies' products."

Guan Tong's heart was filled with warm currents. Anxi Abbas Shipyard had already used their Zhenhua Port Machinery, which made them finally turn losses into profits. Now, the Gwadar Port project is still using Their port machinery, then they can continue to grow and develop!

"However, I have a condition."

"President Qin, please speak."

"This investment is all made by our Mingzhou Group, so the price you gave us..."

"President Qin, don't worry, our price is only [-]% off of similar products in the world! We can't make money from Mingzhou Group!"

"Money still needs to be earned, otherwise how do you develop, just give us a discount." Qin Tao said.

This matter has been decided in this way.

There was no bidding, no comparison, and the supplier was directly selected by default. Wu Shengli felt a little curious, but he also knew that since Qin Tao believed in someone, he would never doubt it.

"Also, after this ship is built, we need to use it to do something, so it's a sea trial for you," Qin Tao said.

"Of course." Guan Tong waved his hand: "Anyway, we don't need transportation for now, you can use it for two months, but I also have a condition."


"We haven't painted Zhenhua No. [-] yet. I want to ask Mr. Qin to write an inscription for us."

"Impossible." Qin Tao answered simply and neatly.


"Because if my words are written on it, it will embarrass Zhenhua Port Machinery, and if it is known that I wrote it, it will also embarrass Mingzhou Group." Qin Tao said: "If you want to say the inscription, you have to let my father write it." Come pick it up."

"I asked Director Qin, but he didn't mention anything."

"It's not that father, it's my father, father-in-law, his handwriting is first-class." Qin Tao introduced his father-in-law, and then said to Wu Shengli: "Dad, let's cheer up, and don't worry about it." Spending the rent, this inscription must be satisfied, right?"

"Okay, no problem." Wu Shengli nodded.

If you want to say brush calligraphy, you have to be of the older generation. Although people like Qin Tao practiced it when they were young, they have long forgotten it.

Wu Shengli's handwriting is elegant and unrestrained, bold and majestic. Anyway, it is beautiful and beautiful!
"Great, great!" Seeing these calligraphy, Guan Tong was very happy, and immediately asked someone to copy it on the bow.

When several people stepped onto the wide deck in the middle, Wu Shengli was imagining the scene of the ship going out to sea, while Qin Tao had already expressed his dissatisfaction with the gangway in front.

"There is a problem with the design of this ship!"

Yang Dawei, who has always been a green leaf, was taken aback immediately: "What's the problem?"

"This gangway cannot be fixed, it must be made movable."


Yang Dawei was a little curious: "Why?"

I thought it was a big problem, but it was just such a simple mistake?Moreover, this is not considered a mistake, isn't it the case with normal gangways?
"It is made into a pull-out type, and all retractable and retractable are carried out on it."

Yang Dawei shook his head, still not understanding.

"Anti-piracy." Qin Tao gave the answer.


Now it was the turn of more people to be surprised.

"Dad, let's go and have a look over there. Mr. Guan, excuse me."

Guan Tong came here to discuss business matters, and now he got the calligraphy, of course he is very happy.

It wasn't until Qin Tao and Wu Shengli left that he realized that the person who just wrote the inscription for him was actually a big shot, and he was even more excited.

(End of this chapter)

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