Great warships

Chapter 407 Designing a Nuclear Submarine

Chapter 407 Designing a Nuclear Submarine

The capital, Yellow Tower.

"Boss Qin, you have made great contributions this time, so the navy has decided to reward you." A leader said to Qin Tao.

Qin Tao glanced at the other party: "This leader, how does the navy plan to reward me? A few million is nothing to me, tens of millions is just drizzle..."

Before the words were finished, the other party brought over a little red book: "There is nothing else, just this."

"What is this?" Qin Tao took a look, and was immediately surprised: "The qualification certificate of the equipment manufacturer? Don't we already have it?"

At the beginning, when 051C was being built, Wu Shengli personally went over and issued them this kind of certificate. Now, the certificate has not expired yet, so there is no need to replace it now, right?

This thing is worthless, and the navy is fooling themselves with this?
In fact, Qin Tao was just joking. If he can make money, he still makes money from foreigners. Therefore, even if the navy rewards him with tens of millions, he doesn't care at all. It's not necessary, but take this thing Is it wrong to be perfunctory?
"Taozi, you don't want to get cheap and act good." Wu Shengli said, "Mingzhou Group is not the same as before."

"What's the difference?"

"After the restructuring, you have become a private enterprise. Our navy has never issued a qualification certificate for equipment manufacturing units to private enterprises. You are the first and probably the last!"

Only then did Qin Tao react.

At the beginning, taking advantage of the crisis of broken funds, Qin Tao restructured Mingzhou Group. After the transformation, Mingzhou Group became a completely private enterprise. Qin Tao has the final say alone, and no one can shake it anymore. No one can dictate Qin Tao's status in Mingzhou Group.

This is a new beginning.

However, it also faces new problems.

Mingzhou Group is a private enterprise, can it build warships for the navy?

Forget about previous orders, what about future orders?
The certificate in front of him completely solved the problem of Mingzhou Group.The Mingzhou Group has helped the navy a lot, so the navy has to say that everything else costs money, only this one doesn't cost money.

Therefore, the two sides even get what they need.

Qin Tao smiled helplessly: "Okay, since the leaders value it so much, what else do we have to say, please rest assured, we will continue to overcome obstacles in the navy's ship project, go forward bravely, and go far beyond Submarines from other peers brought it to the Navy."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli smiled: "Taozi, don't express your opinion in a hurry, you should read this certificate carefully first."

Look carefully?
Qin Tao looked at the certificate, as if it was no big deal, and then went to look at the copy, where there was a densely packed form, which stated the scope of contracting.

When Qin Tao scanned the writing on it, he was immediately surprised.

"Submarine? Are we qualified to undertake the navy's submarine manufacturing?"

The previous certificate did not include submarines on it, but this time, it included submarines, not only conventional submarines, but also nuclear submarines!

Looking at this dungeon, Qin Tao felt very happy. This shows that the Mingzhou Group can manufacture all naval equipment!
"That's right, you and the Pyramid country have already talked about the diesel-electric submarine project. The navy is very concerned about it. After the diesel-electric submarine is manufactured, the navy will send people to test it with the submarine. If the performance can meet our needs, The navy will also order related submarines. As for the serial number, just follow what you said, call it 039B. As for nuclear submarines, the navy plans to hold a hearing recently. Aren’t you arrogant about the third design department of Mingzhou Group? You can tell us about the nuclear submarine project.”

Nuclear submarine!
Finally going to engage in nuclear submarines!

Qin Tao's heart was also full of excitement. He looked at Wu Shengli: "Please rest assured, within a month, we will definitely get this project out. It's okay for this hearing to be held in a month, right?"

Wu Shengli nodded.

"So, can you also give us some information about the relevant parts? If not, then we can only assume it temporarily."

In terms of surface ships, all kinds of advanced weapons and equipment are inseparable from Qin Tao, so they, Mingzhou Group, are naturally qualified to obtain these technical materials.

However, underwater submarines are different.

So far, they have not had access to relevant domestic materials. Even if they have excellent submarine designers, they are not omnipotent. They must have relevant supporting weapon materials.

Submarine designers can only carry out overall design. Even if there is no relevant information, the overall design will not work. Without the design information of nuclear reactors, sonar, torpedoes, etc., how can submarines be designed?

During this period of time, even Krasnopolsky has participated in nuclear reactor-related conferences many times, introduced his own experience, and inspected the domestic nuclear reactor industry, but that is only superficial, the real The nuclear submarine reactor has never been touched.

"Then you have to guarantee that everyone in your third design department will stay in the country and never leave again, just like Mao Gengxin."

Of course, the navy welcomes these excellent submarine designers, but if they are to be exposed to more secrets, they must be loyal and reliable.

Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, their tenure in the Celestine Design Bureau has ended for several months, and they have not left. They have long been accustomed to life here, and even if they are driven away, they will not leave. "

Qin Tao has already made these preparations, and everything now is of course a matter of course.

A day later, the third design office of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group.

"Everyone, we are holding this meeting today, and we have something important to announce." Qin Tao looked at the dozens of old men present, all of whom came from the Celestine Design Bureau, Kvasha and Krasnopol Sky, sat on the rostrum with Qin Tao.

"Our existing project has come to an end. We invited you here for our deep-diving lifeboat project. At present, this project has been carried out very successfully. We are very satisfied with the experimental results. In addition to this project, we also have A special export-oriented diesel-electric submarine was designed." Qin Tao said: "There is no feast that never ends, and today's meeting is a farewell party."

"Oh no."

"Yes, we still want to stay here."

There was a burst of noise below.

Just kidding, why go back now?
The Red Solmovo Shipyard has given up the submarine business, and their lapis lazuli design bureau is about to close down. Did they go back and drive taxis?

They are here, have food, drink and wages, it is simply heaven.

No one wants to go back.

"Everyone, don't you want to go back?"

Countless people nodded, now who wants to go back to suffer?Isn't that a fool?

"If you don't want to go back, then in the future, you need to stay here and abide by the laws here. Without the permission of the group, you can't go abroad, and you can't disclose any secrets."

This condition is very harsh. They are all free people. If they want to stay now, they have to be bound by the group?

"If you don't want to, you can leave now. The group will issue an extra bonus, and you can go back with this bonus. If you stay, you have to sign such a non-disclosure agreement."

"Excuse me, if we can't go abroad, what about our family?"

"Your family members can take over and settle here together. I believe that you have already seen that the life here is much more comfortable than the life in Da Mao."

"If I can bring my family over, I would choose to settle here."

"Yes, I would too."

Many people decided to stay, but only a few people, after much deliberation, still felt that it was difficult to leave their homeland. When they left the meeting room, someone outside immediately gave them severance pay and sent them to the plane.

"Since everyone is willing to stay, I can say something that you used to hear often, but now you rarely hear." Qin Tao looked at the people present and said, "From now on, we are comrades!"

Hearing this title, some people's eyes filled with tears, and some people were deeply moved. It's been a long time since I heard this title!

"We are all from all corners of the country. We come together for the same goal. We are like-minded." Qin Tao said: "Now, we will continue to work hard for the same goal!"

Only financial benefits are not enough, one must have ideals. Now, Qin Tao's deception is quite successful.

"President Qin, do we have any new projects?" someone asked.

"This project is very familiar to everyone, that is." Qin Tao looked at everyone present: "Design a nuclear submarine!"

Design a nuclear submarine!
Everyone is excited.

This is their old profession!If they return to China, they will definitely not have this opportunity. Now, they can continue to use their strengths!
"In addition to everyone present, there are also colleagues who we used to work with and will join us. We need to design a modern nuclear submarine and take it to the capital for bidding!"

"It's great, it's great!"

"That's right, even if I can't meet my family, I will stay here!"

The faces of these people are full of excitement.

"Next, I will introduce the overall idea, and I will leave the detailed plan to you."

Qin Tao used to build aircraft carriers. He is very familiar with surface ships, but he has never touched underwater ones.

Therefore, professional matters are left to professional people, and Qin Tao is only responsible for raising ideas.

"First of all, the underwater displacement of this submarine needs to be limited to less than [-] tons, and it is best to compress it to [-] tons."

For any ship, the displacement is a crucial data, which directly determines the size of the ship, the volume of the contents and so on.

At this time, Krasnopolsky finally couldn't bear it any longer: "Qin, for a multi-functional nuclear submarine, the displacement of [-] tons is a bit small. If it can be enlarged to [-] tons, the internal space will be huge." Greatly increased, the layout will be more convenient.”

Qin Tao's face was full of embarrassment: "Yes, it would be great if the displacement could be larger, but the current mature nuclear reactors in our country only have a maximum power of 28 megawatts, and the new generation of nuclear reactors currently under development The nuclear reactor can only reach 25 megawatts. Even if this kind of power drives a 20-ton submarine, it can only reach a speed of [-] knots at most. If it is [-] tons, the speed can only reach [-] knots at most. .”

This is also something that can’t be helped. Any military equipment will be restricted by the heart. Without an advanced power system, it will be controlled by others everywhere.

Take this nuclear submarine as an example. If the nuclear reactor is not strong, then everything is useless.

"Then why don't you increase the power of the nuclear reactor?" Krasnopolsky asked.

improve?Of course I want to improve, but the problem is, this thing is not so easy to improve!
Qin Tao looked at Krasnopolski: "What do you think?"

"We can transplant the VM-945 pressurized water reactor used on the 5 nuclear submarine. This reactor has a power of 170 megawatts. It can also reach a speed of 35 knots by pushing an [-]-ton nuclear submarine."

170 megawatts!The power of this nuclear reactor is equivalent to the current 17. In this way, the displacement of the nuclear submarine has increased, and the speed has also increased!
The underwater speed of 35 knots is a data that domestic submarine designers dare not even imagine!

After all, this kind of nuclear reactor is considered the most advanced nuclear reactor in Lao Maozi's era. Even the typhoon-class nuclear submarine with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons uses two such nuclear reactors, but the power has been further increased to 200 megawatts.

Qin Tao swallowed a mouthful of spit: "Comrade, are you sure?"

Krasnopolsky is an excellent nuclear reactor designer, but an excellent nuclear reactor is definitely not the work of one person, but a large group of designers working together!With the existing personnel, Krasnopolsky can replicate this kind of nuclear reactor?
"The equipment here is too advanced, so after I came here, although I had the opportunity to participate in various activities, I was still relatively lonely. When I had nothing to do, I took a few people and imported this reactor model computer, and simulate it on the computer..."

Qin Tao swallowed a mouthful of spit, his eyes opened wide, and he looked at the old submarine designer.

In the past, all kinds of research required experiments. For example, nuclear bombs and nuclear reactors had to be used to find laws.However, later, with the continuous development of computer technology, these can be simulated by computer.

It can be found that the United States has not conducted any nuclear tests for a long time. Don't they develop nuclear weapons?Of course not, it's just that they switched to the virtual world and simulated various nuclear weapons experiments on the computer.

As for some poor and weak countries, there is no other way but to continue to use dangerous nuclear tests to prove it.

The same goes for nuclear reactors.

If it is a brand-new nuclear reactor, it may be necessary to build an actual reactor to find data and build a model. However, the existing nuclear reactors have already mastered the rules, and they can be input into the computer and simulated in the computer.

This requires a powerful computer system. Qin Tao has never been stingy in this regard. The computers equipped for each design department will be updated every one or two years, and the most advanced models available on the market are still used. .

Krasnopolsky was idle and bored, so he input the VM-5 pressurized water reactor into the computer. It is impossible for him to remember all the data, but he can completely store a lot of data in the process of computer simulation. Calculated, even after computer simulation, the obtained model will be more perfect!

Although relying solely on computer simulations, there are still great risks, but Qin Tao has always liked to take risks. If you have to wait until you are [-]% sure to do anything, it will be too late.

"Okay, then use this VM-5 nuclear reactor as the basis for the design, and enlarge the displacement to [-] tons."

Although Wu Shengli didn't say it, Qin Tao also knew that the country was not satisfied with the performance of 091, and the follow-up research and development continued, and the 093 project might have already started.

They can't stick to the rules. If the project they make can't widen the gap with 093, what's the point?What they want to do must be ahead of an era!

With a displacement of more than 8000 tons and a speed of up to 35 knots, this kind of submarine is planned to be taken to the Yellow Tower, which can scare those people!

Thinking of this, Qin Tao felt a little flustered. Of course, he did not forget his mission.

"It's okay to reduce the power of the reactor a little, but we must pay attention to the noise level. This kind of reactor must realize natural circulation at low power." Qin Tao put forward a request.

The reactor is the same as the boiler, it boils water, and the steam will go out, enter the heat exchange device, or directly drive the steam turbine, and then return to the reactor. In this cycle, there needs to be a water pump, which is a big noise generator .

In order to make the submarine quieter, it is necessary to find a way to turn off the pump.

When running at full power, there may be no way to turn it off directly, but at low power, if the circulating water pump can be turned off, it will be of great benefit.

"We have experimented that at low speeds, the main circulation pump can be completely turned off without any impact. If possible, we can also build a land experimental reactor."

The simulation on the computer is just to spend some electricity bills. If an experimental reactor is built on land, it will cost more.

However, it is absolutely necessary to spend this money. If it is successful, it will not only be a submarine, but also use it as a basis to transform it. Maybe the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier can also be used in the future!
(The power seems to be quite different, but we can improve it. It won't be the tasteless stuff like the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier.)
Qin Tao nodded. This nuclear reactor should be temporarily designed according to this design. After all, the technology is already there. It would be a pity to throw it away. If it is not suitable, then it will be changed later.

Anyway, their project must be able to attract the attention of the Navy.

"We will report to the superior." Qin Tao said: "Then let's talk about the power system. If we use pump-jet propulsion for this submarine, will it be difficult?"

Pump jet propulsion system!

Everyone was surprised when they heard Qin Tao's words.

For a long time, the propulsion system of ships has been the most common propeller. However, with the advancement of processing technology, the propulsion system of submarines has also been continuously developed, from the initial three-blade propeller to five-blade propeller, and then to the seven-blade propeller widely used at first. Leaves oblique.

At most, it can develop to Jiuye, but it has reached the limit, and it is impossible to make any further progress.

In order to further improve the propulsion efficiency of submarines, the British first made an attempt to equip a new type of pump-jet propulsion on the "Trafalgar" (Trafalgar) class attack nuclear submarine built in the 80s. Start leading the world.

It has to be said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the old industrial countries still have a few brushes.Things like all-electric propulsion were first developed by the British. No matter whether they are mature or not, their innovative spirit is worthy of recognition.

To put it simply, this is like adding a sleeve to the previous propeller to wrap the propeller. In this way, it is transformed from an ordinary propeller into a water pump. (Of course, this is just an analogy. In fact, the propeller inside has two parts, the rotor and the stator.)
What are its benefits?
Just like the tail nozzle of a jet engine can accumulate exhaust gas, the efficiency of this pump jet propeller is very high, even reaching 0.85.
Of course, efficiency is not the most important thing, what is important is that its quiet performance has been further improved.

No matter how the propeller is designed, it is always noisy, and it is covered with a cover.The scientific name of this thing is called a ring-shaped duct, which gradually shrinks backwards, not only can gather water, but can also shield noise. In this way, the quietness of the submarine is further improved.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. After such a toss, its weight is two or three times that of the original propeller. If such a big guy hangs behind its buttocks, it will be too strong a test for the submarine's trimming and other capabilities.

If there is no good designer, this kind of propeller cannot be done at all.

At this time, Qin Tao has already proposed that since he wants to do it, he must do it with the most advanced things in the world!
"President Qin, we have tried it before, and Petrov has tossed this kind of thing before, Petrov!"

The person below stood up: "Boss Qin, I am willing to undertake this design task! However, in order to verify its efficiency, I need to do a lot of experiments and also need advanced processing equipment."

Although this thing is wrapped up, there are also blades inside, and it also needs advanced multi-axis linkage CNC machine tools.

"Of course there is no problem. After you design it, you can hand it over to our machinery factory in Huating for production. In the future, you can still meet old acquaintances there."

It was inconvenient to say it before, but now that we are all comrades, we can certainly say it openly.

Has that melancholy technician become a game master now?

Life is like a play, and play is like life.

 I have been dizzy for more than a week, and my ears are buzzing occasionally. I got up in the middle of the night and almost fell back. I went to the hospital. The doctor said it was tired.Alas, I am too old to withstand the storm.This month, it will be updated twice a day, please forgive me, but I personally feel that the content is exciting enough recently.After finishing the nuclear submarine project, let's go to Ermao's house to drive the Varyag back.

(End of this chapter)

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