Great warships

Chapter 469 Getting Deeper and Deeper Step by Step

Chapter 469 Getting Deeper and Deeper Step by Step

Qin Tao ate and drank with the three of them. Although they argued endlessly during the day, when it was time for dinner at night, the tit-for-tat momentum disappeared.

After eating and drinking, Qin Tao sent them back to the hotel, and then went home. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening. He gently opened the door and saw the old man sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper.

Qin Tao felt a little helpless, it seemed that he should not go to bed early tonight, the old man must have a talk with him by candlelight!

"Taozi, are you back? You did a good job today!" Sure enough, Wu Shengli said.

"Dad, don't wake Haiyang." Qin Tao said, "Let's go to the study and talk."

The study room is far away from the bedroom, and the sound insulation is good. Wu Shengli nodded and went to the study room with Qin Tao.

"What are you going to do next?"

"It depends on what the navy does. If the navy continues to dawdle, then it's meaningless for them to stay here. They have to leave in the end. My project can last for a week, at most half a month."

"Of course the navy is in a hurry, but it also depends on the progress of 601. If they don't get the plane out, how can we proceed to the next step?"

Qin Tao frowned: "Yeah, the progress of the 601 Institute won't be fast, and we have to wait for a few years, but we can't delay any longer. Since these people have come, we can't let them go. I think, Let's build a ground simulation base first, and as for the carrier aircraft, we can simply use our J-31A model and continue to talk about it on paper, so as to confuse the outside world."

It will take a long time for the transformation of Dongfang Haicheng. During this time, the navy must complete all kinds of preparations, establish a land base, and train carrier-based aircraft pilots.However, these have to be done simultaneously.

What are they going to do next?
Qin Tao made a suggestion, let's continue to talk on paper, but we don't use the products from 601, we use J-31A!

Why such an arrangement?Of course, it is to confuse the outside world. If the J-33 model, which looks the same as the Su-15, is dragged to the simulation base, then the outside world will guess whether Dongfang is playing the idea of ​​​​the Dongfang Sea Blockade?

Now, if it is changed to J-31A, they will know that this kind of tall stealth machine has not been matured for ten or twenty years, and they can even read the jokes of those investors.

Therefore, using this kind of aircraft as a model will make people even more despised, thinking that Dongfang is looking for plums to quench their thirst.

"Okay, listen to you, let's arrange it." Wu Shengli said: "We don't use a system similar to Nitka, just draw a deck plan on the runway of the base, install a leap runway at most, and build a ship. The bridge building, the cost should not be much."

It doesn't cost much to just imitate, but if it is to completely simulate the shaking of the sea, the entire deck must be able to move, which is costly.

"We should be able to use a scrapped base directly." Qin Tao said: "This will save money, not delay the aviation operations, and confuse the outside world."

Wu Shengli nodded: "At present, our navy has just eliminated a wasteland village base, which can be played by you."

"What? Wasteland Village?" Qin Tao was very surprised.

"That's right, this base used to be used to fly J-[-]. Now that J-[-] has been decommissioned, this base is also abandoned. Our navy's aviation base will gradually be streamlined in the future."

In the past, in the era of J-[-] and J-[-], the combat radius of fighter jets was too short. The domestic method was to build more bases, one every few hundred kilometers, so that a dense air defense line could be formed.

However, these old fighters are constantly being eliminated. The J-27, or the imported Su-[-] series, have very long ranges, so the number of aviation bases does not need to be so large.

Bases are constantly being cut, and Wasteland Village is one of them.

(I didn’t find any specific information. It started as a naval training base in 08. What was it before? Huadong Zhixiong assumed it was a J-[-] base.)
"You guys don't think it's too far away. No, you don't know where this base is. It can't be near a big city. It's easy to be detected, so it has to be in a remote place. Let's just change it. As for how to get those people It's your job to fool around."

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, then let's use this base for research first." Qin Tao said: "You have to allocate sufficient manpower there, and let them start practicing deck work from now on."

The deck operation of an aircraft carrier is very dangerous. If you don't train on the ground in advance and directly operate on the ship, it is easy to go wrong.

Wu Shengli nodded.

Qin Tao was very surprised. Wu Shengli didn't ask any questions, just exchanged for a while, and it was over.It seemed that Wu Shengli must have been on the sidelines during the debate on swords in Huashan during the day.

After an overnight break, the debate continued the next day.

"We used the catapult, which is used to a huge advantage. Not only can it eject fighter jets, but it can also eject attack aircraft, especially carrier-based early warning aircraft. Only with carrier-based early warning aircraft can we prevent surprise attacks!" After returning yesterday, it was obvious that Delano and Stroll also discussed and decided to continue to use overwhelming advantages to defeat each other.

"Early-warning aircraft? Your E-2 Hawkeye early-warning aircraft is just carrying radar into the sky, and it doesn't have a lot of data processing capabilities. Why don't we use four-sided phased array radar on aircraft carriers, coupled with early-warning helicopters, it is enough to guard Well, the whole sea is empty."

The E-2 early warning aircraft is small in size, so it must not be able to install a lot of equipment, which means that it does not have a lot of data processing capabilities, and it has to be sent back to the mothership through the data link.

"Of course it depends on different batches." Delano said: "The previous models did not have high processing power, but the latest improved model, that is, the Hawkeye 2000, can be replaced by the mission of the whole territory. Computers, display and control workstations, and AN/USG-3 airborne terminal equipment in the CEC joint engagement capability, new integrated satellite communication systems, electronic support equipment, etc., already have powerful data processing capabilities, and are no longer limited to The original early warning and command and control functions have reached the level of joint operational command and control. It is enough to command the carrier-based aircraft of the entire aircraft carrier on the spot."

Delano spoke eloquently, and Stroll on the side finally frowned, as if something was wrong!If it goes on like this, isn't it a leak?
However, before he could open his mouth to refute, Shepkov started to provoke.

"Bragging, how is this possible?" Shepkov shook his head: "Our An-50 early warning aircraft can only command a dozen fighter jets in combat. How can your small E-2 early warning aircraft achieve the goal of commanding seventy or eighty fighter jets? "

"Of course it's because our computer performance is advanced! This brand-new task computer has a computing power of 500 million times per second." Delano, of course, would not be despised by the other party, and immediately introduced the performance of the computer stand up.

"At the same time, we are also using a very advanced data link. Our fighters can even move forward by receiving intelligence from the early warning aircraft without using the radar."

Hearing Delano's words, Shepkov shook his head: "I don't believe it."

If you don’t believe me, let’s talk until you believe it!
Stroh's brows became more and more wrinkled. Just when he wanted to stop Delano from continuing, Qin Tao said from the side: "I also think that many of the statements in it are a bit exaggerated! Stroh, you Is this friend of mine bragging?"

Qin Tao is playing the role of referee. Now, even Qin Tao thinks it's bragging?

"Of course it's not bragging!" Stroll became anxious, and began to explain to Qin Tao.

When he was halfway through the speech, he suddenly realized something was wrong, why did he say all these things?

Now that I have said it, there will be no psychological barriers if I break the jar next.

On the third day, the content of the discussion began to expand to the entire aircraft carrier formation.

"In our navy, the aircraft carrier battle group is the most important strike force, generally with the aircraft carrier as the core, consisting of 1 aircraft carrier, 1 guided missile cruiser, 3 to 4 guided missile destroyers, 1 to 3 nuclear submarines and 1 to 2 The composition of the formation is very particular, and you, Da Mao, simply can't gather enough air defense forces."

Shepkov's rebuttal also arrived immediately: "We have Type 956 and Type 1155 anti-submarine ships, as well as larger nuclear-powered cruisers. Why can't we have enough air defense forces?"

The debate started again. The application of the entire aircraft carrier formation, combat thinking, etc. Compared with the debates of the previous two days, today's debate has risen to the strategic level, and the strike capability of the entire aircraft carrier formation has been discussed.

The people below listened very carefully.

The aircraft carrier formation is the most powerful armed force at sea. After we have an aircraft carrier, we must conduct theoretical research. What we heard today is the theoretical basis for future research!
After five days.

"We have been debating for five full days, and no one has convinced anyone. This weekend, we have to rest." Qin Tao looked at the three people: "What are your plans? Where do you want to go?"

"Qin, you promised me to see the Su-27!" Delano said.

Xu Zhengyang looked at Qin Tao with meaningful eyes, hum, you agreed quickly at the beginning, now it depends on how you answer.

"Su-27 is definitely going to be seen. I have already submitted an application. You should also know that this aircraft is currently the most advanced in our country. Therefore, the procedures for visiting this aircraft are also very cumbersome. You have to go The process is estimated to take a long time, if you want to go, I can take you to see other aircraft, such as the J-31A, have you heard of it? This is the world's first vertical take-off and landing stealth aircraft!"

J-31A?Hearing Qin Tao's words, Delano immediately became excited: "Okay, it's okay to look at this kind of aircraft. How far has this aircraft progressed?"

"The prototype has come out, how about taking you to see the full metal prototype?"

In fact, with the development of computer-aided design, there is no need to develop any aircraft, but the J-31A is an international cooperation project. In order to fool those customers into investing money, a prototype is necessary.

The wooden prototype can only show the appearance of the aircraft, but the metal prototype is different. It can also show the internal details, especially the cockpit, which can fool people.

"Okay! Let's go now!"

"Let's go, take our group's plane there." Qin Tao was also unambiguous.

The people were fooled by Qin Tao. Of course, all the expenses of these people will be reimbursed by the Navy, including the use of the plane.

In the afternoon of that day, a group of people came to the Land of Abundance, the J-31A project site.

During this period of time, Qin Tao has been busy tinkering with warships, first aircraft carriers, and then cruisers, so he hasn't come here yet. In a blink of an eye, it has been more than half a year.

Zhao Dangsheng ran out quickly: "Boss Qin, welcome."

With the continuous activities, Zhao Dangsheng has also matured, not only with superb skills, but also with first-class social skills, which is a compound talent.

"Who is this?" Stroll was curious.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Stroh, and this is Mr. Delano. Both of you, the one in front of you is Mr. Zhao, the designer of J-31A." Qin Tao introduced.

Shepkov didn't follow. As the pilot of the Yak-38, Shepkov was already an old acquaintance here. He didn't need to come here to make a fuss. He had to go back and continue to study to see how to encourage these people to leak more secrets.

Stroll enthusiastically came up to shake hands, and Delano became proud again: "What advanced aircraft can you design? Moreover, I heard that your aircraft is still a single-engine aircraft. This type of aircraft is not suitable for operating on an aircraft carrier. What the Navy needs is a twin-engine fighter."

This guy has made a mistake again!
Zhao Dangsheng smiled: "Different aircraft have different operational requirements. Your Tomcat fighter is very powerful, can it be used on an amphibious assault ship? Doesn't your Marine Corps still use the British Sea Harrier?"

"Don't compare the Navy with the Marine Corps." Delano shook his head again and again: "They are not qualified to compare with us."

Just like the old man who had to set up a Homeland Defense Air Force in addition to the Air Force, the U.S. Navy is also very strange. The Navy and the Marine Corps are separated.

Navy pilots are very proud. They don't even look down on the Air Force, and of course they don't look up to the Marine Corps. Such a comparison is simply insulting them.

Can the Sea Harrier be considered a fighter jet?That's just a toy!
"Our aircraft is not comparable to the Tomcat. However, in terms of generation gap, our aircraft still has an advantage. After all, the future era will be dominated by stealth aircraft."

Delano wanted to say something, but his eyes widened.

They had already arrived at the place where the metal prototype was parked, and Delano's eyes widened immediately when he saw this prototype.

"This shape is too special!" Delano said: "The diamond-shaped nose, the parallelogram air intake, and a bulge, the overall design is too perfect, much better-looking than the F-117! It is simply invisible The perfect combination with mobility!"

Delano had heard of the J-31A, but only when he was drinking in a bar, and he had never seen the photos. Now, the real thing is in front of him, and it is so impactful that he was very surprised.

"It seems that you also know the goods." Qin Tao said.

"Of course, in the war in 91, we also flew with the Air Force's aircraft. However, that thing exists entirely for stealth, and its maneuverability is very poor. To be honest, I doubt whether it can fly. Get up, hey, why is this hatch flipped forward?"

"Because there is a lift fan behind it, it can only flip forward." Zhao Dangsheng explained.

"So, can I go up and have a look?"

"of course can."

After receiving the permission, Delano immediately walked up the gangway to the plane. When he leaned forward and looked into the cockpit, he was stunned.

There is no mechanical instrument inside, only a horizontal large-area display screen!
Back then, the Tomcat fighter Delano drove was still dominated by mechanical instruments. There was only an HSD display in the middle. One level and three down, one head-up display, and three down-view displays. Although the displays look like rectangular screens, they are actually mostly cathode-ray tubes.

Unexpectedly, the inside of this cockpit has turned into a long strip-shaped big screen!This thing can't be a cathode ray tube, it can only be an LCD screen!

In the 80s, liquid crystal displays were already developed, and notebook computers had to use this kind of display. After entering the 90s, liquid crystal displays became more and more advanced, but due to the display effect under strong light and other problems, they were not used in the display of fighter jets. , How dare the plane in front of you use it like this?
This is too incredible, right?

However, I have to say that this whole strip-shaped liquid crystal display is placed in the cockpit, which immediately makes the cockpit look taller, and even has a sense of science fiction. If you use this fighter to shoot science fiction films, It should be fine.

"It's all monitors, without a few buttons, how do you operate them?" Soon, Delano thought of a big problem.

"This screen is touchable, and commands can be input through touch. Of course, in the fierce air battle, no one may take care of the operating screen. We also specially added voice control."

The touch screen sounds high-end. In fact, capacitive touch screens appeared in the 60s. In 1993, resistive touch screens were already practical.

Back then, IBM and BellSouth jointly developed the Simon communication device, which can turn pages, send and receive e-mail, with a calendar, appointment planner, phone book, calculator, and pen-style sketchpad.It can be said that it is the embryonic form of modern smartphones. In the same year, Apple launched the Newton PDA, a personal digital assistant, which also has a touch screen.

However, those are too small, and it is simply not the same as the aircraft touch screen in front of me.

Just a touch screen is enough to surprise Draenor, but now I didn't expect that there is actually a voice interactive input command?Is this too tall?
In fact, voice input is not considered advanced. After all, the Typhoon fighter jet jointly developed by Europe that left the factory in 92 has the ability to interact with voice and can give instructions to the aircraft.

However, this method is not common, and it will not be experienced by the pilots of Tomcat fighter jets. Looking at the cockpit in front of the plane at this time, Delano feels abandoned by the times, has it advanced to this level?

Of course, these are samples on display for customers to see. In fact, the development of these related systems has not yet been seen.

For an aircraft, the display system is secondary. During the first flight, it may even be full of flight instruments. After all, the initial flight mainly inspects the engine and flight control. For the overall design, these are subsystems that can be developed slowly later.Anyway, it will take at least ten years for this aircraft to reach service status, and the development of electronic systems is changing with each passing day.

But taking it out to bluff people is definitely awesome.

This is not the first time for Zhao Dangsheng to receive people. Customers will be very shocked when they see this kind of display, and the proud Delano is no exception at this time.

When he first made contact, Delano was still proudly announcing how awesome his plane was, but now, he no longer has that kind of thought.

In terms of generations, his Tomcat fighter is the third generation, and the aircraft in front of him is the fourth generation!A generation difference, the gap is naturally very big.

"This is indeed a cross-generational aircraft. I really want to experience the feeling of flying it." Delano said with emotion.

"This is not enough for now, we are still in the prototype development stage." Zhao Dangsheng said: "However, if you are interested, you can go to the simulator to experience it after our flight control program is written."

"Okay!" Delano nodded.

While Delano was looking at the cockpit, Strow was also circling the plane. He looked at the wings, which could be folded in, and at the tail, where there were obvious landing hooks.

Qin Tao accompanied Stroll.

"Isn't this plane taking off and landing vertically? Why does it still have a landing hook?"

"Our aircraft has three types in one aircraft, including land-based, ship-based and vertical take-off and landing types. When designing, we put versatility as the first consideration. Therefore, our vertical take-off and landing type, A landing hook is also reserved.”

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Stroh nodded: "One aircraft with three types is an idea. I thought of the ghosts we flew in the past. At that time, the air force also had to use our aircraft, and they had to keep the same landing hook."

In front of the metal prototype, everyone visited for more than an hour. Looking at the built-in bomb bay and the lift fan for vertical take-off and landing, Delano felt his eyes widened.

After the visit, I went to see the PPT introduction. After I came out, Delano no longer had the pride it had before.

"Our navy is also discussing that the future is the era of stealth aircraft. However, the navy's stealth aircraft project has been repeated, and we don't know when it will be finalized." Delano was a little emotional.

"If you are interested in these planes, we can find a place to simulate them." Qin Tao said, "Although you can't fly, you can still enjoy yourself, how about it?"

"Simulate it?"

"That's right, to simulate the deck of an aircraft carrier, let's find some people to help demonstrate, so that we can further defeat Lao Maozi."

Delano's eyes widened: "Is there such a good opportunity? Of course!"

Stroh smiled wryly: "Mr. Qin, I always feel like I've been fooled by you."

(End of this chapter)

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