Great warships

Chapter 378 Fastest Construction Record

Chapter 378 Fastest Construction Record
While they were busy, Yuzheng No. 34 boat also left the pier and headed for the destination.

Captain Xu Zailin stood on the bridge, looking at the sea ahead, feeling a little excited.

"This is a difficult task!" The instructor on the side said: "The new generation of fishery administration ships has not been built yet, and now we can only use this old ship that has been in service for more than 20 years. The displacement is only more than 300 tons."

"Yes, although this ship is an old ship, we have installed the latest water pump produced by the Huating Machinery Factory under the Mingzhou Group on our ship. Once encountering a situation, this equipment can play an important role."

"Yes, all our hopes are pinned on this kind of equipment. It is said that the fishery administration department of the island country has also ordered ten professional fishery administration ships, which are equipped with our equipment."

Back then, at the defense exhibition, Qin Tao sold a large number of catamaran water cannon boats. Of course, the most critical water cannon devices on them had to be handed over to the former water pump factory, which was their old business.

After returning from Malaysia, Qin Tao issued a research and development task, and they were also very helpful. They produced a sample in the shortest time, and then installed it on their old Yuzheng 34.

If they encounter some friction, they believe that with their own ship, they can completely complete the task!

The small Yuzheng No. 34 ship is heading towards its destination, and at this time, Zhenhua No. [-] has also sailed to the magnificent sea.

On the surface of the water, the waves are blooming, and the seagulls are flying, and then they landed on this strange ship curiously, watching a group of people acting strangely.

"If there are pirates, they can easily step onto the middle of our ship. Next, if they want to control the ship, they have to climb to the bow and stern." Qin Tao stood on the top of the bridge, Give pointers to the following part.

At this time, Li Siqi and Peng Weiyuan were a little confused, because they really didn't know why Mr. Qin said these things, probably to pass the boring time on the boat?

Yesterday, Mr. Qin was very interested in this topic, and he also specially instructed to make the climbing ladder into two sections. The way of lifting and lowering, they rushed to work overnight, and now it has been completed. Li Siqi stood there disapprovingly, with a face You have to show a serious attitude.

Speaking of pirates, they were the most popular hundreds of years ago, but in modern society, pirates seem to be extinct, right?
"Now, let's make the ladder into two sections, so the pirates can't climb it. However, I think the pirates will never admit defeat. They will have other ways. For example, they may bring their own ladders. time, it may be dangerous."

"Boss Qin, please forgive me for speaking bluntly." Peng Weiyuan finally couldn't help it: "Although I am only in my 30s, I have been floating on the sea for nearly 20 years, and I have never seen pirates."

Boss Qin is really talking too much nonsense, what should I say next? Biubiu?

Impossible thing?
Xu Zhengyang wanted to cover his face from behind, Mr. Qin is too indulgent, isn't he?

"Tell me, what are the golden sea routes in the world now?"

"The busiest places are of course the Suez Canal and the Anxi Bay area." Peng Weiyuan said: "Anxi Bay produces the most important oil in the world. After it comes out, part of it is shipped to Asia through the Strait of Malacca, and the other part is shipped to Europe through the Suez Canal. Except that the Pyramid countries closed the Suez Canal during the war in the past few years, and some large oil tankers directly bypassed the Cape of Good Hope, most of the ships navigating in Asia and Europe pass through the Suez Canal."

Qin Tao nodded, this kind of geography knowledge, children know it.

"If you want to go to the Suez Canal, you have to pass through the Red Sea. There is a country in the Gulf of Aden at the junction of the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. It is currently very unstable."

Anyway, he was idle and bored, so he might as well just continue to be the prophecy emperor, otherwise how would he spend his life at sea?


There are two countries along the coast of the Gulf of Aden, Yemen in the north and Somalia in the south, but the north is relatively stable, and Somalia is different. In 91, the Somali civil war finally broke out.

This is the tragedy of poor countries.

When it comes to the 91 war, everyone will pay attention to the oil area. No one has noticed that there is a country called Somalia not far away on an important sea route, which is suffering from the raging flames of war.

Except for a few tens of messages in the news report, there is nothing else.

No one will know, what will turn into the most troublesome thing for all maritime countries: pirates.

People always want to live, and the poor also have the need to survive. As long as they can have a bite to eat, the poor will live in peace and stability. Anyway, it's just a life.

This is the case in Somalia.

Years of civil wars, countless people died, and countless people chose to use violence. In the end, they set their sights on the passing merchant ships along the way and began to do the oldest occupation of mankind.

In modern times, pirate is definitely a derogatory term, but in the previous era, pirates were also respected by people. In that era of great navigation, when pirates of a country came back, they would be warmly welcomed by all citizens, and even The ideal of many young people is to be a pirate.

Now, Qin Tao has made an inference: Somalia is in a civil war, and there will be pirates there in the future.

"Every one of our ships will have a service life of several decades, and Zhenhua No. [-] is no exception. It may also face pirate attacks in the future. Therefore, now that we are free, let's discuss it. If we encounter What about the pirates?"

"What should I do? Please bodyguards and bring weapons! Put two fire sticks on the shelf, and kill any pirates who come here!" Li Siqi said.

Although he is a shipbuilder, Li Siqi has never sailed on the sea, nor has he been to the ports of other countries, so his irrelevant answer can only make people speechless.

Some of the crew members led by Peng Weiyuan were covering their mouths and laughing.

"What, did I say something wrong?"

"Li Gong, you probably don't know that armed civilian ships are not allowed to enter ordinary ports. Think about it, if you are qualified to carry weapons, will the red light districts on the shore kill a few people every day? ?”

The biggest problem is that civilian ships cannot carry weapons!
Even if it is brought, it must be thrown into the sea before entering the port.Moreover, if the big guys all carry weapons, it will cause a flood of weapons, and once there is friction at sea, they will be resolved with weapons, and the sea transportation will be a mess.

"That is to say, we have to face a group of pirates carrying RPGs and AK rifles with bare hands?" Li Siqi was surprised now.

"That's right, you've summed it up pretty well." Qin Tao glanced at Li Siqi appreciatively: "That's the situation. Our crew members need to find a way out of this situation."

"What can we do? We are unarmed!"

"We're not unarmed either." At this moment, Peng Weiyuan said: "Our sea journey is long, and to pass the time, we usually prepare some wine on board."

Sailors make a lot of money, but at the same time they are also very lonely. After all, it is not something ordinary people can afford to spend a few months at sea.

Therefore, no matter what the ship is, they will prepare some drinks. They cannot drink during their shifts, but after they leave their posts, they can drink a glass of wine, and then they can sleep comfortably.

"Molotov cocktail?" Li Siqi also responded.

During the Spanish Civil War, Franco's soldiers used Molotov cocktails to repel an attack by a Republican tank column.In the Soviet-Finnish War, this kind of Molotov cocktail was used more widely, and it was named after Lao Maozi's number two person at that time.

Since then, Molotov cocktails have come to refer to Molotov cocktails.

The preparation of raw materials is simple, as long as liquid fuel such as gasoline is filled in the wine bottle, then plugged with a twister, lit and thrown out, it can become the simplest burning bottle.

Moreover, it is simply too convenient to use here.

If pirates want to succeed, they can only go to the middle of the hull first, and then try to climb up.

And the bridge here is very tall, standing on it and using Molotov cocktails to hit the pirates below is really suitable.

No wonder Mr. Qin asked someone to make two parts of the gangway for climbing outside, so that he could still climb up to it.

"President Qin, will the situation in Somalia really deteriorate to the point of unmanageable?" Peng Weiyuan was a little worried.

"Everyone hopes that the world will be peaceful, but this is always hope. What we have to do is to make ourselves stronger. At that time, our navy will protect our safety." Qin Tao said: "What I just said is just a preparation, but I never want to use it."

After all, the crew are ordinary people, but the pirates are vicious, so once they really greet the pirates, the situation will definitely be very dangerous.

"Yes, Mr. Qin is right." Peng Weiyuan said with emotion: "After we officially sail in the future, we will definitely conduct anti-piracy training for the crew. We don't want to use it, but we have to be prepared."

Qin Tao nodded, his foreshadowing work has been completed.

The civilian ships built in the past were either for inland rivers or for foreign shipowners. Now that I think about it, this ship is the first ocean-going ship delivered to a domestic customer!

Therefore, Qin Tao must make anti-piracy a focus of propaganda.

"There's a fishing boat ahead!"

"Don't worry everyone, we will keep sailing normally." Qin Tao said: "We will definitely encounter many ships along the way, but they will never know what we are going to do."

After sailing away from the mainland and not having to worry about leaking secrets, Qin Tao told several people in charge of the mission of this trip. At this time, hearing Qin Tao's words, everyone's hearts surged with heroism Come.

We are going to do big things!

Qin Tao returned to the cabin.

Since boarding the ship, the sea soul shirts have not left the cabin, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

At this time, Zhang Haiyang, the person in charge of Haihunshan, was squatting in front of the bed, spreading out a map on the bed, studying something.

Although there is a desk in the room, the area is too small, which is enough to write a diary, and the bed is still spacious.

There are a few people nearby, watching together.

"What are you looking at?" Qin Tao walked in with a smile.

"President Qin, we are looking at the chart and studying the nearby sea area. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. No matter what happens, we have to deal with it ourselves."

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, it is necessary to study, but, in the recent period, you should have studied it thoroughly, right? Change another one, and study what you will do after you go up."


So, a new map was rolled out, but this time it was not a sea map, but a map of their living area.

"Your main activity area is Platform No. [-]. After you go up, you need to connect the pipes in the room as soon as possible to test whether the water pipes can flow normally and whether there is any problem with each circuit. We can also repair it on the spot. If we leave, You'll have to deal with it yourself."

"President Qin, we believe in the construction technology of Mingzhou Group, and the rooms you provide must be fine." Zhang Haiyang said.

"Don't be superstitious about us. As long as it is a machine, there will always be a breakdown. I don't know if the solar panels on the roof can meet your needs. If it is too hot, turn on the diesel generator."

In the 60s, solar power generation technology began to exist in China. In 1983, a 10-kilowatt (KW) civilian photovoltaic power station was built somewhere in China. It is known as the oldest photovoltaic power station in China and is still preserved to this day. Years of wind and rain, the power can still be maintained at about 7 kilowatts (KW).

However, the current domestic photovoltaic industry is still very weak. Therefore, the solar panels on the top of these houses are imported from island countries. The explosive growth of the domestic photovoltaic industry will have to wait until after the new millennium.

At the destination, the sunlight is strong and solar energy is abundant, so Qin Tao proposed this plan, but it is a bit wishful thinking to use solar cells to drive the air conditioner, and there is no inverter air conditioner yet. The era of electricity.

Therefore, if you want to turn on the air conditioner, you can only use a diesel generator.

"Mr. Qin, we can endure hardships and are not afraid of the heat. I have gone up for the third time. The first time I lived in a cat's ear hole on the sea, and the second time I lived in a yurt on the sea. Now, we live in a building with complete water and electricity. Everyone I’m so happy, just have an electric fan to blow it, and save the diesel!”

"What can we save? Our navy still lacks this bit of diesel oil?" Qin Tao said: "Only when the living conditions are better can the big guys eat well, sleep well, and have energy. You don't have to feel that you are special. Others The reefs will all be equipped with the same equipment."

As far as diesel is concerned, the navy really doesn't have a shortage. After all, how much oil does a warship have to burn for a trip?No matter how nervous you are, there is no shortage of them.

"Boss Qin, everyone is familiar with the map of our living quarters, but we are still a little curious about platforms No. [-] and No. [-]."

"You don't know what those two platforms are for?" Qin Tao was a little surprised.

"The task we accepted was to temporarily use those two platforms as training grounds, especially after we went up, we needed to lay a layer of refractory bricks on them, which we found very interesting."

Although the platforms have been welded, the buildings on the platforms are separated. It is impossible to lay the refractory bricks for the two platforms in advance. They can only wait until they go up, and these soldiers lay the bricks on during the training interval.

Anyway, it is flat, as long as a layer is laid neatly.

As for why they need to shop, they are a little curious.

These two platforms seem to be able to take off and land helicopters, and they are also equipped with several containers, which should be tools for aircraft maintenance, but they still don't know why the refractory bricks are laid.

"Well, I'll know when the time comes, I hope I don't need to use it."

Qin Tao can only hope that everything goes well. It is best not to use vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, because that means the situation will deteriorate to a certain extent.

"We don't need it either?"

"Of course you have to use it. You can train on it every day. When our Shuangsha Island Village is established in the future, I may come here to fish again."

"President Qin, then we will wait for you at Shuangsha Island!"

Qin Tao patted Zhang Haiyang on the shoulder and walked out.

The ship is still moving.

In the vast sea, even if it is a tanker of hundreds of thousands of tons, it is only a small point. The dispatch of Zhenhua No. [-] did not attract anyone's attention. When they moved to the southern waters, the fourth Tropical Storm No. [-], just left this sea area.

The sun was scorching hot, scorching the boat under his feet, and even wearing shoes, he could still feel the heat wave from the deck.

"I guess, if an egg is brought up now, we can spread egg pancakes on this deck." Standing on the deck, Qin Tao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"That's right, Mr. Qin, that's really true. It's almost sixty or seventy degrees on our deck, and you can really fry eggs. Let's go, let's go into the bridge, where there is air conditioning."

When the ship was remodeled, everything was fully installed, and it floated on the sea all year round. If there is an air conditioner in the bridge, it will definitely be a comfortable enjoyment for the people on the boat.

Domestic warships used to have no air conditioning, and they had to rely on their own firm will to endure missions in the southern waters.It was only later that a fully enclosed frigate appeared, with a three-defense system, and it was also equipped with an air conditioner, so that it would be more comfortable to perform tasks.

Hearing Xu Zhengyang's words, Qin Tao smiled: "I just want to experience the hardships of the former naval soldiers. When we build new warships, we must ensure the comfort of the soldiers. The warships built for the Southern Fleet, the air-conditioning system power must be increased."

"President Qin, you have experienced it too, go back now, if you suffer from heat stroke, how can I explain to the leader."

"Okay, listen to you."

Qin Tao walked back.

Entering the bridge, there is a hint of coolness inside. Sure enough, there is still an air conditioner.

"Our soldiers guarding here have suffered a lot! When we replace the new generation of outposts, we will be able to experience the same refreshing feeling." Qin Tao sighed.

I came here a few months ago, and it wasn't so hot, but now June and July are the hottest time!

"Well, Mr. Qin, based on what you are doing now, my life, Xu Zhengyang, is yours. You have made too many contributions to our navy." Xu Zhengyang felt a little emotional.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Tao gave Xu Zhengyang a blank look.

The ship continued to sail forward, and finally, Shuangsha Island was in sight.

The time is nine in the morning.

"Attention, slow down and sail!"

At the bow of the ship, an experienced old sailor stood there, watching the situation below the sea surface, holding a chart tightly in his hand.

After all, they are [-]-ton extra-large transport ships, and they don't have the equipment of scientific research ships. They can only observe the underwater situation with their eyes and cooperate with the sea chart. If they make a mistake and hit the reef, then There will be big troubles.

Moreover, they must be close to the reef so that they can put the cargo loaded on the ship.

The speed of the boat was very slow, slower than that of a person walking. Little by little, little by little, they climbed up. After walking for more than two hours, at eleven o'clock in the morning, they finally arrived at the designated location.

Everyone let out a long breath.

"Attention, prepare for lifting operation!"

The crane at the rear turned.

In the middle of the ship, several staff members stood on the platform that was about to be hoisted, and hung the sling on the reserved position of the platform. The huge platform was slowly hoisted, and on the bridge, unrelated people were watching this magnificent scene. scene.

Building tasks that would have taken months now take just a few strokes.

The crane rotated slowly, and the platform moved towards the reef. After more than ten minutes of adjusting the posture, the platform was finally placed firmly on the reef!

In the past, if you wanted to build such a platform, you had to drive piles, pour cement concrete, and toss for a long time. Now, it takes ten minutes to put it on!
Because the concave and convex parts are very precise, after the buckle is fastened, it fits perfectly. You only need to screw in a few expansion screws, or even use nothing, and it will be stable.

Then, it's time to lift the house above!

Reinforced concrete buildings are the most suitable building materials in this era. This kind of house is not afraid of the sun and wind. Even if a tropical storm comes, don't even think about blowing it over.

One, two, three!Keep building blocks!

The three houses have all been hoisted, and this project is much faster than just hoisting the platform.

Qin Tao glanced at his watch, it was [-]:[-], an hour was not used up, and this solid reef outpost was formed.

From the first generation of cat ear holes, to the second generation of yurts, and then to the third generation in front of you, what is this?Fixed fort?

This is a memorable moment!
Although there are still two other platforms that need to be hoisted, Zhang Haiyang and others can't wait to go up. They rowed a small boat, tied it to the side of the platform, stepped on the water on the reef, and stepped on the platform.

"Quickly, put up our flagpole!" Zhang Haiyang shouted loudly.

The location of the originally planned basketball court had reserved a location for the installation of the flagpole, and the Haihun shirts quickly erected the flagpole.

It was just twelve o'clock.

In the familiar tune, a flag was raised slowly. Zhang Haiyang took all the sea soul shirts and stood in front of the flag, raising his hands in salute.

"I swear!"

After taking the oath, Zhang Haiyang shouted loudly: "Now, wading patrol!"

They stepped off the reef and patrolled forward in the sea water below their calf. The person at the front was holding a brightly colored flag.

Looking at this scene, Qin Tao's heart was extremely excited, and he felt his eyes were moist.

 It seems that the monthly ticket is doubled on the last day, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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