Great warships

Chapter 425

Chapter 425
The lion dance in Magang is already a tradition. After Qin Tao and others passed by, they saw two lions performing there.

The lion's head is constantly shaking with the hydrangea in front of it. The golden lion sometimes gets on the wooden bench and sometimes comes down. When the lion's front legs are raised high, it attracts a burst of lively cheers.

"Qin, it's so beautiful. There are so many things in the ancient East that make people intoxicated!"

Qin Tao smiled, what is the lion dance?More than a dozen people dancing the dragon, that is spectacular.

"Qin, can we continue to look forward?"

"Of course." Qin Tao could only nod his head.

However, just when the two were about to sneak into the circle, a young man of eighteen or nineteen suddenly jumped over, aiming at a handbag in Vitalia's hand.

However, before he rushed to the two, the bodyguard brought by Vitalia had already grabbed the young man's wrist.

Click, click!
The boy howled.

"Get out!" As soon as the bodyguard waved his hand, the young man took a dozen steps back and staggered to a stand still.

"You wait for me, I'm 15K, you messed with me, you're dead!" The young man left a harsh sentence, then turned his head and ran away.

"It's not safe here, let's go to a hotel first." Qin Tao said.

Vitalia nodded.

The excitement of watching the lion dance was disturbed by this little thief. Vitalia lost interest and got into Qin Tao's car.

Xu Zhengyang and Vitalia's bodyguard sat in the front, leaving the back seat for Qin Tao and Vitalia.

"What's the origin of that 15K?" Vitalia asked.

"Weina, you can understand the dialect here?" Qin Tao didn't answer, but was curious about it.

"Qin, what you said at the beginning made sense, so my father decided to let me settle in the east in the future, so I started to learn the language here, including the dialect, and I can understand some of it."

Hearing Vitalia's introduction, Qin Tao nodded: "Since we have decided to settle here, we can't be idle, we need to do some business, I decided to register a Chuanglv Tourism and Entertainment Co., Ltd. here, and I plan to ask you to be a Company boss, do you have any ideas?"

"Okay." Vitalia nodded: "I also have to do something, Qin, if you are willing to entrust the company to me, I will not let you down. What is this company for?"

"The main business is tourism and entertainment. According to the market in Magang, the main business is gambling."

Of course, gambling is a modest name, in fact it is gambling, but it is definitely a legal business here.

"Okay." Vitalia nodded: "If you want to run this kind of business, you need some dark power."

and many more!

Vitalia's words suddenly reminded Qin Tao: "Zhengyang, we found someone following us on the way here, did we alert the boss here?"

Qin Tao has calculated many aspects, all of which are overall considerations. Registering a company here is also a foreshadowing of that big event, but Qin Tao has neglected some small things.

If he wants to get an aircraft carrier to come over and open a sea drug field, it will definitely grab the business of the local bosses.

This statement was originally just a gimmick and a cover-up. That aircraft carrier would definitely not berth here, let alone run that kind of business.

However, the local bigwigs are serious!
Thinking of this, Qin Tao was a little speechless. He didn't want to pay attention to these little fish and shrimp, but he didn't expect that these little fish and shrimp would come to trouble him!

Xu Zhengyang didn't answer, he was still thinking, but Vitalia became excited.

"Qin, Moscow has a lot of power to do wet work, do you want to bring them here?"

For Vitalia at this age, she is keen on many exciting things, after all, her life is too ordinary.

"No, we just need to support a force from the Pearl of the Orient. We can't get our hands dirty."


At this moment, Xu Zhengyang honked the horn. Even though the light was green, the Toyota Bullet in front deliberately slowed down!
What is the other party going to do?
With the sound of the horn, the car came to a complete stop. Then, the door on the right side opened, and a group of people jumped out from inside, and rushed towards the car behind. shaped object.

"It's coming for us!" Vitalia's bodyguard said, "Do you want to kill them all?"

Vitalia looked at Qin Tao.

"No need." Qin Tao looked at the group of people coming over there: "Just let them come up. If we want to do something, there must be a reason."

reason?Vitalia suddenly observed a moment of silence for the group outside.

"Then use my connections, my father will protest them severely."

While speaking, the group of people had already rushed over. The first one jumped onto the front of the car aggressively, then waved the flaky object in his hand, and smashed it towards the windshield of the cab.

The guy was dumbfounded.

The glass was intact, but the flaky object in his hand actually broke!
How can it be?

How could this be?
He looked at the half-remaining flaky object and was extremely dumbfounded.

The other people have already rushed up and hacked at the car.

Sparks flew, and the other party was surprised to see that the flake object in his hand had a big hole, but the cut part on the opposite side didn't even lose the car paint!

How is it possible, how can this happen?
"Get out of the way, I'm coming!" A guy picked up a brick from the ground and smashed it against the rear seat glass.

This time the strength is a little bigger.

This guy originally thought that the glass would crack, but after smashing it, the glass was still intact, and the man inside was pointing his middle finger at him.

咣 咣 咣!
He continued to swing the brick and smashed it violently, but the glass of the car remained intact!

In the distance, a siren sounded.

"Boss Qin, shall we go down?" Xu Zhengyang asked.

"No, let's go to the hospital. Wei Na, you were so frightened by them that you were hospitalized!"

"Yes." Vitalia nodded.

Hearing the sound of the siren, the people outside had no choice but to return to the Toyota bullet head in front, and then walked away.

"How, how are you? Is anyone injured?" The police who arrived hurriedly asked.

"Yes, our lady was frightened by the action just now. We need to go to the hospital immediately."

"Please don't worry, we will clear the way."

The police motorcycle was driving ahead, heading straight to the most famous hospital in Magang. At this time, no one knew how far this matter would go.

In a certain du field, the 15K boss was sitting on a chair, smoking a cigarette, and listening to the younger brother who came back.

"Brother, that car is too strong, the brothers can't smash the glass at all. It should be at the same level as the bulletproof Hutou Ben."

"Yeah, bro, we can't just move the movie, we have to move the big one! If there were two good ones, we could blow it up!"

"Yes, we should find out the hotel where they are staying, and then call the door! Without the car that is the same as the turtle shell, we can easily get rid of them!"

"That's right, we have 10 people, it's trivial to destroy them!"

The boss didn't speak.

"Brother, we found them, they are in the hospital!"

Hearing this sentence, the boss poked the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray, and his subordinates knew that the boss had to make a decision.

"Brother, it's not good, it's not good, watch TV!"

A horse boy came in in a panic, shouted at the boss, and then, without waiting for the boss to nod, he ran to turn on the TV.

The boss is a little dissatisfied.

"Today, a vicious incident occurred in the urban area of ​​Magang. A group of mobs from the 15K organization besieged a car. The former president of the Da Mao Liberty Newspaper was in this car. This incident has been identified as a Political incident. At present, Moscow has issued a serious protest to the Jamaica government through official channels. This illegal organization must be severely punished!"

The boss sat back on the chair with a plop.

What about 10 men?They are just some clowns hiding in the dark side, the real boss only needs one word to crush them to death!
"How could this be? Doesn't it mean that this is just an ordinary company?" The boss was dumbfounded.

If someone wants to come here to compete with them for business, of course they want to make a move to let the other party know how powerful they are. Even if they find out the background of the Mingzhou Group, they are not afraid, but now, it has risen to this level?
Next, they will definitely be doomed!

How to do?
"Brother, we've already found out that the woman we're picking up today is the daughter of the top ten boss at Da Mao's side!"

What is Ma Hong Kong?Can it be compared with that there?The boss over there is the real bully!

The boss's hands began to tremble.

run?At this moment, he actually thought of this idea, but he quickly denied this idea. Running is easy, but after running away, he can never come back.It took him decades of hard work to get where he is today. How could he run away when he encounters setbacks?

Find a way to settle it!
"Brother, what should I do?"

"What are you afraid of? The sky won't fall." The guy who went out to lead the team today didn't think so.

Crack, crack!Ma Zai was slapped twice: "You, surrender yourself to the police station immediately, and those people you brought today, surrender to the police station!"

Turn yourself in?

Ma Zai was dumbfounded.

"Not going yet?" The boss took out the fire stick.

"Get ready for 100 million, no, 1000 million!" The boss looked at his confidants around him: "We will apologize in person, and hope this matter can pass..."

in the hospital.

Vitalia lay on the bed and looked at Qin Tao: "Qin, my father is very angry and plans to send someone over."

"No need." Qin Tao said: "This is just a trivial matter. After this incident, no one dares to think about our green company again."

"Boss Qin, someone came outside and said they came to apologize, and they also brought 1000 million."

"1000 million what?" Qin Tao asked.

"Hong Kong dollars."

Hearing this, Qin Tao was furious: "His grandma, these bastards, think that a mere 1000 million can settle this matter? Immediately let the word out to the outside world, we will offer 1000 million US dollars to ask for his head!"

If it was given 1000 million U.S. dollars, then Qin Tao could still accept it. What is 1000 million Hong Kong dollars?

"Okay." Xu Zhengyang was about to go out just now.Vitalia stopped: "Ivan, you go."

For this kind of thing, Xu Zhengyang was not aggressive enough to come forward, far inferior to the bodyguard brought by Vitalia. After all, he was a foreigner, and his Caucasian appearance was enough to make many people kneel and lick.

Locals in Magang may look down on mainlanders, but they absolutely dare not make mistakes in front of white people.

Ivan walked out.

In the lobby of the inpatient department, the boss was walking around anxiously, feeling extremely uneasy.

Finally, someone came out.

He walked forward quickly: "Excuse me, Miss Vitalia...Ah!"

The boss was pushed to the back by the tall and burly Ivan. He staggered a few steps and let out a cry.

The boss's subordinates are not satisfied, some even want to pick up the guy, but since Vitalia came in, this hospital has been protected by a large number of policemen, as long as they dare to pick up, they will be subdued, and even Probably eat peanuts on the spot.

"Don't move." The boss shouted.

He watched Ivan walk towards the box containing the money, and his heart was full of excitement. As long as the other party took the box, the matter would be over, even if he was asked to kowtow to Vitalia a few times, he would Also acceptable.

Under the gaze of the boss, Ivan opened the box and grabbed the money inside.

The boss felt excited for a while, he walked to Ivan's side, and just about to say a few compliments, he saw the bundle of money suddenly flying towards his face.

The money scattered and fell down one after another, the boss was dumbfounded.

Ivan picked up the money and continued to hit the big guy on the head. After smashing a few bundles, he felt puzzled, so he simply picked up the box and buckled it down on the big guy's head.

Countless banknotes fell down like snow.

"Damn it! 1000 million Hong Kong dollars is an insult to us!" Ivan roared, "We can buy your head with 1000 million dollars!"

After Ivan finished speaking, he strode away.

"What did he say?" The dazed boss looked at the younger brother.

It's a pity that the younger brother is not well educated, and he can't understand Ivan's mandarin with a trembling tongue.

"Boss, he just said that he wants 7000 million US dollars."

This is too little money!

As long as the other party is willing to take money, it's easy to say, but isn't the 7000 million US dollars a bit much?
The boss gritted his teeth: "Come on, let's go to Mr. He and ask him to lend us money."

Although the boss has a hundred thousand horsemen under his command, that is just an exaggeration. Even if it is true, he still cannot spend so much money at once.

Therefore, he can only borrow money from others. For him, the only place where he can borrow money is Mr. He.

Do you still need to borrow others?Just go to the door and ask for it.

It was already dark, and Ma Hong Kong was full of lights, which looked very prosperous.

"I like the smell here." Vitalia said, "I really want to go shopping."

"Wait a little longer." Qin Tao said: "After this matter is over, I can go here casually."

Qin Tao did not expect such an accident to happen.

However, more unexpected things are yet to come.

"Boss Qin, that guy is here again."

"Did that guy bring the money?"

"Well, there is another Mr. He who said he wanted to visit Ms. Vitalia."

"Mr. He?" Qin Tao nodded: "Well, he is qualified, let him come in. That guy stays below."

Mr. He looks gentle and gentle. If he is placed in the crowd, he looks like a very ordinary old man, but he is well maintained. No one will know that he is the king who has been here for decades.

"Ms. Vitalia, I am very sorry. You have just come to Magang, and you have been frightened. As the elder of Magang, I would like to express my deep apologies to you."

Vitalia on the hospital bed nodded: "I completed a sea voyage, and I was not feeling well, but now I am frightened, and if I get sick, my life may be in danger. My father is very angry."

"These are all misunderstandings." Mr. He said: "In order to make up for your losses, people from all walks of life have actively participated and prepared a total of 880 US dollars for you. Do you want cash or transfer to you?"

Qin Tao was taken aback.

What?so much?It’s almost equivalent to half a year’s taxes in Hong Kong, right?
Didn't you say you want 1000 million US dollars?
It seems that these guys got scared and automatically increased the money to this figure. This money is a good thing, of course the more the better.

Those guys actually came for Chuanglv Company. They never expected to provoke someone who must not be messed with. No matter how good they are here, they are a group of guys who can't stand on the stage after all, so they simply spend money to eliminate the disaster.

Of course Qin Tao didn't know, it was all because of Ivan, who was not fluent in Chinese.

1000 million was said to be 7000 million. How can the boss get so much money, so he can only go to Mr. He.

After all, Mr. He is his backstage.At this time, you have to give him a hand.

Mr. He is also a magnanimous person. Since he has already given 7000 million, he might as well make it sound better and make up four or eight.

Vitalia looked at Qin Tao.

Qin Tao coughed, but didn't speak.

As a result, Vitalia's face turned ugly again: "My father's company has an annual turnover of several tens of billions, and currently an oil company has been established with an annual turnover of hundreds of billions."

Xu Zhengyang suppressed a smile.

Qin can always influence people around him, and this Vitalia has also learned badly.

Originally planned to ask for 1000 million, but now, it's four or eight, still not satisfied?
"We know how important your father is, and this money is nothing in your eyes." Mr. He was very calm: "So, in addition to these, we will also authorize Green Green to allow you to operate legally .”

Operate legally!

In Magang, gambling gambling is a legal business, but it does not mean that everyone can open a gambling market. There is a business license issue, commonly known as blocking cards, which is a license.

How much is this thing?

On a!
In 1847, although this place became the private land of the Bosses, they did not manage the land well. Instead, they fell into a situation of weak trade and income distress. Later, in order to reverse the situation, the governor at the time decided to declare the Bo legalization.

No one would have imagined that this place, together with Monte Carlo and Las Vegas, would become the three world-famous city blockades.

At the beginning, it was a mess, anyone can start a game, and anyone can make money.

In the 30s, this phenomenon was changed, and a franchise system was implemented, with only one license and one blocked card.Whoever gets this blocking card will grasp the opportunity to make a fortune.There have been two generations of licensees. After the 60s, there was an upset. Mr. He and Mr. Huo in front of him teamed up and successfully took the position, until now.

"The fact that you want to operate a sea jam has nothing to do with our current jam, so we can authorize you. As a general rule, we want to take [-]% of the profit. Now, we just need to..."

When Mr. He said this, he paused to look at Vitalia's face, and Vitalia looked at Qin Tao.

"Ms. Vitalia, we do as the Romans do." Qin Tao said.

Qin Tao didn't expect that there would be so many troubles. To him, he just wanted to set up a shell company, just to buy the Varyag to have a name. When the Varyag returned to China, this The company is deregistered.

Who would have thought that the fake would become real? It really can't be too real!

Even if the other party routinely takes [-]% of the money, our own side is not afraid, because our own side does not know how to operate this kind of business at all.

When asking for money just now, you can open your mouth like a lion, because the benefits are right in front of you, but the later commission is like a flower in the mirror.

Nothing to worry about.

"That's right, we can't break the rules here. Since the convention is [-]%, you can also take [-]% of the profits from our sea blockade."

Mr. He was overjoyed: "Thank you Ms. Vitalia for your understanding!"

This is how business should be done, with comings and goings.

In this incident, the locals did make mistakes first, and they started besieging them before negotiating, which caused serious consequences. Therefore, they can pay so much compensation, but if the other party becomes aggressive because of this , then Mr. He will use other means in the future to make this offshore blockade unsustainable.

Now, the other party has recognized this kind of commission, that is, earning money together, no matter which jam the guests go to, in short, the money entering their pockets will not be small.

"You Chuanglv Company, you just came here to operate, you may not be very familiar with it, if you need help, you can call me." Mr. He's attitude is obviously better.

Even if this incident is over, businessmen, even if their mother is killed by the other party, they can still sit down and discuss business.

Now, they can be regarded as a business deal, and everyone is happy.

"Yes, I will need more help from Mr. He in the future." Vitalia said: "By the way, the money just mentioned, let's transfer it to our company's account!"

"Ok, no problem."

Mr. He was sent away, and when he arrived at the hall, the boss looked nervous: "Mr. He, how are you?"

"It's all settled, and we will be friends from now on. When you do things, be careful, and don't mess with those who can't afford it. We are making money, not looking for trouble!"


In the ward, the spoils had already begun.

"We only need 1000 million, and the rest is yours. After all, you can get so much money because of your relationship with your father."

"That can't be done. You planned the whole thing, and I want a small change."

 PS: Thanks to book friends Huayu Zhongying outside the window, Ni Die Ya, book friends 20220713040254549, l599xl, Zhai Weilu and other friends for their rewards, thank you for your subscription and voting, it’s already the end of the month, everyone, don’t waste your monthly tickets Yes, vote for the hero of East China!

(End of this chapter)

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