Great warships

Chapter 451 Examining Nos. 136 and 137

Chapter 451 Examining Nos. 136 and 137

"Currently, we are making this scaled prototype." Ma Ming led everyone to the front of the device, picked up a module with an inverted trapezoidal section, and said: "The track of the prototype is composed of such modules, and its Inside the groove, it is used to load the shooting shuttle, and the shooting shuttle is connected to the tow bar to drive the aircraft."

This track, like the water channel, has a very smooth inner surface. After all, the catapult shuttle must move inside. This catapult shuttle is actually equivalent to the mover of the linear motor with rollers.

Everyone's eyes turned to this module.

"Our domestic high-temperature superconducting technology has developed very well. Have high-temperature superconducting materials been used in this kind of orbit?"

"Yes, at present, our domestic high-temperature superconducting technology is developing rapidly. I am also very optimistic about this material, but so far, these materials are still in the laboratory. Therefore, in order to ensure reliability, we have not used high-temperature superconducting materials for the time being. For superconductivity, ordinary silicon steel materials are still used. After our high-temperature superconductors are used in engineering, we will definitely improve to this kind of solution.”

A superconductor is a special kind of material.Ordinary wires have resistance, but when certain materials are lowered to a certain temperature, the resistance will drop to zero. At this time, the current can pass through without any hindrance. This phenomenon is called for superconductivity.

The appearance of superconductivity has aroused the favor of many people. If this technology can be used on a large scale, then human technology will enter a new era. For example, there will be no loss on the transmission line. For example, it can Create super electromagnets and more.

However, the application of superconductors is difficult because it only has properties at low temperatures, and this phenomenon disappears when the temperature is slightly increased.

For several years, technical experts from various countries have been researching related materials and trying to increase this temperature. This is not a high temperature of hundreds or thousands of degrees, but how many degrees below zero.

In 87, it was successfully raised to minus 183 degrees, and it was only raised to minus 2015 degrees in 70. This temperature is far below room temperature. Therefore, to use these high-temperature superconducting materials, then Appropriate cooling facilities are required.

Therefore, for a long time, superconductors have stayed in the laboratory, and it is very difficult to truly engineer them.

The electromagnetic catapults used by Americans also use ordinary silicon steel sheets as magnetic materials. Of course, Ma Ming would not rashly choose immature things.

Inside this module, there are a lot of thick coils, which is a bit surprising.

"At present, what we are making is only a scale prototype, so the maximum current it allows can only reach [-] amperes. When the scale model is made, this value will be increased to [-] amperes."

Ma Ming's words shocked everyone again.

A current of [-] amperes, what a terrifying figure!However, only this powerful current can provide enough driving force.

"Then, its switch must be strong." Qin Tao said.

"Yes, it is impossible for us to energize all the modules together. All the modules of the entire track are divided into eight parts, and the corresponding parts will only be energized when the ejection shuttle passes by. In this way, we need to have eight reliable vacuum breakers device."

No one has mentioned the difficulties of the electromagnetic catapult. Even if it is mentioned, it will talk about the difficulties of energy storage devices, power supply, etc. In fact, just a switch is very particular!
"Do we have this technology?" Elder Liu asked worriedly.

"Of course, we have advanced high-voltage power transmission technology, and there are also vacuum circuit breakers of this level. We sent our technical requirements to relevant domestic manufacturers, and within a few months, they provided us with fully qualified product."

Speaking of this, Ma Ming is very proud. Related domestic companies have conducted a lot of research on these projects. Therefore, although the electromagnetic catapult sounds very high-end, in fact, there are a lot of mature technologies that can be used .

Other countries do not have this advantage, because they do not have relevant technical reserves!
"If these eight circuits are all used for acceleration, can they be more effective than steam catapults?" Someone asked.

Looking at the progress of their own electromagnetic catapult, those who were originally skeptical have now slowly changed their attitudes, but they still have to ask clearly.

"The acceleration provided by the steam catapult decreases gradually. After all, the steam pressure is sufficient at the moment of ejection. As the piston moves forward, the steam in the gas storage tank is continuously released, and the pressure will gradually decrease." Ma Ming introduced Get up: "So, when the pilot catapults to take off, it will be very difficult for a moment at first, but it will be much better later on."

"This is not the case with our electromagnetic catapult. In our design, the acceleration will continue to be maintained at around 4G. For pilots who can withstand 9G overload, this acceleration can still be tolerated. During the whole process, continue to accelerate, and finally When it reaches the take-off speed, it is very smooth. When it is time, in order for our catapult shuttle not to fly out, only seven loops are accelerated. At the eighth loop, the wheel will separate from the catapult shuttle, and then this loop brakes the catapult shuttle. , let it stop."

In the laboratory, they can first study the acceleration technology, and other means can be used to decelerate, but on the aircraft carrier, this thing must be able to stop, otherwise, once ejected, the ejection shuttle will go out with the aircraft.

The advantage of the electromagnetic catapult is that the acceleration is maintained continuously. However, when the Yankee’s electromagnetic catapult ejected for the first time, the pilot was extremely uncomfortable, because this acceleration was not continuous, but passed through a module every time. When accelerating once, a catapult has 288 linear motor modules, which are symmetrically distributed, which means that the pilot has to withstand 144 short-term accelerations, which makes the pilot want to die.

Of course, that's because American pilots have adapted to steam catapults. After getting on electromagnetic catapults, they began to get used to it. The motherland's aircraft carrier comes up with electromagnetic catapults, so of course the pilots will not have the kind of American pilots. Discomfort.

Ma Ming continued to introduce various principles to everyone. From the incomprehension at the beginning, many people already have an intuitive impression.

"So, how many years is it estimated that this kind of catapult will be developed?" Elder Liu asked.

"We are just doing scale-down experiments now. During this process, various problems may arise." Ma Ming said: "It is conservatively estimated that each experiment will take two years. After six years, our set of equipment will be able to The ability to board the ship. Of course, if there are problems encountered in the experiment, it may take more time."

This kind of thing cannot be said.

No one knows what is blocking the road ahead. Once a problem occurs, it may delay their progress. They can only make conservative estimates. At the same time, they will try their best to develop and strive to complete this project in the shortest possible time. .

six years!

At that time, the Dongfang Sea Ducheng had just been rebuilt, and the first domestically-made aircraft carrier was also under demonstration, and it happened to be ready to be carried on board!
"Okay, I hope you can work hard and complete the experiment of this catapult as soon as possible. In my opinion, this project can also apply for part of the funding from our army, and your company can't bear all of it."

Hearing Mr. Liu's words, a leader at the scene said: "Mr. Liu, should our army use limited funds to develop steam catapults as a backup? In this way, in case the electromagnetic catapult fails, our own Aircraft carriers also have steam catapults that can be used, you can’t put all your eggs in one basket!”

Qin Tao glanced at the leader with some dissatisfaction. Isn't this too partial?
"Taozi, do you have any ideas?" Wu Shengli said, "After all, you have the most say in this project."

"Well, I have an idea." Qin Tao thought for a while and said: "Our electromagnetic catapult is undergoing a scaling experiment. This experiment can verify many technologies. When the scaling experiment is completed, it can be compared with steam A comparison of the catapults, when the time comes, the pros and cons will naturally be clearly seen, so that a competition will eventually determine the ownership of the research and development funds."

"That's right, it's about competition!" Elder Liu nodded, "Only by competition can we have more choices!"

Ma Ming's eyes are full of confidence. He is very confident. This system has too many advantages. The steam catapult is already a backward technology, and there is no way to compete with them!
"Mr. Liu, next, let's go to Mingzhou and inspect the two modern-class destroyers there." Wu Shengli said next to Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu's main purpose this time is to see the aircraft carrier. However, to be on the safe side, the aircraft carrier can only be boarded up to see it at night, so what are you doing during the day?
First at Huating, I inspected the progress of the modified design, and learned about the technology of the catapult by the way. Then I have half a day to go to Mingzhou to see the modern class!
In fact, the two modern-class ships purchased from Lao Maozi were not stationed in Mingzhou, but in Zhoushan.

However, Zhoushan and Mingzhou are only tens of kilometers apart. As long as the boilers of the Hyundai-class destroyers are hot, they can drive to the fleet base dock in Mingzhou at any time.

Although domestically produced destroyers have larger and larger displacements, so far, among the navy's main warships, the two Hyundai-class ships purchased from Lao Maozi still have the largest displacement!
Mr. Liu's time is very precious, and the arrangements are very tight along the way.

Qin Tao followed Mr. Liu and went to the naval base. After all, Qin Tao also participated in the purchase of the two modern-class destroyers. I haven't seen these two warships before, and this time they happened to go together to join in the fun.

As for talking about electric cars with Ma Gong, it can only be delayed.

Anyway, Magong is busy with electromagnetic catapults, so he probably doesn't have time to study electric vehicles.

It will not be too late in a few years, as long as it is earlier than Tesla, and, after a few years, the 18650 battery will be more mature. At that time, it will be much better to directly use this kind of battery pack than lead-acid batteries.

Anyway, it is for the sake of making money. Golden Sun Motor Company will become Golden Sun Electric Vehicle Company in the future. Golden Sun brand electric vehicles are bright!
It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at Mingzhou Military Port.

It was already the end of April, which was the best season of the year, with the sea breeze blowing over, making it warm and humid.

On the pier, two large battleships stood there, and compared with the frigate docked next to it, it could show its huge size.

"These two warships, which we named No. 136 and No. 137, are currently the main warships of our Eastern Fleet. They not only have a large displacement, but more importantly, they have strong combat capabilities, especially the supersonic anti-ship missiles on their sides. , is currently the most powerful naval equipment, and is called an aircraft carrier killer by our domestic media." The fleet leader greeted the crowd and made an introduction at the same time.

Qin Tao had a smile on his face. This leader is really strict enough. He is called an aircraft carrier killer by the media, not what they think, because everyone knows in their hearts that this thing is still far away from an aircraft carrier killer.

However, this must be publicized among the people, so as to increase the people's love for national defense.

For ordinary domestic warships, anti-ship missiles are arranged near the chimney. When launching, they are launched directly to the side. Even if it is 051, the triple-packed launch box is forward. The launch box turns to the side.

The Hyundai class is different. The anti-ship missiles are arranged on both sides of the bridge and point directly forward. This launch method allows it to point directly at the enemy's direction and launch missiles without turning the rudder when facing the enemy.

Lao Maozi likes to arrange it like this. Whether it is the modern class or the honorary class, they are arranged on both sides like this. It looks majestic, but it also brings many problems.

"It's still the domineering arrangement of anti-ship missiles like Lao Maozi." A leader said: "This kind of destroyer is just like a missile boat. It can charge forward bravely and launch missiles during the charge. Only the navy of the Red Empire can do so." With this aggressiveness, we also need to have this spirit.”

A smile appeared on Qin Tao's face.

"Why, Taozi, do you have an opinion on my words?" The leader asked Qin Tao.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course I have no objection. Since our navy introduced this kind of warship, we haven't fired live ammunition yet. When there is a live ammunition shooting next year, everyone will be able to see that spectacular scene. It will shock the world and weep ghosts and gods!" "

"Boy, if you have anything you want to say, just say it. Don't tell everyone. Lao Zhao is not a small-minded person. Just say it openly. Lao Zhao will not blame you. If you hide half a sentence, he will Be angry." Wu Shengli said with a smile on the side.

"As long as one is launched, the bridge and the anti-ship missile launcher have to be repainted and polished in advance. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't paint it, but it doesn't look good." Qin Tao said: "I can't describe it specifically. Come up, wait until next year when the live ammunition is shot, and ask the people on the warship to take a photo, and everyone will know."

Wu Shengli frowned, Qin Tao kept repeating, when he was shooting next year, how did he know that he would shoot with live ammunition next year?This kind of supersonic anti-ship missile is expensive, so the Navy only bought [-] of them in total, which is one less than one used. Therefore, if it is not a major exercise project, it will definitely not shoot with live ammunition. A few cannonballs are not bad, but the cannonballs cost thousands of dollars each.

Is there something going on next year?

However, in front of so many people, Wu Shengli was too embarrassed to ask too many questions. Let's ask about this matter in private later!
Qin Tao just said it casually, and didn't think too much about it. After all, after a year or two, it would make sense for modern-level equipment troops to launch missiles to hit a target, only his father-in-law is more sensitive.

No one else took it to heart.

The leader named Lao Zhao understood Qin Tao's meaning: "You mean, the flame ablation of the missile is very serious?"

Qin Tao nodded: "It shouldn't be light."

He can't say it now, and everyone will know after the test.

This kind of anti-ship missile arranged vertically, after launching, the tail flame can directly burn the hull. Even if a special inclined baffle is designed at the back to prevent the tail flame from jumping backward, the impact on the front hull is still very serious. big.

Missile launch tubes and bridge shells will peel off layer by layer, just like the situation where the skin peels off after being exposed to the sun.

I also have to admire the old man, the nearby electronic equipment must not only be moisture-proof, but also high-temperature resistant!
"It seems that we still can't follow the old Maozi's path. Our missiles are arranged horizontally and crosswise, so that after the missiles are fired, the tail flames can be discharged directly into the sea from the side." Old Zhao followed suit and immediately changed his words.

"Old Zhao, this is not in line with your personality. You changed your mind so quickly." Wu Shengli teased.

"Speaking of the layout of warships, I'm an amateur, but your son-in-law is a professional. He has explained everything. Can we, Old Zhao, still be unconvinced?"

Everyone burst into laughter. Amidst the laughter, they walked across the pier, and then walked up from the back of the Hyundai class.

The modern-class bow deck is high and has a large displacement, so when docked at the dock, the bow is more than one meter high from the dock, and the rear deck is just flush with the dock, which is convenient for people to get on and off.

The first thing that catches the eye is, of course, the twin-mounted 130mm naval gun.

"This kind of naval gun is really domineering. When the ground threat is not too great, it can even get close to the land for ground artillery support." The leader of the base said: "There are one at the front and one at the front, a total of four barrels, rapid-fire At that time, it can catch up with the firepower of an artillery battalion."

The rate of fire of naval guns is much higher than that of self-propelled artillery on land, because it can be cooled by water cooling, and it also has a large loading mechanism.

"That's right. With the advantage of comprehensive air supremacy, the strong can deal with the weak. For us now, there should be no such good thing. After all, we don't have the advantage of comprehensive crushing like the US Navy."

The crowd nodded.

"For the navy, naval guns are a must, but the number does not need to be too many, one is enough." Qin Tao said: "At present, we are imitating related products in China to manufacture more advanced single-barreled 130mm guns. Millimeter naval guns, in the future, our own warships with a displacement of more than [-] tons can install this type of naval guns, but the rear deck must be reserved for helicopters."

Many designs of the Hyundai class are very unique. The two dual-mounted 130mm cannons are powerful enough, but they occupy the space of the helicopter, resulting in it not even having a hangar.

"Boss Qin is right."

Walking forward from the rear deck, on the second deck, you can see the majestic anti-aircraft missile launcher.

"We have obtained a lot of technology from this warship, especially its air defense missile system." Wu Shengli said: "Our navy can solve the imminent air defense problem, thanks to it."

Everyone present knows that the introduction of the Hyundai class is not for its sun-burning anti-ship missiles. There is no direct mapping and imitation of sun-burning anti-ship missiles in China. It is its ship-to-air missile system. Now, this system It has already blossomed and bore fruit in the country.

The 054 has been launched and is in the intense outfitting stage. If there is no Shijili ship-to-air missile, the navy will still use the Sea Sidewinder as its main force.

Thinking of this, everyone was very emotional.

Everyone knows the inside story. These technologies are not obtained from the No. 136 and No. 137 in front of us, but from the one that Qin Tao got back, the one that was completely demolished. It was taken away by relevant units for research.

Now, it has borne fruitful results.

From the roof radar at the top of the mast, to the music station radar, to the ship-to-air missile, all subsystems have been digested and absorbed by relevant domestic units. Although the sun-burning missile has not been directly surveyed and imitated, its principle is used to develop a new type of anti-ship missile , has also started.

"Unfortunately, it's not a vertical launch. Moreover, it will be too complicated to modify in the future." Qin Tao said: "Now is the most glorious period for these two warships. In a few years, they may retreat to the second line."

"Such a good warship, retreat to the second line?"

"Yeah, in the future, our navy's warships will see a peak of vigorous development. The main warships will be replaced by advanced warships with four-sided phased array radar, and the displacement will be expanded to more than [-] tons. These two modern-class ships are now It looks like a baby, but in the future, father will not love mother or mother."

"Okay, you kid, don't make big cakes for the big guys, let's move on, let's go to the bridge and have a look, the old Maozi's combat command system is still remarkable." Wu Shengli said.

In front of so many people, Qin Tao made a big deal for the big guys. Wu Shengli had to stop his son-in-law from doing this.

Mr. Liu shook his head: "No, this is not painting big cakes. I believe that what Taozi said will come true in the future."

A lot of people were excited, Mr. Liu, like Wu Shengli, directly called Qin Tao Taozi?This shows that Qin Tao has been approved by Mr. Liu!
After visiting the Hyundai class, it was already 05:30, the setting sun was shining the golden afterglow on the earth, the sea was sparkling, and the two warships were also stained with a layer of gold, which looked extremely spectacular.

Now is the most glorious time for these two warships!
(End of this chapter)

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