Great warships

Chapter 385 Accident Handling

Chapter 385 Accident Handling
Europe is still in the middle of the night.

Jingle Bell!
Sergi Dassault was jolted awake when the phone rang.

After all, he is an old man. If he calls suddenly at such a late night, isn't he afraid that he will be frightened and have a heart attack?
Serge was very annoyed, but he was also a very sensible person, and not many people knew the phone number of his residence, so the call at such a time was probably something very important.


"Your Excellency Serge, something has happened!" A panicked voice came from the opposite side.

"Don't worry, kid, the sky won't fall."

"The Maersk cargo ship that we transported the Mirage 2000 fighter jet was seized by the Anxi State when it entered Anxi Bay."

"What?" Serge's face suddenly changed: "How did this happen? Why did they detain it? This is a flagrant violation of international law! Aren't they afraid of our retaliation?"

"According to what they said, the Maersk cargo ship sank a fishing boat in Parthia and caused the death of two fishermen. They have held a press conference to announce that."

"Damn it, how could this happen?" Serge only felt a thump in his heart.

"What shall we do now?"

If there is a problem with the goods during transportation, who should I contact?Insurance company!However, this kind of hit-and-run is not within the scope of compensation.

At this time, Serge was fully awake. He tapped his fingers on the table, and after thinking about it, he said, "Get me a plane."

"Are you going to the country of Anxi?"

"Of course not, the cargo ship also transported goods from other countries, so we can let other countries put pressure on the rest of the country!"

Parth State, Bandar Abbas.

Karim looked at Qin Tao with full admiration: "Mr. Qin, your move is really amazing. We have already investigated it. There are ten Mirage 2000 fighter jets on that cargo ship!"

"Congratulations, you have gained a lot this time, and your aviation force can have ten more modern fighter jets. Of course, if you feel that these aircraft are inconvenient to operate and have no source of parts, you can also sell them to other countries. "

Now that they were all detained, the ten Mirage 2000s, of course, could not continue their original journey.

Karim frowned: "Qin, we are now detaining this cargo ship, occupying the advantage of the basic international norms, and the other side has nothing to say, but if we unload the cargo on board and use it ourselves, will this cause trouble?" Public dissatisfaction?"

Qin Tao smiled: "Who will be dissatisfied? Do they dare to call out? Karim, you should have got the ship's waybill? Are there those ten planes on it?"

Karim's eyes lit up.

Transporting ten Mirage 2000s was a secret mission, so there was nothing on the shipping list!

Therefore, even if those ten Mirage 2000s are lost, the other party can’t throw shit on the Anxi country. There is no such thing on the cargo list of your shipment. You are spreading rumors, and you want to blame users Ten Phantom 2000, don't implicate others!

"Report, the Ka people are here." Just then, a voice came from outside.

"President Qin, I have to go to work." Karim said.

"Well, they must have come to ask for the goods. You might as well take this opportunity to publish the waybill directly." Qin Tao suggested.

Karim nodded.

The person who came was Ali, the person in charge of the country's import and export business. After meeting Karim, he immediately gave a gift.

The box was not big, so Karim opened it and saw that it was a gold watch with glittering gold!
"Your Excellency Karim, it was the cargo ship that got into trouble this time, and it has nothing to do with the cargo on the cargo ship. We want to take the cargo away, do you think it's okay?"

Karim shook his head and put the gold watch back: "I'm sorry, I have no right to decide this matter. We seized the ship just to express our anger, but we will not touch the things on the ship. Wait until After the matter is resolved, the cargo ship can of course continue to deliver goods."

"So, how do you plan to solve this incident?"

"We need to see the attitude of the owner behind the Maersk freighter, and we need to see their sincerity." Karim said, "They sank our fishing boat and wanted to escape. If it wasn't for our helicopter However, they will definitely not admit it afterwards, this kind of shameless person must be severely punished!"

"Then what do you want?"

"Hmph, at least one billion ransom must be given to us to pay for their crimes. Otherwise, everyone on board will be sentenced to life imprisonment, and the goods on board will also be publicly auctioned by us to compensate the families of the victims!"


Ali was shocked.

"Isn't this too expensive? Can you make it cheaper?"

"Ali, can you talk like that? Human life is priceless!" Karim raised his eyes and said, "You are useless with us. You should tell the shipowner to face up to the mistake and apologize to us. Compensate us for our losses!"

"By the way, we will publish all the cargo lists on the ship. I hope you cargo owners can also be more vigilant. When choosing a shipping company in the future, you must keep your eyes open and don't choose this kind of fleet without any morals!"

Soon, the cargo list on the Maersk cargo ship was also published. Seeing these cargoes, people can't help feeling that the people in the oil region are so rich!
card country.

Serge saw Ali who came back in a hurry, and he was extremely annoyed when he heard what he introduced.

"One billion, they are simply robbing!"

"Based on the publicized cargo, the value of all the cargo on the entire freighter is indeed worth one billion dollars. However, if they think that they can get one billion dollars in this way, they would be naive. We would rather reorder than I'll give them the money."

Those are high-value items, including luxury cars, expensive electronic products, and even toilets made of pure gold in several containers!

Ali's attitude is firm.

Essentially, this conflict is related to the Anxi fishermen and the owner of the Maersk cargo ship. The cargo on board is innocent, and Karim actually said that he would auction the cargo on it. How dare they!
"Now, they are opening their mouths. It won't be long before they have to lower their stance. In the end, the ship will be detained there for a long time. Anyway, the cargo on it will always be ours."

Kaguo can wait, but Dassault doesn't dare to wait!
If the Anxi people find the ten Phantom 2000s in the lower deck, they will be in big trouble!
Those cargoes were hidden very well, and the ship had been stared at by the reporters all the time, so the other party should not have found the Mirage 2000, otherwise, the other party would definitely proudly announce that they found that the ship was loaded with contraband!
Quick, it must be dealt with as soon as possible!

But what to do next?
Serge was in a complicated mood. When he returned to the hotel, he hadn't sat down to think quietly when there was a hasty knock on the door outside.

"Mr. Serge, why did this happen? Was our secret transportation mission leaked?" After entering the door, Ge Guangle couldn't help shouting.

"Hey, calm down, are you yelling so loudly that you want the whole world to know?" Sergi cast a dissatisfied glance at Ge Guangle, this little boy!
In fact, Ge Guangle is already in his 40s, smart and capable. He contacted Dassault and single-handedly facilitated the deal. However, in the eyes of Sergi, who is in his 60s, he is still a sloppy guy.

"Okay, what should we do now?" Ge Guangle asked.

"Currently, the other party probably doesn't know that the plane is on top, after all, it's inside the lower deck, and it's still tightly wrapped." Sergi said: "Now, we need to resolve this conflict as soon as possible and let them release the ship. "

"Well, what should we do specifically? They are all damned shipowners!"

Serge glanced at Ge Guangle with dissatisfaction: "Now is not the time to complain, but to find a solution to the problem. The shipowner will lose at most one ship and the crew on it, but we will lose ten fighters!"

"Well, does the other party have any requests?"

"They've come with demands, and if they pay a billion dollars, they'll let it go."

"One billion dollars, this is simply stealing money!" Ge Guangle said angrily.

"Yes, I have already contacted the cargo owners, and their attitudes are almost the same. They would rather keep the ship detained than spend any money."

"This money should be paid by the shipowner!"

"Mr. Ge, think about it, will the ship owner spend a billion dollars? That ship is worth tens of millions, and the people on board are worth a hundred million at most!"

If the shipowner is not willing to pay the money, are others willing to pay?Even Ge Guangle and the others couldn't do it.

Ten Phantom 2000s are only worth half the price, and [-] million is the sky-high.

At this time, it is impossible for them to pay one billion!

"If someone goes to negotiate and lowers the price to [-] million US dollars, then we still have a chance." Serge said, "You find a way to raise [-] million, we find a way to raise [-] million, plus a part of the shipowner's [-] million, gather [-] million and send it to the Anxi people!"

Three hundred million?

Ge Guangle was a little surprised, where did he get the [-] million US dollars?However, the meaning of the other party's words is clear.

If they don't pay 2000 million, then these ten Mirage [-] will be in vain.

"Mr. Serge, you can't do this, we have already paid for those fighter planes!"

"Then we spent money to produce it." Serge said: "None of us want to see this kind of thing happen today, but since it happened, we have to find a way to solve it! If any of us Without paying any money, in the end, the Anxi people found the batch of Mirage 2000 fighters, and they can sell them for [-] million US dollars as long as they sell them!"

Ge Guangle was extremely upset, but he could roughly imagine the consequences. Now, they have to figure out a way to solve this matter together!
[-] million is possible. The problem is, the people of Anxi do not agree, and the other party wants a billion dollars!

Unless there is a powerful person who acts as an intermediary to make peace, this person must be very friendly with the Parthian people.

In Ge Guangle's mind, a person came to mind.

"President Qin of the Mingzhou Group is engaged in construction here in Anxi. They are the ones who started the Abbas Shipyard. He has a very good relationship with the people of Anxi. We only need to ask him, and it should be able to play a certain role, but , it is not convenient for us to come forward, Mr. Serge, can you come forward?" Ge Guangle asked.

"Mingzhou Group, Mr. Qin?" Serge frowned: "We are aircraft builders and have no contact with their ship builders. However, our domestic GTT company has had many contacts with them. We need to hire GTT company Come out."

Ge Guangle nodded: "Then let's collect money."

[-] million is [-] million, it's better than throwing money at nothing. For them, it is too difficult to purchase weapons from abroad, so they spend money to eliminate disasters.

When transporting next time, we must let them choose a good ship owner and drive over directly!

After Ge Guangle left, Serge's assistant asked, "Are we really going to pay [-] million?"

"Of course not. The cargo owners here are so rich. It is still possible to ask them to raise [-] million. The key now is to ask someone to ask the boss of Mingzhou Group for help and reduce the claim amount by half."

Originally, Qin Tao was just moving the horse to watch the excitement. He would never have thought that he would still have a chance to play.

When Qin Tao, who was inspecting at the Abbas Shipyard, accidentally heard Mbappe, a senior official of GTT, came to find him, he was very curious.

At this time, most of the infrastructure in the shipyard has been completed. The newly renovated office of the shipyard has bright and clean windows, and swaying branches can be seen outside.

"Mr. Mbappe, you came all the way to find me, what's the matter?" Qin Tao asked knowingly, "Is it about the natural gas ship?"

Mbappe shook his head: "No, I'm here for the Maersk cargo ship. Mr. Qin, do you know anything about this cargo ship?"

Qin Tao shook his head repeatedly, and Mbappe thought Qin Tao was deliberately pretending not to know, but Qin Tao was feeling emotional.

"I ran into a boat and wanted to run away, but I was caught and I got all the stolen goods. Alas, it really is the Skynet that is so meticulous and meticulous!"

"President Qin, I'm here at the invitation of the owner of the ship. After all, that ship belongs to us in France."

"Your government can come forward to put pressure on them."

"This, before our government comes forward, we want to solve it in private. The other side asks for one billion dollars. This figure is too high for us to bear. Our psychological base price is [-] million dollars. Therefore, we want to ask Qin Always come forward and help with negotiations. We know that you have a good relationship with them, especially this Karim."

Let yourself be a lobbyist?Qin Tao felt very interesting.

In fact, the one billion dollars is relatively high, and it is considered a big opening of the lion. This is also for future negotiations. It is enough to go from one billion to five hundred million dollars. That's tens of millions.

However, of course, Qin Tao couldn't directly agree. He had a troubled expression on his face: "Mr. Mbappe, you should know that this matter has nothing to do with us! Why should we go into this muddy water?"

No benefit, how can I do it!

"Mr. Qin, we are good friends from the beginning. Our company strongly supports the brand-new natural gas ship technology proposed by you all over the world." Mbappe said.

Strong support?You don't know how many times you have scolded behind your back, besides, it was originally an exchange of benefits!One size is one size, and it has nothing to do with it.

"Yes, if this incident happened in our country, then I must be obliged to do so. However, this is the country of Anxi, and you should also know that the people here have backbone. If I go, in case they cause trouble Resentment, and it may cause me to lose everything here."

This has been made very clear.

Our friendship is not so good that I risk offending a business partner, right?
"Then what do you want?"

This is inappropriate, Qin Tao frowned: "Mbappe, my friend, what do you mean by this sentence? I don't need any benefits, the key is what benefits do you want the Parthian people to get! You As long as we give them enough benefits, of course there is a possibility of negotiation on this matter."

Mbappe frowned: "Qin, I don't quite understand."

Mbappe didn't understand Qin Tao's way of going around in circles. He was a little confused at this time. Isn't it just to give Qin Tao some benefits?

"For example, you can place an order to order a batch of oil from Anxi."

Mbappe shook his head: "Our oil imports are a long-term strategy and cannot be changed at any time."

"Then, the shipyard here is almost complete, and you can order a ship from here."

"That's even more impossible. Orders for shipbuilding are market-oriented. This is just the beginning. Who dares to order ships from here?"

"Then what's the point of you coming to me?" Qin Tao made two suggestions in succession, but they were all rejected by the other party. Qin Tao's expression turned ugly: "What do you want me to do to impress the Anxi people?"

"If you want me to help you bargain, you can cut the price in half, that is to say, you will save 3000 million. Then, you are not even willing to order a ship for [-] to [-] million?"

These words made Mbappe a little ashamed. Indeed, if they want to rely on Qin Tao's relationship to help and muddle through, they have to show some sincerity.

"For example, the cargo ship Maersk is currently detained because of the bad behavior of their crew. Shouldn't their owner book a ship here to express their apology?"


Mbappe finally accepted Qin Tao's plan: "Okay, just as you said, we will order a ship at the shipyard here."

It's only 3000 to [-] million, and there is still a ship to get it. Anyway, ordering is still an order wherever you go, which can be traded.

Qin Tao nodded: "Then I'll go and talk for you. Do you want to go with me?"

Mbappe shook his head. He didn't want to meet those people. Those were unreasonable. What if he didn't make it and was finally detained?
"Okay, then I'll go by myself."

Qin Tao drove to the military port of Abbas, where he met Karim.

"Qin, we caught a big fish today, how about eating grilled fish together?" Seeing Qin Tao, Karim looked excited.

"Of course, I'm very honored." Qin Tao was not polite: "However, let's talk about something serious first. I found a partner of our company over there. Please let me persuade you to change the ransom of one billion dollars into five hundred million. .”

"Qin, what do you think?" Karim asked Qin Tao, "We listen to you."

"I think this is a relatively good result. As long as you agree to them, you can get 2000 million US dollars." Qin Tao said: "You can invest [-] million in the project first. The remaining [-] million, wait until the phantom It’s not too late to sell and invest in [-].”

Those ten Mirage 2000s are also worth [-] million!It's just that it's inconvenient to make a move, just to get past the limelight.

"Okay, then listen to you, I will report to the superior."

"To show their sincerity, they will also order a ship from Abbas Shipyard. Congratulations. Once the shipyard is completed, shipbuilding can begin," Qin Tao said.

"Really? This is really good news!" Karim was also very happy.

The matter was settled in this way. Qin Tao ate the grilled fish and didn't go back until that night, and then saw Mbappe who was waiting anxiously.

"Boss Qin, how are you doing?"

"I talked all afternoon, my throat was full of smoke." Qin Tao gulped water, pouring a whole bottle of water into his stomach, and then said: "They finally agreed."

"Agreed? That's great!" Mbappe was extremely excited: "When will the deal be?"

"I have to wait for the approval of their superiors. I guess it will be tomorrow. You guys have the money ready. Forget about my commission. After all, we are good friends."

After talking for a long time, Qin Tao's help is not for nothing, he is so gentle, he also needs a commission.

How could Mbappe not know that Qin Tao cannot be owed money, otherwise, as long as he said a word, the deal would be ruined again.

"According to international practice, we will give you a commission of one-thousandth. If it is 50 million US dollars, it will be [-] US dollars. Will we transfer it to your personal account or the Mingzhou Group's account?"

"How embarrassing, we are friends, what commission do you want, but since you are so sincere, I have to give you face, call it to my account in Moscow International Commercial Bank!"


It was already late at night when Mbappe returned to Qatar. For them, it was an extremely busy night. When it was just dawn the next day, Ali came forward again and went to Bandar Abbas.

"The ship is here, you go on board to check it first, if there is no problem, then we will hand it over." Karim is very generous.

So, Ali asked his men to take the loading list and carefully checked the items on the ship.

After this inspection, of course nothing was missing.

"Where's the crew?"

"The crew is on Qeshm Island. They need to kneel down in front of the deceased's coffin until noon today. You can drive the boat away first and wait at the port of your country, or you can wait for them to sail together."

"Let's drive the boat away first."

Ali didn't care even if Karim didn't let him go. What he cared about was the high-end cars on the ship, the golden toilet and other things that belonged to them.

(End of this chapter)

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