Great warships

Chapter 449 Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Chapter 449 Strategic Petroleum Reserve (Part [-])
"There is no need to set up a branch line in Skovorodino for this oil pipeline to lead to China. China." Makoto Erxiu appeared on the screen of the largest private TV station in Damao.

Since the collapse of the Red Empire, many private media outlets have sprung up in Damao, and the most influential one is the TV station established by Gusinski, whose ratings are even higher than that of Damao National Television.

At this time, the island woman appeared on the TV station as a guest, speaking fluent Russian, expressing her dissatisfaction with the oil pipeline.

"Why? As long as we connect a branch line, we can divert part of the oil, isn't it great?"

"Of course not. The East simply doesn't need so much oil. After the pipeline is built, it will be empty for a long time, causing waste. We also have good intentions for Da Mao."

Makoto Erhide, a well-known energy expert in the island country, explained eloquently: "Our island country is a country with a large energy demand and needs a lot of energy to meet our needs. Therefore, we require that the first phase of construction be completed immediately. In the second phase of construction, don’t engage in any meaningless branch lines!”

"Ah!" Qin Tao sneezed suddenly.

"Qin, what's wrong with you?" Vitalia looked at Qin Tao very worriedly.

Now, it was a celebratory dinner, and countless people were present. Qin Tao, the main character, sneezed suddenly, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"It's nothing, I guess someone is talking bad about me behind my back."

While talking, Xu Zhengyang came in and said a few words next to Qin Tao's ear, Qin Tao nodded.

"What's wrong?" Berezovsky also became concerned.

"I just received a piece of news that our oil pipeline has stimulated some people. The islanders not only lobbied your government, but also talked nonsense on TV, saying that we don't need to build branch lines, and all the oil is exported to Nakhodka. If we need , just load it there.”

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Yalevsky immediately became annoyed: "These islanders don't understand the principle of accepting as soon as they see it. They are a bunch of greedy guys. Qin, please rest assured that our contract There will be no problems!"

After all, the main person in charge of this project is Yalevsky.

The original plan was the Anda-Da line, and the islanders had nothing to do with it. However, the islanders had to intervene and demanded that it be built to the Far East estuary.

The Chinese agreed very quickly, and it didn't matter if they increased the length of the pipeline. What happened?The islanders are still not satisfied and demand to stop this branch line!

After the main pipeline is built, it only needs to be repaired for tens of kilometers to reach Mohe. The rest of the pipeline is a domestic project in China and has nothing to do with them. How could they give up!
The second phase of the project will take more than five years, and after the first phase of the project is completed, the pipeline will be able to be used.

"Thank you for your support." Qin Tao said: "We believe that our friendship is great, and the conspiracy of the islanders is doomed to fail. However, after you go back, if the islanders give you gifts, you can also accept them, anyway. No matter how rude the islanders are, it is impossible to ask to start construction from Nakhodka.”

The first phase will be built first, and the distance between Skovorodino and Mohe will only be tens of kilometers. At that time, the domestic pipeline will be built, and Da Mao will not have the money to build the second phase. Will they listen to the islanders?

It can be said that as long as this line is built, domestic oil pipelines will definitely be able to connect to it. On the contrary, it is the second phase of the project and may not be able to be repaired.

The islanders have lent 100 billion yuan, and when the time comes to see the oil flow to China, that scene must be very good!

Qin Tao had already planned in his heart, but Yalevsky in front of him had a face full of gratitude, did you see that?This is Mr. Qin's style. No wonder Mr. Qin can make friends with many people. When encountering problems, he always considers the interests of his friends first. It is completely opposite to the islanders. The islanders are disgusting!
Berezovsky nodded: "No matter how much the islanders jump, it's useless. Since we have signed the agreement, we will definitely implement it according to the agreement. Hmph, that Gusinsky is too much, and it would be great to have a TV station." ? I also have media!"

Back then, Berezovsky had founded a newspaper, and Qin Tao had used his identity as a newspaper as a cover, but later Berezovsky's business became bigger and bigger, and now he has become an oil giant. No more media.

Now, the behavior of the other party has angered Berezovsky, and he decided to fight back in related fields.

"This kind of person doesn't need to have a direct confrontation. A car accident or something is enough." Qin Tao said.

Because of this news, the dinner party has a more uneasy atmosphere.

Leader Zhao came over with a wine glass.

"President Qin, I heard that there are some minor troubles?"

"That's right, there will always be people who will make trouble for us. Hmph, let's write down this grudge first." Qin Tao said, "But don't worry, the conspiracy of the islanders will not succeed."

Leader Zhao nodded.

"Of course, we also have to make preparations in many ways." Qin Tao said: "For example, we can build a large offshore oil depot as a storage and transfer site. To cope with the unpredictable oil prices in the world."

A large offshore oil depot?
Leader Zhao frowned: "Such an oil depot must have a lot of investment, right? Our oil company needs to raise funds to build oil pipelines, so I'm afraid we don't have the strength to build another offshore oil depot."

"If you don't have funds, let us Mingzhou Group come and let those people know that we have other means to let them beg us instead of us begging them."

At this moment, there was no one else around, and Vitalia couldn't stay by Qin Tao's side all the time, otherwise she would be easily misunderstood. She spent more time by Berezovsky's side.

"That's right, let them beg us, then we will have the initiative, as long as they build the first phase of the project, then..."

Leader Zhao was very excited. With Qin Tao's words, he could finally feel relieved.

The cost of this project is not small, and it is completely supported by their oil company. If there is any accident, it will poke a big hole.

The banquet is finally over.

Back at the residence, Wu Shengli chatted with Qin Tao again.

"You Mingzhou Group will continue to be a second-hand businessman. You import oil from abroad, store it in your oil depot, and then sell it to a domestic oil company. There must be a lot of profit from this transfer, right?"

"Dad, don't focus on the money. Our Mingzhou Group is not short of money. What we do is a major event that benefits the country and the people. This is just the beginning. In the future, the country still needs to come forward , to establish our strategic oil reserve mechanism. The offshore oil depots of our Mingzhou Group are all pediatrics."

This mechanism originated from the Fourth Middle East War in 73. OPEC's oil producers imposed an embargo on crude oil to Western developed countries, which immediately stunned the West.

In the past, they bought and used them at the same time. There was at most a few days of stock at the refinery, which was not enough at all!
After the crisis ended, the West established a special International Energy Agency, requiring each member state to have at least [-] days of crude oil reserves to deal with sudden crises.

In the 80s, it was stimulated again, and the crude oil reserves increased to [-] days.

What about China?
China does not yet have such a mechanism.

Before 94, China was a crude oil exporting country. As a country that exported oil, was it still worried that its oil would not be enough and would be embargoed?Of course there is no such possibility!

Oil imports only started last year, 1000 to 500 million tons, which is not a lot. This year is only the second year, and the annual import volume is estimated to be [-] million tons, which is not a lot. Therefore, there is no crude oil storage mechanism in the country.

It was not until 2001 that the country began to pay attention to this project. In 2003, the site selection began, and four places were selected as crude oil storage bases.A total of [-] million barrels of oil can be stored, which can meet half a month's domestic consumption at that time.

That's right, the establishment of four large bases is enough for half a month in the country. After all, the domestic oil consumption at that time had already reached a very considerable figure.

And then what?Of course, the establishment continued, and a total of ten large bases were established.

These are all done on land along the coast, and there is an oil refinery nearby. Even if Mingzhou Group wants to intervene, I am afraid it will not be able to intervene. Moreover, the spread of the stall is too large, and Qin Tao has no such ambition.

It's enough for him to just solve a zero breakout.

"How large a crude oil storage facility do you plan to build?" Wu Shengli asked Qin Tao.

"The easiest way is to buy a decommissioned oil tanker and find a sheltered port to anchor. It is best to have an oil refinery nearby, and just lay a pipeline there." Qin Tao thought for a while: "That is, the scale of several million tons Bar."

"We only import more than 1000 million tons of oil a year, and you actually want to build a multi-million-ton offshore oil depot, and what's more, you say it's pediatrics?" Wu Shengli opened his eyes wide.

"Of course it's pediatrics. If it's a 30-ton oil tanker, if we get ten ships, that's 300 million tons. Isn't this a pediatric?" Qin Tao said: "This oil depot will not be built all at once. Two or three years, after all, it will take time to select the site and lay the pipeline, and after the construction is completed, the amount of imported crude oil in our country may be 5000 million tons, am I still a child?"

Of course, Qin Tao has also chosen the time node. Taking advantage of the next sharp drop in oil prices, he will set up offshore oil depots, so that he can buy a batch of low-priced oil, and then sell it after the price rises.

It is not worth much to buy some scrapped tankers, and all the investment can be recovered in one operation.

"We want to establish a strategic oil reserve mechanism in our country, and it can't be too small." Qin Tao said: "At least tens of millions of tons, so that it is enough. In the future, we'd better be able to store hundreds of millions of tons, or even It can save the amount in the first half of the year and play a regulating role.”

Petroleum is cyclical, so if you buy it when it is cheapest and store it, and put it on the market when the price is high, the profit is very high.

Of course, it's not up to Qin Tao how to do it. Qin Tao just made this suggestion.

"Our army also needs to have its own fuel reserves and its own oil refinery. In this way, our army can save a lot of money." Qin Tao said.

When it came to saving money for the army, Wu Shengli became interested.

What is the country's strategic crude oil reserve? This kind of thing is not in a hurry. After all, the country does not import a lot of oil now, but if it is said that the fuel used by the army is a huge investment.

"In the past, our warships mainly burned boilers, and we could use heavy oil. But in the future, our warships will mainly use gas turbines and diesel engines. Therefore, we also need to consume more fuel. We have our own oil refinery. It’s much cheaper to smelt and use it yourself than to buy it from an oil company.”

In previous years, in the planned economy, all you had to do was apply for a report.Moreover, in the oil refining company, there will still be military representatives. After all, many oils used by the military are kept secret, and neither the quality nor the quantity can be known to the outside world.

Now, reforms have been initiated, and many problems have arisen in the military's procurement of fuel.

On the issue of confidentiality, the oil company is already a company. For better development, it even attracted some foreigners to join in, which affected the confidentiality of military oil. At the same time, the oil company also has to calculate the cost. Therefore, even if oil companies purchase oil from abroad at a low price, they may not necessarily sell it to the army at a low price.

Regardless of other things, the navy has ushered in a change.

Wu Shengli nodded.

What Qin Tao said makes sense.

They don't care about civilian use, but for military use, they must be thoughtful!

"Since we have gas turbines, our navy needs another fuel supply. It's really complicated!" Wu Shengli said.

Gas turbines don’t choose oil, they can burn any oil, even heavy oil, but if they are not really poor and can’t open the pot, they still can’t burn heavy oil, and the sequelae of that thing are too great.

The best fuel, of course, is aviation kerosene. After all, gas turbines are developed from aero engines, and it is most suitable to burn aviation kerosene.

"Yes, the demand for aviation kerosene is increasing. However, if we want to unify the logistics, we can also let the gas turbines burn diesel. In this way, it is enough for our warships to be equipped with only one fuel. Diesel is not very volatile. , more secure."

In this way, it comes to the warship again.

(Some readers previously said that marine gas turbines can burn heavy oil, but the consequences are terrible. I checked it out and found that it is true. It can burn, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy to use.)

For domestic destroyers, for a long time, they will take the route of alternating diesel fuel, diesel engines for low-speed cruising, and gas turbines for high-speed sailing. If they are all unified into light diesel, it will be of great benefit to warships: As long as the diesel is carried uniformly.

As for the aviation kerosene used by the helicopters on the warship, after all, the amount of this thing is limited, and even a few oil drums are enough.

The unification of diesel oil greatly reduces the types of fuel carried by warships and facilitates the logistical supply of the fleet, which is of great benefit.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, it would be great if we could use diesel."

"What does it mean if it can be used, the GT-15000 gas turbine we are currently developing, let them strengthen the use of diesel, so it will work?" Qin Tao said: "This also means that the amount of diesel we need will be greatly increased. Well, you still have to do it yourself.”

The topic returned to the refinery.

Crude oil passes through the refining tower and is divided into different fuels, of which diesel is only a part.

In later generations, the demand for diesel is increasing. After all, the main heavy trucks are diesel-burning, and various oil refining companies will find ways to increase the output of diesel and improve efficiency.

If the navy wants to build its own oil refinery, it has to do it in one step. The smelting equipment is mainly for smelting diesel!
Wu Shengli nodded: "We can consider this project."

After talking for a long time, Wu Shengli finally nodded, and he was just thinking about it. After all, the navy needs to spend too much money. It needs to build an oil refinery, which can also supply a large number of warships for the navy. The scale is not small. If If you add oil depots and the like, the navy will spend a lot of money.

Wu Shengli does not have the power to directly make decisions.

However, soon he remembered another thing.

"We have become an oil-importing country, but we have abundant coal resources. Tell me, is it possible to liquefy our coal and turn it into fuel, just like what Germany did during World War II?"

Qin Tao glanced at the old man in surprise, not knowing who came up with this genius idea, but this idea is much more feasible than the original water-to-oil conversion.

China has a lot of coal resources. The open-pit coal mines in the NMG area have not yet been discovered, and there is also a large amount of coal in Outer Mongolia. There is no other way except to sell it to China.Therefore, for a long time, coal has been an abundant resource in the country. At most, the transportation capacity is not enough, resulting in no coal for thermal power plants in the south in winter.

However, China began to lack oil, and with the development of the economy, the shortage of oil will become larger and larger.

So, can coal be turned into a liquid fuel?

The Germans did it decades ago!

Germany is a country that lacks oil, but has abundant coal resources. During World War II, Germany took the lead in developing mechanized troops, and the demand for coal was even greater. Therefore, the Germans could only use coal to oil in large quantities.

The original technology can only be transformed into gasoline. Therefore, German tanks can only burn gasoline, but the Soviet Union is different. It has a rich oil industry. Soviet tanks burn diesel. One refueling can run hundreds of kilometers without gasoline. Tank a few streets.

After World War II, coal-to-oil conversion has entered a trough, but there are also some countries that are doing research, such as Rainbow Country!

"I heard that the coal-to-oil technology in the Rainbow Country is very advanced. If we can introduce this technology, then there will be no shortage of fuel in our country."

The Rainbow Country is also a coal-rich country and lacks oil. Therefore, they have studied the technology for decades and have achieved industrialization results. Compared with the technology during World War II, it can not only produce gasoline, but also diesel, and other fuel.

If this kind of technology is also developed in China, will the energy problem be solved?
Qin Tao shook his head: "I'm not very familiar with this coal-to-oil conversion, but it has not been promoted on a large scale, so there must be its drawbacks. We may try it in our country, but it is best not to start a large-scale operation right away. Spread out and use."

If you don't understand, just look at the situation of later generations. It seems that there is no large-scale use of coal-to-oil conversion in China. There are some small oil refineries that use waste plastics or even waste oil to refine oil.

As for the oil, the quality is very poor, and those agricultural vehicles are fine to use. If it is used in a car, it will definitely damage the engine. If the navy uses it rashly and wastes the gas turbine, it will cost a lot.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, you can't be too reckless, but the introduction still needs to be introduced, Taozi, if you have an idea, you can match up with our domestic related companies, after all, you are very popular in Rainbow Country, Influential."


Qin Tao shook his head: "I have no idea, I won't go anywhere recently, and concentrate on transforming our big ship."

I am capable, and I have opened up the passage to the Rainbow Country. Whether it is a shipyard or a trade in clothing, everything is going very well. However, Qin Tao doesn't want to go out again.

How exciting it is to work on that aircraft carrier. For the next time, he needs to focus on that ship, go up and walk around every day, and walk out of a Chinkarov road!

After all, Qin Tao was not a businessman in his previous life, he was just a master shipbuilder.

Hearing Qin Tao's answer, Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, these are trivial matters. For you and our army, that ship is very important. By the way, the superiors may come to have a look in the near future. "

"What did you see in the past?" Qin Tao directly refused: "Rust removal work is going on now, the site is a mess, and there is too much dust pollution in the air, so there is nothing to see. You have to wait until the work is completed. Let’s talk after you’ve got the primer on.”

"You boy, why do you say that? You can see it anytime, do you know how anxious the leaders are? I want to go and see it too!" Wu Shengli couldn't help it: "Even if you bought that ship, then It will also be the property of our navy in the future!"

How many people are looking forward to the aircraft carrier, the stars and the moon, and finally they are looking forward to it. What is the result?Qin Tao actually stopped them all the time, not letting them see it!

The father-in-law was furious, and Qin Tao was very scared: "Well, you can watch it if you want, but don't come here during the day, you can go to the naval station in Mingzhou for inspection during the day, and then come for a walk at night, try not to make a big fuss .We still have to be careful."

"That's about the same." Wu Shengli nodded: "We plan to go to Huating first to hear the progress of the aircraft carrier's modification plan, and then go there. You stay in the capital for two more days, and then we will go there together."

(End of this chapter)

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