Great warships

Chapter 412 Mingzhou Group's Nuclear Power Plant

Chapter 412 Mingzhou Group's Nuclear Power Plant
Weapon-grade uranium with a concentration of more than 90.00% can not only be used to make nuclear bombs, but can also be stuffed into nuclear reactors to burn!

The reactors of ordinary nuclear power plants are not designed to use this kind of nuclear material. Therefore, even if nuclear warheads are eliminated, they cannot be used for nuclear power plants and can only be scrapped.

now what?This kind of nuclear reactor is designed to burn the nuclear materials of the eliminated nuclear bombs.

If it is directly obtained, then I don’t know how much it will cost. After all, nuclear materials that have been enriched to this level will have to be dumped in a centrifuge for several years, and the electricity cost is an astronomical figure.

However, it would be different if we used obsolete nuclear bombs. The obsolete nuclear bombs would require special funds to deal with them. Now we can continue to sell them for money. It is absolutely killing two birds with one stone!

So, do nuclear warheads have a shelf life?
Of course there is, although the main components in the nuclear bomb, whether it is uranium 235 or plutonium 239, have a long half-life, and there is no need to worry that the concentration will not be enough to detonate, but the nuclear bomb is not only composed of these things, it also needs other components. parts.

Those high-precision mechanical and electronic devices, ballistic computers, various electronic components, and other metal and plastic parts, etc., no matter which part has expired, will affect the performance of the nuclear warhead, and even cause the nuclear bomb to fail.

At this time, it needs to be dealt with, or disassembled, inspected and replaced, or scrapped directly.Either way, huge sums of money will be spent.

Now, there is a new option!
In fact, Qin Tao's idea also came from later generations.

In order to achieve the same lifespan as nuclear submarines, the reactors of nuclear submarines of later generations use high-concentration nuclear materials. How do these materials come from?Of course, it was directly removed from the scrapped nuclear bomb and used!
The Americans didn't have enough, and they even bought obsolete nuclear bombs from Lao Maozi and disassembled them for use.

Therefore, his own side can also play like this. Even, if the domestic ones are not enough, Qin Tao can go to Da Mao Er Mao to get a batch of obsolete nuclear warheads.

Let's explain the purpose openly, and even ask the other party to process it into uranium rods, so there is no need to worry.Besides, our own side is also a nuclear power, even if we buy weapons-grade enriched uranium from them, there is nothing wrong with it.

Of course, if it can be smuggled, the price will be even cheaper, but it has to be kept secret, after all, I don't know how many eyes are watching.

Qin Tao was thinking about these things in his heart.

At this moment, the meeting room was silent, and everyone was digesting the plan proposed by Qin Tao.

The nuclear reactor was developed by the old man Krasnopolsky, and at the same time, many domestic nuclear reactor experts helped. Now this plan is obviously jointly proposed by them, which shows that it is feasible from a technical point of view.

However, this thing is not just about technology!

"President Qin, if you want to build a land nuclear reactor and use it as a civilian power station, where will you build this nuclear power station?" Someone asked a question.

Although domestic environmental protection forces are not that strong, many people are still displeased by nuclear power plants.

If you want to build a nuclear power plant, then the site selection will be very important. If there is no suitable place to accommodate the nuclear power plant, it will definitely not work.

Where is it established?
The safest place in the west, where there is a nuclear power plant on the desolate and inhabited Gobi Desert, even if something happens, it is not a big deal.

However, nuclear power plants must have staff!Those students who graduated from the university are willing to go to work there?Even a high salary is enough, how can people fall in love and marry a wife?How to go to school after giving birth?

Moreover, the electricity generated by the nuclear power plant has to come through power lines, and the cost of erection is quite high.

The biggest demand for electricity is still in the big cities along the eastern coast. Many places are currently in a state of power shortage. However, if you want to build a nuclear power plant in such a place, you must also consider the reactions of local residents.

"We have three alternative locations." Qin Tao began to introduce.

"The first one is Chongming Island in Huating. Now, Chongming Island is developing rapidly, and various shipyards need a large amount of power supply. The nuclear power plant built there can provide sufficient power. The excess power can also be It will be sent to Pudong to provide electricity to the factories built there."

At present, only the Mingzhou Group has invested a large sum of money in Pudong to build a modern chip factory. This project has been in full swing. Once it is completed, it will naturally require a large amount of power supply, so that the already insufficient power supply Even more stretched.

However, Huating is, after all, a first-tier city in China. If the nuclear power plant is built here, whether the local residents will be disgusted is a big question.

"The second one is near Mingzhou." Qin Tao proposed a second alternative location.

At present, with the continuous expansion of Mingzhou Group, there are more and more factories in Mingzhou. Even if it is a large or small garment factory, it still consumes electricity, not to mention the power consumption of the state steel factory and shipyard. Big family.

Mingzhou is not as good as a big city, and once the electricity is cut, it is easy to be shut down.

Therefore, if Huating does not accept this nuclear power plant, it will be built near Mingzhou. Countless people here have benefited from the Mingzhou Group. Even if a few people will object, more people will stand up to defend the Mingzhou Group. beneficial.

Therefore, building a nuclear power plant near Mingzhou is a more secure solution.

"What about the third?"

Everyone is curious.

"The third is that we build a floating nuclear power plant at sea." Qin Tao threw out his own new idea: "This kind of nuclear power plant is built on a catamaran, which has its own power and can swim at any time to avoid stormy weather. Moreover, our nuclear reactors are originally used on submarines, and they can also withstand tests such as shaking on catamarans and generate electricity normally. In this way, Mingzhou needs electricity and can supply Mingzhou, and Huating needs electricity and can supply Huating. In case of an accident, it can still be driven to the open sea without bringing danger to nearby cities."

"President Qin, all of us admire your thinking and foresight!" Hearing Qin Tao's plan, everyone couldn't help but admire him.

Of course, this is not Qin Tao's idea. Before he crossed over, Lao Maozi had already built it.The mobile power bank, nicknamed the Large Sea, was dragged to the Arctic Circle by Lao Maozi to supply power to the cities there.

Nuclear power plants built on land are most afraid of earthquakes and the like, but nothing happens at sea, and they can be transferred at any time. This is definitely an innovation.

Take it out now, of course the big guys have to sigh for Mr. Qin's foresight.

Qin Tao had finished talking about his plan, and looked at the crowd: "Everyone, that's all for the nuclear reactor issue. Do you have any other questions?"

Of course there is!

"Boss Qin, what is this 850mm-diameter launch tube used for?"

"Didn't I say, the launch tubes for various missiles? They are reserved. When they arrive, special anti-ship missiles can be stuffed in."

"President Qin, is the photoelectric mast reliable? Do you want to keep a backup of the periscope?"

"President Qin, the sideboard sonar array, we don't have this thing yet!"

Countless questions kept being asked, and Qin Tao answered them patiently.

This meeting was originally planned to be held for only one morning, but who would have thought that it would last for three days. In the end, the heads of various projects were called, and even the heads of relevant domestic agencies were called to attend the meeting.

The evening of the third day.

Qin Tao sat in his seat, squinting his eyes, listening to the final discussion.

Now, only the discussion of the navy personnel is left. Qin Tao closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the navy's final conclusion.

After all, if this project is launched, it will consume a lot of funds, and these funds cannot be allocated by Mingzhou Group.

Kwasha was on the side, and asked Qin Tao in a low voice: "Qin, will they agree to our project?"

In the past month, Kwasha has had a very fulfilling life. Under his command, the most advanced submarine in the world appeared, even more advanced than his previous 945 submarine!However, this is just a framework, an outline, and if it is to be developed next, it will definitely invest a lot of money.

Now, it is waiting for others to make a decision. Without sufficient funds, it is impossible to build this submarine.

He also knows the situation of the domestic navy.

Qin Tao smiled: "Of course I will. Now, I still need to push it one last time, so let me push it again."

Qin Tao stood up.

"Everyone, I have a few more words."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Qin Tao.

"This submarine requires a lot of research and development and a lot of money. However, we don't have to worry about it. For example, we can transplant the advanced automatic command system and bow sonar to conventional submarines. Now The Pyramid Kingdom is preparing to order conventional diesel-electric submarines from the Mingzhou Group, and part of the funds will be used to develop these systems. Therefore, it can help the Navy share a lot.”

Although the Pyramid Kingdom has reached an agreement and decided to use long-staple cotton to repay the debt, Qin Tao does not trust them. He will not start the project until he has received enough long-staple cotton. When a batch of long-staple cotton is delivered, the submarine will not be handed over to the pyramid country. Therefore, there will be an interval of several years, which is enough for domestic technicians to use these funds to develop related technologies.

Sure enough, after hearing what Qin Tao said, many people present nodded.

What they lack most is money.

Part of the funds can be apportioned to other projects, and some can even use the existing 093 submarine project, but there are still many projects that require a lot of money.

Qin Tao solved part of their funding problem.

"As for the time, our plan is five years. After all, the operation and testing of nuclear reactors takes such a long time. After five years, I believe that various technologies will be mature."

If it is extended to five years, the annual investment will be within a controllable range. Moreover, within five years, the economic strength of the motherland will further increase.

"The project we are currently building is still far behind the world's advanced level. In my opinion, it is necessary to start this project." Huang Lao said.

"Yeah, we're old. We need to look at new forces for modern advanced nuclear submarines." Mr. Peng also spoke.

Both of them are bigwigs in the field of nuclear submarines. They both spoke up, and their input was acceptable. Therefore, the naval officers present finally expressed their views.

"Okay, in this case, then we will carry out two projects at the same time." The person in charge sitting on the rostrum finally said: "The 093 project that is currently under construction cannot be stopped. This is our existing advanced nuclear submarine. Mingzhou Group's This 095 project also needs to carry out pre-research to prepare for future construction!"

Finally, when the dust settled, the Mingzhou Group's 095 project has been approved by the navy, and when it is reported, it will also receive the support of the country!
"As for the establishment and testing of the land-based nuclear reactor, it is the top priority of the entire project. After the first day of the meeting, we reported to our superiors. After research, the superiors decided to choose the site in Mingzhou."

Sure enough, it was similar to Qin Tao's imagination.

The choice of the higher-ups is moderate. Whether it is Huating or Haishang, they are a bit radical. In Mingzhou, it is okay to let the Mingzhou Group mess around.

"Okay, then we will build it according to the design of the submarine nuclear reactor. We hope that the relevant domestic departments will cooperate and provide us with relevant parts." Qin Tao said: "The ownership of this nuclear power plant is ours, so we can bear half of the cost." Construction costs, and the remaining half, I hope to receive corresponding allocations."

Qin Tao is still satisfied with this arrangement. After all, Mingzhou Group has its own nuclear power plant, so its future development will not be restricted.

In the past, electricity was needed, and it had to go through the power department. Although no one would make trouble behind the back, but during the holidays, there must be some benefits for those people.

Now there is no need for it, we generate our own electricity for our own use.

As for the water problem, there is no need to worry about it. The shipyard is next to the river!

In this way, Mingzhou Group can develop better.

Looking at the whole country, how many companies will equip their own power plants?
However, the specific location of this nuclear power plant has to be considered.

Next, various resolution documents were formed. Qin Tao didn't listen to it, but was just considering the position.

When I first took over the developer’s sea-view house, I took over all the nearby land. Anyway, it was a river beach, a wasteland, and no one used it. The price was very low at that time. Now, all these lands can be allocated. Useful.

The nuclear power plant should be built downstream along the river beach, but considering the wind direction, it is suitable to be upstream.So, how to choose?
Got it!

In the river opposite the shipyard, there are islands, one of which is called Dalie Mountain, and the one next to it is Xiaolie Mountain.These two islands are uninhabited, but in the 70s, there was a brief period of kelp farming. Later, with the rise of shipyards, no one did this, and almost all went to work in shipyards.

Now, it happens that the power plant can be built on Dalie Mountain, the terrain is very high, and there is no need to be afraid of flooding.

In this case, it is necessary to lay underwater cables to transmit the power, but this is not troublesome, just throw the cables down, which is more convenient than assuming high-voltage towers on the ground!

"Our Mingzhou Group plans to build a power station in Dalie Mountain. Please help coordinate. Also, we hope to send troops to protect it."

If it is an ordinary private power station, it must have nothing to do with the army. However, the Dalieshan Power Station is not just for civilian use, and all the technology used on it is nuclear submarine technology, so it also puts forward a high level of confidentiality. Require.

With the army to protect, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, the leaders present nodded: "Of course."

Mingzhou Group will contribute half of the funds to help the navy build a land nuclear reactor, which will also be of great help to the navy, so this small favor must be done.

In this way, the nuclear power plant project was finalized.

"Okay, our meeting can be successfully concluded. Do you have any comments?"

Originally, the host just mentioned it a little bit, but a person below raised his hand: "I have a question!"

Qin Tao looked over curiously and saw a familiar figure.

Ma Ming!

"please say."

"I would like to ask, is this power station planned to use a three-phase generator or a twelve-phase generator?"

If it is for civilian power generation, it is of course a three-phase generator. After all, civilian use is three-phase power, and even one live wire and one neutral wire are enough.

However, in the 095 submarine, it is planned to use a twelve-phase generator.

In fact, ordinary nuclear submarines still use the traditional propulsion method. After the energy of the nuclear reactor is released, the high-temperature steam will drive the steam turbine to rotate, and the steam turbine directly drives the propeller at the tail through the transmission shaft.

Even if it transitions to the pump thruster, it can still be done like this, but the propeller is replaced with a pump jet thruster.

However, the 095 nuclear submarine is a cross-age, so in this design, it is not an ordinary drive shaft propulsion, nuclear power will be used to generate electricity, and then the power will be sent to the motor at the tail, and the motor will be used to drive the water jet propeller.

What's the benefit of this?
Of course it is to further reduce the noise.

Kilo-class submarines have already done this. After all, for conventional submarines, they must use battery power to navigate underwater, and the tail must use electric motors. Therefore, the diesel engine can also directly drive the generator, saving the need to arrange the transmission shaft. .

For nuclear submarines, this is not farting and taking off their pants. After an additional power conversion in the middle, the drive shaft is removed, which is also an important source of noise for submarines.

Therefore, although integrated electric propulsion was not proposed, only a [-]-phase generator was connected to the steam turbine of the nuclear reactor, and a [-]-phase electric motor was installed at the rear, nothing more, that was a great technological progress.

Now, Ma Ming is a little worried.

If this becomes a civilian power supply system on land, can a twelve-phase generator be used?Certainly not!How to connect to the grid to generate electricity?

Civilian use is three-phase electricity, but this is twelve-phase electricity. If an ordinary three-phase electric generator is used, then how to test his special large twelve-phase generator?
At this moment, Ma Ming felt a little nervous.

"Boss Qin has the final say on this." The host looked at Qin Tao.

Qin Tao looked at Ma Ming: "I'm not proficient in twelve-phase generators, I want to know if this kind of twelve-phase generators can be understood as four three-phase generators. Are the waveforms the same?"

Ma Ming nodded: "That's right, they are all sinusoidal alternating current. Of course, they can also be connected to direct current."

"In this case, of course we can use twelve-phase generators." Qin Tao said: "Divide it into four groups of three-phase generators, of which two groups are used by our shipyard, one group is used by the steel factory, and one group is used by the steel factory. Grid-connected power generation, external output."

Ma Ming was overjoyed: "Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

"We also need to reserve wiring positions so that we can test our twelve-phase motors at any time."

Ma Ming's heart was full of excitement.

Boss Qin's arrangement in this way helped him a lot.

Although they have been able to manufacture twelve-phase generators used by diesel-electric submarines, how can the power of that thing be compared with that of nuclear submarines?

This 095 nuclear submarine project is very important to Ma Ming's research project. After receiving the relevant requirements, Ma Ming led his team to design the relevant generator in a month. Now it is going to conduct land experiments. Of course the alternator was indispensable, and he would be very disappointed if his alternator was not used.

Now, Ma Ming is very excited, looking at Qin Tao with gratitude.

"Magong, generators of our level must be tested. We are willing to take risks. I hope you will continue to work hard. After all, this is just the beginning. When we want to build nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the future , the generator power required will be greater.”

Although the power of the nuclear reactor is 150 megawatts, the thermal efficiency of the nuclear reactor is not high, and the mainstream pressurized water reactor is only about 30.00%, so after the steam turbine, the output is only 45 megawatts, and finally through the generator, stable It is not bad if the output power can be maintained at [-] megawatts.

For a power plant on the ground, this power may not be high. After all, the steam burned by the boiler of the thermal power plant can directly drive the steam turbine, but the nuclear power plant needs two circuits due to radiation problems.

But for ships, this level of power is already against the sky. Even if it is a 30-ton Aegis battleship, it is more than enough to use this power. You must know that the MT40 gas turbine used on the British Queen-class aircraft carrier has an output The power is only [-] megawatts.

Qin Tao started to mention the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier again. Many people present have long been familiar with Qin Tao's remarks.According to Mr. Qin, everything is beautiful, but they are also very useful. They also began to imagine the beauty of the future. If there is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, what will it be like?
Even now that they have decided on this nuclear reactor project, they also have the purpose of considering it for future nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

(End of this chapter)

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