Great warships

Chapter 471 Selection of Shipborne Trainer Aircraft

Chapter 471 Selection of Shipborne Trainer Aircraft
In the United States, private flying is very popular, and the airspace below 500 meters is open. As long as you don't fly above 500 meters, the Air Force will not interfere.Moreover, the United States also has many private aviation schools, flying clubs and so on.

Former navy pilots like Delano want to have fun after retiring. Not only can they buy civilian aircraft, but they can even buy a lot of military aircraft. The retired aircraft can be used in their hands. It's not impossible, of course, it must be some old model.

It is impossible to buy a Tomcat fighter privately, otherwise there will be suspicion of stealing parts.

As for the trainer aircraft T-45, it will be easier, after all, it is not a fighter jet.

This aircraft is the product of the U.S. Navy's Jet Flight Training System (VTXTS) program.Compared with the T-2 and TA-4 they used before, the performance is more advanced and the training cost is lower.

这个项目在1981年1 1月18日立项研制,1984年10月进入全面型号研制,两架原型机分别于1988年4月16日和11月首飞。首架生产型飞机,也就是T-45A于1991年12月16日首飞,1992年1月23日开始交付美国海军。


As for the original prototypes, of course they are useless, but there is still flying time. As a former U.S. Navy pilot, it is no problem for Delano to buy one from Boeing to play with himself.

However, this is only limited to his own play.

"I can buy a prototype, but it's not easy to ship the plane," Delano said.

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, I'll give you 1000 million US dollars to buy that plane. As for the transportation, I have a solution."

Everyone present widened their eyes when they heard Qin Tao explain the transportation method.

Is that okay?

It's too much fun, isn't it?
However, thinking of Qin Tao's usual practice: from exchanging clothes and canned food for the warship, and later using the floating dock to carry the aircraft carrier, this operation can be understood now.

There is nothing impossible, only unexpected. For Mr. Qin, thinking is also possible.

"Qin, it won't take 1000 million. That prototype aircraft doesn't have much flight life, and it can be bought for 500 million at most." Delano was very frank.

"The remaining 500 million is your hard work." Qin Tao said.

500 million hard work fee!Stroll's eyes widened. He swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then said, "Draenor, I don't think you can handle this kind of thing alone. Would you like me to help you? I also know people from Boeing. "

After all, Delano was introduced by Stroll. Now, Delano is allowed to earn the 500 million by himself. Stroll is a little jealous and can't help asking for it.

Delano turned his head and glanced at Stroll: "No, I can do it by myself."

The two began to have differences!

Qin Tao looked at this scene amusedly, sure enough, money is a good thing, there is no one in the world who does not love money.

"Mr. Stroh, you don't have to worry, you can go back, I heard that you have other people to contact, you can come together, come one person, I will give you a commission of 500 US dollars, if fifty people come over, That's [-] million." Qin Tao said.

"Okay!" Stroh nodded. If he can fool Delano, he can also fool other people. If he fools one person, he can get one hundred thousand dollars!
What else to say, call everyone you can!
Only two people are not enough to teach. After all, there are still many professional skills that need to be taught by special people. If there are fifty people who come from different types of jobs, then the teaching can be almost done.

At this moment, both Stroll and Delano are full of excitement, as long as they complete this vote, they will be prosperous!

This was laid out little by little. If they hadn't started leaking secrets, they might still hesitate now. As long as they keep doing it little by little, they can't turn back, and coupled with the temptation of money, they won't hesitate any more. .

Now, the personnel concerned finally don't have to worry about anything anymore. The next step is how to get a T-45 back.

Strow and Delano didn't stay at the base for long, and they returned home excitedly that day, and they couldn't wait.

Qin Tao is not in a hurry to leave, he has more important things to do.

If you get back the prototype of the trainer and you don't know how to modify it, then you'll be in vain!
Therefore, on the one hand, Qin Tao reported the entire operation to his superiors through Xu Zhengyang, and on the other hand went to inspect the aircraft factory.

The next day, Qin Tao came to Factory 320.

In China, the first-tier factories that produce fighter jets are Factory 112 and Factory 132. One is the Su-27 project for localization, the other is the production of self-developed fighter jets and the production of J-[-] foreign trade aircraft. of.

As for the aircraft factory in the old district, it is famous for producing large aircraft, such as the H-[-].

As for the domestic production of trainers, it is not so beautiful.

The 320 factory in Hongdu seems to be unknown now, but in the past, this factory was also very famous. For example, the first domestic aircraft took off from here!It was 1954, and the domestically produced junior high school five went to the sky, ending the history of the inability to produce aircraft in China.

That is, from that time on, Factory 320 has formed an indissoluble bond with the trainer aircraft.

Back then, this factory was also very popular, not only aircraft, they also produced other products, such as the first side three-wheeled motorcycle, namely the Yangtze River 750, which was also produced from this factory, and it was also related to the navy. For example, the Navy's first ship-to-ship missile, the upstream No. [-], also came from this factory.

Moreover, the 320 factory also has the technical master Lu Lao, so the J-12 fighter jet was proposed at the beginning, and the Qiang-8 was developed later. However, these projects ended without a problem in the end. The factory is about to collapse.

Now, Qin Tao came to Factory 320. As a shipbuilder, he came to see the aircraft again. For this kind of inter-professional behavior, neither Qin Tao nor others felt that there was anything inappropriate. After all, the current domestic The most dazzling J-31A project was planned by Mr. Qin.

When Qin Tao stood on the runway of Factory 320, looking at the blue sky, white clouds and green shade, he couldn't help feeling: "The scenery here is really beautiful!"

"Yes, the environment here is very good. Mr. Qin, welcome to Hongdu. I am the designer of K-8. You can call me Laoshi." Shi Lao smiled and extended his hand to Qin Tao .

Holding both hands together, Qin Tao shook his head and said, "Old Shi, don't you want to shorten my life! Can I call you Lao Shi?"

"Mr. Qin, you don't even know how excited we are when we hear that you are coming. We look forward to seeing you change our old look. Why is Old Shi so famous?" Old Shi said with a smile .

"That depends on whether you have the ability." Qin Tao said: "The requirements for this project are quite high."

"Without diamonds and porcelain work, we can't do anything else. The trainer machine is definitely first-class in China!" Shi Lao patted his chest: "Let's go, Mr. Qin, let's take you to our production line first."

Everyone walked and talked, and Mr. Shi also introduced the origin of their trainer to Qin Tao.

"We have long understood that the existing JJ82 is too old and will withdraw from the stage of history sooner or later. Therefore, we have been doing research and development of new machines. In [-], we began to conduct project demonstrations. However, due to various reasons, it has been stuck in the project approval stage and has not been approved by the army."

"Because the army has no money." Qin Tao replied simply.

It goes without saying that in the 80s, the army was so poor that the main fighter planes had not been updated, let alone a trainer plane that could do it.

"It's not just about money, we don't have a suitable engine." Shi Lao said: "At the most difficult time, we only had three people left. Later, in 86, we suddenly had a chance."

86 years?
Qin Tao didn't know much about these things, and his eyes were full of doubts, so Shi Lao smiled and said: "At that time, Lao Ba also wanted to get a brand new trainer, so we hit it off with Lao Ba, We have taken a path of international cooperation, which is our first. Of course, it cannot be compared with the scale of your J-31A, Mr. Qin."

Xiaolong and the like have to stand aside, and K-8 is the first to cooperate with foreign countries.

"At that time, the time required by the old bus was very close, and we were required to produce a prototype within three years, and we had to reach the world's advanced level." Shi Lao said: "At that time, we had no way out, so we went all out! The big guys kept going, and after three years of work, finally , came up with a prototype, which met the needs of the old bus.”

In retrospect, Shi Lao still feels very emotional, this road is not easy to walk, but they have no choice.

"Later, the army also took a fancy to it. In 92, the country decided to purchase this kind of aircraft. At the same time, the localization of the engine also started, and it was named Turbofan-11. This year, this engine has begun to ignite. It is estimated that It will take a few years to perfect, and in another five years, it should be able to be installed on our own aircraft."

Speaking of these, Old Shi was proud again.

After all, the engines of domestic advanced fighter jets are all outsourced. The original Jiaoba project was restricted by the engine. If there was no old bus, this project would definitely be a mess.

Of course, the old bus has the conditions. They can directly purchase the American-made engine. Therefore, the K-8 of the old bus has higher performance. The domestic model uses the engine imported from Lao Maozi, and the thrust is slightly lower. Some, but one's own side can imitate, which is the biggest advantage.

While speaking, everyone had already arrived at the factory area, and several planes were being produced on the assembly line.

"The old bus will also set up a production line. When the time comes, we will produce and assemble together. For the old bus, it will also be a breakthrough in the aviation industry. On the plane, we use a lot of composite materials, which effectively reduces the weight of the plane. In the past few years, pilots from other countries have also come to test fly our Jiaoba, and they all spoke highly of him.”

"Compared with the American T-45 trainer?" Qin Tao asked.

"We can guarantee that the various performances of this trainer aircraft are not inferior to those of the Americans. They are to be carried on the aircraft carrier, so the airframe and landing gear have been strengthened. Our aircraft is better than theirs."

"What if our planes are also strengthened?" Qin Tao asked.

We also strengthen?
Old Shi turned his head to look at Qin Tao, and suddenly thought of something: "You plan to turn our trainer into a carrier-based trainer?"

When he said those words, his breath became short of breath.

Dongfang Haicheng has already started to remodel. Although everyone has little relationship with the navy, they can vaguely think of something. Moreover, the brother unit, Factory 112, is manufacturing an aircraft with canards. Obviously, this This plane is the same as the Su-33. As for what it is for, if you think of the Dongfang Sea Blockade, can you still not know?
It's just that they didn't expect that it has something to do with their 320 factory, and they also want to participate in this project!
"Do you have this ability?" Qin Tao asked.

"Mr. Qin, we have never been involved in the production of carrier-based aircraft. However, the Jiaoba was designed by ourselves. We know this aircraft very well. Next, we need to conduct a new strength calculation. As for the standard, we can follow the According to the data from Institute 601, this is still possible, but whether it is strengthening the airframe or changing the landing gear, the weight of the aircraft will increase a lot. Moreover, because it is a recalculation, more funds may be needed.”

This is almost the same as developing a new aircraft. There are many items in it that need to be carefully considered. If you are not careful, major accidents may occur.

"Within a year, can this kind of aircraft be able to fly?"

within one year?
Shi Lao frowned a little, this request is even higher!

"If there is a demand from the superiors, we will do our best."

Hearing what Shi Lao said, Qin Tao nodded in satisfaction. What he wanted was such an attitude. He also knew that the 320 factory that had made its way in the market must also have the courage.

"We are currently operating. If it works well, we will be able to obtain a US Navy T-45 trainer aircraft in the last one or two months. I don't know how similar our aircraft is to the British Eagle trainer aircraft. Is it possible? Take inspiration from this prototype of the T-45 trainer."

(The domestically produced Jiaoba is very similar to the British Eagle trainer, but Huadong Zhixiong could not find any information saying that our Jiaoba referred to the Eagle trainer when developing it, and there was no information that the old bus had an Eagle trainer , Therefore, the hero of East China will not make these assumptions, so as not to be scolded. However, we can assume that the similarity between the two aircrafts is very high.)
"The U.S. Navy's T-45 trainer plane? If there is such an aircraft, it would be great!" Shi Lao immediately became excited: "Sure enough, everyone said that if you follow Mr. Qin, you will definitely not suffer. Mr. Qin All the preparations will be done.”

Qin Tao smiled: "Old Shi, don't be too happy, these are my personal ideas, and I have not yet received the support of my superiors, so you may not be able to obtain research and development funds. Of course, if the superiors If you don’t provide funds, when you equip the navy in the future, you will have to spend more on procurement, and you must provide research and development funds.”

Qin Tao didn't know if he was a hot-headed person. When he heard that Boeing had a prototype, he decided to get it back. He even gave Delano $1000 million in advance to go to the 320 factory. However, the navy is still discussing it. What if the navy doesn't support it?

The navy does not support it, and Qin Tao has a way to complete this kind of project. After all, it is just a simple trainer aircraft, and there is not much money. Taking into account inflation over the decade, that's $8 million.

As for the remodeled trainer aircraft, if there is a prototype, it will cost another 2000 million US dollars to fiddle with it, which is much cheaper than the hundreds of millions of fighter development funds.As for purchasing costs.

If the navy doesn't invest money, that trainer plane will cost at least 1 million yuan with the navy, and the navy will make money if it purchases ten.

Can't get R&D funding?

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Elder Shi frowned again.

They have been self-reliant for many years. At the beginning of the K-8, they raised funds by themselves. Later, the old bus joined in and finally succeeded in building the aircraft. However, it is precisely because they have gone through such a road that they also know that How difficult this road is.

In particular, it is still a carrier-based trainer aircraft. The number of equipment for this type of aircraft must not be large. Is it worth spending a lot of money on research?If it is self-financing, will it put a heavy burden on the enterprise, or even fail in the end?
Qin Tao didn't speak, and was waiting for Shi Lao's answer.

In the mind of Mr. Shi, he thought over and over again for a long time, and finally, Mr. Shi decided: "Boss Qin, even if we raise funds ourselves, we will do it!"

"Aren't you afraid of being in vain?"

Mr. Shi smiled: "Mr. Qin, if someone else came, we would definitely be afraid, but if you come here in person, what else should we be afraid of? We trust you! I thought about it just now, any event you have participated in None of the projects are losing money, so I have nothing to worry about."

It's all about Qin Tao's face!

This made Qin Tao a little flattered, but since Mr. Shi has the courage, Qin Tao will not be polite. He continued: "Mr. Shi, if the superior does not support it, we will do it ourselves. Our Mingzhou Group can afford part of it, and when it’s done, we’ll charge the navy a high price and make a fortune from them!”

When this sentence came out, everyone laughed.

Mr. Qin is really good enough!

He was the only one who dared to speak so confidently of blackmailing the Navy.

"Since we want to do it, we have to start now, Mr. Qin, should we go to the conference room to discuss it? You can also give us some ideas. "

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, I have also collected some information, which can be used as a reference for you."

Mr. Qin really did a lot of foreshadowing!

Elder Shi was very excited: "Mr. Qin, please rest assured that no matter how much money we invest, we will build this aircraft!"

In the conference room of Factory 320, Qin Tao began to explain.

"It took the Yankees more than ten years to make the T-45 carrier-based trainer. There are many problems. For example, this aircraft is a land-based trainer. In order to take off and land on the aircraft carrier, Structural strengthening is still needed, and the relevant British companies do not have this technology, so they specifically found McDonnell Douglas for cooperation." (McDonnell Douglas was later merged by Boeing.)
"Among them, the body structure has been strengthened in an all-round way, the landing gear has been redesigned, the front landing gear has changed from a single wheel to a double wheel, and a special landing hook has been added to the rear of the body." Qin Tao explained to everyone.

"At the same time, the wing has also been redesigned, not only increasing the area, but also adding flaps to the leading edge of the wing. At the same time, the area of ​​the vertical tail and the flat tail is also increased. A more powerful engine was installed."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, everyone's expressions were serious. This kind of modification is almost the same as the new design. No wonder the Yankees took so long!

What about us?
After we get the T-45, should we just do a surveying and mapping imitation?This is what we are best at!
"Even so, the established aircraft companies still encountered a lot of troubles after designing this type of aircraft, the most terrifying of which is the phantom dive."

The Phantom dive was a problem encountered by McDonnell Douglas when it was developing the Phantom fighter plane. It should be a very common thing for the pilot to drive the fighter plane to dive and then pull it up again. However, this Phantom dive is after the plane dives It is out of control, no matter how the pilot pulls the joystick, the plane will continue to dive down!

Although the Phantom fighter was developed by McDonnell Douglas, the Phantom is different from the trainer. Therefore, McDonnell spent a lot of effort. Later, it specially designed a "side-mounted unit root side bar", that is, in front of the flat tail. With the addition of a long strip, the T-45 "Goshawk" completely got out of the "ghost dive" dilemma.

Now that Qin Tao said what he knew, everyone frowned even more. This is definitely a tough battle!

"Everyone, our navy is going to the ocean. We will definitely have an aircraft carrier in the future, and we will also need special trainer aircraft for training. Factory 320 is the strongest trainer aircraft research and development unit in China. I believe that you will be able to complete this task. , help our navy go to the ocean!"

When Qin Tao said these words, everyone present felt passionate in their chests.

"President Qin, please rest assured, we will be able to successfully complete the task!" Elder Shi was very excited.

At this moment, a staff member walked up to Mr. Shi gently, whispered a few words to Mr. Shi, and Mr. Shi's expression changed immediately: "What? Old Tao is here? Isn't he here? Are you recuperating in the hospital? Why are you here?"

"He's in the office and wants to see you right away."

Old Shi nodded, and he looked at Qin Tao: "Boss Qin, I'm very sorry, I have something to do and I need to leave for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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