Great warships

Chapter 44 No. 44 stepping on the modern class

Chapter 44 No.40 No.[-] Steps Up to the Modern Class

The Type 956 destroyer is a new type of warship designed and built by Lao Maozi in the 80s and [-]s. The first warship in service is called the Hyundai, and NATO casually named the entire series the Hyundai-class.

As for the Steadfast, it belongs to the seventh warship of the 956 type. It started construction in 7, launched in 82, and entered service in 85. It belongs to the third modern class of the Pacific Fleet.

Now, Qin Tao and Zhao Ling stepped onto this 8000-ton battleship with a full load and a displacement of more than [-] tons. They stepped on the brick-red anti-rust paint deck, and both of them were excited.

"The Soviet navy is really powerful. It would be great if we could have a warship like this!" Zhao Ling couldn't help but sigh with emotion, without any scruple that this sentence would violate her identity as a secretary.

"Yes, the Soviet Navy in this era is indeed the most powerful, the only Red Empire Navy in the world that can compete with the US Navy." Qin Tao also said with emotion.

The two communicated in Chinese, and Nicholas on the side didn't know what the two were talking about, but he could tell that the two were feeling the power of this warship.

They came up from the gangway at the bow, so the first thing they saw was the layout of the bow, the double-mounted 130mm naval guns, two quadruple-mounted supersonic anti-ship missile launchers, and the white on the top of the bridge. The radar dome, and the roof radar on the tall mast...

Zhao Ling pointed to the second deck behind the gun and said, "Can we go up there and have a look?"

"My friend, my secretary is very interested in this huge warship, we want to go up and have a look." Qin Tao looked at Nicholas.

"Of course no problem." Nicholas was very generous.

Zhao Ling thumped along the gangway and walked up to the second-floor building. The one-armed Hurricane surface-to-air missile launcher appeared in her field of vision. Her footsteps stopped for a while, and her breathing was a little short.

Qin Tao said last time that he would bring her to see the Hyundai class, and now, he really brought her here!
There is also a milky white missile hanging on the launching device in front of you. It is different from the domestic Hongqi 61 missile. It has four huge side wings in the middle, and the rear tail is arranged in a trapezoidal shape. The whole missile looks more full. Modern, on the front of the side wings, there is a serial number written in Russian: 9M38.
(Hurricane is the name of the ship-to-air missile system, and 9M38 is the name of the missile mounted on it. This should not be in Russian, but the name in Russian is not found by Huadongzhixiong)
"What are you doing in a daze, go up and have a look?" Qin Tao said.

They can not only step on the second deck here, but also step on the ladder on the side of the missile launcher, and stand on the launcher. This station was originally used when the missile was hoisted.

Zhao Ling took another deep breath, then took big steps and climbed up.

A white figure appeared on the missile launcher. The sea breeze blew her short hair and her windbreaker. She stood on it and looked at the milky white 9M38 missile with a complicated expression.

Most of Lao Maozi's missiles were transplanted from land. After all, Lao Maozi's navy and air force did not have much conflict.

The famous regional air defense missile system Reeve is actually an improvement of the land-based S300.The Hurricane in front of me is actually the naval model of Lao Maozi's ground-based air defense "Gango" missile system. An upgrade of the M-11 missile system. (The models are too messy, should we just use NATO code names?)
Nicholas looked at Zhao Ling's figure and said with emotion: "Qin, your secretary has a very different personality from the previous secretary. Your life is really too colorful."

Qin Tao touched his nose, smiled and said nothing.

Nicholas did not doubt Zhao Ling's identity. After all, this warship is too ordinary. If Qin Tao asked to go to the aircraft carrier or cruiser to see, maybe Nicholas would doubt the purpose of the two of them. Now, The two were just seeing the world on a destroyer, which was nothing at all.

Zhao Ling stood on it for more than ten minutes before walking down. She regained her secretary's form, but she already had something in her heart.

As an engineer of the missile system, she must develop a more advanced ship-to-air missile system!There will be bread, there will be everything.

Qin Tao didn't say much. He looked at the brick-red anti-rust paint under his feet, and felt a little bit emotional. He didn't know what the old man was thinking. He actually used this single-arm launcher to hollow out the bottom of the platform. Obviously it can be inserted into the vertical launch unit.

Maybe the old man doesn't care, they have a lot of air defense ships.

Walking down the modern level and continuing to move forward, one after another warships are constantly appearing in front of their eyes. The navy of the Red Empire in the late 80s was the most powerful time. Look at so many warships, most of them The ships are very young.Thinking about the rusty old warships of the old Maozi in later generations is even more emotional.

Only a strong country can maintain a strong fleet.

All the way to the end, I didn't see a suitable warship, either it was too new, or Nicholas was hesitant.

Surface ships and submarines are different. If they are sold directly in Nikolai's hands without going through formal procedures, Nikolai will also run into trouble.Nikolai needs to make some connections, and the operation is very cumbersome.

After walking through the entire military port, there was still nothing good. Qin Tao's eyes were full of regret, and Nicholas was also unwilling. Have a look at the base?"

The things here can’t be sold. There are still some junk goods at the aviation base, which are left to be exposed to the sun and wind. If you can exchange those things for canned food, it would be very good.

"Okay." Qin Tao's eyes also brightened.

A group of people got into the car and headed towards the Naval Aviation Base.

The navy not only operates on the sea surface, but also operates in the air above the ocean. Therefore, the navy also has aviation, which is not limited to those carrier-based helicopters, but also carrier-based fixed-wing aircraft on the aircraft carrier. The navy also needs a large number of land forces. Only basic aircraft will do.

Even if the navy of the motherland does not have carrier-based helicopters, it already has a large number of shore-based aircraft. The J-2 fighter jets flown by the famous sea and air hero Wang Wei are land-based fighters.The navy also needs various types of maritime patrol aircraft, and their airport is a large aviation base.

As for Lao Maozi here, of course it is even more spectacular.

(End of this chapter)

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