Great warships

Chapter 441 A New Era Begins

Chapter 441 A New Era Begins
An aircraft carrier is a huge system project, and the complexity of this project has now been revealed to everyone.

This is not just a warship, nautical engineering, but also carrier-based aircraft, aeronautical engineering, and various advanced subsystems, such as radar, command system, and even a small car on it, a Blocking cables cost a huge amount of money to develop.

Such a system would cost a huge amount of money, and neither the navy nor Mr. Liu alone could have the final say. This kind of project must be approved by the superior.

So, now comes the problem.

Not everyone supports the Navy to build aircraft carriers. After all, our foundation is too weak. We want to develop the economy. Under such circumstances, is it appropriate for us to invest a lot of money in national defense?

There are many opposing voices.

At this time, although everyone was talking in full swing, there were still many questions.

This proposal was like a bucket of cold water poured on everyone's heads.

Everyone's eyes were full of worry, except Qin Tao.

Mr. Liu noticed the firmness in Qin Tao's eyes, and asked Qin Tao curiously: "Comrade Qin Tao, what do you think? I heard that you are a firm aircraft carrier faction. Over the years, you have been working hard to promote the aircraft carrier project. Aren’t you worried that the country doesn’t have enough financial support?”

"Modern warfare has long told us that there is nothing without air supremacy, and the 91 war told us that there is nothing without electromagnetic power. Therefore, if we want to protect the interests of the motherland from being affected, then we must establish a strong For a powerful navy, we must have advanced weapons and equipment, and we must have air supremacy at sea, so an aircraft carrier is an inevitable choice.”

Qin Tao talked endlessly: "In the eyes of many people, the aircraft carrier is an offensive weapon, while our national defense policy is defensive in nature. Therefore, it is concluded that we do not need an aircraft carrier. Big mistake. Our motherland has a long coastline and ocean routes to guard. If we don’t have a strong navy, how can we protect our motherland and our economic development? National defense construction and economic development, this They complement each other. Without a strong national defense force, no matter how strong the economy is, it will be a castle in the air and may be destroyed at any time."

Qin Tao's words reached the hearts of the big guys, and everyone nodded frequently.

If we want to develop the economy, the army must be patient, but the army cannot be patient without limit. After the economy develops, the army will inevitably usher in a moment of vigorous development.

"Let me give another specific example. Two years ago, our Xingchen was interfered for no reason at sea. Was it because we did not have a strong navy? If our warships were nearby, would we still be able to let the other side succeed? Last year, our Isn’t it because our navy is not strong enough that a nuclear submarine is tracked by the opponent’s sonar? If our aircraft carrier is nearby, they dare to play tricks under our noses?”

"So, I think we need aircraft carriers. In order to better defend our motherland, we must develop our maritime power, transform from near-shore defense to ocean-going, and from green-water navy to blue-water navy. This is also the The road to realize our great national rejuvenation, hundreds of years ago, Zheng He sailed to the west and owned the most powerful fleet in the world, now, we have to gradually embark on this road.”

"Moreover, the aircraft carrier project will also promote the development of many domestic industries, just like the Americans launched the Apollo moon landing. Although it seems to burn money, it has driven the development of many related industries. The dividends have been eaten until now. We develop The aircraft carrier and the supporting technologies will bring huge economic benefits to the society after research and development.”

"Well said!" Mr. Liu nodded with satisfaction: "The road is rough, but the future is bright. Let's concentrate our efforts now and come up with a few projects. For others, we can slowly wait for the opportunity to break through!"

Why not just start building the aircraft carrier, but start with the purchase of the Varyag?What I just said is also an important factor.

Among the higher-level leaders, there are still some people who do not recognize the aircraft carrier and feel that the Navy does not need an aircraft carrier.If construction starts, a large amount of money will need to be allocated at once, and the entire project may not be approved.

Now, it's time to boil the frogs in warm water and throw in the money a little at a time.Slowly, the power of the aircraft carrier was fiddled with.

Wait until everything is ready, and then start building a brand new aircraft carrier, and everything will be a matter of course.

"We can also start to build momentum. The program that Zhang Zhong talked about can talk about a few aircraft carriers recently, and cultivate the national aircraft carrier plot. Of course, we have to wait until the ship comes back."

Everyone nodded. For this program, Mr. Liu also recognized it. Zhang Zhong played a big role in popularizing military affairs to ordinary people and making everyone care about military development.

"Leaders, it's very late today, should we continue?" Qin Tao looked at the clock hanging on the wall and asked the person in front of him.

"Of course, let's continue!" Boss Liu waved his hand: "Let's have a candlelit night talk!"

"Okay, then let's go on to talk about the long-term. The AWACS is also in our planning, and then we will have to deal with the take-off of the AWACS. Even if it can take off with a ski jump, there are still many problems. Therefore, we Future aircraft carriers will definitely need catapults, and in this regard, I think we can develop electromagnetic catapults in one step."

"How is that possible? Do you want to run without learning to walk? Moreover, even the United States doesn't have electromagnetic catapults. It's a castle in the air for us to do this kind of thing!"

Immediately someone objected.

"That's right, the steam catapult is already very difficult for us, electromagnetic catapult? Is that a bluff in Star Wars? It is estimated that it will take 100 years to break through. In my opinion, we are still honestly engaged in steam catapult device technology."

Qin Tao smiled, he could understand the big guy's objection, after all, talking about this thing now is indeed a bit ahead of schedule.

"We have lagged behind the world's advanced level for many years. If we want to catch up quickly, or even surpass it, we have to consider it from a technical point of view. Take the Aegis project that our navy is working on for example. Didn't we just skip the foreign ones? Passive phased array radar, directly transition to active phased array radar system?" Qin Tao explained to everyone: "In this way, after our system is developed, it will be better than the Aegis system, and the catapult is naturally the same. The steam catapult has too many shortcomings. Compared with the electromagnetic catapult, it is a product of two eras. Of course, if you have doubts, for the sake of safety, we can also develop the two catapult technologies at the same time, and then compare and verify , This will probably take many years, if we can’t catch up with the progress of our own aircraft carrier, then we can build a ski-jump aircraft carrier first.”

It is impossible to convince everyone with a few words from Qin Tao. Everyone is reasonable and needs to be based on facts and supported by various data to reach a suitable conclusion.

"That will consume a lot of money, right?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "If we only do theoretical research, it won't cost much."

Qin Tao believed in Magong and would strongly support it. After all, the advantages of electromagnetic catapults over steam catapults are much greater.

In the future, if you want to board drones and the like, electromagnetic ejection is a must. With this thing, the Navy's amphibious landing ships can also use catapults, just burying a track.There will be no problem of steam freezing in cold areas, no frequent maintenance, etc.

When the meeting went on late into the night, it finally broke up.

By the time he left the meeting room, the stars above his head were already shining brightly. Qin Tao let out a long breath. A new era was slowly beginning!
He didn't say some things, such as the attitude of the superiors that everyone is concerned about. In another year, what will happen will have to be completely determined by the superiors. The aircraft carrier must be engaged. Gotta do it!

"Taozi, work hard!" Wu Shengli patted Qin Tao on the shoulder, and then got into the car with Mr. Liu and others. This trip was with Mr. Liu and the others. We can't stay here any longer, we have to accompany Let Mr. Liu and others go back.

When Qin Tao returned home, it was already past four o'clock. He was embarrassed to disturb his wife and children in the bedroom, so he lay directly on the sofa outside and fell asleep in a daze. Was covered with a blanket.

Smelling the familiar smell on the blanket, Qin Tao smiled.

The sound of flushing came from the bathroom, and Zhao Ling came out on tiptoe, saw Qin Tao, and said in surprise, "Are you awake? Do you want to go to the bedroom and sleep again?"

"No need, there are still many things to be busy." Qin Tao said: "Next, I have to go to the shipyard."

"Look at the shipyard? Are you going back to Mingzhou?" Zhao Ling's eyes were full of reluctance. She just returned to Huating and is leaving again?

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, the shipyard here in Huating. The one that cooperates with Sanxing Heavy Industry."

"Then are you coming back tonight?"

"Maybe I'll be back in the afternoon."

Zhao Ling was all smiles.

Mingzhou Shipyard has been unable to complete the huge production orders. After the Dongfang Maritime Blockade is towed back, it needs to enter the 40-ton shipyard for maintenance. Therefore, for a long time, the shipyard will not be able to continue to produce other ships. vessel.

Mingzhou Shipyard needs a new production site.

Although it is also possible to continue building the berth on the side like a pie, but after negotiating with Sanxing Heavy Industry, their production problems can be greatly alleviated.

According to the plan discussed by the two parties, a joint venture shipyard will be built at HLD in Huating, next to the aircraft carrier park. Moreover, Mingzhou Group holds the major shares and has the absolute right to speak.

Only in the production of ships, to accept the requirements of Sanhang Heavy Industry, a part of natural gas ships need to be produced.

Qin Tao didn't know how the construction was going there, and whether it could start in the near future.

After breakfast, Xu Zhengyang drove and took Qin Tao to Chongming Island.

"The return journey of the Shenzhou is very smooth. They have already passed Malacca, and it is estimated that they will be able to drive to Mingzhou in three to five days." Xu Zhengyang introduced the progress to Qin Tao while driving.

Qin Tao nodded: "Has our convoy fleet passed by?"

"Well, when we get here, we can take the initiative. In addition to a high-powered tugboat, there are also two frigates patrolling nearby. If there is a situation, we can rush to reinforce it at any time."

Finally coming back!

With this expectation, Qin Tao's car drove into the construction site of the shipyard.

"President Qin, I'm so glad to see you." Zhang Yang happily ran up to the gate of the construction site.

Many old workers of the former Mingzhou Shipyard have been promoted, and some apprentices trained by Cong Ju have also been reused, and Zhang Yang is one of them.

As Cong Ju's apprentice, Zhang Yang is very outstanding. As early as a year ago, he was able to assume the chief engineer of the construction of the natural gas ship. He took the overall responsibility and shared a lot of work for Cong Ju. After the shipyard started construction, Cong Ju recommended Zhang Yang to be the person in charge here.

For Zhang Yang, the promotion has been too fast in the past few years, and now he has become the person in charge of a shipyard, which was unthinkable in the past.

"Well, how is the construction going here?" Qin Tao asked.

"According to your suggestion, let's start the construction of the berth first. After the construction is completed, three or four ships with a capacity of [-] tons can be started at the same time. The construction period of the dock and the like has to be delayed, but for production, it will be about a month later. It can be carried out." Zhang Yang reported to Qin Tao.

"Well, how are the workers equipped?"

"It is planned to bring out 300 experienced master craftsmen from our shipyard, and more than [-] apprentices from our Lanyang Technical School. One hundred technicians who came here." Speaking of this, Zhang Yang was very excited: "Mr. Qin, thanks to your advance layout, you have organized a special technical school, otherwise, we really can't get together all at once. So many people come."

At the beginning, faced with the problem of talent shortage, they poached people everywhere, but this was just the beginning. In the future, they had to have the ability to produce blood. Therefore, they organized their own technical school and trained a large number of talents.

Qin Tao nodded, more than 500 workers, this is just the beginning, in the future, it will definitely expand to more than 3000 people.

"I will say hello to the government. After our shipyard is completely built, we must build a worker's primary school nearby, so that our workers' children can go to school."

These workers came to Huating from Mingzhou, and they are likely to settle down in Huating in the future. Of course, they also have to enjoy the educational resources of Huating.With his relationship, there would be no big problem in asking the Huating government to build a primary school.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Qin." Zhang Yang was very happy.

At this time, the person in charge of the South Kimchi Country also came over.

"President Qin, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Zheng Xianyu, the person in charge of Sanxing Heavy Industry here. You came today just in time. There is one thing that I want to lodge a solemn protest with you!"

According to the requirements at the time, the decision-making power of the enterprise belongs to our own side. As the person in charge, Zhang Yang has the ability to decide everything. However, Sanxing Heavy Industry has paid for it after all. Therefore, Zhang Yang will be the top leader and Zheng Xianyu will be the second leader. .

However, Zhang Yang had been taught by Cong Juzun a long time ago, and he arranged all kinds of things, especially the rules and regulations in the factory. Without his signature, Zheng Xianyu was not even qualified to use the money in the factory to buy a pack of toilet paper. .

At this time, Zheng Xianyu was very excited when he saw Qin Tao. He had talked to Zhang Yang many times and was always fooled. Now, he finally found the right owner and protested directly!

"Mr. Zheng, I am the person in charge here, the top leader. If you have anything to do, just tell me. Leapfrogging the report is a very serious offense in our place!" Zhang Yang immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.

Zheng Xianyu doesn't care, he's already going all out.

"President Qin, I am fighting for the interests of our employees! You must listen to my protest!"

Qin Tao smiled and looked at Zheng Xianyu: "The interests of the employees? What's the matter? Tell me."

"Mr. Qin, our skilled workers have come from the southern kimchi country and across the sea. They are here on business trips, so they should be treated like business trips!" Zheng Xianyu really didn't do it for his personal power, but rather It is to fight for the interests of the workers under him: "All their expenses should be borne by our shipyard here, including basic wages, travel subsidies, etc.! However, Mr. Zhang is only willing to give them the same wages as Chinese workers. It's discrimination!"

"How is this discrimination? Since you have come to our shipyard, you have to follow our rules. First, give them a basic salary. After the test, if the results meet our requirements, you will be paid according to different levels. This is our Mingzhou shipyard. The practice of the shipyard, they don't want to be special!"

"They all have the qualification certificates of Lloyd's Shipping Company and other shipping companies! They came from the far southern pickle country, and they still have to accept a reduction in wages. This is an insult to them!" Zheng Xianyu was also anxious .

Qin Tao understood it, and talked for a long time, just for the matter of salary.

It's all little things.

"If they don't want to accept the salary reduction, then get out!" Zhang Yang came up step by step from the lower ranks, but he didn't have much education. It's quite embarrassing to say this, but fortunately, the translator didn't dare to say this Translate it intact, otherwise there will be a quarrel immediately.

"President Qin, please give us justice!" Zheng Xianyu said.

"Director Zhang, what is our salary?" Qin Tao asked Zhang Yang.

"The current tentative standard is that the monthly salary of a skilled teacher is 500 yuan. After the technical school students come out, the salary is 600 yuan."

In 95, the average salary was about two or three hundred yuan, and 300 yuan a month was considered a high salary. The students of the Lanyang Technical School of Mingzhou Group can get a salary of 500 yuan after they come out, which is enough to become a The object of envy, so that some people don't want to go to high school to take the college entrance examination, so they aim at Lanyang Technical School.

This also ensures the quality of technical school students.

"What about Sanxing Heavy Industry? How much salary do you expect?"

"Their basic salary should be [-] U.S. dollars, plus [-] U.S. dollars for overtime work, [-] U.S. dollars a month, and they should also enjoy various holidays. According to the labor law, the daily The working time cannot exceed eight hours, and there must be half an hour of afternoon tea in between..."

"Fuck you!" Zhang Yang was already cursing.

"Director Zhang, how do you talk? Quality, quality!" Qin Tao glanced at Zhang Yang dissatisfiedly: "You are now the director of the factory and manage a large shipyard, how can you swear casually? You will be fined fifty cents , deducted from your salary!"

Zhang Yang could only bow his head.

Qin Tao looked at Zheng Xianyu again: "Mr. Zheng, I can understand your thoughts, and the workers you sent should not feel wronged. In this way, I have satisfied your request!"

"President Qin, you really are the one who is reasonable!" Zheng Xianyu was very happy.

Zhang Yang was annoyed: "Damn..." Before he could finish his sentence, thinking of Qin Tao's education just now, he quickly shut his mouth again.

"Director Zhang, our workers are also treated in the same way. Three thousand dollars, converted into 700 yuan, and various holidays and working hours are the same as those of the South Kimchi people."

When he uttered these words, Zhang Yang immediately understood, Gao, really tall!This is the gap between him and Mr. Qin.

"Apprentices also increase at the same time. The basic salary is [-]."

"No, you can't do this!" Zheng Xianyu shouted: "If you do this, the profit of the shipyard will be greatly reduced! We came here to invest and set up a factory because of the low labor cost advantage here. The salary is the same as the salary, and the travel allowance is added, so how can our shipyard make money?"

Although he has no right to speak here, at the end of the year, the dividends will definitely be distributed according to the shares. Even if he only plays a supervisory role, he still has to supervise the operation here.

How dare you pay the workers here such high wages?Isn't it a crime to distribute vain money to the poor?
"The shipyard is secondary to making money. We have to maintain fairness." Qin Tao said: "Mr. Zheng, what you just asked is to make your workers feel happy at work. What about our workers? Of course we have to work with you." Treat everyone equally!"

"But, this will lose money!"

"There is no way to lose money, so what else can I do?"

"Your workers' wages remain the same, just give our workers a raise!"

"Why! You have two heads?" Zhang Yang was about to swear again.

"Mr. Zheng, you are wrong to say that. There is a good saying, don't worry about the few, but the unevenness. The big guys have one head and two shoulders, and they work together. Why are the wages different? To be honest No matter how good your skills are, you don’t know how to weld Invar steel. After you come here, you still have to learn. Not giving them apprentice wages is considered preferential treatment. Now, equal pay for equal work is a principle that must be adhered to.” Qin Tao said: "If you want to raise wages, we have to raise wages for domestic workers. This is the most fair, what do you think?"

Zheng Xianyu was speechless.

"As for the difficulty in operating the shipyard due to too high wages, until it finally went bankrupt, there is nothing you can do about it. This is what you requested, so in the end, if we want to sum up the lessons of failure, it is all caused by your pursuit of enjoyment."

"No, absolutely not." Zheng Xianyu shook his head.

Their group has also invested a large amount of money in this project. If the company is ruined because of high wages, then his career will come to an end!
"If this doesn't work, there is another plan."

"President Qin, please speak."

"You don't need to use your workers, just use our workers directly, and the wages are still the same, and that's solved!"

Zhang Yang almost burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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