Great warships

Chapter 419 Makarov's Visiting Road

Chapter 419 Makarov's Visiting Road

If it weren't for Qin Tao's relationship, then Makarov probably wouldn't have come to the East in his life. Now, he wants to find a new life for the Varyag. It seems that only the East is the most likely.

Therefore, after repeatedly fooling Ah San and finally failing, he finally came here, hoping to regenerate Varyag.

His first stop was the Kyiv Aircraft Carrier Park.

The cool sea breeze blows over Chongming Island, and you can see the scene of production and construction in the distance. The sparks of those electric arcs make Makarov very envious. Once upon a time, his shipyard was also such a bustling scene.

but now…

Makarov sighed, and walked towards the Kyiv through the long stairs.

Originally, the Kyiv would not have an opening in the middle of the hull, but now, this warship has become a park. In order to facilitate getting on and off, an opening has to be opened in the middle to directly enter the interior of the hull.

"From here, it should be the lower level of the hangar?" Makarov was very familiar with this aircraft carrier and asked Qin Tao.

"Yes, it belongs to the lower deck of the hangar. Now, it has been transformed into various entertainment places by us."

While speaking, everyone has already walked up and can see various signboards.

Colorful neon lights are flashing, some rooms are filled with rifles and balloons, and go-karts have also moved in. The former war weapons have now become an entertainment facility.

Of course, it is more related to Da Mao and the military. For example, in one of the shops, all toys made of bullet casings, tanks, aircraft, cannons, and aircraft carrier models.

Standing in front of the aircraft carrier model, Makarov pondered for a long time.

After walking around three times, I came to the deck.

The sea breeze blew head-on, and the flags fluttered. Makarov stepped on the deck with titanium alloy rivets and looked at the fighter planes placed on it, feeling even more emotional.

This Yak-38 fighter has been completely eliminated in the Damao Navy, and most of them have been purchased by Mingzhou Group, and sold after refurbishment.

Da Mao ignored all this, and no one said that the J-31 is actually an upgraded version of the Yak-38, and the more advanced J-31A is even more talked about by many people.

Even Ermao had an idea inside and wanted to participate in this project. Of course, in the end, he had to give up because he had no money.

"The J-31A you developed uses the same idea as the Yak-38, right?" Asnayev asked Qin Tao.

"Yeah, the two most successful vertical take-off and landing fighters in the world are the Yak-38 and the Sea Harrier. After comparison, we think the Yak-38 is more suitable, especially if we use a lift fan, this method will completely solve the problem. Deck ablation issue."

"This kind of aircraft can also be deployed on the Varyag, take off with a ski jump, and finally land vertically." Asnayev said: "We think that your navy needs this aircraft carrier."

After the collapse of the Red Empire, many things have changed. Even the name of the warship, they no longer call it a heavy aircraft cruiser. They call it an aircraft carrier directly, which sounds more domineering.

Hearing what he said, Qin Tao smiled and didn't answer the question: "Let's go to the ship island to have a look. This kind of aircraft carrier has a huge ship island. Now, the Novorossiysk ship that is being refitted , I am worrying about this ship island."

Compared with the small islands of the West, the island of the Kyiv-class aircraft carrier is really too huge.

There are not many passages opened up on the ship island. Most of the cabins are locked, and they can only go up to the aviation bridge. The equipment inside has been repainted and still has a rough old-fashioned style.

Standing here, you can overlook the entire deck, and you can also overlook the front.

Makarov thought a lot, a lot.When looking at other shipyards in the distance, there seemed to be something crystal in his eyes.

When he came down from the aircraft carrier park, Makarov was a little depressed and didn't say a word.

"Here, there is the Sino-Japanese War Memorial Hall that we just opened, do you want to go in and have a look?" Qin Tao pointed to a building on the side.

"The Sino-Japanese War?"

Makarov thought about history carefully: "Is it the naval battle 100 years ago? The naval battle in which the entire Beiyang Navy was wiped out?"

"That's right, for all of us in the country, that was a naval battle that we will never forget. It always reminds us that if we fall behind, we will be beaten. It is not possible to build a coastal defense by buying a few warships. We must have our own The military industry system is truly powerful."

After Qin Tao finished speaking, he led everyone in.

Placed at the main entrance is the largest piece of wreck fished out of the sea: the 18.7-ton Dingyuan ship armor plate.

The three-meter-long armor plate, with stains of rust and countless bullet holes, seemed to be telling the cruelty of that naval battle.

In front of this armor plate, Makarov stood for a long time.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. It was because there was no advanced coastal defense that people opened the country.

So, what about the Red Empire?It was obviously a powerful empire, but when there were no foreign enemies, why did it suddenly collapse with a bang?

Makarov felt emotional in his heart.

The area inside the exhibition hall is not small. First, there are real objects, which give people a strong visual impact. Then there are various models, including models of warships at sea, including the situation of the enemy and us at that time, the final result, various portraits, sculptures, etc. .

At the end, there is a small studio, where the projector plays the video non-stop.

Some of them were shot in the Sino-Japanese War movie, and some were shot by Mingzhou Group itself.

This introduction was very detailed. When everyone passed by, it happened to be the scene where Deng Shichang led the Zhiyuan ship to charge the enemy.

"My generation served in the army to defend the country, and I put life and death on the line. Today's incident is just a death, so there is no need to make a fuss! Although my generation is dead, the navy's prestige does not dare to fall. This is serving the country!"

"To the Yoshino ship, charge!"

The Zhiyuan ship, which had been beaten terribly, rushed towards the Yoshino ship with full power. Although the picture was black and white, it could see a colorful life.

Everyone stood there, watching intently. Although Makarov and Asnayev could not understand Chinese, nor could they understand the Chinese and English subtitles on it, they could understand it just by watching the movements of those people. Know what you're doing.

The old Maozi is the best at the collision tactics. Even in the Cold War, there were countless collisions, but now, Makarov and Asnayev are still deeply moved.

100 years ago, in the east, a group of people fought epic battles to defend their motherland. Although they failed, their spirit inspired countless people.In this spirit, they fought one after another, and they gave up their lives.

It is precisely because of their continuous sacrifices that the New China came into existence, and after that, it was the efforts of generations of builders that finally led to the present China.

This exhibition hall is a patriotic education base. Even Qin Tao will be deeply shocked every time he comes out of here, and then devote himself to work with more enthusiasm.

Asnayev and Makarov's mood is also very complicated.

After the visit, it was already past eleven o'clock, and Qin Tao took them to have an authentic Da-Mao-style lunch at the nearby Da-Mao Fengqing Street.

"Qin, why didn't you see that leader Wu yesterday?" Makarov asked him.

"Leader Wu originally planned to accompany you to visit, but today I suddenly have some other work, and I can't get away." Qin Tao said: "It is enough for me to accompany you. In the afternoon, go to our shipyard to see What do you think?"

"It's still a few hundred kilometers from here to the shipyard?" Makarov asked.

"Yeah, so we're flying over there by helicopter."

After eating, a civilian Mi-17 helicopter landed, and after several people got on the plane, they flew directly to Mingzhou.

"This plane belongs to our group. We have a special transportation company. The An-225 transport plane is also in this company." Qin Tao continued to introduce on the plane.

Makarov nodded, but he also recalled in his heart that this day's investigation was all private contact. Originally they wanted to sell the Varyag to the Chinese navy, but until now, the other party still did not give any information. Here comes the clear answer!
A feeling of uneasiness surged in Makarov's heart.

Looking down at the entire Mingzhou Shipyard from the air, you can even feel the scale of this shipyard, which is not inferior to the Black Sea Shipyard!

"Our shipyard is mainly divided into three parts. The first part we see is an indoor factory. The natural gas ships we are currently producing and the submarines we plan to build in the future are all produced in these closed factories."

"The middle part is a [-]-ton berth. Many warships are built on that berth, including the aircraft carrier we built for Siam."

"Looking farther away, there is a 40-ton dry dock, where large ships are generally built. Currently, two bulk carriers are being built."

"There is a building nearby, which is our residential area. The guest house of our Mingzhou Group is also set up there. Tonight, you can live in the presidential suite inside."

"By the way, you can also look to the left. There are two small mountains in the middle of the river, called Dalie Mountain and Xiaolie Mountain. We plan to build a nuclear power plant on Dalie Mountain to supply our entire group. The excess electricity can also be exported. To Mingzhou."

Makarov and Asnayev kept nodding, while thinking about the meaning of Qin Tao's words.

What point of view does Qin Tao want to express implicitly?
"Everyone, let's go to the dock first, there may be some acquaintances inside."

In the dock, a group of old men are still working there.

Kozlov was directing his subordinates to work. For some reason, he had a strange premonition, so he raised his head and watched the helicopter slowly approaching in the sky.

"Who is it?"

"Who knows, get to work!"

Even though the old men were talking, they didn't let go of their work, and they were still welding steadily.

Kozlov also withdrew his thoughts and continued to work, but not long after, Kozlov saw a group of people striding towards them.

Several of them looked very familiar.

"Is it Director Makarov?" Kozlov lost his composure, quickly climbed down from the scaffolding, and ran towards the person walking across.

Makarov stood there, watching Kozlov approach.

"Director Makarov, I'm so glad to see you." Kozlov ran up to Makarov in one breath, and said to him, "What are you doing here? Are you planning to come to Mingzhou Group too? Director Karov, you are right here, here, you will definitely display your ability."

"Kozlov, the factory manager Makarov is here to inspect." Qin Tao quickly interrupted Kazlov.

If Makarov is the only one, that's all he has to say, and there are Asnayev and others beside him!
Makarov's face was also a little embarrassed: "I have already retired, this time I just have some business, so I came to see, Kozlov, how are you doing here?"

"It's great, it's like a paradise here!" Kozlov gushed: "At the beginning, we came here for drinks, but later, we gradually liked it, and we didn't have to queue up Shopping, and daily necessities are very cheap! Many of us plan to live here for the rest of our lives, Yuri, do you remember Yuri? He has married a Chinese wife!"

"Okay, Kazlov, take Mr. Makarov, Mr. Asnayev and others to visit our shipyard, and you will be their commentator." Qin Tao continued to interrupt Kozlov if.

Kozlov nodded: "Of course, come, let's take a look at our dock first. The super dry cargo ship built here is currently only Mingzhou Group who dares to build this type of ship. If other shipyards build it, they will It breaks into several knots in strong winds and waves."

Kozlov's introduction, of course, was in the field of civilian ships. He did not bring the warships built on the berth, but only introduced them in the dock and other corners for a whole afternoon.

In the evening, in the main banquet hall of the nearby group guest house, Qin Tao entertained Ermao and his party. At the same time, dozens of employee representatives from the original Black Sea Shipyard in the shipyard also came.

Everyone was drinking and drinking, and Makarov was filled with emotion.

At the beginning, when he learned of Qin Tao's poaching, Makarov didn't stop him, because he knew that the Black Sea Shipyard had declined, and since he couldn't afford to pay the boatmen, it was right to let the boatmen find their own way out.

Many people left and went to different places.

But looking at it now, these people who came to the east undoubtedly had the happiest life. From their smiling faces and their eloquent expressions, it can be seen that they are living a very good life.

"Director Makarov, I would like to offer you a toast." Kozlov walked over with a glass of wine, "Without your acquiescence, we would not have been able to get out of the Black Sea Shipyard."

"It's nothing, these are what I should do." Makarov was very polite.

"Director Makarov, you have already retired. I sincerely recommend you to come here. Your dream will definitely be realized here."

Makarov was taken aback: "Can my dream come true here?"

"Yes, any ship can be built here, including aircraft carriers." Kozlov said, "We have already built an aircraft carrier for Siam, and we are still designing aircraft carriers for Turkey, so we can't build it without this place." s things."

"Kozlov, you have welded several heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers. You should know that these are of different levels. Needless to say, the high-strength steel used for the deck of an aircraft carrier cannot be produced here."

"Why not." Kozlov said: "The bulk carrier we built uses a part of high-strength steel to ensure the strength of the hull. The high-strength steel developed here has quite good performance, and some of them can even reach One gigapa."

"It's impossible!" Makarov was surprised.

"Everything is possible here," says Kozlov.

After drinking, Kozlov left, while Makarov was in shock.

Everything can be produced here!
Other things are not for Makarov to consider. In his mind, he keeps repeating a thought: Here we can build an aircraft carrier, here we can build an aircraft carrier!
They came here because they want to sell the Varyag to China. They think that the navy here needs an aircraft carrier, and the Varyag is the best choice.

But now, Makarov was disappointed.

The Varyag is just a shell, and there is still a lot of wasted space.

For example, the anti-ship missile launcher in front, they intend to sell this warship as an aircraft carrier, and that kind of supersonic anti-ship missile must not be provided to users. After the user buys it back, the space in front will be completely wasted up.

Although the size is huge, the number of carrier-based aircraft that can be carried is not many, which is a tasteless thing.

Will the Chinese want it?

Before coming, they were confident, but after coming, their confidence finally fell to the bottom.

The night is already deep.

Makarov and Asnayev stayed in the luxurious suite arranged by Qin Tao, but neither of them felt sleepy.

"Asnayev, we are going to return without success this time." Makarov said to Asnayev: "While drinking just now, I got the news that all the conditions for the production of aircraft carriers are here. Therefore, they will not look at our Varyag, they will produce their own aircraft carrier."

"Damn it, we only need 956 million US dollars, which is the price of two [-] destroyers. Aren't they willing to purchase?" Asnayev was a little angry.

"I don't think they will be willing to purchase it. If they produce it themselves, the cost will be lower than the $[-] million."

I'm afraid of comparing goods.

The development of Mingzhou Group is too fast, and there are various foundations for building aircraft carriers. If they want a large aircraft carrier, they can build it themselves. Why buy a semi-finished Varyag?
Makarov was already discouraged.

"It's no wonder that leader Wu has never appeared, because they are completely not interested in Varyag." Asnayev said: "That group of greedy guys, we sold it to Asan for 20 million US dollars. It has to be priced at [-] billion US dollars, and now it can only be sold as scrap iron!"

in another room.

"President Qin, it's not good for us to eavesdrop on other people's conversations like this." Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao with some worry.

This kind of person must be accompanied by technicians when he comes out. If he finds out that there is a bugging device in the room, he might be furious.

"We're not eavesdropping, we're helping them." Qin Tao said, "After this day's investigation, they finally understand it. It's good for both of us."

Only Qin Tao was able to speak of this kind of thing in such a fair and honest manner.

"Boss Qin, what shall we do next?"

"Of course I helped them with their ideas. Aren't they going to sell Varyag? Our navy is useless. If they really want to sell it, they can sell it to us at the scrap iron price. Transforming it into a casino on the sea is the best solution. "

Qin Tao had a smile on his face.

the next day.

Both Makarov and Asnayev's eyes were red. It was obvious that they did not have a good rest last night. It was past nine o'clock when they came to the dining room for breakfast.

There was no one in the restaurant, only Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang had just finished breakfast and were still chatting there.

"President Qin, I want to get a clear answer." After seeing Qin Tao, Makarov couldn't help it, and came up straight to the point: "Is your navy not interested in our Varyag?"

If there's no interest here, then they won't be circling around here, and just leave when they have to, and don't do such meaningless things.

"Have you heard of our J-31A project?" Qin Tao did not answer directly, but went around in circles.

"I heard that this is an international cooperation project."

"I can reveal a secret. Our navy is very interested in this project. When this project matures, the navy will also purchase a batch of carrier-based aircraft."

"That would take at least ten years," Asnayev said.

How can it be so easy to develop a brand new fighter? Ten years is too early, maybe 20 years, or even longer.

"That's right, we can wait." Qin Tao said: "There are three versions of this type of fighter. Among them is the conventional catapult take-off carrier-based aircraft. The Navy is most looking forward to it. In the future, the Navy's aircraft carrier must also be a catapult type."

"How is that possible, you don't have the technology of catapults."

"How do you know that we don't have it? Perhaps, we not only have this technology, but also more advanced electromagnetic ejection technology?"

"Having said so much, does your navy look down on the Varyag?" Makarov continued to go straight to the point.

"Our Mingzhou Group is very interested in that warship. You also saw our Kyiv aircraft carrier park yesterday." Qin Tao said: "In 99, another place will return to the motherland. The traditional industries there, Our country will not interfere, and our Mingzhou Group also wants to get a share of the profits. Therefore, if we buy the Varyag at scrap iron prices, we will transform it into a maritime casino."

Qin Tao looked at Makarov: "You sell that warship first. If you can't sell it as a finished warship, you can consider our Mingzhou Group's proposal. After all, compared to dismantling it into scrap iron, this fate would be better. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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