Great warships

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

The Yankees were completely passive, everyone was thinking about it, and no one noticed what was going on in Moldova.

At the Decebal Air Force Base in Moldova, MiG-29s had their wings removed and greeted the rays of the setting sun.

When it was dark, Prokchuk came back, and he brought a large group of superiors. These people extended their hands and shook hands with Qin Tao and others warmly.

"Thank you very much for coming, and hope our transaction goes well!"

The charm of money is so great!
Qin Tao has never been here before, and he doesn't know the people here, but after sending out ten bank cards worth 200 million US dollars, all this will come naturally.

That night, the MiG-29 with its wings removed was put on a transport plane and left the country in the dark. Qin Tao, Kasim and others also left in the dark.

After tossing around for a day and two nights, Qin Tao was also tired. After returning to the villa in the Crimea Peninsula, he fell asleep soundly.

When I woke up, it was already dusk.

"Boss Qin, good news." Seeing that Qin Tao woke up naturally after falling asleep, he excitedly came to tell Qin Tao the news.

"What good news?" At this time, Qin Tao was still a little confused, not knowing what good news there was.

"Ermao has seen through the ugly faces of those guys, and decided to sell Admiral Robov to us!"

"What?" Qin Tao was shocked when he heard the news.

What, this is impossible!He subconsciously wanted to deny the news.

When Qin Tao came here, he had no intention of taking the Glory-class cruiser back at all. In his plan, this warship was a little tasteless, and it was difficult to get it, so he gave up.

Unexpectedly, there is such a good opportunity!
This is simply a pie from the sky!
"President Qin, what are you doing?" Seeing Qin Tao jumping off the bed, Xu Zhengyang was a little curious.

"Go back, why are you still on vacation? Use the shortest time to complete the receiving work of this warship." Qin Tao said, so as not to be destroyed by others.

Thinking of being sabotaged by others, Qin Tao suddenly had an idea: "Especially underwater, you must protect yourself! Immediately organize people to hang a circle of fishing nets around the warship, and hang a few bells on top of the fishing nets !"

The three-day deadline has just arrived, and the handover of the warship still needs a certain amount of time. During this time, there are too many opportunities to do it.

Although it is very straightforward to bombard a warship with a missile, it will also cause many problems. Therefore, some gentle methods must be used. In later generations, a natural gas pipeline in a certain country was bombed, but Qin Tao still remembers it fresh.

There are many ways for those people to cause damage. Of course, it is easy to prevent those people from causing damage.

There are a lot of underwater listening equipment on the modern military port docks. Once you hear a frogman approaching, you can find it immediately. As for now, the 61 Commune Shipyard does not have such advanced equipment, but there are other s method.

Fishing nets are the easiest.

As night fell, the shipyard of 61 Commune was quiet.

Several off-road vehicles roared and drove towards the pier. After the vehicles stopped, Moskalenko got down from above and shouted loudly: "Quick, quick! Move faster!"

A group of people filed down, dragged their fishing nets, and headed towards the pier.

It had never happened before to set fishing nets on the shore, but the order was urgent and important, so Moskarenko did not dare to delay and arranged it himself, and he had already vaguely thought of something.

Those damn Yankees!
As expected, the other party was playing tricks, didn't plan to make a real purchase, and refused to pay the deposit, and delayed for three days without any sincerity.

Thanks to Mr. Qin's reminder, he was not fooled. However, those nasty Yang Ji will probably use other means to interfere.

If they dare to send frogmen to plant bombs underwater... then they will completely touch their reverse scales!

Fishing nets circled the warship, and a dozen bells were tied to the floats of the fishing nets.

"Chenosky, you stay and supervise. If there is any noise underwater, shoot me underwater!" Moskalenko snapped.

Cherowski led a platoon of people, scattered among the cruiser and the pier, and waited quietly in the dark night.

As time passed, their eyelids began to fight.

Cherowski rubbed his eyes and looked towards the outside of the ship. At this moment, a bell on the float rang slightly.


Is it driven by sea water?
who cares!
Cherowski pulled the bolt, pointed the water below, and pulled the trigger.

Da da da!
Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and a swarm of bullets shot through the water!

In the air, bullets can travel very far, but in water it is different.

The resistance of the water is too great, and it is very unfriendly to the spiral bullet. Due to the resistance, the bullet will start to roll after a short distance in the water, which is almost the same as entering the human body.

In this way, the trajectory of the bullet begins to distort, and it is not known where the bullet will fly.

Therefore, the special underwater firearms fired arrow-like bullets, and Lao Maozi's special forces had this kind of equipment.

Ordinary soldiers don't have this kind of equipment, but they don't care, as long as the bullets go down, it's just aimless strafing anyway.

The sound of the gun immediately awakened the people on the side, and the nearby soldiers also ran over, pointed their guns at the bottom, and fired together.

Da-da-da, da-da-da!
Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, which looked so spectacular. Countless bullets poured into the water, and when the rounds of bullets were finished, Cherowski was of course surprised to find that something red appeared on the surface of the water.

Blood, that's blood, there are people underwater!
"Sure enough, someone wants to trouble us!" Cherowski yelled, "Bring it up, let's see who is messing with us behind our backs!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cherowski saw the special color underwater, the flames rising from the water, and the bubbles churning on the surface of the water. He immediately shouted: "Be careful, lie down!"

An explosion sounded underwater, and a huge air current slapped and buzzed the warship. Ermao's soldiers were lying on the deck, their faces pale.

What are these guys doing?
Body parts are slowly floating up, arms and legs with webbed fins.

"Fill these things up!" Cherowsky said.

The movement here has attracted the attention of others. Moskarenko, who was on duty in the shipyard office, rushed over and saw the scooped up body parts with an extremely ugly face.

"Thanks to our arrangement in advance, otherwise, our ship will sink, these damn guys, we will never end with them!"

This matter spread quickly.

The next morning, when Qin Tao was dining with other people in the hotel in Nikolayev, Xu Zhengyang talked about what happened last night with great interest.

"Boss Qin, you are amazing. Yesterday, you proposed to set up fishing nets around that warship. It was really effective. That night, someone came over to plant a bomb!"

"I seem to have heard gunshots and explosions. What's going on?" Zheng Ming was a little nervous. He really didn't sleep well last night.

"Gunshots? We just proposed to set up fishing nets. Ermao's side was even more ruthless. They directly arranged a row of people holding AKs. When they heard the movement below, they immediately hugged the shuttle down. The guy below was really unlucky. He was hit!" Speaking of these, Xu Zhengyang was in high spirits: "The explosives on that guy's body should have been detonated by himself, and he is also a ruthless person, but not all of them were blown into pieces, and a few large pieces were left , it is estimated that Ermao is currently investigating the remains of these corpses to confirm their identities."

Open fire at the slightest disagreement, this style is really old-fashioned, Qin Tao was also moved when he heard it.

In this way, they will completely tear their skins apart.

"It seems that we are sure to buy this warship and go back," Qin Tao said.

He was just reminding yesterday, and he couldn't really be sure. After all, those guys don't want to spend money, so they can only use other means, maybe sending frogmen over. Management personnel, as long as a hole is blown, the whole ship will sink. Once it sinks, it really cannot be sold.

Just like the soaking car, once the computer version gets in water, it will be broken. Even if it is dried and continued to be used, who can guarantee that there will be no accidents?If you drive well on the highway and suddenly turn off the engine, wouldn't you be killed?
There are more electronic equipment on the warship, and it cannot enter the water. It is completely different from the warships during World War I and World War II.

Who would have thought that the other party really came and would not wait for a day.

If this thing is done and the person runs away, then they can shirk it afterwards. We don’t know who did it. We strongly condemn this kind of behavior, but now, they are caught and punished on the spot. If you want to quibble, there is ironclad evidence.

Those who used to wear the same trousers as the West did not dare to say anything, and the procurement of this warship will not have any surprises.

Qin Tao did not expect that things would go so smoothly.

"Yeah, sure enough." Zheng Ming also became excited. He didn't have any hopes at first, but now, his hopes are getting bigger and bigger. Meeting a pig opponent is really something worth celebrating.

After eating, everyone went to the shipyard.

"Mr. Qin, thanks to your reminder last night, otherwise we would have been harmed by these damned guys!" Moskalenko brought up this incident, feeling a little scared. One sound, this warship is about to be sunk!
He once thought he was a good friend, but he was ruthlessly deceiving them, fooling them into dismantling the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and now trying to fool their cruiser, and after getting no results, he actually played tricks.

Damn, damn it!
"Being a thief for a thousand days, there is no one who can guard against a thief for a thousand days." Qin Tao said: "Director Moskarenko, it is still relatively dangerous for this warship to stay in the port. I suggest that this warship be refueled." Fuel, and then drive out of the port, even sailing on the Black Sea first, is safer than staying in the port.”

still dangerous?
Moskalenko was a little surprised, those guys dare to come again?
Of course not, this kind of conspiracy, even if it fails once, dare to do it a second time?However, Qin Tao must create a sense of crisis for them!
"But we don't have money for fuel!" said Moskalenko.

Although their shipyard is still in operation, it is too difficult to maintain such a large shipyard, and there are too many places to spend money, so it is impossible for them to continue to spend more on this warship that is already planning to sell Money.

"We can pay for refueling, but we must let our people go up, and it happens to be in the Black Sea, to practice the operation of this warship." Qin Tao said: "After the formalities are completed, we will drive this ship. boat, and set foot directly on the way home.”

Moskalenko still hesitated.

"If it follows what we said, then the ship will be delivered to us, and any accidents in the future will be considered ours. If it is still in the port, then you will be responsible for any problems." Qin Tao Said.

This sentence was the most lethal, and Moskalenko nodded immediately: "Okay, no problem."

So, the fuel truck drove over to refuel the warship. The people brought by Zheng Ming got on the warship excitedly and began to familiarize themselves with the operation. There must be insufficient manpower. The country is mobilizing new manpower and rushing over by passenger plane.

While busy on the pier, Asnayev came.

"My friend, how long will it take for our purchase procedures?" Qin Tao asked Asnayev, "Will there be any changes?"

When purchasing Varyag at the beginning, it experienced many twists and turns. It was originally agreed, and it went through a bidding process.

Asnayev shook his head: "Of course not. Now, the capital is sending out serious protests to those guys! On our land, they dare to engage in such sabotage. They don't take us seriously! Hey! , are you cheering on?"

"Yes, in order to avoid other injuries, we decided to send this boat out. After all, they have already prepared that the fishing net may not work next time." Qin Tao said.

This time I found an underwater frogman with a fishing net, what about next time?Next time the other party has experience, he will definitely not crash into the fishing net, first find something to cut open and go in.

The port on their side, as Lao Maozi's large-scale warship production base, used to have underwater listening equipment, but in recent years, these equipment have broken down due to lack of maintenance.

Asnayev nodded: "Okay, you can leave. We will go through the relevant procedures as soon as possible, and try to finish it within three days. By then, you can drive this ship away."

"What happened yesterday? I'm curious." Qin Tao continued to ask, "What did you all salvage?"

"The SEALs did it. Let's salvage an arm with a diving watch on it. It has the SEAL logo and a serial number. Now, those goddamn Yankees say someone set the blame on it. Huh, we won't believe them !"

Speaking of this incident, they were very angry.

These damned people actually did such a thing, and what annoyed them even more was that they were still making excuses now that the evidence was conclusive!
What blame, who will blame them?The equipment of the SEAL team cannot be obtained by outsiders.

Qin Tao nodded: "It's so dangerous. If this warship is bombed and sunk, we can only say it's a pity."

"That's right, you can drive it away. By the way, you can also test its air defense radar system. If there is an anti-ship missile flying somewhere, you can also find it in advance."

"Then we have to bring a few anti-aircraft missiles." Qin Tao said: "If we find it, we have to find a way to fight back."

Turn on the radar, it can be found, but what happens after the discovery?

Just found out, and then watched the opponent's missile fly over?It's better not to find out, and the big guys don't have to experience the pain for tens of seconds.

In fact, this is nothing to worry about. No matter how bold those guys are, they dare not do such a blatant thing. Sending a frogman from the SEAL team is unprecedented. Ermao provoked.

However, take advantage of this opportunity to blackmail something more.

"The S-300 missile that can be plugged into a launch unit." Moskalenko said: "Other air defense missile systems have not been installed, and the entire combat system has not been activated. Only this missile system has been installed."

This thing is very similar to the ones on the two 051Cs. It also uses passive phased array radars. However, in order to prevent moisture, the Navy made it into a circular shape and installed it on the stern helicopter storage. It is named 3R41" Wave (top cover)" passive phased array radar.

This huge radome has a diameter of 4 meters and a detection range of 150 to 300 kilometers. It can track 6 targets at the same time and guide 12 missiles to attack.At that position, it will definitely lead to a blind spot in the front hemisphere. At the same time, this thing is rotating, and at the same time guides the missile to intercept, and it is estimated that it cannot be intercepted in all directions.

However, this system is good. For Qin Tao, this is very important. After returning home, there is no need to change it, and it can be used directly. Anyway, the missiles, the two 051C ships, and the land-based S-300 are still common. Maintenance is also not a problem.

"Okay, let's do it as soon as possible," Asnayev said.

an hour later.

"Attention, cruise gas turbine ignition!"

With the order issued, the two cruise gas turbines at the tail started.

After being abandoned on the slipway for several years, it finally started its first trip in an unfinished state.Everything is very simple, for example, because the circuit has not been completely laid, so a cable was dragged directly from the engine room and connected to the air defense missile system at the back and the bridge in front.

The unfinished area is still exposed, and it looks so rough.

"The boiler is starting to heat up!"

When he heard this order, Qin Tao couldn't help it anymore: "Aren't you powered by gas turbines? Why did you use a boiler here?"

Although Qin Tao was an aircraft carrier designer in his previous life, and he is also dealing with warships in this life, there are still many things that are not clear. He has little contact with this glorious class, so he is very curious about this propulsion system.

"Yes, its main engine is a gas turbine, but we have noticed that the gas turbine consumes too much fuel, and the temperature of the exhaust gas it emits is still very high. For the smoke exhaust part, a group of boilers is added, so that the waste heat of the gas turbine can be used to burn the boiler and drive the steam turbine, which is a good way to save fuel."

How can you still play like this?
Qin Tao was shocked by this introduction.

After the thermal efficiency of the gas turbine reaches a certain level, it is difficult to improve it. If you want to continue to improve, you have to modify its cycle mode.It is easy to think of, is this combined combustion and steam cycle.Using the waste heat of the gas turbine to burn the boiler is a typical example of complete savings.

No wonder this thing also has a boiler. The boiler is not directly ignited, but is driven by the waste heat of the gas turbine.


How to look at this.

The advantage is fuel saving and waste utilization, but the disadvantage is that it increases the difficulty of system maintenance.

I have to say, this is gross.

Lao Maozi's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is obviously nuclear-powered. He was afraid that it would be unreliable. He deliberately installed several oil-fired boilers next to the nuclear power. According to Lao Maozi's idea, if there is a problem with the nuclear power, the aircraft carrier will not completely Lying down, it can still move forward slowly and drive to the repair shop.

Glory-class cruisers also played this joint power!

It is inconvenient for Qin Tao to comment on whether it is good or not, but in later generations, the domestically produced 055, this kind of large-scale drive of [-] tons, did not use complicated power methods, and did not even directly use additional cruise gas turbines, but directly used four gas turbines. .

That is to say, four gas turbines with the same power, when the speed is low, one or two are directly turned on, and when high speed is required, all four are turned on, this solves the problem of fuel consumption, and at the same time, the layout of the power cabin very simple.

Even if it consumes more fuel than a low-power gas turbine, it has to be played like this. Everything is simple and practical.

Of course, if the warship in front of us can be obtained, then of course we need to study it. This method of using the waste heat of the gas turbine to burn the boiler can be used in the power generation system on the ground even if the navy does not use it!
While the big guys were communicating, the boiler of the warship was heating up rapidly.

"You can set sail and prepare to untie the cable."

Hearing the news, Qin Tao walked towards the warship: "I want to go up."

"Boss Qin, shouldn't you stay and continue to discuss the purchase with us?" Asnayev said anxiously.

"The price has been negotiated, just go through the process, and Mr. Zheng will be in charge." Qin Tao said, and walked up.

Although I have stepped on this warship before, but at that time the warship could not be started, it was just a static display, but now, the engine of this warship has been turned on, and the entire hull of the warship is vibrating, as if I can't wait.

Since Qin Tao is here, of course he is the most prestigious person on this ship.

"Boss Qin, our Atlas is ready, please set sail!" In the shipyard, Igor, an old worker who was in charge of the trials of the previous warships, said excitedly.

Atlas is the giant god of the Titans in ancient Greek mythology. At the same time, it is also the nickname of Project 1164. During the sea trials, they will call this kind of warship Atlas.

"Okay, let's start our warship! It's already several years behind schedule!"

(End of this chapter)

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