Great warships

Chapter 381 Publication of International Cooperation Projects

Chapter 381 Publication of International Cooperation Projects
"This is an airplane that can only be designed by God!" I don't know how long it took, but when talking about this scene, Luo Lisi was still full of emotion: "We were all shocked at that time, the ancient East could actually design such an aerodynamic shape, A perfect blend of flight performance and stealth performance!"

"So, is it possible that they copied the design of our F-22 fighter jet?"

"I don't know. I heard that after this model was announced, Lockheed conducted a comprehensive investigation. However, the results of the investigation showed that the designer who developed the F-22 did not sell his soul."

"So, did you get the technology from the old man? How could a country that could only improve the MiG-21 suddenly leapfrog the third-generation aircraft and develop a fourth-generation aircraft?"

"I don't know about that, but judging from the available information, it shouldn't be, because the old Maozi never thought of using appearance to hide. They have always followed the path of plasma stealth. Unfortunately, if the Red Empire If there is no collapse, it is really possible for them to get it out."

These are all what Luo Lisi said in the interview later. As for now, Luo Lisi's big eyes are just staring at the model.

beautiful, so beautiful!
The length of that model is only more than 30 centimeters, it looks like a model airplane, but its shape is different from any airplane in this era!

It is all black, I don't know if it is because of the inspiration from F-117, it is painted with black paint, regardless of the color, first look at the shape, on the red tablecloth, it is so conspicuous.

The rhombus-shaped nose has prominent lines on both sides, and it is just combined with the upper end of the air intake at the rear. It is very coordinated. The air intake is a parallelogram. On the edge of the air intake, there is no boundary layer board, just saw something like a drum kit.

Extending backward is the wing, the butterfly wing, and the distance from the empennage is very close.

The tail is even more special. Its two vertical tails are inclined to the outside, which should take into account the requirement of side stealth.

When seeing the shape of this aircraft completely different from any aircraft of this era, everyone was amazed by its appearance.

"Excuse me, what are the bulges on both sides of the air intake?"

"This is our innovative technology. The professional name is called supersonic inlet without boundary layer. It uses a fixed bulge to simulate the first and second adjustable swash plates in the conventional inlet, and can achieve The compression of the airflow, as well as the purpose of simplifying the structure and making it invisible." When Zhao Dangsheng introduced it, he was still a little apprehensive.

After all, this kind of technology has not been mastered by ourselves!But Mr. Qin said that it must be announced here, so that the invention right is his own!
In the field of military aircraft development, there is no such thing as patent rights, as long as there is technology, it can be used, and now it is published for the sake of fame.

Who said that China's military aircraft research and development capabilities are weak?We can lead this era!

"What does it have to do with invisibility?" someone asked below.

"It's a big deal. This bulge protrudes and just blocks the engine blades behind, which is the strongest source of electromagnetic reflection. At the same time, when the intake port is pre-compressed, the boundary layer between the air and the intake port wall will be outside the intake port. In this way, the electromagnetic wave emitted by the radar is an oscillating particle wave, which cannot easily enter the air intake of the fighter jet."

These words are true or false, the former is true, but the latter, for the time being, Zhao Dangsheng and the others have not discovered it.However, to announce it to the public, it is still necessary to say these things, whether it is true or not, if it can mislead the colleagues, it will be a very face-saving matter.

Qin Tao was in a corner, listening to the speech here, and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

He didn't expect that his superiors would agree to his plan so quickly.

At present, there are two key projects in the aviation industry, the introduction of the Su-27 production line, and the production of the J-11 fighter jets. This project is currently the most expensive and the most effective.

The self-developed J-[-] has already begun test flights. This aircraft is independently developed by its own side, and its specific performance will not be known to outsiders. It can be regarded as a killer weapon.

These two projects have already consumed a lot of money. Even the Flying Leopard has to use the meager funds of the navy to maintain it. Therefore, at this time, the superiors simply cannot afford to support the J-31 project. Moreover, this The project is not a planned project in the aviation industry system at all.

Since the superior does not support it, it is of course no problem to turn it into an international commercial project. After all, if the superior does not allocate funds, this project can only go through other channels. Otherwise, the project will definitely be terminated in the end .

The mentality of the superiors is like this. If you do it yourself, if you succeed, it will promote the progress of our country's aviation industry. After all, the stealth ability is high. If it fails, we have nothing to lose.

In this way, the superior approved it.

Just in time for this opportunity, he simply announced to the public that Qin Tao came here to do these things. Anyway, he promoted it, and he is duty-bound.

At this time, Zhao Dangsheng was still answering the following questions.

"Excuse me, since you call this project J-31A, in other words, it is also a vertical take-off and landing fighter?"

If the answer is yes, then even the Americans cannot do it.

In the past few years, the technology of vertical take-off and landing fighters has been very popular, and many companies are working on it, but in the end, there are two mature ones.

Even the U.S. Marine Corps also purchases British sea harriers.

"Yes, our aircraft is a vertical take-off and landing fighter. It is modified on the basis of the previous aircraft." Zhao Dangsheng said: "Next, we will briefly introduce the technology used by this fighter. "

As he said that, Zhao Dangsheng took out a design drawing board from behind the desk, and when he put the drawing board on it, there was another sound of a camera.

"We know that there are only two vertical take-off and landing fighter schemes in the world, one is the Sea Harrier and the other is the Jacques. But both have shortcomings. For example, the biggest disadvantage of the Jacques is the scorching airflow from the lift engine. The deck, our current plan, has completely improved this shortcoming."

"How to improve?"

"As you can see from the design drawings, we used the rear take-off and cruise engine and the front lift engine structure. However, our lift engine is not an ordinary jet engine. It is just a lift fan. Through this shaft, the rear It is driven by the engine, so that it blows down the cold wind and does not scorch the deck."

Zhao Dangsheng introduced it.

Now that it is announced, there is no need to worry about leaks. It is just a big fan. How is this fan made and what is the specific structure?Don't worry if you don't publish these.

Moreover, if it is announced like this, some people should have a headache.

Although the famous F-35 will not enter the public's field of vision until the 21st century, the relevant pre-research work has already begun.

Just last year, the U.S. Department of Defense launched the "Joint Advanced Attack Technology" JASF demonstrator research, and established the JASF Research Program Office in January this year. The goal of this program is to develop a light combat attack aircraft common to several military services series, replacing the F-1E, F-15, F-16C, and F-15 of the US Air Force, the F-117 of the Navy, and the AV-14B of the Marine Corps, several obsolete models.

It is said that the United Kingdom has also expressed strong interest in this program and proposed to join the program to replace the Harrier fighter jets and the Sea Harrier series developed by this aircraft.In order to integrate resources and highlight key points, the Americans consider including the ongoing US Navy "Joint Strike Fighter" JAF program and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's "Common Low-Cost Light Fighter" CALF program into the JASF program, the most famous in history. The "Joint Strike Fighter" plan has gradually surfaced.

All major companies have already started preparations. With the preliminary plans, if Lockheed hears their own plans, they will definitely be disgusted.

Who invented this scheme?China!The American plan is also copied from China!

Thinking about that scene, it's spectacular enough, and, maybe in order to avoid suspicion, Lockheed will start a new project, or the X-32 plan will win, and finally become the F-32.

"In this way, the space between the front and rear is exactly the space of our weapon bay. In order to pursue stealth performance, we will also adopt the method of built-in weapon bay."

After hearing these introductions, everyone was even more excited, and some people raised new questions.

"Are you confident in developing it? It's just a model now, and it will cost a lot of money to actually develop it!"

These reporters can be regarded as implicit, did not directly say that they can only plagiarize?When will it be original?
"Yes, it will cost a lot of money to develop this fourth-generation aircraft. What we are doing now is the shape. Its engine, avionics, flight control, etc. are all difficulties we need to overcome. It is expected to consume at least $50 billion in funds."

50 billion!
F-16, this world-renowned fighter jet, cost only 8.7 million U.S. dollars in research and development, but that was the price in the 70s. After that, the research and development of aircraft became more and more expensive.When it comes to F-22, the research and development cost is more than 200 billion, and the cost allocated to each aircraft is more than 1 million. When it comes to F-35, it has risen to more than 400 billion. (There are different sayings, some say 700 billion, and some say 2000 billion.)
"Of course, this is only a preliminary estimate. After all, global inflation continues, so in the later stage, research and development funds may continue to rise, but 100 billion is definitely no problem."

"You have so much money?"

Now, let’s get to the point again!
Zhao Dangsheng admired Qin Tao's arrangement so much that these reporters raised all the questions without saying anything.

"So, our aircraft will adopt a new research and development model." Zhao Dangsheng said: "This aircraft will become an international joint aircraft. Anyone who wants to obtain a fourth-generation aircraft can join our plan , we welcome partners who have ideas but no technology to join our project through investment, and through this project, they will also get a lot of benefits."

"global cooperation?"

This is definitely the first time!

Has anyone ever heard that when a country develops weapons, it needs to cooperate with other countries?Generally speaking, the weapons are developed and sold, and then earn profits from the arms. During the research and development stage, they are all done by themselves.

However, there is also international cooperation. The European Tornado fighter jets and Typhoon fighter jets are the products of international cooperation. However, these are the joint development of several countries with strong technical strength. They are only invested in this kind, and have never been seen before.

Will anyone join in?

and many more!There seems to be a problem here!

"As far as I know, although there is a demand for vertical take-off and landing fighters in the world, it is not big. It is understandable that you want to obtain a large amount of funds through international cooperation, but what do you want to do?" to determine that potential customers will need this vertical take-off and landing fighter?"

After all, most countries still need conventional fighter jets, and they don't have so many islands to defend, and they don't have aircraft carriers. Therefore, if this aircraft is an ordinary vertical take-off and landing fighter jet, the sales area will be very narrow.

"The question raised by this reporter is very good." Zhao Dangsheng nodded: "If it is just a vertical take-off and landing fighter, then the user area of ​​our aircraft must be very narrow, but you can continue to look at our aircraft design drawings, as long as we Remove the front lift engine and replace it with an auxiliary fuel tank, equipment compartment or weapon compartment, then it can be transformed into an ordinary stealth fighter. At the same time, due to the removal of these mechanisms, the performance of the aircraft will also be further improved. We estimate , There will be thousands of demand for this regular version in the world!"

In front of everyone's eyes, Zhao Dangsheng reached out to the design board, and then easily tore off the lifting fan and rotating shaft on it!
This part is actually pasted on?
After tearing it off, he replaced it with an ordinary fuel tank sticker and pasted it on it. It was slightly crooked, but everyone could see it clearly at a glance.

Whether it is the Sea Harrier or the Yak-38, due to structural limitations, it cannot be changed into a conventional fighter, but the design in front of it is different, the engine is arranged at the tail, if the front structure is removed, it will be an ordinary fighter. The layout of the fighter jets.

"How long do you expect the research and development of this aircraft to take?"

"The fourth-generation aircraft is also a major challenge for us. We predict that even if we have sufficient funds, it will take ten years of hard work to successfully develop it. Therefore, we hope that customers who are interested in purchasing our aircraft will You must be mentally prepared. Now that you have made a decision, you must go on firmly. Well, our press conference today will end here. Later, we will open this plane, and everyone can line up to take photos with the plane Take a memory, and then you can leave."

Everything that should be said has been said, and Zhao Dangsheng is not as nervous as he was at the beginning. After leaving these words, he left calmly.

What about Mr. Qin?Where did President Qin go?
Qin Tao didn't do anything else, he was hungry, so he went to eat with Lei Qiang.

If it is in the aviation base, there will be a special pilot restaurant with the highest standard in the army, but in the aircraft factory, there are not many pilots in total, and it is enough to open a small kitchen for the pilots alone.

At this time, Qin Tao was enjoying the treatment of a pilot, and Lei Qiang, who was sitting across from him, didn't feel anything wrong at all. At this time, he felt that he had a lot to say to Qin Tao, and eating became a Secondary.

"Lei Zi, you have worked hard this time. In such a hot weather, you have to wear a full set of equipment and perform for so long." Qin Tao said to Lei Qiang.

"What's the hard work, we pilots have to be like this, even if it's summer, we have to wear thicker clothes, we've already gotten used to it," Lei Qiang said.

Although it’s hot on the ground, it’s cold in the sky, especially at an altitude of [-] meters, where the temperature is still below zero. If you don’t dress thickly, if you have to parachute in case of an accident, you won’t be frozen broken.

Therefore, no matter how hot it is, you have to dress thickly.

"President Qin, let's hold a press conference to make an official announcement. Will there be any clients to invest?" Lei Qiang continued to ask.

Qin Tao smiled: "Of course it will, I am very confident. You think, the era of stealth aircraft has arrived, but there are not many countries that can develop stealth aircraft, and there will always be people who will take a fancy to it. Why, what do you think about this Are you interested in this aircraft?"

"Yes, our country needs vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. The sea in the south is especially urgent. If it still has the ability to stealth, it will definitely greatly enhance our control over the territorial waters of the motherland. However, it is too difficult for us to develop an aircraft. I don’t know how long it will take for this aircraft to mature.”

Qin Tao nodded. Of course, he knew that Lei Qiang was expressing his feelings. The development of the J-31 had gone through hardships. The next J-[-]A is more technically difficult, and the development time may be even longer.

"Yes, everything is difficult at the beginning. The J-31 is the first aircraft we developed, so we have experienced a lot of twists and turns. However, on the basis of this aircraft, we have already gone a long way. It will be easier to go on." Qin Tao is still confident about this: "As for our J-[-]A, the biggest problem at present is funding. If there is a big donor who invests us a billion dollars, maybe , within five years this aircraft will be ready for test flight.”

A penny is hard for a hero. In order to engage in J-611, Mr. Song set up a noodle stall in front of [-] for a while, so poor.

Although Qin Tao can make money, he can't invest all his funds in the J-31A project. After all, he also has a lot of things to do.

So, what is missing now is investment.

Although at the press conference just now, Zhao Dangsheng said that he needed 50 billion US dollars, it was just for making money. In fact, the research and development funds for the J-40 are only 31 billion yuan. If the J-[-]A can have more One billion US dollars, you can get to the step of test flight.

When it’s time for the test flight, and then show it to the public, it is estimated that more people will come to invest.

"Within five years? Isn't that too fast? Isn't there a lot of new technology applied to it?" Lei Qiang was a little surprised.

"Yes, it is true that a lot of new technologies have been applied, but it is just changing the shell. For us, the biggest difficulty is the engine. If we don't modify it and just use the imitation of the original R-79 engine, five In a year, it should be able to be produced."

This matter was also promoted by Qin Tao. He brought back the full set of information on the R-79 engine, including the smelting information of various materials, etc.

Therefore, if he just thoroughly understands the technology and then imitates it, he feels that time is enough. As for improvement and improvement, that is a later matter.

The technology of the engine is solved by the relevant departments, and the project of the lift fan has been developed in the machinery factory over there in Huating, and it is steadily developing.

What's left?

The main thing is the flight control, right?

In this regard, Qin Tao believed in Zhao Dangsheng.Moreover, the J-611 has already started test flights, and there are no problems with the flight control. The foundation of [-] in this area is already very solid.

As long as the problem of flight control is solved, there will be no other problems in the development of this J-31A.

"President Qin, this kind of stealth machine not only depends on its appearance, but also has a special skin coating, right? It seems that only Americans have this thing in the world."

Hearing what Lei Qiang said, Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, only the Americans have it, but we only need to find a chance to knock down an F-117 in the future, and there will naturally be samples of this stealth coating."

Knock down the F-117?President Qin, are you joking?That is the best stealth machine in the world, and it has never been discovered after being put into the battlefield.

Lei Qiang was a little puzzled, but he also knew that Boss Qin was amazing, and since he said it, he would definitely be able to do it, so he still couldn't raise his question.

"Boss Qin, if this aircraft can really be developed, then our J-[-] will be outdated." Lei Qiang felt a little lonely again.

The 611 Institute has spent decades of painstaking efforts, and the first finished product is the J-31, but what about now?If this J-[-]A comes out, then the J-[-] will be completely out of date.

"How could it be?" Qin Tao said: "J-27 has already started test flight, and in five years, it will be able to equip troops, and match with the domestically produced Su-31 to build our Great Wall of the Sky. J-[-]A is five years After the first flight, it will take another five years or even ten years until it matures."

"Moreover, the J-31A is only a medium-sized fighter. Our country has a vast land and resources, and there is a vast airspace to protect. Therefore, we also need twin-engine heavy fighters. After our 611 has completed the J-[-] project, we can develop another duck In this way, after entering the era of stealth aircraft, we can still match high and low."

The J-31A project was initiated by Qin Tao. Although the performance indicators are excellent, it is only a commercial cooperation product. Moreover, it is only the foundation of a medium-sized aircraft. Qin Tao does not hope that this project will bring benefits to other domestic projects. to threaten.

The motherland still needs heavy fighters. After getting used to the Su-27, I definitely want heavy stealth fighters. Therefore, the J-31 project will not disappear. On the contrary, with the technology accumulation on the J-[-]A, the J-[-] Ten will be faster.

"Boss Qin is right!" Just then, a voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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