Great warships

Chapter 454 It's hard to block the cable?Done in a few months!

Chapter 454 It's hard to block the cable?Done in a few months!
It is impossible to sign an order for this kind of natural gas ship in a few words, and it will inevitably take a period of time, and a lot of preparatory work must be done.

Qin Tao is only in charge of controlling the overall situation, and all subsequent operations can be left to his subordinates.

That night, in a box in the banquet hall of Huating International Hotel.

Qin Tao raised his glass: "Come on, let's toast to this cooperation!"

"Cheers!" Mr. Li and Zheng Zhenze raised their wine glasses and wanted to say a few words, but they saw Tukovydov and a few other old men holding their wine glasses and drank them all in one go.

The two of them frowned a little, isn't it too rude to drink like this?

When the two turned their heads to look at Qin Tao, they found that Qin Tao also finished drinking in one gulp.

"Why, don't you two drink?" Qin Tao looked at Mr. Li and Zheng Zhenze: "You two, when you make friends with Lao Maozi, you must not be ambiguous when drinking. That's how I am. I became good friends with them. If you can't drink wine, then this business will be very difficult to continue.”

Doing business on booze?

Zheng Zhenze frowned, gritted his teeth and poured a glass of wine into his stomach.

Mr. Li's face was ugly: "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well. I want to leave for a while."

Seeing the back of Mr. Li leaving, Qin Tao raised a second glass of wine with a smile: "We Mingzhou Group rejected your order, I am really sorry, but fortunately, Sanxing Heavy Industry took over the order and relieved you Come on, let's toast the person in charge of Sanxing Heavy Industry!"

Zheng Zhenze looked at the wine glass in front of him being filled again, and his expression was also ugly, but he knew he couldn't leave.

Mr. Li is the person in charge of the group, so he can leave. Zheng Zhenze is the person in charge of Sanhang Heavy Industry, who is in charge of shipbuilding. If he leaves, leaving the old-fashioned customers here, the business may really fail.

Therefore, Zheng Zhenze could only bite the bullet and drink the second cup.

After drinking the third glass of wine, Zheng Zhenze finally got down.

He can also drink, but it's rare to drink so fast, and he can't bear it at all.

So, only Qin Tao and Lao Maozi were left on the scene.

Tukovydov smiled and raised his glass to Qin Tao, without saying anything.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Pleasant to work with."

The wine glasses collided again.

"There are more and more natural gas transportation businesses. Are you going to set up a special natural gas transportation company? Separate from your Hyundai Merchant Shipping Company?"

Tukovydov nodded: "Yes."

Everything has been paved, waiting for the next step to slowly ferment, Qin Tao left the hotel, got in the car, and returned to his residence in Huating.

After a period of busy work, Zhao Ling also came back from Mingzhou and continued to work in Huating, so Qin Tao continued to use Huating as his main residence.

After getting in the car, he was idle and bored, picked up a newspaper, and glanced at it by the light of the street lamp outside.

A Russian-language newspaper with a photo of Lao Maozi's Kuznetsov aircraft carrier printed on it.

Qin Tao gave Xu Zhengyang a meaningful look, you kid, did you let him go on purpose again?
"Ivanovich, a well-known engineer from the Damovany Design Bureau, analyzed that the East is not capable of manufacturing an aircraft carrier. This is a manifestation of a country's comprehensive national strength. Even if the Varyag is transformed into an aircraft carrier, it will not be able to solve the landing of aircraft carriers. The problem is that there are only three countries in the world that can manufacture the arresting cables on aircraft carriers."

Qin Tao read out the first paragraph.

"This guy is too ignorant of himself. How can Da Mao have the ability to create blocking cables!" Qin Tao said: "They shamelessly list themselves as one of the three countries."

"President Qin, everyone is curious. You attach great importance to this warship, especially the issue of take-off, and you continue to promote the research and development of electromagnetic catapults, but you don't care about landing at all. Don't you know the reason for landing? Is it difficult?"

It is very difficult for a carrier-based aircraft to take off from the narrow flight deck, and it is even more difficult to land.

Let alone the glide path, enhanced landing gear, or Fresnel lens, just say that the carrier-based aircraft has landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and it is not normal to complete the whole process of deceleration at a distance of more than 100 meters. way can do it.

The combination of parachute and brakes used by land-based fighter jets is useless at all. On the deck of an aircraft carrier, the carrier-based aircraft is dragged abruptly.

When the carrier-based aircraft lands, a landing hook will protrude from the tail, which is similar to the sting of a bee. When the carrier-based aircraft lands on the deck, the landing hook will slide forward against the deck until it catches the front. Arresting wires arranged horizontally.

In order to prevent accidents, modern aircraft carrier decks are equipped with three or four arresting cables, so that one of them can always be hooked.

As long as it is hooked, the arresting cable will be stretched as the aircraft taxis forward, just like a slingshot, except that it is used to slow down.

When it is pulled to a certain extent, the plane stops, the arresting wire is removed, and the plane can be towed away.

The requirements for the blocking cable are also quite high. Once something happens, it will be a bloodbath.

Similar things have happened on aircraft carriers in various countries. When the plane was landing, it had already hooked the arresting wire, pulled it to a certain length, and suddenly broke!

The plane could not stop and fell into the sea. What was even more frightening was the broken arresting cable, which swept the entire army on the deck. In 2003, on an American aircraft carrier, the Hornet played such a game. Vests, your legs were directly interrupted!
Even experienced Americans have such accidents, let alone other countries.

Lao Maozi also has the technology of making arresting cables. After all, the Kuznetsov had to rely on this kind of arresting cables to land. However, after the collapse of the Red Empire, this technology was lost, and Da Mao did not inherit it at all.

Of course Da Mao was not reconciled, and he also made a blocking cable and used it. As a result, in the military operations of later generations, when three MiG-29Ks returned from their missions, the second one broke the blocking cable, and the third I could only hover and wait, and the oil burned out and fell directly, making a big mess.

The technology of the arresting cable is complicated, and it has to be replaced constantly. According to the operational requirements of the Americans, after completing the arresting mission of [-] aircraft, it must be replaced with a new one, that is to say, the service life is [-] times.

For a high-intensity attack, an aircraft carrier can take off one or two hundred sorties a day, which means that one or two arresting cables have to be replaced a day.This thing doesn't last forever.

Except for Lao Maozi and the Americans, it is the United Kingdom. However, since the United Kingdom has long since given up arresting landings and started playing vertical take-off and landing, it is hard to say whether there is such a technology.

Even the proud Gauls do not have this ability and have to import it from the United States at a high price.

If China wants to build an aircraft carrier, it cannot avoid the technology of arresting cables. Does it have this capability?

In Damao's place, a large number of people have resentment for China's purchase of Varyag. After all, in their eyes, the warship should belong to them. Now, they can only feel sour.It is impossible for the Chinese to solve these technical problems, even a small blocking cable cannot be produced!
Relevant domestic units are very anxious.

Without the arresting wire, the plane cannot land.

"Don't worry about this, right?" Qin Tao said to Xu Zhengyang: "Our ship modification is expected to take four to five years, and the research and development of carrier-based aircraft will also take time. We have all these things before we can formally engage in these things."

It's not that Qin Tao doesn't know the technical complexity of the blocking cable, but he just thinks it's not necessary now, and it will be needed in four or five years, so why worry now?
When he was wandering around the Nitka base, he also found a few arresting wires, and even brought back the same aircraft.There are plenty of technical reserves, don't worry.Even when it was towed at the beginning, the arresting cable and steel rope were used, which were quite strong.

"We have to be prepared." Xu Zhengyang said: "We handed over the blocking cables you got back last time to the relevant domestic departments for imitation, but their progress has not been smooth. A few days ago, Babiqi The chief engineer also paid attention to this matter, and was a little worried that the hydraulic mechanism supporting the arresting rope can be produced domestically, but it cannot be stuck on this rope."

The landing of the plane is not just a matter of a rope. The arresting rope is only something that can be seen on the deck surface, but underneath, there is a set of complicated mechanisms for buffering. In later generations, it will also be replaced with a more advanced electromagnetic arresting system. .The rope is still the same rope, but the hydraulic cylinder below is replaced by an electromagnetic system, which provides braking force in reverse, which can more accurately control the magnitude of the force, thereby prolonging the life of the arresting rope.

Qin Tao knew that electromagnetic blocking could not be achieved overnight, and the first aircraft carrier must have been blocked by hydraulic pressure, but he really didn't pay attention to the rope.

But everyone is in a hurry.

"Relevant domestic institutions? What institutions?"

"A research institute."

"They're all working behind closed doors, right? Even such a small technology can't be overcome. We will bring a sample of the arresting cable tomorrow. Let's find a private company to imitate it, and it can be produced in a few months."

Xu Zhengyang was a little surprised. You actually want to give a private company to imitate something that our regular scientific research institutes can't produce?Can it be done?
However, looking at Qin Tao's confident look, Xu Zhengyang felt that he should be sure. It seems that President Qin didn't know, but he didn't take this technical problem seriously!

"President Qin, where is this company? Shall we drive there tomorrow?"

"In Zhili, the driving distance is a bit far, so let's go there by helicopter."

Zhili?There seems to be no justifiable private enterprises over there, right?
"Juli Rigging Co., Ltd. should be called this name. You can arrange it in advance. Let's go there tomorrow."

The next day, when Qin Tao boarded the helicopter, he was surprised to find that even Babbage had come!

"Old Mao, what are you doing here?" Qin Tao was curious.

"Qin, this project is related to our honor. I have to go there. Only when I see it with my own eyes can I feel at ease."

Seeing Babbage's angry face, Qin Tao felt a little funny: "What's wrong? What stimulated you?"

"Some time ago, I noticed the problem of the arresting cable, because you didn't arrange it, so I think you forgot, you can forget this kind of thing, I, the chief designer of the aircraft carrier, can't forget, so I just I coordinated and arranged for a certain scientific research institute to imitate, but encountered a big technical problem that could not be solved. A few days ago, I sent someone to contact Da Mao, hoping to obtain the arresting cable technology from Da Mao, and the result..."

It turned out to be the newspaper!
Babbage didn't move out, just sent someone to contact. The other party didn't know it was sent by his old friend Babbage. He just thought it was an ordinary customer. He heard that he wanted to purchase such a strong steel cable, so of course he knew. It's useful now.

The proud Da Mao not only did not sell the relevant technology, but also boldly declared that he would never sell it to the Orientals, so that even if they have an aircraft carrier and a carrier-based aircraft, they can only take off and cannot land!
This matter is still fermenting, not only Da Mao, but other countries have also smelled it, and began to mock it coldly.

"The French are the worst!" Babbage said, "They have no ability to produce arresting cables themselves. They import them from the United States, and one is worth 150 million US dollars. They still laugh at us. One, even if we repair the Varyag, it is still a chicken rib that can only take off but not land!"

At this time, it was too late to stop anything, but they could turn on the taunt mode, and in this crazy taunt, Babbage was furious.

Qin Tao smiled: "Then let's let them down. This kind of rope is not difficult for us at all. Our related companies can make it in four or five months."

Four or five months?

Babbage was surprised: "However, none of the most powerful scientific research institutes in China have come up with it."

"Let's go, you will know when you go, let's go find the rigging king!"

"The rigging king?"

"That's right, this is a private enterprise. They don't do anything else but make rigging." Qin Tao said, "As long as we give them samples and relevant requirements, they can make it."

Babiqi boarded the plane in doubt, but Xu Zhengyang was extremely emotional at this time, how did Mr. Qin know?I didn't even notice it myself!
After Qin Tao said it last night, Xu Zhengyang went back to check the information. After doing the research, he was immediately surprised. Mr. Qin really found a professional counterpart company!How did Mr. Qin, who manages so many things every day, know?I have never seen him check relevant company information before!

Juli Rigging Co., Ltd. was established in 1985. Yang Juli, who was only 20 years old at the time, created this enterprise by himself. They dared not do anything else, but engaged in the research and development, design, production and sales of rigging and related products. The products include synthetic fiber lifting belt slings, wire rope slings, steel wire ropes, steel tie rods, beam spreaders, cables, metallurgical fixtures, chain slings, rigging connectors and rigging equipment, etc.

Now, this company is already the largest and most complete rigging manufacturing company in China.From the small traction ropes of off-road vehicles to the large steel cable bridges, and the steel wire ropes of the gantry cranes produced by Zhenhua Heavy Industry, all are produced by Juli.

This is definitely a professional counterpart, so the blocking cable of the aircraft carrier may really be manufactured by Juli Company!
Although domestic research institutes have been working for a long time, they have not conquered it. That is because they have not delved into this field at all. This is what Juli Company does. Professional things still have to be handed over to professional companies!
When the helicopter landed directly on the open space of Juli Company, the leaders of the company had been waiting for a long time.

Mr. Qin from Mingzhou Group is coming!
This is a good opportunity!

Although their Juli Company has become a master in rigging and is the leader in this field, the scale of the entire company is still small, and it cannot be compared with such a large enterprise as the Mingzhou Group.

Now seeing the CEO of the group coming over by helicopter, I feel even more emotional, this is a trench!
Wait, why are you still following foreigners by Mr. Qin's side?Great, really great!
"President Qin, welcome to our company. I am the person in charge, Yang Juli." Yang Juli greeted him and extended his hand to Qin Tao.

"Mr. Yang, you are too young. I never expected that you would become the king of rigging at such a young age." Qin Tao said enthusiastically, holding each other's hand.

Young rigging king?Yang Juli smiled all over his face: "Then I can't compare with Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, you are younger than me, and the Mingzhou Group you created is already the number one private enterprise in China. By the way, what do you do when you visit our company?" mission?"

As he spoke, a steel cable was seen being pulled from the helicopter's cargo bay.

This steel cable is not long, only a section of more than one meter, which is enough to be used as a sample, and it is not very thick, but Yang Juli has a premonition that this thing is not simple.

"Mr. Yang, we would like to invite you to imitate this steel cable. The price is 5000 yuan per meter. First imitate 50 meters."

5000 yuan per meter!
These words shocked everyone present. The steel cable they built for the cable bridge was only 2000 yuan per meter. This kind of steel cable was actually [-] meters. Isn’t that too high?

What a good thing, it costs so much money?

Yang Juli squatted down and went to see this steel cable in person. He could analyze many things just by looking at the cut section.

"It consists of 6 steel wire ropes, and each steel wire rope is twisted by 12 main steel wires, 12 intermediate-scale steel wires and 6 thin steel wires arranged in a triangular shape. There are handover steel wires between each steel wire rope, Each wire rope core is also equipped with oil-impregnated hemp fibers, and there is an identification tape indicating the manufacturer in the rope core."

As he said that, Yang Juli picked up the pliers, disassembled one of the strands, and pulled the identification tape with his hands, and then saw Russian letters written on it.

He didn't know what the letters were, but he knew that this thing must be made in a foreign country.

"How is it, is it difficult?" Qin Tao asked.

"From this structure, it shouldn't be difficult. How much tension does it need to withstand?" Yang Juli asked.

"85 cattle."

"how can that be?"

"Yes, if the diameter doubles, it's still possible!"

Those who came to meet Qin Tao with Yang Juli were of course the backbone of the company. They were technically savvy. When they heard Qin Tao's request, they immediately felt that it was impossible.

"Withstand at least one hundred sudden pulls of 85 cattle without breaking." Qin Tao said, "These are rigid conditions. How about it, do you have the ability?"

This is the technical standard for the arresting cable of an American aircraft carrier, and it is also a figure summed up after years of experiments. Although the carrier-based aircraft weighs only [-] to [-] tons, the impact force of the arresting cable far exceeds its gravity.

"Yes!" Yang Juli stood up. At this time, his hands were a little greasy, and his eyes were still shining: "We are riggers, and what we want to pursue is world-class level. As long as other colleagues in the world can do it, then we It can be done! However, we need time to develop it.”

Sure enough, Yang Juli did not disappoint Qin Tao, he nodded with satisfaction: "You have four years to develop it."

"Four years? It won't take that long. If we want to take such a long time, we will be crushed by our competitors." Yang Juli said with certainty: "Four months is about the same."

"Four months?" Now it was Babbage's turn to be surprised: "Can you complete the research and development in such a short time?"

The foreigner who came here with Qin Tao can actually speak Chinese, but the tone is a bit weird!

Yang Juli was very surprised, but looking at the expectant eyes of the other party, Yang Juli nodded: "Yes, of course, we need to cooperate with the steel company that provides us with technology, ask them to study the composition of this sample, and then produce corresponding Products, this takes time, otherwise, two months will do.”

"Great, we are waiting, and hope to get good news from you in four months." Babich was extremely excited. The arresting cable of the aircraft carrier is quite technical, and even the French cannot research it. It can only be purchased from the United States. Now, a private enterprise in China can actually develop it!
This is too unbelievable, and he is very excited at this time.

"There is no need to continue to increase the tensile force. If you still have the technical strength, you can work hard to increase the number of uses. If you can withstand two hundred times of pulling force, then we will pay 1 yuan per meter to buy it. If you can bear it 2 pulls, then we are willing to pay [-] yuan per meter."

The conditions mentioned by Qin Tao made the people present excited for a while. The 5000 yuan per meter steel cable was originally thought to be very strong, but now I didn't expect that there is something even better.

If a steel cable that satisfies the opponent's needs is made, it can be sold for 2 yuan per meter. This is definitely the best in the world!

"Boss Qin, how much do you want?"

"At present, we only need samples. After a few years, we will probably need hundreds of meters per year, or at least 200 meters."

The arresting cables of the aircraft carrier are about 15 meters long, and there are four in total, but that is only the surface part. Below the deck, there are complicated hydraulic cylinders and other devices, which are all supported by a steel cable and have the same performance.

In this way, the total length of one is at least 50 meters, and the total length of four is 200 meters. Even if it is only used with low intensity, it has to be replaced once a year.

In fact, when the land training base is established in the future, take-off and landing training will be carried out frequently every day, and it is estimated that it will have to be changed every one or two months.

Even the cheapest one costs 5000 yuan per meter, and 200 meters is an order of 100 million!There are 100 million orders every year, which is already a great thing for their Juli company.

"Well, Mr. Qin, please rest assured, we will definitely be able to produce qualified products!" Yang Juli began to express his determination.

(End of this chapter)

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