Great warships

Chapter 422 Navy Carrier Aircraft

Chapter 422 Navy Carrier Aircraft
On the Su-33, the small canard at the front of the side strip will not act as a vortex, because the side strip wing is used to pull the vortex. This canard belongs to the control surface, and its function is to elevate the fighter. head-up moment.

A fighter plane with an ordinary aerodynamic layout climbs in level flight, relying on the horizontal tail rudder. The tail rudder presses the buttocks down, and the nose is tilted up, while a fighter plane with a canard layout, with the canards in front, can directly provide lift. , tilt the nose up, so the canard layout is also called the head-up layout.

It doesn't matter in flight, but when the carrier-based aircraft takes off, the gap between the two will be reflected. In order to make the carrier-based aircraft take off easier, the designers of Sukhoi added this pair of canards. , adding more head-up torque. (Of course, the vortex will also be increased, and it is said that the lift coefficient has increased by [-].)
"The control of this kind of three-plane layout aircraft will be very complicated, so Lao Maozi uses digital telex on this aircraft." Luo Yang said: "On the Su-27 we assembled, we use the Analog telex."

The MiG-29 uses hydraulic control, and the Su-27 originally planned to use hydraulic control, but the plane crashed during the test flight, so the designer installed the fly-by-wire control, but because the electronic system of Lao Maozi is backward, so Still using analog telex.

When it came to the Su-33, with three airfoils, the analog telex could not serve it, so Lao Maozi finally upgraded the control system to a digital telex system.

"We should have the technical reserves of digital telex." Qin Tao said: "If we can't understand its flight control law, we can export the control program first and pour it into our new system as it is. It should also be usable temporarily."

Luo Yang opened his eyes wide.

It is said that Mr. Qin's thinking is flexible and eclectic. He didn't believe it at first, but now, Qin Tao's words are simply overwhelming!

During the test flight of the J-[-], none of the planes fell, because there were enough blow holes, and the flight control laws of the entire plane were thoroughly mastered, and after arriving, they could be changed as they wanted.

The J-11 is different. The prototype of this aircraft is the Su-27, and the prototype of the carrier-based aircraft is also the old man. If they want to understand the flight control, it is almost equivalent to going through the old man again. development process.

Of course, there is no need to go in a zigzag way, just take the current aircraft model into the wind tunnel, blow it for three to five years, get all the aerodynamic data, and write the flight control program in this way, it will be foolproof.

However, they don't have so much time, and they don't have so much money!

Qin Tao came up with a simple solution: copy the program directly!Copy the flight control program of the prototype in front of you, and pour it into your own imitation flight control program, so as to follow the gourd.

The old man pays attention to knowing what it is and why it is. Now he can't take care of it, so he simply knows it.

This is a sneaky way, but for them, it still has great reference significance. They can imitate the aircraft first, and then slowly understand the control law, and then further improve the performance of the aircraft.

"If you solve the problem of availability first, and then improve it later, this approach should be feasible." Gu Lao also affirmed from the side.

During the development of the J-611 at the 601 Institute, the [-] Institute was not idle. They converted one of their J-[-] fighter jets into a stabilized aircraft to test the digital telex system. Therefore, they can completely transplant the hardware. , the main thing missing is the software.

"I have to emphasize again that this is only for emergency. In the future, we must thoroughly understand its technology and master all the principles, otherwise the navy may suffer a lot in the future." Qin Tao reminded again.

In order to complete the imitation of the carrier-based aircraft as soon as possible, Qin Tao gave a bad idea, but he didn't want to bury hidden dangers for the navy because of this. This is only temporary, so don't lie down and sleep on it.

"Yes, of course we have to understand it thoroughly." Luo Yang said, "In this way, the first problem has been solved, but the second problem is not easy to solve. This aircraft needs an engine with a higher thrust."

The protection against salt and moisture at sea is secondary, and we can find ways to solve these problems, but there are still some things that are not easy to solve.As the heart of a fighter jet, the engine is one of them.

Although they are both called "Three Uncles", there is a big difference in performance. The one used on the naval carrier aircraft is AL-31F3. Although only one word is added at the end, there is a big difference.

The take-off and landing of the carrier-based aircraft requires a stronger thrust engine, and the third uncle on the Su-27 cannot be transplanted directly.

"This is indeed a problem. Our aviation industry has always been constrained by engines." Qin Tao said, "However, I don't think this problem is too big. We can continue to purchase."

Since Lao Maozi can sell the third uncle, of course he can still sell the third uncle No. 3. This is not a big problem. For the Rurika-Saturn complex, the more engines they sell, the more they earn.

As for the mature replacement of Turbofan 15 in the future, Qin Tao is not so confident. In his memory, it seems that J-[-] has not been replaced with Turbofan [-] for the sake of safety.

"Of course, on the other hand, the fighter plane we imitated can also use composite materials in a large area to reduce weight. Although it is an imitation, our technology should also be added to it."

Just like the electric cars of later generations, all aluminum alloy casings are used, why?It's not because it's too heavy compared to a fuel car.

The same is true for carrier-based aircraft. Although this type of aircraft is improved from land-based fighters, in the process of improvement, the wings have to be folded and the landing gear has to be strengthened, so it will be heavier than land-based fighters.

There is an increase in weight, but there is also a reduction in weight. The use of composite materials in large areas is a significant way to reduce weight.

Composite materials have been researched in China. The last time Qin Tao went to Rainbow Country, he recruited a group of experts in composite materials. Therefore, domestic composite materials for fighter jets will definitely increase gradually.

Luo Yang nodded.

Anyway, after your own side imitates it, the weight will definitely change, and the center of gravity will also change. If it can be adjusted through the use of composite materials, that would be great.

"When we study the airframe structure, we also need to be more detailed. In addition to the force of the main landing gear, the force of the front landing gear must also be studied in place. In the future, we may also need a carrier-based aircraft of the catapult takeoff version. At this time, Qin Tao had already walked to the front of the T-10K-3 that was still completed, talking while looking at its structure.

The catapult version?
Even Wu Shengli's eyes widened, what are you talking about, kid?That's too bragging, right?We don't even have an aircraft carrier that can take off by ski jump, so we want to go to the sky in one step, and have an aircraft carrier that takes off by catapult?

If only the impact of landing is considered, then it is only necessary to strengthen the main landing gear at the rear. The front landing gear is dragged by the catapult take-off, so the front landing gear needs to be strengthened.

Even if the J-[-] is made into a twin-engine version, it cannot be boarded because it has air intake from the belly, and the front landing gear cannot be connected with the main force-bearing structure of the aircraft. If it takes off by ejection, the front landing gear will be pulled Lost.

The overall design of the Su-27 is still good. Although the same is the belly air intake, the air intakes are at the rear of both sides, and the front main landing gear is connected to the main stress-bearing structure of the aircraft.

In this way, it is not only possible to land with arresting wires, but also to take off with catapults.

However, even Lao Maozi doesn't have a carrier-based aircraft that can catapult and take off, and his side hasn't learned how to walk yet, so he is about to start running now?
Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao suspiciously.

"The ski-jump take-off is only a transition. After all, the ski-jump take-off aircraft carrier has too high requirements for carrier-based aircraft, and cannot carry fixed-wing early warning aircraft and anti-submarine aircraft. The combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. For our navy, in the future, the catapult technology A breakthrough will inevitably lead to a transition to catapult takeoff. We'd better start preparing now. Of course, if you don't have the energy for the time being, you can let it go for a while. In the future, our J-31A may be able to go directly to the ship. .”

All the strength of Institute 601 was devoted to mastering the technology of the Su-27. The people who helped build this kind of carrier-based aircraft were all young people, and there were not many of them. Therefore, Qin Tao couldn't force it. up.

Luo Yang shook his head firmly: "We will do whatever the navy needs. Anyway, we will definitely calculate the structural strength of this aircraft, and then include it together with the landing gear. However, this kind of transformation project requires high strength. Steel and precision machining."

Whether it is the main landing gear or the front landing gear, if you want to strengthen it, you need advanced high-strength metals.

Qin Tao nodded: "Our domestic related companies will definitely be able to provide qualified metal, and our Mingzhou Group will also strongly support it."

After speaking, Qin Tao climbed up the gangway and looked at the cockpit inside.

"When we imitate, the electronic system will be replaced, so the entire cockpit should also be updated." Qin Tao continued to point Jiangshan.

The cockpit is too backward, and there are mechanical instruments everywhere. It has become popular in the West. If it needs to be changed, it should be changed.

This is typical of standing and talking without back pain. Luo Yang smiled wryly, while Gu Lao explained.

"Mr. Qin, our country is lacking in many aspects. If nothing else, let's take the cockpit glass used on the Su-27 as an example. They use AO-120 plexiglass, and the specific material is acrylic. We can’t develop this kind of material domestically, so we even import the canopy.”

This is another basic industry and material issue. The cockpit of domestic fighter jets has been a three-piece windshield for a long time. Why?It's not because the materials and technology are not good enough.It was not until the F-5A fighter jets were seized from the Monkey Country that they found that they were using acrylic single-layer glass with low polarization and high light transmission, so they broadened their horizons and began to study it. However, after so many years, there was no research. come out.

So far, even if they can produce it themselves, they have to import raw materials from abroad and then process them. If they don’t sell them abroad, they can’t even produce a canopy.

"Yes, we are behind in many aspects, but this backwardness is precisely our motivation. We must face up to the current situation of being behind and catch up." Qin Tao also sighed: "What we need is time. Years, ten years later, our technology should mature."

After finishing speaking, Qin Tao looked at the ejection seat again: "There are a lot of equipment inside, which is related to the safety of our pilots, and we must pay more attention to it. For example, the ejection seat will be produced for our navy in the future. I suggest not to be afraid Spend the money and bring in the old man's ejection seat."

The speed of the fighter jet is too fast. In the event of an accident, it is impossible for the pilot to parachute by himself. He can only take the pilot out of the cockpit by the seat.

In this regard, the most advanced is Lao Maozi's ejection seat. Needless to say in actual combat, just in the air show, it has saved the lives of pilots countless times.

Under normal flight attitude, there is no difference between the ejection seat, but under special circumstances, such as when the aircraft is erected or even turned upside down, whether the ejection seat is advanced or not can play a big role.

In later generations, an accident happened to an excellent naval carrier-based pilot during training. Qin Tao still remembers it vividly. If the old Maozi's ejection seat was installed on the plane at that time, he should not have had an accident in that state. life threatening.

After all, Lao Maozi's ejection seat can turn, even if it is turned upside down, it can also turn to continue flying to the sky, providing the pilot with a high enough height to open the parachute. This seat is like a small spacecraft generally.

Even if you spend a little more money, you must protect the pilots. After all, the takeoff and landing of naval carrier-based pilots is full of dangers.

"Yeah, when we were negotiating, the old man refused to export the technology of the ejection seat to us." Gu Lao also sighed: "They just want to sell us the ejection seat and make more money. The performance of our domestic ejection seats is incomparable to that of Lao Maozi."

"If only we had the old man's ejection seat technology!"

Hearing this emotion, Qin Tao suddenly thought of something, he was actually fixed by his thoughts!
Even if there is no such technology now, and Lao Maozi will not provide it to his own side, then don't be afraid, he can go to Lao Maozi to dig talents!
Although the West is also interested in Lao Maozi's ejection seats, they will not purchase them on a large scale. Almost all of the Western equipment are ejection seats produced by the British Martin Baker Company. They will purchase one or two ejection seats at most. Research only.

If you want to purchase in large quantities in China, you will naturally come into contact with the ejection seat designers over there. How many can you find?
The famous old Xie couldn't be dug out. His subordinates were probably fine. Qin Tao had already started to think about it.

In front of many weapons and equipment of Lao Maozi, there will be outstanding designers. When talking about Su-27, one has to think of Simonov, and when talking about T-72, one has to think of Kartsev. For the ejection seat, there is also a talented designer: Guy Severin, chief engineer of the "Star" scientific research and production complex.

In 1961, Xie Weilin proposed the design concept of K-36 when he was still a young engineer in the unit.Later, Sukhoi came to the door and asked them to develop an ejection seat for the Su-24.

This was the beginning of the era of Schewelin. Three years after he designed the K-36D ejection seat, he became the chief designer at the age of 39, and he remained there for 44 years until his death.

At the air show, every time the performance failed, it was the most brilliant time when Lao Mao shot the seat, and this kind of seat almost never failed!

It's been a long time since I went to Lao Maozi's place, and now it seems that I have to go again.

Qin Tao thought so in his heart.

If there is an advanced ejection seat in the country, it can be used not only on the domestic Su-27 model, but also on the J-31A.

At this moment, a technician hurried over and whispered a few words into Gu Lao's ear.

Elder Gu's face was filled with joy immediately: "Leader Wu, Mr. Qin, you are here at the right time. The 607 Institute came to us for a report, and some leaders of the Air Force also came. I heard that you are here. Elder Lin specially called Let's go and join together."

Qin Tao was a little embarrassed: "This is a meeting of your aviation industry. It's not convenient for me to participate, right?"

"Mr. Qin, you played an important role in the introduction of this project. Elder Lin specifically instructed me to hear your opinion. Let's go, let's go there together."

It was a coincidence that Qin Tao and the others came here, and he would not have known that after attending this meeting, Project No. 11 would enter a new era, and all of this was also the result of Qin Tao's promotion.

When he entered the conference room, Qin Tao saw Elder Lin sitting on the rostrum. Elder Lin was there smiling and waving: "Old Wu, President Qin, come here!"

Needless to say, Wu Shengli is the leader of the navy after all, but what about himself?Qin Tao walked over and looked at Elder Lin pointing to the seat next to him to sit down, a little embarrassed: "Old Lin, isn't this suitable?"

"Why isn't it suitable? I said it's suitable. I let you stay with me, mainly because it's convenient to chat with you." Mr. Lin said with a smile: "I haven't seen you much recently. I heard that you have a son. I still have a son." Prepare some gifts and bring them with you when you leave."

It's both business and personal, so Qin Tao can only sit down.

"Mr. Lin, what is the 607 doing? What project are you here to report this time? Why is there such a big commotion?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

"In your eyes, there are probably only 14 institutes, right? You must not know that our 607 Institute is also very famous in the research and development of aviation radar." Elder Lin said with a smile.

Qin Tao really only knows 14 institutes, and he has a lot of research on radar, including 1471 radar and 1491 radar. The latter has a larger diameter radar antenna, which is said to be equipped with J-11 fighters.

But in his previous life, he was only engaged in warships, so he didn't know much about these things.

In fact, in terms of airborne radar, the 607th Institute is also very powerful.

In the 70s and 204s, after its establishment, they began to develop airborne radars. The 70 radars they started to produce were used on J-80 fighter jets. It was the first self-developed airborne radar in China. In the [-]s, they began to develop After starting the pre-research of airborne pulse Doppler radar, after entering the [-]s, because of the location problem, there was a risk of disbandment. Later, with the insistence of Mr. Lin, he got out of the predicament and ushered in a new take-off.

Now, their results are also very significant.

Just a few months ago, the Condor radar they developed completed the flight test project. After some summarization, they came here to report with the results.

Mr. Zhu, the person in charge of Institute 607, has gray hair all over his head. He walked to the side of the projection screen and began to introduce everyone.

"Everyone, we have completed all the tests of the Condor multi-functional airborne radar. This airborne radar with a flat-panel slot antenna and a DSP processor is already the highest level of our domestic airborne radar. It is in multi-target search. , up and down attack, ground and sea ranging, topographic mapping, weather reconnaissance, auxiliary navigation and Doppler sharpening and other technical levels surpassed the N27 radar carried by the Su-001 fighter, especially, its weight is only the former 40.00% of five, now, we bring this radar here, just hope that you can consider using our radar to replace the Su-27 radar, reduce imports, save foreign exchange, and improve performance.”

On the projection screen, the appearance of this radar appeared. Looking at the beautiful tablet, Qin Tao couldn't help feeling: "Our electronic level has far surpassed Lao Maozi!"

"Yes." Elder Lin said with emotion: "This radar has been developed, and now we need to find a family for it."

Mr. Zhu was still introducing, and various data of the radar blurted out. After all, they have been developing this radar for decades. In his eyes, this radar is like his child.

After more than half an hour of introduction, although Qin Tao may not fully understand the meaning of those specific data, he can conclude that this radar is very powerful and powerful.

"Now, our national defense electronics industry has been able to produce advanced equipment such as multifunctional head-up display, liquid crystal display, digital combined electronic countermeasures, and data communication systems. The performance of these equipment has far exceeded that of Lao Maozi's products. Therefore, in our In the process of continuing to assemble the Su-27, we should also improve its electronic system to make it more capable of combat."

After Mr. Zhu's introduction was completed, the engineers present were silent for a while, and then one of them spoke.

"This radar is really good, but we also have to see that we are not yet able to complete the replacement of the radar." This person is also a gray-haired technician, and his concerns are justified.

"During this period of time, we have just finished sorting out the data and started producing Su-27SK fighters. It can be said that we have just begun to learn to walk, and we have not yet reached the point where we can start running."

This project is very complicated. Although the technology of MiG fighters has been introduced before, the complexity is not an order of magnitude at all.

After the huge amount of technical information was received, I don't know how many people had a headache.

The quality of these technical documents is poor. The drawing numbers, notes, abbreviations, and professional terms are quite different from those of the previous MiG aircraft. There are a lot of errors, incomplete reference documents, poor accuracy, and poor coordination. The accessories are inconsistent, the parts and materials provided by Lao Maozi do not match the drawings, the parts and the part molds do not match, the parts are out of tolerance, and so on.

It even makes people suspect that Lao Maozi did it on purpose.

Of course, it turned out to be a misunderstanding in the end, because the Sukhoi Design Bureau has never carried out technology transfer work, and their management is extensive, so these mistakes have been made, and they did not complete the checking and filling of these materials until before New Year's Day and make up for various deficiencies.

It is a bit difficult to replace the radar and other electronic equipment now!

"Before we have a thorough understanding of the Su-27's technology, even if it is replaced with a lighter radar, I am afraid we will have to use cement as a counterweight." Another person spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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