Chapter 49
"If we are lucky enough, maybe eight aircraft can be repaired. Even if we are unlucky, we can save four that can fly. For naval aviation, these aircraft are very important. For example, they can be installed The Litton APSO-504 radar imported from the UK was transformed into a maritime patrol aircraft to make up for the shortage of our current patrol aircraft," Qin Tao said.

Qin Tao had already thought about the purpose of these planes.

Although it has been abandoned there for a long time, some of the planes may not be able to fly, but a batch can always be saved, and even if only one is saved, it will be of great help to the naval aviation.


Because of the extreme shortage in the country!
The navy needs large aircraft equipped with radar equipment to monitor the sea surface for a long time. In the past, because there was no relevant technology, it could only look at the ocean and sigh. This type of radar was introduced, and then installed on the Yunba, the only medium-sized transport aircraft in China, and became the Navy's first maritime patrol aircraft.

In 1984, the aircraft was refitted, and in the second year, it circled the Nansha, Dongsha and Xisha Islands of the motherland, and carried out a complete survey and mapping there, showing the advanced nature of this radar.

Then, the Navy bought another batch, but found out bitterly that they had no aircraft to modify.

Yunba imitates Lao Maozi's Yun-12. For Lao Maozi, this is a transport aircraft that has long been eliminated. It has not been produced for a few years, but more than 900 have been built.

Look at the country again?

The annual output is in single digits.

That's right, it's a single digit, not to mention the 90s, even in the 21st century, during the Zhuhai International Air Show in 2004, the Shaanxi Aircraft Group announced that the total output of Yun-90 has reached more than [-], that's right In the past few decades, less than a hundred aircraft have been produced. Moreover, most of them have to be given to the civil aviation department, and most of them have entered the army. How many planes can the navy get?
So now, even if the navy buys more sea-search radars and plans to transform them into maritime patrol aircraft, the navy is still in the embarrassment of having no aircraft to modify.

The Navy can only wait, and wait.Now, here's your chance!

Eight Tu-104s, as long as they fly to the country and conduct a thorough inspection, they can be transformed into maritime patrol aircraft. For the Navy, this is definitely a good thing that the sky is falling!

At this moment, thinking of this prospect, Wu Shengli could not help but take a deep breath.

"It is much more convenient to use a passenger plane to transform a maritime patrol plane than a transport plane. The pressurized cabin has a larger space, and the personnel are more comfortable on it, and there is more room for movement." Qin Tao said: "It's a pity that we can't produce passenger planes ourselves. .”

Regardless of whether it is the United States, the Soviet Union, or even the United Kingdom, when producing various professional aircraft, they often use passenger planes to modify them, which is very convenient, but this is not the case in China. Even if the civil aviation department buys a large number of passenger planes, they are only for civilian use. Yes, if a Boeing aircraft is converted into a maritime patrol aircraft, then Boeing can directly cut off the domestic supply based on this modification.

Without parts supply, civil aviation aircraft had to be grounded.

You can only use it if you have it.It's a pity, the former Yunshi!A trace of emotion flashed across Qin Tao's heart.If that kind of aircraft comes out, not to mention maritime patrol aircraft, even early warning aircraft, electronic warfare aircraft, and aerial refueling aircraft will not be a problem.

"Yes, if these planes can fly, then our navy will be able to have a batch of professional planes." Wu Shengli said, "I will report to my superiors, and then send technicians and pilots, but the 200 million you mentioned cost…"

"This is a must. We don't make any money from it. We just help sell cans. The money has to go to the cannery."

In the past, Qin Tao was a little naive. He only wanted to fight for the interests of the navy and the country, without considering many practical conditions.

The dredger could have been used as a new move by the side, but it was contributed by the old man. (It also caused great dissatisfaction from countless readers, and it didn't come from Qin Tao. You can hate Qin Baoshan. The hero of East China is very aggrieved.) I want an order from the Navy, and I have to go through a bidding process. Since it's not refreshing at all, let's get a little more practical.

If what he got back was a ship, Qin Tao could dismantle the ship and sell the scrap iron to cash in, but this plane was directly given to the navy, and the navy had to pay for it!Otherwise, how can I explain to the cannery when I go back?The 200 million, I really don't want much, those planes are disassembled and made of aluminum alloy lunch boxes, and they can be sold for this money.

Wu Shengli stomped back and forth. At least half of the eight planes could be repaired, and maybe even all of them could be repaired. If these planes were brought back, they would be worth more than 200 million, definitely more than 2000 million. Wanlai, however, is somewhat difficult.

The navy has always burned money, and now the country needs to develop its economy, so even if it is 200 million, it is difficult to get it out.

The navy's regular training will consume a lot of money, and the navy will have to tighten its belt to build two Type 052 destroyers. The rest of the money...

Wu Shengli suddenly thought of something: "You are a shipyard. We ordered two missile boats from you. Can we offset them like this?"

Qin Tao quickly shook his head: "No, no, one yard is one yard, you guys order missile boats from us, we are very happy, but that is a regular business, our shipyard is just earning hard money, the money for the plane is the plane of."

Qin Tao shook his head like a rattle.

"What I mean is this." Wu Shengli said: "Our navy will order two missile boats from you, and then pay you a deposit of 200 million yuan. You use this deposit to pay the cannery, and then we will continue to pay you. We will continue to pay you the rest of the funds, and after you build them, we will order two more missile boats, and the deposit will serve as the final payment for the first two boats, and this cycle..."

"This is tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall!" Qin Tao said.

In the past, he wanted an order, and the Navy wanted to give money. Now he wants money, and the Navy wants to give an order again.

If there are four missile boats, or even more, then by moving like this, 200 million can still be moved out. Besides, missile boats...Qin Tao thought of his own catamaran.

"In this case, the deposit will be transferred away, and our construction will have to be slowed down. You navy can't rush."

"Well, don't rush, anyway, not only one of your shipyards is building, but other shipyards will also build simultaneously."

"Also, if something happens in the future, I will go to jail. At that time, you have to stand up and give me justice. I didn't embezzle the navy's shipbuilding funds, and the navy used the money."


"Empty words have no proof, you have to write me a certificate, and you have to press your fingerprint."

Qin Tao turned his head and glanced at Zhao Ling again: "Xiao Ling, you are a bystander, so you have to add your fingerprints."

(End of this chapter)

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